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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3428100 No.3428100 [Reply] [Original]

It's official, everything will soon be over. It was great doing business with you, guys.


>> No.3428152

oh no china banned something

I guess that means the end of:

>> No.3428169

soft cheese, petrol cars and political dissent too.

>> No.3428179

Who cares what china does? Such a bunch of drama queens on here

>> No.3428185

First i liked biz.

but now i hate it
literally only autistic retards
OR people that act like autistic retards

see op.

>> No.3428195

i wonder which one you are, anon

>> No.3428196
File: 42 KB, 800x308, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over? no.

looking forward to buying this tasty dip though

>> No.3428201
File: 391 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-09-11-12-51-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To alleviate the FUDding.

>> No.3428203

Quite literally fake news. Stop spreading fud.

>> No.3428207

> redditfag

>> No.3428208

same desu. the 4chan charm really wore off on me. thinking of making a bitcointalk account so I can get away from this awful site

>> No.3428212

This is just a regurgitation of Bloomberg's regurgitation of the article written by that bitch at Wall Street Journal. The dip from it is over.

>> No.3428217


This is just the same wsj article, word for word

>> No.3428242

Good riddance to the chinks desu

Maybe we can now we can stop with the yearly "banning" and prove that Bitcoin does not need China

>> No.3428279

well considering it says wall street journal at the top of the article i don't think that's a surprise

>> No.3428295
File: 13 KB, 297x307, b48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never bothered with meme coins anyway

Guess you'll have to earn your money the hard way now like the rest of us.

>> No.3428304

I bought some rep yeezys with BTC last night. Nobody cares about laws there.

>> No.3428313

quick question as I have a business idea that combines real world use alongside with cryptocurrencies that targets china as it's main costumer.

China is only banning crypto exchanges right? not crypto currencies as a whole? As in, people can still buy bitcoin and use it to buy shit right?

Also, from what I understand, China can only ban cryptocurrency exchanges that are based in China, so technically, chinese people can still trade crypto on bittrex for example?

>> No.3428331
File: 144 KB, 256x256, GuMPPRJ6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the state of journalism in 2017

It started with CNN, and now all news is fake news! The fuck's the point of reading the news anymore? You might as well get the headlines from doctor suess.

>> No.3428400

China is full of shit. They are always full of shit.

Just ignore them and buy shit. China will not ban BTC since they hold the most of it.

It's probably more likely they will create exchanges with IOU so you do not own any crypto but can buy and sell it.

>> No.3428421

not gonna enable OP by replying to his thread

>> No.3429048

when the first post is the best post holy shit

>> No.3429093

>no way to turn bitcoin to money
chinese are on full on panic mode if this actually happens

>> No.3429112

They'll be able to physically do it over the counter which will make the spaghetti handed faggots hold a bit more.

>> No.3429134

china prevents you from actually getting money out of the country like 10k$

also taxes, money laundering and that OTC are going to be highly scrutinized as I've said full on panic mode

>> No.3429352

For who? Chinks who own BTC? Perhaps.

Everyone else is waiting for cheap coin and to see the back of the gooks for good. No panic stations there whatsoever.

>> No.3429433
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>> No.3429651

China is banning temp .... check the news they will create additional demand for the currencies and capital to purchase such investment will probably flow out of china... they are known as currency manipulators!

>> No.3430373

From the same people that predicted a Hillary Clinton win. Honestly, why do you put any stock in what these shitrags say?

>> No.3430529

>Hurrr, the media was wrong once so therefore they're always wrong




>> No.3430543

Sauce on rep yeezy?

>t. Hypebeast

>> No.3430688
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no offical reports just shilling. price soon to moon

>> No.3430712

the jews at WSJ also attacked peepeedie and tried to get him fired. they're hardly a reputable source for informations.

>> No.3430735

Chink government spergs out and bans something they don't control directly.

Silly chinks

>> No.3430756

Binance just started blocking trading/deposits


This is actually real.

>> No.3430907


also lmao this is so true

>> No.3431001

Good. Buy that dip