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File: 6 KB, 699x111, topkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3427243 No.3427243 [Reply] [Original]

Top kek

>> No.3427254
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>> No.3427261
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>> No.3427269

take it easy on the discord chats, k?

>> No.3427272

.2 cents have been deposited into your account

>> No.3427273

take it easy on the carrots

>> No.3427285
File: 180 KB, 1390x1380, 1496346957487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time i've ever been called a shill before. It actually stings a lil :(

>> No.3427305
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, hqdefaultj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polcucks still mad

>> No.3427307

The IOTA shills will surely make me change my mind and buy buy buy

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar

>> No.3427323


You act like a shill

You gain nothing by attacking IOTA

Youre either doing it for free, getting paid, or doing it for fun.

I'd respect you more if you did it just for the lulz XD, but I'm beginning to think you're actually deluded enough that you think you're preserving the future of white people by attacking IOTA.

>> No.3427328

Im doing it for the fun. It beats farming cloth all night on Elysium

>> No.3427387


IOTA is worthless because it is full of security holes and the devs are nuts

>> No.3427427

Any chance we can get a quick rundown on that?

>> No.3427430

biz told him so

>> No.3427456

Ayyyy Necro

>> No.3427460

>that reddit spacing
hello comrade david!

>> No.3427466

I don't think a dev has ever been THIS buttblasted before. It makes it all worth it.

>> No.3427469

lol how obvious of an outsider can you be faggot?

>> No.3427508

I'm doing for preserving white people.

>> No.3427514
File: 166 KB, 960x1280, 1502142047752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their world is falling apart and they're going into meltdown, grab the popcorn /biz/

>> No.3427656


Yo antifud coming soon

>> No.3427668

kronos > elysium

>> No.3427682

Elysium is opening a new TBC server soon for it's 2 vanilla servers. Kronos population is dwindling, although i did play on it and enjoy it at a time. Psyched for the TBC server though.

>> No.3427698

This is /biz/'s whales reverse woopdido to accumulate cheap IOTA

>> No.3427708

Whales left IOTA a long time ago mate.

>> No.3427737

I can post like this

I can psuedo-bait people

You are dumb and cant do this

XD for da lulsszz

>> No.3427782

Why is writing in readable paragraphs called "reddit spacing"

You do realise paragraphs were invented before reddit?

>> No.3427794

Those arent paragraphs they are sentences.

>> No.3427807
File: 42 KB, 590x332, 1501977509145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont support people who are emotionally unstable and make appeals to emotion against the demographic that holds stock in their own company. Prepare to be memed into the ground, (((David)))

>> No.3427930

to support (((IOTA))) with your shekels or bitcoin is like supporting open society foundation by that undead piece of shit
it all adds up, anons

>> No.3427977
File: 296 KB, 1259x953, DavidSombrero2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it because Daveo is a dickbag...and it feels right.

>> No.3428284

You have to go back

>> No.3428289

Lol thanks for the photo, i saved that shit.

>> No.3428300

so like 3 or 4 retards made the dev butthurt? good works boys keep it up, you're changing the world

>> No.3428301

CHECKED. Take this to pol please- should be able buy in real cheap after the shitstorm dies down.

>> No.3428330


>> No.3428337


>> No.3428743
File: 271 KB, 800x800, 1500295065705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're just giving these idiots a free ad of their garbage. Stop beating the dead horse for the second time, OP.

>> No.3428806
File: 912 KB, 1280x561, BIZIOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3429663

they wrote their own hash function...

>> No.3429847
File: 29 KB, 728x392, 1505004589665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it for fun

>> No.3429860

Walton will give the final kick to snap iotas neck.

>> No.3429873

IOTA devs are literally the biggest fucking crybabies I have ever seen. I have no idea how they have managed to put together a team of such insufferable cockheads. Are they all German?

>> No.3429933

Lotta bizraelis gonna be crying after the 14th

>> No.3429947

but if there aren't space how will my eyeballs be able to read the words?

>> No.3429987
File: 21 KB, 306x423, 1503886323737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha he doesn't know pol was the reason trump won.

>> No.3430126

Mitigate the autism while out of your containment board, retard.

>> No.3430218

use your words like a big girl, rebecca.

>> No.3430250

Proud of your autism AND idiocy, I see. I'm truly using my time with the cream of the crop.
Well, do me a favor then and wipe yourself, shitstain.

But then, it won't mitigate that waste of bandwidth.

>> No.3430291

you're still not using that word properly. stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.3430322

White genocide is not real you fucking tinfoil, KYS faggot. Hope you got rope on sale

>> No.3430372

Sold my IOTA during AMA. Stupid devs. SWT-level retarded.

>> No.3430433
File: 115 KB, 786x630, 1505008337846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daily reminder that the only people scared of white genocide are cucks who have no self worth.

Why else would you be scared of such a boogeyman. If youre so superior you'd have nothing to worry about.

Hmm? Whats that faggots? You got nothing? Go tickle your omg and fuck your fleshlights you cuck faggots

>> No.3430464

How can I short Iota?

>> No.3430466
File: 43 KB, 752x532, 1505004730982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even white, it's just funny how much the dev sperged out and how hard iota bagholders try to defend him. How much have you lost on iota the past few days?

>> No.3430477

>bringing in infinite shitskins does nothing at all to population densities

Really fires the ol' neurons

>> No.3430485



>> No.3430510
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>> No.3430528
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, 1504814286556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/pol/ are the new furries.

If Moot was still here, he would've deleted /pol/ because of what it became.

A larping feces throwing contest, that spawns new fecal throwing larpers.

/pol/ is like watching kiddies playing COD,
it's like watching furries argue which butt plug is superior. Then trying to defend their disgusting behaviour with every illogical fallacy.

>> No.3430549

I'm scared of it because once the whites are gone chimps will just turn on us Asians next, they'll never take responsibility for their own choices.

>> No.3430576

>Are they all German?
Most are, I'm not even memeing. What is wrong with you white people? Why do you do this to yourselves?

>> No.3430588

You guys really believe that the iota is posting on biz?

>> No.3430601
File: 110 KB, 900x447, 09-56-54-Religion+of+Peace1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-t. Muhamed

>> No.3430632

You believe the tulipcoin merchants weren't raised in the chans?

>> No.3430639

hope not, he told us he doesn't care what us internet forum posters think or do

>> No.3430963

Yes, only /pol/ has a problem with filling Europe with Islamic Africans and Arabs. Love wins, right fellow white? Behead those who insult Iota!

>> No.3431678

IOTA will prevail

IOTA is great

IOTA is our new dinar

>> No.3431724

Anon, I ...

>> No.3432642

>there are people unironically putting their money behind this turbo-triggered girly man

>> No.3432718
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If pol are the new furries why are you complaining about furries on Furaffinity

>> No.3432817
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>> No.3432888
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>> No.3432984
File: 5 KB, 500x707, keepcalm-920094279d4962e2828b8af852c12e93_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Disclaimer: This is not a shill thread*

The Facts:
>Ethereum Backed / Vitalik support
>Confirmed payments made at Mcdonalds in Thailand
>Confirmed work/aid to Tha Government
>Plasma release (1Bil transcations/per sec)
>Apple rumors
(This could damn well be a lie. However, to think that Omise, an established company from startup would risk their image or loyalty from supporters/investors by creating false hype as big as this, well, thats absolutely ignorant.
Dont rule out that Omise is not the lead in Facepay, but just advising/lending tech. Either way, The relationship with Apple is the pay off. Not Face Pay itself.

Price Prediction:
$15 (31%) by end of month
$25-$45 by Xmas

Price if Apple rumors are true:
$100 by end of month
$135 by Xmas

Buy a little, or by a lot, Its up to you. Just dont miss the beginning of the future in digital payments


>> No.3433135

IOTA is crashing hard holy shit

>devs support the importation of niggers
>devs programs their own hashing functions with no further testing

Holy shit this thing is going to 0

>> No.3433168

In the name of Allah it will be true

>> No.3433210
File: 229 KB, 1600x1065, cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out of here goy, this is a kosher thread.

>> No.3433235
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Iota for wives like these?

>> No.3433239


>> No.3433261

Too old. I give you 1 bitbean.

>> No.3433410

Dev put up a bunch of huge walls to attempt to keep the price stable top kek

>> No.3433437

Yeah it's been sitting stagnant for a day. But from the bits that I've seen this scamcoin was manipulated from the beginning anyway (the marketcap is 10x bigger than it should be or whatever).

It's just another shitcoin based on promises that will never be delivered. That's without the rapefugee thing spergout.

>> No.3433836

Found the nigger/nigger lover. It is going to be a long 8 years for you, my friend.

>> No.3433910

The modern day german is a most likely a offspring from the betas that were too afraid to fight for the Wehrmacht. All the real German men got slaughtered by the Russians, Americans, & British.

Germans are a nu-male race nowadays, the men are all homosexuals and the woman are all nigger cock craving whores.

>> No.3434040
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>> No.3434129

>a basement dwelling burger acts concerned about European immigration problems

Nigger, are you on here for making money (or finding ways to do so) or making a political statement?
Why do you fucking retarted burgerposters even care about about some random mudshits going around Europe and killing a few people from time to time?

I don't care if niggers or muslims somehow get their own city in Turkey instead of settlements/camps if THATS GONNA MAKE THE PRICE GO UP.
What I see is the price is now pretty low and the technology is interesting to say the least. I agree that the developers are a bunch of retards that don't know how to interact with their community, but the marketing is spot on and if a bulshit enthusiasm towards helping immigrants is the thing will make increase the price (more likely than not since normies are a majority) I DON-T CARE - I WILL HOP ON THE FUCKING TRAIN AND MAKE SOME MONEY AND DUMP WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT.
t. european

>> No.3434218

Welp, I can only agree.

>> No.3434821
File: 65 KB, 639x640, iiysk31x9zty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the point of being rich, if there is no more Aryan godess available.

Europe should and needs to be white. There is already too many niggers in Africa, too many crazy sandniggers and too many shitskins pajeets in India

>> No.3435073

Protip, if you can't get muh Aryan goddess now you'll never be able to
Its not the Muslims fault yoire an ugly autistic pencil dick loser who cant get none.

>> No.3435107
File: 79 KB, 640x426, G-sNXAV5p64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats what happens when you have /pol/ no coiners invade /biz/

>the real truth is IOTA is going to the moon because it's huge foundations and corps investing in it

>> No.3435155

Aren't you guys tired of this shit yet? This is starting to remind me of console wars.

>> No.3435733

i usually don't reply to shitty bait but w/e

yes, majority of people that are concerned about white "genocide" are not the academic elite but working class people

well why is that?
there is enough competition for low paying jobs as it is and it's only natural that you will find resistance from those people if you want to flood your country with equally bad educated people competing for the same jobs

before you go on and lament how easy it is to educate your self further and to persue a carrier with a higher pay
consider one thing, there are people that are caped out as a plumber they will never be a doctor or rocket scientist

i would rather ask the question why you're so eager to replace the weak portion of your society with people from a diffrent culture that are opposed to your way of life and thinking

>> No.3435761

>tfw no child bride

>> No.3435766


>> No.3436905

You type like a haiku

You will be lauded as a faggot for this

You either like being outed on anonymous image boards or you need SOME attention.

I'll never respect you lol

>> No.3437689
File: 22 KB, 321x307, 1494963948049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These thread are making my day. Just came back after a week to see this.

Iota butthurt is so real.

Still holding mine though.

The butthurt makes me want to sell though. How can the dev team be so childish.

>> No.3437754
File: 184 KB, 1280x960, allreditors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ are the new furries.
No /biz/ is the new reddit. I was here before it was populated by you shitheads. You guys are just buttmad because you can't screencap threads to talk about on reddit with racist content included.

>> No.3437806

It's not even /biz/, just IOTA Slack nutlickers who are both emotionally and financially invested in this rapecoin.

>> No.3437946

How the fuck is IOTA so fucking volatile?

>> No.3437974

Coin owners pumped 10 cents to offset FUD

>> No.3438031

It went up 18% in five hours. What the fuck.

>> No.3438167
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>> No.3438168


I think they took some of that money from the ICO and used it for a pump. They're also using it to support the IOTA price. There are some limit orders of about 1 million USD at a price of 0.61.

>> No.3438271

bought iotas at 51 cents and sold at 62 cents for 20% gain in 3 days. what a nice contrarian trade.

>> No.3438555

Pro tip. Racist FUD is a massive buy signal.