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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3421752 No.3421752 [Reply] [Original]

I've finally done it. I've taken the plunge into growing up and taking on responsibility head on.

I've started my first business. A small start up manufacturing hydroponic equipment.

AMA, or feel free to give tips.

>> No.3421766

How do you feel about the fact that the rest of /biz/ has gotten richer than you ever will by just sitting in front of their computers?

>> No.3421787

All that can crash and burn overnight while OP is essentially setting up a more meaningful existance for himself. And probably learning a thing or two about business along the way.

Good on you OP, how did you get into this field?

>> No.3421798

OP is a dumb wage slave and so are you. Good job on falling for Jewish tricks and lies.

>> No.3421828

Indoor vertical farming is the future. Gj op. Might want to think about how 3d printing can help your business model.

>> No.3421846

OP is not a wageslave you stupid NEET, he's taking his future into his own hands and building something that he can be proud of. A real man works and creates something, if he doesn't then his life is meaningless and his days are wasted.

>> No.3421922

No, he's falling for a Jewish scam just like you. All of this meaningless bullshit about being a "real man" is fucking trash. Who else but a fucking retard cares about being your definition of a "real man" at the end of the day? At the end of the day the only thing that matters is money. The sooner you realise this the better off you will be.

>> No.3421972

I got into it about 5 years ago. Always had an interest in Botany, but I'm a tech guy (Cinematographer by trade) so I wanted to do something more future oriented.

I'll check into that. Thanks.

Sorry for the IP change. Got blocked for some reason.

>> No.3422008

3D printing is great for prototyping.

But it is quite an expense. A double-edged sword.

Also be aware of what kinds of 3D printing you want to do, or if it is leagues cheaper (it usually is) to simply produce a plastic product via Extrusion.

Some 3D printing houses also do Metal, but that is a fantastic expense at this point in technology. It's getting better, though.

>> No.3422021

Sorry, I meant Injection molding.

We should talk on Discord. I can hook you up with some really fantastic Materials Engineering guidelines.

>> No.3422029

Holy shit lol, i work in film at the moment. Did you do the whole studio circuit?

>> No.3422053

replied to wrong post ^

>> No.3422054

Money will not bring meaning or satisfaction to your life. I've earned plenty of money, but the success of my business, achieving my goals and following through with my ambitions matters more to me than any meaningless dollars. Building a successful business is something that you can be proud of. My crypto earnings and investments are just icing on the cake.

If money is the only thing that matters to you, then who is really falling for the so called "jewish scam"?

Have some self respect.

>> No.3422073

how do you plan to market your products?

>> No.3422081

I'd hit you up, but I don't have any way to start 3D printing just yet. My money went into clean plastic molds and some 100% sustainable options for the Earth conscious groups. I'm also going to try to expand on some local revenue streaming with rented units for restaurants. Right now, my data sheets say it is substantially cheaper for me to rent out units and grow micro greens for many interested parties, but we haven't started that process yet, so real-world numbers are unknown. Once I get to this point, I will have the ability to invest in something else like 3D printing.

Plus, I don't have a mic.

I did. I worked Vegas and Reno for a while. Did a couple of documentaries in Japan and Mexico (would totally still do this if offered gigs, would even PA for that kind of fun). But demand is going down and a lot of automation is starting to poke through some richer client's pockets, so i'm getting out now.

>> No.3422108

Its easy to say money doesnt matter when you havent grown up with posters covering the holes above your bed.
Once you have enough money to not worry about it of course it doesnt matter. But until then its the hole that drives you forward. At least to me it is.

>> No.3422115

Social Media
Local/national sales team (will be hiring here shortly for that)
Website (once up and running)

I've only just started and got approved for licensing and insurance. So I'm not too far into it, yet. But a few local people have already pending orders so I'm making the products, already.

Other than that, I'd like to start some blogging for hydroponic tutorials, manufacturing know-how, cool things to grow indoors, etc. May or may not lead to more people showing up to order anything, but it should keep people coming back to the website at least.

>> No.3422127

This is what lead me to starting my own business. Working for others never got rid of that hole.

>> No.3422130

may i ask what exactly you are making,whats parts etc

>> No.3422149

lol get the fuck out of biz if you don't want to discuss bizness.

>> No.3422171

A lot of my collegues are getting out and doing simpler things that they enjoy. One guy recently jumped ship to become a woodcarver. Apparantly there is demand for that stuff here in UK

>> No.3422179

Making vertical and horizontal towers.
Making kits for residential and commercial growers.
Once the online store is up, I will be selling dry products for growing.
Sump systems

I know there are manufacturers out there already, but I am able to beat their prices by nearly half. I think it is because I'm doing it all by myself, though. I calculated hiring labor for it and my prices started getting pretty close to competitors. But, I enjoy the work, so I don't mind doing it myself for now.

>> No.3422212

That sounds pretty cool. I've seen some great wood sculptures before. I remember seeing one where a guy made a wooden dragon head rise out of a pond with an ice sculpture dragon intertwining with it.

Probably not what your buddy is doing, but I could easily see that being both enjoyable and profitable.

>> No.3422258


he's a dumb NEET who think he's got his whole life made cause he made 200 bucks profit on his government NEETbucks. Can't wait to see his pink wojaks once the bubble pops.

>> No.3422269

Pretty jelly OP, this is why i'm into crypto. It's like my only outlet and a thing that feels closest to having my own business

Best of luck

>> No.3422277

neets like him don't understand the concept of achievement. no point in explaining bro it'll go nowhere.

>> No.3422290

Thanks, you too.

>> No.3422373
File: 39 KB, 300x300, discordlogoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found a good discord for techy stuff that has a good channel, we could all talk there and continue the conversation before this gets archived


>> No.3422675

Here's a tip, work on your business instead of posting on 4chan

>> No.3423139
File: 60 KB, 540x532, 1503729811786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-shutup, anon-kun.

>> No.3423296

I'm proud of you OP.