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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3450501 No.3450501 [Reply] [Original]

it's crazy when the highest income job out there is also the one where you don't have to have 4 years of irrelevant education.

sales is the best and always will be the best career.

- unlimited income, max out your own hours? spend you money and hire some people under you. you can make millions
- no degree, only need skills
- sales process and sales skills are as easy as reading a script, almost anyone can learn it
- sales skills helps getting laid
- always employable. even when businesses are doing bad, they still need to make sales to survive.

someone tell me why sales isn't the best career anyone could pursue?

>> No.3450658

it's a young mans game for sure. Once you have a family you'll also want to spend more time at home. Ironically in bad times, sales staff are often the first to get cut. It doesn't make sense but that's a reality in corporate America.
Best bet ya is to become a manager and have the new guys do all the work.

>> No.3450719
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I have a 4 yr education and I'll agree sales is one of the best fields if you are good. The thing is that it is so varied. Some sales people make $30,000 and the best make half a million easily. It really depends on what type of sales you get into and if you are good at it. You can't be a beta, you really need to be a naturally social person and make shit tons of connections everyday. I know I would never make it in sales.

>> No.3450827

It's soul crushing. I've done sales for the last four years, and although I make $80k a year it's not worth it. I never get to go to my niece's and nephew's birthdays. I haven't had a weekend off in who knows how long. And there's literally nothing worse than Black Friday week. The first couple of years it's great because it's fast paced and lucrative, but it really wears down on you.

>> No.3451690

im a professional orchestra musician in the US
>12 weeks of vacation
>2 hour rehearsals 2 days a week
>2-3 concerts a week
>do what i love for a living

can't beat it, fampai

>> No.3451730

This. Anyone who says sales is an appealing job either has never worked sales or is a complete sociopath who sees money and power as the only worthwhile pursuits.

It will kill your soul. You will hate yourself. You will be stressed out all the time because nothing is ever enough. You will have to watch your back because your colleagues will gladly fuck you over if it benefits them, and you will likely have to learn to do the same without getting yourself in trouble. You will have to look people in the eye when you take advantage of them; that includes little old ladies, the desperate & underprivileged, and people with developmental or mental difficulties. I have seen my peers in sales work so much unpaid overtime that they probably make about as much as they would flipping burgers when you work out their hourly pay.

Don't get into sales unless you are unnaturally charismatic or you are willing to give up everything in your life just for a nice car. Sure you can make a lot of money with no real skills. You can also do that with roughneck work on oil rigs or shipyards or unclogging feces from sewer systems but I wouldn't recommend that either.

>> No.3451735

I'm a sales rep for a bank and im probably closing 2 mill this month

It's an extremely high stress profession, and theres a lot of bullshit you have to deal with that no one else does. Particularly, other sales people.

Also, there are a LOT of shit sales jobs (like mine)

doesn't matter if I close 30 million in sales my commission is capped at 4k per year.

Many sales jobs aren't real jobs, or your slinging an absolute shit product.

Many sales jobs will put you in a market where there isn't demand, and then they'll just blame you for not hitting targets and fuck up your life for it.

>You can't be a beta, you really need to be a naturally social person and make shit tons of connections everyday. I know I would never make it in sales.

completely false. Normies are terrible sales people because they fear the unkown and aren't process oriented.

Autists and robots live in a world of fear and constant adaptation to the strange world around them, thus are also suitable for sales if they can get over themselves.

>> No.3451742

I want to suck a fart out of her ass like a bong hit.

>> No.3451780

Sales guys are bottom of barrel filth

Its like.. go shill my shit, do good job and I'll give you some extra money on top of your shit wage