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File: 141 KB, 900x580, campuscoin_HaydenIrwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3455122 No.3455122 [Reply] [Original]

Bancor is literally unstoppable.

>> No.3455136

it can't be stopped if it's not moving

>> No.3455150
File: 167 KB, 890x576, literally-unstoppable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about the actual unstoppable cryptocurrency.

>> No.3455163
File: 99 KB, 330x330, galia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEOBNT token changer is coming so NILU away.

>> No.3455214

You have a really weird sleep schedule.

>> No.3455225
File: 302 KB, 715x600, IllAllowIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet we would be friends in real life.


>> No.3455240
File: 24 KB, 369x387, 1505208810143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Bancor for lamboland?

>> No.3455273

Write a pump and dump bot for lamboland.

>> No.3455590

Very disappointing performance from a platform coin. The news/rumours would have pumped any other. They need to start addressing misinformation and start marketing.

>> No.3455603

Another smart token https://medium.com/@BitClave/bitclave-and-bancor-announce-partnership-35b074d51fc5

>> No.3455621

They need to transition into a futures replacement instead of advertising connections to blatant shitcoins. There. Now Bancor owes me even more money. We are at 1.2 million.

>> No.3455934

And another https://www.hydrominer.org/hydrominer-partners-bancor-continuous-liquidity/

>> No.3455947

its a shitcoin platform, what do you expect?

>> No.3455968

I expect them to give me 1.2 million dollars and then they can pay me a normal rate to help them transition to something that won't fucking implode from pumpers and arbitrage bots. I just gave them 15% of the answer: futures alternative. These motherfuckers have gotten way to much FREE advice from me. They owe me major coin.

>> No.3456587
File: 74 KB, 720x543, 24722_361644345884_609235884_3676034_1120971_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3456817

MODS remove this spam.

Buy a banner you Pajeet third world bagholder OP.

>> No.3457120
File: 244 KB, 1088x691, comfybancs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the bump.
Gas yourself

>> No.3457358

I can only afford 450 Bancor. Will it be enough bancbros?

>> No.3457379

Wait until the 20th before buying

>> No.3457696


What's the 20th?

>> No.3457707

450 isint bad.
Try to get 10,000 or more. Time is running out.


>> No.3457782

Wonder who's behind (((this thread)))..

>> No.3457783

shes so fucking ugly and Jewish it's offensive. Picture her with no make up and in a long Jewish dress tending to her disgusting kike kids with curly hair and fucked up teeth. Sickening.

>> No.3458025

Blog post day after. It probably won't pump on news but will probably drop until then.