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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 268 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20170910-144612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3422451 No.3422451 [Reply] [Original]

Buy Verge. Pic very related.

>> No.3422461

yes goys, buy the top again

>> No.3422482

Top. You so funneh. No.

>> No.3422491


Man this is going higher.

>> No.3422503

i bought the top at 169 like 2 days ago

>> No.3422504
File: 453 KB, 1632x918, 14368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3422511

Can't wait for you faggots that fell for this pump and dump... *AGAIN* to get dumped on... zoom out, look at all the bagholders from previous pumps.

All this crypto fud was the perfect catalyst for a run on privacy coins. Too bad this one has made promises that literally can't be delivered.

>m-muh wraith protocol

>> No.3422517


With XVG hitting new markets, implementing the wraith protocol and lots of other good stuff on the horizon, it IS a great investment while its still at these price levels tho. A few percent more or less really doesnt matter at this point imho... there is still so much room for this project. I'm predicting 1 USD by the end of next year. Possibly much sooner.

>> No.3422544


you do realize that Verge is a rebrand yes? A rather succesfull one too mind you. It's an experienced dev team which only adds more value to XVG.

I got into Verge a while ago, not for the riches, but because of privacy activism i guess. The world that is to come desperately needs it.

>> No.3422545

Monero is that way. --------------------------------> please go down with your Titanic. Kthxbai.

>> No.3422562

srsly, stop ur making me shiver with joy

>> No.3422586
File: 49 KB, 620x496, Mugatu-So-Hot-Right-Now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Privacy coins, so hawt right now

>> No.3422594

Are you on The Verge of being a Millionare? Are you On The Edge of Glory?

>> No.3422608
File: 168 KB, 2780x796, Screen Shot 2017-09-11 at 00.04.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are we gonna get past these huge sell walls

>> No.3422650

Krill Zerg Swarms with Heavy Whale Artillery Support. I Hear The Voice Of Rage and Ruin for sell walls.

>> No.3422693

Anon you cant go based on that. Im a small time trader and have 84k verge from fcking 2 sats. People will pull walls and this shit moons like 50-80% the night if when i look at the order book earlier and its looks dreadful, dont only go by the sell walls but look at 24hr volune, tweets, slacks. Do ur fucking research. Buy now sell on the news

>> No.3422735


>> No.3422746

Thanks for the advice man. Just sold 50k verge for 20% profit, am waiting to see if it dips lower to buy it all back

>> No.3422773

Good job, People. Now we will vectoe in some Whale Artillery to sodten up the next wall, then Krill zerg swarm. Wash ,rinse repeat. With all this pressure we have on it, if just a couple of the larger sell walls are mysteriously removed, this thing will 3x in matter of seconds.

>> No.3422786

Sorry. So sorry for you. Hope your pink wojack folder is well stocked. Sounds like it is.

>> No.3422823
File: 195 KB, 648x5000, 1504554956307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only got into crypto two weeks ago so dont really know what im doing

>> No.3422831
File: 250 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20170910-152711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roll em roll em roll em, keep those dogeies rollin, roll em roll em roll em, RAWHIDE!

>> No.3422862

that 54391k buy was me lol

>> No.3422869

Its ok. You landed in a Comfy Place, Anon. You just need to Get Comfy again.

>> No.3422896

Kek. Screen capped you for posterity. I will frame this and hang it on the wall In my Meme War Room for all to see, Anon.

>> No.3422921
File: 177 KB, 2814x700, Screen Shot 2017-09-11 at 00.33.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me bro, how fucked am I sitting on these?

>> No.3422939

Aaaaaaaand another sell wall just got nuked by a Whale!!!!! MADNESS!!!lol

>> No.3423009

Umm, well, you jave tje right one at rhe top. Omg will be flat for a while, but will eventually 2x from this point, then tank like neo. Prolly wanna tether up on that Bit. Eth, RIP . Bat, who knows. To funky for me to hold.

>> No.3423048

Why Eth RIP? Will metropolis next week not create some interest?

>> No.3423102

Yes it will. I will ride that for 24 hours before I dump and add the oroceeds ro my Verge holdings. Eth oroducts are a match. Dont hold them to long, you will get burned. Read all the details on Metropolis. Sticking with Verge.

>> No.3423108

Honestly, those are good mid-long term investments

>> No.3423168

>Public block chain
>Dogecoin fork


>> No.3423187
File: 254 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20170910-155408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onward Upward. Sell walls falling like dominoes.

>> No.3423192

Why this fucking name? It means "penis" in french.

>> No.3423218

Davey Jones' Locker (aka Monero Titanic) is thataway, Matey.--------------->

>> No.3423242

Thanks for the (you) shill. Consider reading the verge white paper and you will see how shit it is.

>> No.3423268

Ummm, yeah. Was wondering if anyone would ever notice. Its an "Inside" joke a La Walt Disney Studios.

>> No.3423301

Come to see where your Monero Funds are going? Trump has an alphabet agency fellow looking for you. You should probably worry about that instead.

>> No.3423413

Know what this is? This is Verge blowing through another sell wall like a bunker busting Maverick A.G.M. lol

>> No.3423425
File: 263 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20170910-161333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got excited. Forgot pic.

>> No.3423603


>> No.3423617

fuck me... this coin is going places. Truly one of the most interesting ones for sure.

>> No.3423633

lol dat sell wall gg

>> No.3423634
File: 133 KB, 900x450, monero afraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3423651

XVG is nice

My only concern is that the public ledger is still public so that's something Monero has over XVG

>> No.3423656

This just in. Very tiny dip coming up. If you want in, this is it. Grats to the 38 Anons who just got in on the 180 dip. Good work.

>> No.3423663
File: 41 KB, 582x553, 1501616366003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i love loading up my bags lol

>> No.3423665

It's going to be quite a while before this gets through 200 sats. There are so many people bagholding since early summer.
Idk if you're actually excited or just a shill. I was lucky to drop my bags at 192 earlier, been holding 3 months. If you're not a shill just be careful, easy to get burned on this one.
Reminder, we're all here to make money let's help each other out.

>> No.3423688
File: 3.48 MB, 4032x3024, 20170908_054313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a shill. Excited cuz inside info. Already said to much in earlier thread.

>> No.3423689

If this coin goes to 10 cents...everyone on 4chan can move out of their mom basement. Please anon help me move out I need some Verge coins.


>> No.3423690


a few weeks ago people were complaining about how it would never rise above .50 sats dude. We are nearing .200 now. Thats nearly 4x. No worries here what-so-ever.

>> No.3423737

Watch that Godawful cringe worthy fucking abortion of an intro video while you're at it.

Itt a bunch of broke kids with no knowledge of crypto of basic math holding $.01 bags deliriously praying for $1

>> No.3423739

I would, Anon, but I am already donating to 5 grown kids living in my basement. Well, actually they have the free run of a 6 bedroom home in Seattle while I fly about putting out fires for MDU Resources.

>> No.3423748

Those fires up in Washington ain't no joke, no need to donate. God's speed my friend.

>> No.3423751

Once again, Monero Titanic---------------------> You Have To Go Back.

>> No.3423780


It's funny how we keep hearing the same argument over and over and over and over again... i still remember that sort of shit talking about bitcoin and many other coins when they were introduced. When will people learn eh? You buy coins cheap, put them on a hardware wallet and come back in a year or so, maybe two. Profit. I've made almost 70K in about 4 years doing it like that. Who the fuck gives a shit about holding a bag for a few months. Hold it longer ffs. We are literally witnessing one of the greatest transfers of wealth the world has ever seen, and people whine about minor daily volatility lol.

>> No.3423784

Yeah, I lost 19 freinds and a home in the Yarnell Fire several years ago. We had a DC 10 orbiting, and we were going to drop directly on their positions, but we couldnt figure out where that was. I listened to them screaming as they died on comms. Sorry. Gonna be away from thread for a bit. 55 year old Roughneck crying is not pretty. Cant see to type.

>> No.3423787

It's alright bud, people are just trying to strike conversations and raise panic and such. If it wasn't for them .. /biz would be really boring and more likely dead.

>> No.3423800

19 friends? Thats a BBQ gathering... you seen some shit man. My thoughts and prayers go out to you man. Its all ogo

>> No.3423809

R.I.P. Granite Mountains Hotshots. Yarnell 19 your souls are in our hearts forever........

>> No.3423834

Ok. Im out. This is one of those nights whete its not good to be alonw with rhos memories. Gotta fo somewhere oublic . Big crowds. Forget. See you space cowboys. Back on later.

>> No.3424865

Ok. Dont know how to say this, but the game has changed. Shit just happened that is completely oit of my control. Remeber how I said I had inside info because of my work on the Trump campaign? Welp. I just got a phone call. Syria just used a Russian S200 system to shoot down an Isreali F15 over Sidon. Isreal has its finger on The Red Button. 98% for nuking Syria. I highly suggest you pwoole tether out of everything. Unfortunately, rhat includes Verge. If no nukes by Midnight EST, you will probably want to rejoin the Verge Surge, as will I. There are some big rumors thay will be highly pu licized about Verge on Monday Morning at 10 AM EST. The actual Big News will follow in two weeks, which you all know is time to sell, and wait for the next leg up on Verge. Peace Out.

>> No.3424956

Is Verge kill?

>> No.3425003

Not kill, just will retrace to 150 if nukes drop. If no nukes, should hold around 180 most of the night. Just safer to Tether up and re enter at midnight if no nukes. If no Nukes, you will def want to be back in verge well before 10 am est.

>> No.3425054

If you are staying in crypto through this crisis stay in verge. Most other coins tank harder, faster, and recover slower when this kind of bad news hits. Fyi.

>> No.3425145



Here ITT we see walls getting destroyed.

>> No.3425245

Flynn? Is that you??

>> No.3425327


Anyway I'm already into XVG under 150, so I just hodl and wait this Monday morning pump.

>> No.3425413

get xspec instead, better privacy, 1/800th the supply. Once it gets in butrex it will be money for jam.

>> No.3425431

No. Flynn is NSA. Wrong alphabet.

>> No.3425475
File: 1.05 MB, 1088x691, GN1M7vn-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XVG is like my crypto piggybank. Anytime I'm left with a couple hundred says after trading, I dump it into Verge. Very comfy longterm hold.

>> No.3425481

I got my xvg, only 450 of them bad bois but I'll ride it with you whalez

>> No.3425540

Ok. Looks like a Diplomatc Solution may be in the works. We will let them put Boots On The Ground if they will hold off on Dumbo Drop

>> No.3425572

13b market cap?


>> No.3425598

yeah guys anon on cambodian digital flea market forum told us to sell dgb because nukes are gonna drop tomorrow on syria

>> No.3425632

This is a Mongian Sheep Sheering and Basket Weaving Forum you Mong. Lurk moar.

>> No.3425685

Probably not going to get hirt by staying in Verge tonight, but you will notice right after I warned you to Tether up on everything else, everyrhing else tanked. Thats about when Normies got the Syria news from Lame Stream Media.

>> No.3425741


Gimme some verge yo

>> No.3425774

$1 USD? With that many coins available? Jeez

>> No.3425818
File: 588 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170910-204801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will keep you all posted, and you will know before the lame stream media and the normies. Right after I posted the Syria shit, I guarantee you there was ten reporters texting their editors.

>> No.3425833

Sorry. Didnt have time to trim the pic. Phone call. Gotta take this.

>> No.3425931


dat suspense

>> No.3426065

Just a reminder that things are going super well for verge. Time to cash out. Don't be the next generation of bag holders if you've already made a profit.

>> No.3426134

0k. Phone call over. Nuke off the table. Crisis averted. Buying back in. Eagerly awaiting tomorrow. Have a great night, all.

>> No.3426201

wtf are you even talking about bro

>> No.3426253

fix electrum. you fucking cunts

>> No.3426262

Good Morning Bogans ! But The Queen says you cant buy Crypto, so you cant post.

>> No.3426317

I love starting sentences with Prepositions. In High School it wold make Miss Milton so angry she would have hate sex with me, and she was a smoking hot redhead. I know. Overshare and not biz related. Moving on.

>> No.3426330

I want to invest in VXG but I literally can't take anything you say seriously.

>> No.3426337

Your not supposed to. 4chan is Satire.

>> No.3426343

The serious people are over there on Leddit. ----------> see ya.

>> No.3426379

The days of my caring whether people like you take me "seriously" are loooooong gone. Lol. Beleive it or not 4Chan is slam full of ex ( and sometimes current) Alphabet Anons. But I understand. Such things do not exist in tour Normie world. You get your news on the 9pm Lame Stream 3 days agter it happened, and spun to fit an agenda. Mine is raw,unfiltered, and as it hapoebs. In ither words. Fuck. Off. Hows that for Alpha?

>> No.3426414

This LARP shit has gotten out of hand. I need to go to bed. You should too. Next time try not to be so cringe with your LARP lol

>> No.3426426

Lol. Here to please. Good night m' Lady. There. Theres some Cringe for ya!

>> No.3426434

you're bad at satire

>> No.3426453

+ 1 someone ban this turd. 9eQnxS85

>> No.3426455

My saying it was Satire was Satire. R9kt.

>> No.3426475

Beleive what you wish, many Anons made good sheckels off of my "Satire" info.

>> No.3426504

Dont worry kids, I just saw some Undesireables in my Thread and in my coin, and I was Shaking Them Out. Back to strictly business now. Onward, Upward.

>> No.3426542

The little dip of them leaving was instantly gobbled up. Gave me a bit of indigestion, but not bad with a little Merlot to wash it down

>> No.3426553

Thanks for the Sheckels. I hear Monero is looking for new buyers.

>> No.3427658

Wat else u in senpai? Any smallcapcoins?

>> No.3428184

shit scam coin
and I'm holding

>> No.3429333

I was either going to buy a Dec at 3100 or xvg at 50 of course I bought adex lolol

>> No.3430196


Verge is very undervalued and huge amount of updates on the horizon. 0,05 end of this year AT LEAST.