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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3441885 No.3441885 [Reply] [Original]

People are using it as news page for Crypto and it was scary seeing BIZ links on other websites. We should do something so these people fuck off.

>> No.3441905

carefull, we bring the aids with us

>> No.3441907

what if i am a newfag but not a normie i've got a high asperger index

>> No.3441915

we're all roleplaying here, none of us have coins

you'd have to be an actual retard to put actual money in this shit lmao

>> No.3441918

Hello 4channers!
#normie here XD

Anyone can tell me which coins to buy to make some easy money? I found this forum on Facebook and looking to start growing a little money tree of my own.

Thanks in advance,

>> No.3441921

>mfw normie larping as pede to shill my bags

>> No.3441928

ask stacie, she knows

>> No.3441933

>implying we need to with an overwhelming amount of discord shills constantly shitting up the board and convincing people to buy into pnds that crash before noobs know to cash out

>> No.3441967

We need more /pol/ content to scare them off


>> No.3441984

>We should do something so these people fuck off.
Gore threads?

>> No.3441991
File: 56 KB, 583x435, 7777777777777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really doesn't help that the board isn't nsfw, helps our bros at work but we gotta scare the normies away

>> No.3441999

>just hodl

>> No.3442000

Good. More normies means more fuckheads who will buy my bags.

>> No.3442002
File: 19 KB, 344x245, 1505204251731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3442019

What the worst we can post without getting banned?

>> No.3442031

a question asking whats the real life value of cryptos

>> No.3442172

Biz posts more pepes than /pol/.

>> No.3442307

Ark bags?

>> No.3442369

The ol' keep your interest and potential investment in an asset I own strategy. I like it.

>> No.3442451
File: 144 KB, 618x933, _20170911_210654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just post shit like this and anime tiddies. Normied can't stand people thinking they have anything to do with hentai.

>> No.3442473

Sieg Heil, etc

>> No.3442484
File: 43 KB, 657x560, 1495372156488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All pedes welcome, MAGA!

>> No.3442532


>muh secret society
>muh i was bullied at high school i hate normies
>muh im so unique and above normies

stfu bitch, this ain't your private club.

>> No.3442770
File: 62 KB, 680x661, 1501610610672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We need the Mods to make this board NSFW so Normies get scared.

>> No.3442919

You kids need a hobby. lol

>> No.3443052

Came here to say this