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File: 423 KB, 2560x1600, Armenia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3419297 No.3419297 [Reply] [Original]

Protip: Retire here.

>> No.3419567


>> No.3419672

3 bedroom apartments for 500$USD/month in the city center.
Living costs 10 times less than in North America
Lively nightlife
Lots of nature
In the middle of the atlas with all sorts of cool countries to fly to nearby
no muslims except for based persians who are tourists
gorgeous traditional girls
borders with Georgia which is also an awesome country
No tax on goods
Cheap vodka, brandy and wine
LOTS to do during the daytime in the city
Big apartment in heart of downtown costs 150k$USD

>> No.3419680

Great protip for non-whites.

>> No.3419712

is that some kind of new world mongrelhole?
I'd rather get killed than leave yurop

>> No.3419714

oh and there's like 3 nationalities the first consists of 98.7% of the population.

Also, no niggers.
White europeans go there alot as tourists. They usually go to georgia and make a roundabout of Armenia without knowing much about the country then regret they only planned 3 days for it and end up going back for 2 weeks or so. The locals are a jew-like race and some with russian mix can pass as white.

>> No.3419755

>constant confrontations with neighbouring country over a tiny strip of land.

no thank you.

>> No.3419852

How hard is it to move between Georgia and Armenia? Also, it sounds like you live there right now. Do you?

You stupid or something? Nagorno-Karabakh isn't a tiny strip of land. You wouldn't get caught up in the minimal fighting today anyway.

>> No.3419857

>mein negger
Ukraine was based for vacations and retirements before the whole place exploded with warlordism and Russia decided to help itself to Crimea.

Look into Moldova too.

>> No.3419866

not moving to some shit hole country just because it's cheap. kys

>> No.3419869

>1700 sq mi
>not a tiny strip of land

pick one idiot.

>> No.3419880

Its all fine until you make a harmless yo mama joke or look at a guys girl the wrong way. The people there are mudslim tier when it comes to sensitivity....fuck that!

>> No.3419902

Sounds great. How much money do I need to retire at 30 with a somewhat frugal lifestyle? Only plan to live till 60.

>> No.3419916

are the women there as beautiful as the kardashians?

>> No.3419917
File: 276 KB, 1024x768, Umbrellas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go there every year. It's very easy moving between Georgia and Armenia. Takes like 20 minutes. The border is quiet and mostly sees truckers, a few tourists and people who work in Georgia and go to back to Armenia periodically.

Nagorno-Karabagh, or Artsakh as it's now officially called is relatively safe, as long as you keep away from the border towns. Stepanakert and Shushi are the most densely populated.

Pic related, it's one of the natural wonders there and definitely worth hiking to.

I'm talking from a financial pov. If you like learning about new cultures and want to remain is a mono-ethnic, christian country with a vibrant culture then this is a good alternative to eastern european countries. Although very similar in infrastructure, it's different in every other way.

>> No.3419940

why would i want to live in some sandnigger dump

>> No.3420015
File: 1.18 MB, 1716x1140, Tatev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to live alone, 500$ spending money/month + rent which can vary from 300$ (good quality) to whatever quality you're looking for. The 500$ spending money will feed you, get you drunk and transportation to leisure activities in nature.

They are conservative qt's who will stay in the kitchen and cook for you while you sit down with the boys. They will take really good care of you and are charming af. Very feminine and a breath of fresh air after the downfall of western women this past decade.

There is not a single desert in the country anon. Pic related is a good example of what to expect. Like fucking middle earth im not even kidding

>> No.3420037

thailand is better and cheaper, but you have to leave the country every month because of their retarded visa system

>> No.3420068

US residents get unlimited visa in Armenia. I don't know about Europe but I know that Canadians have to pay like 40$CAD every 4 months.

I think Thailand has become too saturated in the sense that every loli jerking, hippie, normie wanderer and college drunk wants to go there.

>> No.3420104

so basically you're too poor to live in a major metropolitan city which leads you to running away to a shithole where the cost of living costs shekels

stay poor anon

>> No.3420305

how does it compare to based poland?

>> No.3420317

Haven;t been to Poland but they're very similar in a cultural sense. Pretty sure it's cheaper. Very few blondes though

>> No.3420340

I know this country is based purely from CK2

>cradle of early Christianity

>> No.3420379

damn dude do you work for tourism ministry or something

>> No.3420389

kek no just tired of shilling crypto all the time

>> No.3420433

how many mudslimes?
how is the healthcare?
how is the english?

>> No.3420445

too surrounded/close by by murdeorus shitskin countries, eastern europe is safer

>> No.3420452

0 mudslimes. they're not allowed except for persian tourists

healthcare is cheap, good quality, don't know much about it

all the younger people speak english but the older crowd speak more russian as a second language. They all have relatives in LA so they know a few words here and there.

>> No.3420471

Except for all the Thai retards.

>> No.3420473

Yeah if you want to be beheaded by snackbars

>> No.3420478

what does los angeles have to do with armenia?

>> No.3420500

armenians are deep in LA son

>> No.3420502

Isn't it a very religious country? I like how secular the West is.

>> No.3420504

my mom and i are Georgian apparently some of the most pretty people on the planet

>> No.3420620

You mean they're real men and don't take shit? Thats why there aren't gangs of mudslimes running around raping women like in today's germany

>> No.3420660

This is true

You can whatever you want just don't disrespect the culture.

This is subjective. imo lots of qt's and good looking bros

you must be replying to a Sven or Hans

>> No.3420669

Imagine a christian roman-armenian modern day anatolia.

They probably would have nuked us 90 years ago but damn, the possibilties.

>> No.3420789

Can I get by with Russian language? What is the attitude towards westerners who wanna live there?

>> No.3420801

That's a wet dream for all true deus vulters

Everybody speaks Russian fluently. People would besurprised at first as to why a westerner would give up a good income to live in a poorer country but if they see you're doing well for yourself, they'll have big respect for you.

>> No.3420815

armos are like the worst parts of muslims and jews combined, no thanks.

>> No.3421096

armenians can't protect themselves, how are they going to protect rich foreigners

>> No.3421178
File: 455 KB, 519x619, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right next to Syria, Turkey and Iran
No fucking thanks

>> No.3421204

Also Iraq

>> No.3421212

what are the gun laws for an expat

>> No.3421214


Also, Armenian girls look gipsy.

>> No.3421224

WTF?! Why would I choose Armenia over Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Srbia and so on? If you want to be on the cheap and still be in the fucking Europe - those are your best bets. And the added bonus - all slavic countries, so the girls are pretty hot and fairly easy to be honest.
And if you want a nice place to retire - nothing better than South Italy or Greece or Spain. But the Balkans are better at partying to be honest. Some of the most wild stuff that has happened in my life was there, so I am eternally in love with those countries.

>> No.3421952
File: 265 B, 227x151, romenia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one guys?

>> No.3421979
File: 145 KB, 2200x1470, xPEHC_Montenegro.jpg.pagespeed.ic.OxwwRT4vVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree about montenegro

>> No.3422014

Oh shit, that is beautiful.

>> No.3422048

maximum comfy

>> No.3422072

>the locals are a jew like race
Why would I want to live in a nation of people trying to jew me?

>> No.3422096

OP I'm Armenian but never been to Armenia. Never got along with the Armenian immigrants in Southern California, they fight like pussies and will only fight if they outnumber you. How are Americans treated? I can blend in well.

>> No.3422113

Fuck no
Armenians are the niggers of the white race. they are white only in skin color and religon

>> No.3422126


Why do you guys always band together. I remeber in highschool (socal) mexican would always pick a fight with one armenian and then get jumped by the entire school

>> No.3422164

I don't know, I was born & raised in Los Angeles, never been to Armenia. I fought with a lot of spics and armos in high school, honestly both fight like bitches, at least Armenians aren't dirty beaners, but hey, I might be biased.

>> No.3422383

Shilling a country without posting pics of the women.


>> No.3422387

kunem all these otarnere laveh

>> No.3422433

This. I also googled just the name and only maps and flags appeared wtf.

>> No.3422452

Pretty well. Just don't try to change things. Learn how to roll like they roll and noone will bother you. Be very assertive!

This can be true but they are the 2 extremes. Either very ratchet or very classy.

I think it's a nationalist thing

Ill find some hol'up

I admit I'm armenian too. Just made this thread to encourage a few anons to travrl there, have a good time and support the local economy.

>> No.3422467

And after 1000s of years of Muslim invasions, they still maintain white skin, preserve european culture, uphold christianity. 99% of their country is Armenian and heavily nationalist.

Tell that to your France, England and Germany and all of shitwestern Europistan.

Armenia > Europistan

>> No.3422485

Yeah and u herika reklam anek mer yerkira. kunem srants lava. mer hayrenika menak hayerina.

>> No.3422518
File: 26 KB, 550x367, armenian-women-e1486490914857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An above average armenian woman. Can confirm from my own experience

Nothing wrong with tourism or foreign investors. As long as they're white or armenian

>> No.3422531

shat xeshit es asoom aper

>> No.3422553

Vax mera kunem, es inch kan hay ka.

>> No.3422572

Hayer, es saxut vortits ek. Hastat hayastancinerits menak yes em.

>> No.3422582

xeshita vorna?

>> No.3422612

Some good people but in general they are quite insolent. Jews.

>> No.3422677



Yes axpar em engerner. Asek hayastanum uzum em kashel im crypto'i poxs. Tax ka? Sdegh kanatanyum 35%'a 50% shahin vren.

>> No.3422734

Lol great filter work there.

>> No.3422753
File: 58 KB, 294x295, 1399339198265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I went to Armenia they raped my wife and I'm now raising her half-Armenian son.

>> No.3423321

nice try american armo boy, stay the fuck in glendale


>> No.3423372

Are you serious, tell me more?

>> No.3423384

How likely is it a clueless white ass scandinavian would get robbed to death instantly?

Do people speak english?

How corrupt is the police?

How are expat laws? Can you own shit there without being a citizen?

>> No.3423386

What? Seriously? What?

>> No.3423406

Last time I went they raped my son and now I'm raising his half-Armenia wife.

>> No.3423412

I don't think they like turks that much.

>> No.3423465

>chink land
yeah.. no thanks

dont feel like getting eaten by an escalator or getting hit down trying to cross the street lmao

s-korea and japan are the only safe chink countries

>> No.3423479
File: 1.84 MB, 1731x1155, Aghjots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very unlikely. unless you look like a faggot.

younger people speak english

police is corrupt. speeding tickets will cost you a few dozen dollars

expat laws are lax.


not at all.

I'm from america's hat

>> No.3423506
File: 308 KB, 460x437, 1494461321887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo hol up so it isn't chink land after all? can i buy a castle and have maids and butlers and shit?

>> No.3423595

It's far away from chink land. No gooks, no spics, no niggers. Yes you can legit buy land with ancient castle ruins on it and have a wife with village maids who make fruit jam, butter and cheese and shit. UNESCO protects alot of the old stuff though.