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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3426204 No.3426204 [Reply] [Original]

The first biz_classic vote is live. If you're part of biz_classic, the future of the payout system is in your hands.

Anyone who joined before the 100% promotion ended is eligible to vote (splitters joined after).

Vote ends Thursday at 12:00 AM EST. Countdown will be live momentarily, but vote is LIVE NOW.



Will be answering all legitimate questions for the next half hour.

>> No.3426216
File: 41 KB, 200x238, Moon_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moon man, you da man

>> No.3426228


Does Uncle Chang still want to wash Isabela's hair?

Have you bought bought back into Ark?

Thanks for running a quality delegate.

>> No.3426271

I'm too new to vote but I definitely like the first one better. Flat tax is too boring.

>> No.3426283

>Does Uncle Chang still want to wash Isabela's hair?
Too greasy.

>Have you bought bought back into Ark?
No he's never buying back in again.

Except for the problems outlined in the blog post. Over time, wallet splitters will drive the average down to the point where "whales" are people with what used to be considered small and medium wallets.

>> No.3426299


It's obvious that Proposal #2 provides more returns for the co-founders and likely it requires less work.

I'm a small wallet, but I'm pragmatic and lazy. Why even put this to a vote? Why not roll over to Proposal #2 by default unless there's a majority vote for proposal #1?

I would also encourage this: Have Proposal #2 increase vesting by 1% per month for a maintained, or increasing, RAB for every month after 90% payout achieved up to 96% payout.

This does a couple things. One: it creates more work for you. Two: it disincentives wallet balance fuckery. Three: it rewards long-term loyalty.

>> No.3426303

>No he's never buying back in again.
Don't you believe in it anymore?
Also what's your opinion on chainlink?

>> No.3426308


Doubt he doesn't believe in it. He got burned SO FUCKING HARD trying to swing trade it that his hands can never touch the Ark again because they just can't heal from the injury.

Spaghetti fingers and all..

>> No.3426322

>it creates more work for you.
Yes. It's also much more complicated and can be exploited. RAB will not defend against splitters, just make their upside slower to achieve. It's an imperfect system.

>RAB for every month after 90% payout achieved up to 96% payout.
I am against this because of the hundreds of combined man hours we've put into building the infrastructure. a 4% cut is nothing unless ARK moons nonstop. For now, I would prefer a 90% average payout which is already better than most other popular pools.


>> No.3426324

Is this a cryptocurrency based on a democracy of idiots?

>> No.3426333

>Why not roll over to Proposal #2 by default unless there's a majority vote for proposal #1?

This is exactly why.

>One: it creates more work for you.
You have no idea how much work we've been putting in trying to balance the systems the last few weeks.

>Two: it disincentives wallet balance fuckery.
No it doesn't.

>Three: it rewards long-term loyalty.
Both systems reward long term loyalty. Chang forgot to mention that RAB exists in Prop 1 as well, but it slides from 0-90% over ten days and then the remaining 10% over two months. This is similar to what other pools do to keep their numbers up and it's a much faster curve to 90% compared to Prop 2.

>> No.3426338

ark isn't for brainlets such as yourself. perhaps you'd like to try


>> No.3426347

How do I vote on this?

>> No.3426392


I have no idea how much work you've been putting in - that's true. I imagine it is a lot.

Genuinely, thank you. Biz_Classic is the best run delegate out there and I actually appreciate your effort.

>a 4% cut is nothing unless ARK moons nonstop

Do you not believe in the Ark? Are you a doubter? Maybe don't implement this yet - the market seems to tolerate a 10% cut reasonably well (so you should collect it).... but when Ark begins to achieve it's actual potential ((((*KOOLAID SIPPING INTENSIFIES*)))) then that 4% will be highly significant.

Another question: Why not run a second delegate?

>> No.3426400


>> No.3426406
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This is a tax raise for all grandfathered people with less than 5,900 ARK. Furthermore, the gradual tax decrease for newcomers, it all goes to both Moon and Chang.


>> No.3426411

4% split between two people is 2%. 8 ARK a day is not worth me coming home from work to build new features into the site, debug the pay script, write the true-block-weight system, then deal with "customer support" on /biz/, slack, discord, and reddit until 4-5 in the morning.

>> No.3426417
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Does option 2 make us one of the best delegates for whales? It's the only problem I see with it, getting too big and diluting our payouts.

Also I forgot my login stuff so I probably won't be voting, but if I could I'd vote for 2. You guys don't need to be chasing wallet splitters to get a fair reward for your work.

>> No.3426423

You're wrong. PROP1 also includes RAB that will mature balances. Unmatured balances are also set aside either kept to pay us or redistributed. Same as in PROP2.

We literally told you this in discord.

>> No.3426446

If I joined before biz_classic reached the top 51, and I'm happy with daily payouts, do I ever need to sign up?

>t. Super fucking lazy

>> No.3426456

Nope. You can even vote without signing up if you want to have a say.

>> No.3426459

>8 ARK a day is not worth me coming home from work to build new features into the site, debug the pay script, write the true-block-weight system, then deal with "customer support" on /biz/, slack, discord, and reddit until 4-5 in the morning.

It isn't now. That's why you shouldn't implement it now. If Ark ascends beyond Valhalla to its rightful home, however, then 8 Ark a day may soon become a meaningful amount.

Until then, keep collecting the higher tax rate. 20 Ark a day probably isn't worth the work you're putting in (thanks) currently.

>> No.3426483

We're trying to think ahead. The splitter problem isn't awful yet, but it's starting to affect people and we want to have a solution BEFORE it becomes too late.

>> No.3426501


>The splitter problem isn't awful yet, but it's starting to affect people and we want to have a solution BEFORE it becomes too late.

Word. Why not code the RAB in such a way that you only quality for the 90% (or greater) payout amount if your current RAB is greater than or equal to your RAB for the last 90 days or since joining the pool, whichever is less?

>> No.3426615

I want to vote for prop 2 because it's better for the delegate long term. Prop 1 can't last if people keep being greedy and splitting their wallts. The average already dropped by like 300 since the brackets were announced.

Too bad I'm not eligible to vote.

>> No.3426626

They would have to wait a month under Prop 2 to receive their full payout, unlike delegates like sharkpool that are dominated by whales.

If they're willing to stay and help keep us in the top51 for an extended period of time, I believe they should be rewarded.

>> No.3426629
File: 9 KB, 335x280, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, do you have one of these to remind you?

>> No.3426690
File: 43 KB, 1920x1080, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok that's cool, here I made you a thing.

>> No.3426699

Thanks. I love Noty.


>> No.3426716

>then deal with "customer support" on /biz/, slack, discord, and reddit until 4-5 in the morning.
So stop doing that? Set a time that you'll be able to answer questions and only bother during that time period. Besides most questions are simple shit not directly related to a payout that other people here and in discord can answer.

>> No.3426724


>> No.3426727

One of our biggest upsides over other delegates is our fast response time when issues arise though. Kinda proud of what we've been able to achieve. It is tiresome though.

>> No.3426766

yea this desu. How active they are on here and the discord is why i stayed voting for a biz delegate after fagnet ran off with our money.

fagnet used to be so active until we voted him to 51, then he stopped and sorta disappeared until the day he ran off.

>> No.3426794

Treat this like work. Would you be working for the rate you're being paid? If not cut hours a bit, it would only have a marginal effect.
Magnet was impossible to reach, they'd still be possible to reach it'd just be during a set time period. They could also do something like setup an email for people that couldn't contact them during that. They've got jobs and shit, expecting them to work for below minimum wage is a tad ridiculous.

>> No.3426882
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How come you're not eligible to vote if you've been with us for so long?

>> No.3426904
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found another splitter

just sad

>> No.3426908

I have no idea what to vote for, honestly

I'm grandfathered and have 2.5k ARK.

>> No.3426921

Just a question- how much ark do I need to have in my wallet to receive 1 ark per payout? I'm a small wallet, but am leaning towards Proposal 2 due to loyalty. Wallet splitters can potentially ruin a good thing, and I'm not about that. I am looking to invest more once the price drops from ATH. Ark's stability during this time when everything is red is really promising.

>> No.3426924
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>> No.3426931

1 ark per day is around 3k, give or take

>> No.3426943
File: 8 KB, 1393x108, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm grandfathered with 10k and I just voted prop2, fuck wallet splitters and that is the only way to stop them.

>> No.3426948

If you're grandfathered, nothing will change for you. Both proposals allow you to keep your 90% minimum.

Right now, our tax bracket system can be exploited by people splitting their wallets into smaller balances to get a lower tax rate. Long term, this means people will keep being greedy and splitting, driving the average down, and jacking up the tax rate for honest voters. Moon's proposed solution is RAB (Rolling Average Balance) that will make splitters (and genuine newcomers) have to wait to receive their max payout. He's in favor of PROP1.

My proposal is to scrap the tax brackets and just give every current voter a flat 90%. Newcomers will get 80% and take a month to "mature" to 90%. A flat rate automatically and permanently fixes the splitter problem and is better for the delegate long-term. So I am in favor of PROP2.

>> No.3426954

Correction: if you are grandfathered and below the average, you will see a tax increase with PROP2 because it removes the 90-100% payouts for small wallets.

>> No.3426974

I lost my passphrase and had to make a new wallet and buy in again

pls no bully

>> No.3426976
File: 25 KB, 1075x148, ark_effective_tax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't he have a lower effective tax rate? Doesn't he actually have 98.5%

>> No.3426998

Prop 1 is better for you financially.

>> No.3427001

Yes, that's why I corrected myself >>3426954

PROP2's removal of brackets means even small wallets will be set to a 90% rate, which is lower than the 91-100^ they were getting before.

I really did not want to go back on our 100% for small wallets promise but we've been watching the average drop day after day, driving up taxes for everyone above average and our current systems cannot accurately catch them all.

Also, in the long term, if ARK ever hits a high price point there will be many small wallets of <50 ARK joining which will plummet the average even more.

>> No.3427002
File: 314 KB, 1000x1000, 63b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are asking for trust in a zero trust system because of your incompetence, you should be bullied.

>> No.3427012
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Question, are votes counted by wallets or holdings?

>> No.3427021

1 address = 1 vote, regardless of holdings.

>> No.3427045

Shit, either way there are issues.
This way splitters get more power and the other way fish get all the power.

I hope prop2 wins even despite being AeSzJj1MSEZbDANFrhT4NQzzZPsfX2aeJF just because fuck splitters.

>> No.3427048

Right, I'm sorry I didn't update the page so I missed it.
I understand the splitter issue, however, arn't the splitters emboldened now to be even more aggressive knowing they can force a flat tax?

PROP2 is probably inevitable, but arklets should be able to make the most of our current system until it becomes absolutely necessary.

>> No.3427066

That's why only voters who voted before our 100% promo period ended on August 23 are allowed to vote.

Splitters only started coming after we announced our bracket system.

Splitters can't force anything because they can't vote.

>arklets should be able to make the most of our current system until it becomes absolutely necessary.
I actually like this idea. If PROP2 wins, I'll be okay with not switching over right away. Maybe we'll activate it if the average dips below a certain point.

>> No.3427069

>Splitters can't force anything because they can't vote.
I don't mean voting, I mean they'll try their best to purposely lower the average such that a transition is necessary

>> No.3427077

*tempus pecunia est
don't try to look cool by speaking latin if you don't even know the grammar rules

>> No.3427087

You're right. Maybe this was their plan all along? Either way, it's unsustainable unless either Moon gets his RAB implementation working or PROP2 passes.

It's fan-art.

>> No.3427092 [DELETED] 

>I actually like this idea. If PROP2 wins, I'll be okay with not switching over right away. Maybe we'll activate it if the average dips below a certain point.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. PROP1 with a PROP2 activating at a certain point where the average is too low because of splitters.

>> No.3427111 [DELETED] 

I mean yeah, it may be necessary for the long term. But it's not like necessary right fucking now or maybe even in a month, so why not let the arklets get some gains for the time being.

>> No.3427202

>Either way, it's unsustainable unless either Moon gets his RAB implementation working or PROP2 passes.
Well that's what I'm voting for when I vote for PROP1.
>Attempt PROP1 and if it fails go to PROP2
Flat tax may be inevitable, but for the sake of arklets who see a tax raise on the horizon it should be delayed as long as possible. For me it's a 5% raise, but for the poorest it will be a 10% raise.

>> No.3427212

>either Moon gets his RAB implementation working
Isn't RAB just a bandaid and won't actually stop spliting?

>> No.3427255

Yea people can still split. RAB is meant to make it very unattractive to do so by making new voters wait a month or two before receiving their full payout. It's non-discriminatory and will affect splitters and genuine new voters alike, which is why I don't really like it.

It's like the Bitcoin scaling debate. Bigger blocks can alleviate problems in the short term, but it's not a good solution for long term sustainability.

>> No.3427498

This is really cool how the delegate let's their voters decide on how it's run. Putting votes on the blockchain is genius. Is this the first real use of smartbridge?

>> No.3427578

When you're ready to stop playing pretend with your shitcoin, the big boys at Lisk are still gearing up for the moon mission

>> No.3427628
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>> No.3428044
File: 47 KB, 605x560, 1504545475491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scam delegate

>> No.3428236

Guys, I own 400 ARK. Some online calcs tell me that quarkpool would benefit me the most, but a lot of anons tell me that biz_classic will net me more. What do?

Also how often is the pay out from biz_classic?

>> No.3429092

I was able to vote, but just right now read that I shouldn't have been because was not "faithful" after the promo period - switched to sharkpool for a few days. I guess because I registered my address in time?
Will you count my vote? I hope so, I've been with you 90% of the time.

Option 2 all the way, makes for an overall fairer delegate with more incentives for anyone (small wallets canfinally accumulate more ark without risking higher tax).

>> No.3429610

use the website and choose for yourself


>> No.3429957

why the fuck did you vote with a whole ark, retard

>> No.3430228
