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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3432367 No.3432367 [Reply] [Original]

What does it take to sell real estate?

>> No.3432598


>> No.3432615

tin hockey pucks

>> No.3432621

Big tits

>> No.3432677

a license is one thing it definitely takes

>> No.3432725

Fuck you! That's my name! You know why, mister? You drove a Hyundai to get here. I drove an eighty-thousand dollar BMW. THAT'S my name. And your name is you're wanting. You can't play in the man's game, you can't close them - go home and tell your wife your troubles. Because only one thing counts in this life: Get them to sign on the line which is dotted. You hear me, you fucking faggots? A-B-C. A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing. Always be closing. ALWAYS BE CLOSING. A-I-D-A. Attention, Interest, Decision, Action. Attention - Do I have your attention? Interest - Are you interested? I know you are, 'cause it's fuck or walk. You close or you hit the bricks. Decision - Have you made your decision for Christ? And Action. A-I-D-A. Get out there - you got the prospects coming in. You think they came in to get out of the rain? A guy don't walk on the lot lest he wants to buy. They're sitting out there waiting to give you their money. Are you gonna take it? Are you man enough to take it? What's the problem, pal? You - Moss.

>> No.3432823

You gotta know the ABC's I think

>> No.3432828
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Don't mind me

>> No.3433008

The correct answer is brass balls

>> No.3433338

If you're a man you must pretend to be the ultimate Christian family man with adorable kids and a moderately attractive wife.

If you don't, the wife won't trust you and you won't get the listing.

If you're a woman, you need to dress like hillary Clinton and drive a Lexus. You should also have a big contact base, preferably from being a school teacher.

>> No.3433399

connections actually, you just need to know people

>> No.3433859
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>> No.3433887
