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File: 21 KB, 1819x610, iota_logo (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3448009 No.3448009 [Reply] [Original]

the announcements are coming and they're fucking huge, they just announced the CIO OF SAP AND UBS JOINED IOTA. What's also fucking huge is that VW and Daimler are going to be in partnership with iota for MAM tech streaming OTA updates as well as self driving car data to nearby cars, called platooning. Finally they're looking into the wearables market, can't actually tell you this one yet but it's fucking huge as well. Any specifics ask me now, I'm only here for an hour.

>> No.3448015


>> No.3448026

when we getting the announcements? or market-pumping teases?

>> No.3448027

b-b-but my white supremacy

>> No.3448030
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>> No.3448037

what announcement? Dave is a pedo and he's going to run for pedo acceptance?

>> No.3448044
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>> No.3448045

lol I trust that guy way more than the fucking CIO of SAP fintech gods clearly

>> No.3448062

I legit heard there's a pedo movement in Germany where they are trying to slowly condition the society towards all kinds of degeneracy, with the final goal being pedophilia. Refugee child prostitutes are supposedly a thing.

>> No.3448070


announcements coming on 13th then 14th respectively, IAA is the big one, the 13th is just a little ball teaser. also flash network for satoshipay should also be coming soon. crazy the amount of work which has gone on behind the scenes.

>> No.3448083

its happening in all EU countries.

>> No.3448090
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>> No.3448097
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>> No.3448106

Omggg. Just take me away from this wage slave life.

113 Gi reporting in.

>> No.3448128

congrats on your million next year

>> No.3448193

>tfw at work
>tfw can't buy
>tfw only 250 miota

>> No.3448293

Just buy before the 14th, anon.

>> No.3448344

any news on other trading avenues?

>> No.3448349

>no IOTA in binance

life is suffering

>> No.3448374

UBS joined IOTA? They are working on their own blockchain tech why the fuck would they join IOTA then? Thats just silly stupid and retarded

>> No.3448423

put your crayons down for a moment. IOTA is not blockchain.

>> No.3448445

What the hell are you talking about?

"IOTA - Next Generation Blockchain"
> IOTA is not a blockchain

>> No.3448527

obviously you didn't put your crayons down. do it now. focus. the Tangle is the final solution to the blockchain problem. it's the generation of truly salable and fee-less data transmission; the future.

>> No.3448549

Show me how IOTA is not a blockchain then

>> No.3448554
File: 166 KB, 960x1280, 1505120661509-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake news. Devs have been shilling their coin here for a while now. They've been buying their own coins to inflate price.

>> No.3448590
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>> No.3448603


> bought @ ~0.90
> price dumps to 0.50
> devs inflating price


>> No.3448620

You seem to know blockchain, so you know how a blockchain works, I assume. You can visualize the structure? This is what the tangle's structure looks like. http://iota.dance/live
The tangle doesn't work like a blockchain. The more transactions, the faster it is. Ideal for microtransactions and M2M internal applications. Blockchain tech and tangle tech can be conplimentary; it doesn't have to be one or the other.

>> No.3448624

It should be lower, look at the charts. I expect a lot of stunts and Slack raiding in the next weeks.

>> No.3448659
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That David Sonstebo guy tried to make up for his bitchy reputation and sunk it even deeper

Now iota's devs come here to shill their shitty leftist coin with a handwritten hashfunction to dump the bags they themselves bought to manipulate the price

These guys are losers and anyone that does not want to see their money gone will not invest in a coin with emotionally unstable devs and that doesnt even have a working wallet

>Iota owner told conservatives to get the fuck out of his coin
>Iota sponsors refugee camps and calls ppl who dislike the fact 'white supremacists'
>You could lose all your iotas in the glimpse of an eye because they wrote their own hash function
>Terrible security

>> No.3448679
File: 4 KB, 1518x21, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 300 Gi

pls moon ;-;

>> No.3448680

b-but /pol/ told me the dev didn't like Nazis so I can't buy this coin....

>> No.3448694

Remember the time you sold your guitar for IOTA and we stayed up all night talking about how we can't wait for 1 mIOTA to hit $1000? That night was magical, chicken. I miss you. I miss the old you..

>> No.3448696

This is my first crypto. I'm a broke wagecuck who just had his first kid. I don't want a lambo, I just want to be able to give my kid a good education. I plan on putting 10$ into crypto every week. Better than buying lotto tickets right?

>> No.3448742

10 whole dollarydoos? goddamn you're poor. just drop your kid off at the fire department and start over. you need to restart.

>> No.3448763

What happens on the 14th?

>> No.3448783


>> No.3448827
File: 246 KB, 4096x2160, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the developers is speaking here ( https://www.iaa.de/en/ ) for one million attendees. Same allotment of time as the CEO of Bosch, by the way. Why would they invite IOTA to present to the world's largest automobile/smart auto summit?

>> No.3448872
File: 85 KB, 500x625, huehuehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3448906

thanks for the link, i checked it out. it just looks like a conference; not really a place to make business partnership announcements. has the team said they would be making an announcement at this conference?

>> No.3448913

i remember my first time being retarded.

>> No.3448936

It's not about announcements. It's about the million attendees (most of which are in the auto and smart auto industries) being exposed to IOTA and what it can do for their companies. It's about massive institutional buy ins, anon.

>> No.3448943


>> No.3448954

Anoos? Miss you friendo

>> No.3448968

retarded more than once, huh?

i get that and that is important, but that isn't inside information. it's been known for a while and the price shouldn't surge because of it. the other anon was hinting at a partnership because of speakers being on the stage together

>> No.3448975

there are at least 3 major announcements, MAM for OTA firmware protection, flash channels for payments and data stream between close proximity cars, and the announcement of easy full nodes. Currently iota is fucking TRASH at full nodes since you have to manually enable IPs but this should fix it and speed up the network 10x at the very least.

>> No.3449016

I'd avoid iota at present. It's too volatile and they're clearly a bunch of amateurs.

My tip for great long term growth is 0x. Buy what you can and forget about it each week.

OMG is also a great bet for solid growth. Unlike most crypto it has a working product generating revenue and a clear path to massive expansion.

Good luck anon.

>> No.3449017

shh shh we're all anons here.

>> No.3449027

Those scenarios all seem plausible. I hope you're right.

>> No.3449159

Thanks anon

>> No.3449203
File: 498 KB, 1600x1200, iota_akbar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your shitcoin

>> No.3449215

So how about that tangle patent

>> No.3449234
File: 46 KB, 608x370, 1505002733993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're totally not IOTA devs and our little greedy henchmen trying to convince our bags
>major announcements soon
>buy goy, buy now!

>> No.3449248

list it on bittrex and I'll buy it

>> No.3449316

Iota is a shitcoin that only has brazilian monkeys as holders

Stay away from the brazilian coin

>> No.3449366

no one will believe me but bittrex has been in testing for a long time, they actually just seem to be fucking retards

>> No.3449406

Decentralization is a meme
You will never ever see widespread adoption without centralization

>> No.3449407

Ain't easy being a white non semite that started from the bottom and doesn't make the cut for da gibs. I'd never abandon my kid, that's what happened to me and why I'm a wagecuck and not a trust fund faggot

>> No.3449429

Lol this fud

I thought you poorfag nerds were going to destroy iota? Why is it pushing 60c then? I have I made 26k in the last 24 hours?

>> No.3449523

FUD doesn't make them any money they just do it for fun, most people on biz don't have the money for trolling other than memes, just watch for the signs tomorrow, you'll know when shit goes down

>> No.3449528


dont give a shit about this coin anymore OP, sorry. I dont buy from sjw's.

>> No.3449539

don't need to be sorry, I just wish you separated politics from making money, otherwise none of us would buy cocacola/ nestle unilever bull shit

>> No.3449674

this david guy is a real sperg. not investing in this trash.

>> No.3449841
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>> No.3450447

I hate jews too so at least we have something in common

>> No.3450530
File: 2.07 MB, 1280x720, 1495543384560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be more butthurt.

>> No.3450884

also: 18th sept. - new exchanges

>> No.3451273

big if true

>> No.3451335

got a source?

>> No.3451385

Ahmed pls

>> No.3451503


can't verify on the truth of that but I'd say bittrex were running some major tests last week for bittrex

>> No.3451506

if green kek disapproves of buying this shitcoin

>> No.3451523

Yesterday there were buy orders for IOTA worth millions. Today they are gone.

Either people took the opportunity to unload so many of their bags that it ate up all the buy orders, or they were a bluff that was never meant to be fully executed, and now they pulled them.

>> No.3451546
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>> No.3451560


you'll see those buy orders again sunny Jim don't worry, FOMO will finally hit for iota after a long period of dullness

>> No.3451573
File: 92 KB, 701x385, 2312312313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

أعطني كل ذرة الخاص بك الآن. سوف تدفع إوتا لجهادنا ضد أممكم. لقد انتهيت. انتهى الغرب. يوتا هو مدهش وأفضل عملة من أي وقت مضى. سنعطي سيداتكم بذور الله.

Give me all your Iota now. Iota will pay for our Jihad against your nations. You are finished. The West is finished. Iota is amazing and the best coin ever made. We will give your women the seed of God.

Allahu Akbar

Allahu Akbar

Allahu Akbar

>> No.3451580

>self driving cars are going to put Muhammad out of business when you dont need a terrorist to drive a car in to a crowd of white people and it can do it all on its own.

> Any specifics ask me now, I'm only here for an hour.

How many 12 year old boys did you employ to aid you in your "sexual emergencies" this week?

>> No.3451592
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>> No.3451610


chikun crybaby confirmed

>> No.3451839
File: 247 KB, 715x1013, 1475692437610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit I cannot believe this bullshit they are spewing.

If they're lying:
>Trusting a crypto that lies about their vulnerabilities to save face
or if they're telling the truth:
>Trusting a crypto that intentionally codes in backdoors to "catch copycats"

Anyone still on the IOTA train is a fucking idiot.
Enjoy your backdoors, I'm fucking out.

>> No.3451870
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, 1504814286556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You've got to go back /pol/

Fuck off we're full.

This isn't refugee camp for wannabe nazi weebs that haven't accomplished anything.

/pol/tards are the new furries.


>> No.3451908


I guess leaving a backdoor in your borders/code is the status quo for these people

>> No.3451943

This is great actually. I like seeing devs with principles that they'll stick by like this. But oh wait, you're an edgy 14 year old who thinks if he says the words "white genocide" that he's intelligent and a free thinker, when really you've just adopted a worldview that's outdated and obstructive to the advancement of humanity.

>> No.3451944
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>dev is literally unironically muslim

>> No.3451982

daimler and VW dont need iota they can make better technology with their own developers.

if u believe this youre dumb as fuck

>> No.3451991

>in the glimpse of an eye

>> No.3452051

You better put them again soon. IOTA's price is collapsing. -14% as of right now

>> No.3452077

> I like seeing devs with principles that they'll stick by like this [as long as they align with mine]

>> No.3452092

Seems like someone took am opportunity to buy shit while it was cheap

Keep up with your hilarious conspiracy theories. I enjoy it

>> No.3452137


>> No.3452310

and what race has fueled this advancement of humanity?
good luck without the Asians and Whiteys, brown future!

>> No.3452526

>>I started coding August of 2015

literally anyone who has developed their own password login function, which is the basis of any security user access system, knows not to fuck around with their own salts / hashing mechanism... you find this out by googling login system password storing setup. after reading for a minute max, you realize it is fucking stupid to try to create your own goddamn hashing function because of fucking collisions.


>> No.3452559


iota is said to be based on these crazy unprecedented JINN processors, no one understands how or if they fucking work

>> No.3452777

/biz/ is too tech illiterate to understand why IOTA is a burning trash fire. IOTA literally tried to write off a security backdoor as "intentional", as if that makes it any fucking better.

If everyone on /biz/ learned just a little bit of relevant computer science there would be a lot less people getting burned by shitcoins.
But any opposition to IOTA is just /pol/tards obviously amirite guys.

>> No.3452867

Iota is such a shit name. the devs owe you something but you'll never get it back. dump this garbage.

>> No.3452953

iota become a pedo. fuck iota.