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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 161 KB, 913x771, Dions Bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3416613 No.3416613 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3416774

This is the one rocket to the moon I'm not missing.

Hopefully 2,395 IOC is enough.

>> No.3416786
File: 60 KB, 628x564, The chad coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DIONS, bro

>> No.3416807

Doesn't have any volume or buy support lol
>Buy Obsidian

>> No.3416865
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>> No.3416884
File: 96 KB, 576x515, ioc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?

People are staking their coins. This is a proof of stake coin. People are holding because they know this coin will shoot to the fucking moon.

>> No.3416895
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>> No.3416913

staking a coin so they can increase the number they hold while the value drops proportionally and by the time they want to exit everybody has moved on to the next thing? right.

who exactly is going to buy your bags when you decide you want out?

>> No.3416935
File: 917 B, 24x32, O-man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally are a fucking idiot.

You must know nothing about this coin do you? The trajectory for the rest of the year is up. Do some research Anon, I'm tired of trying to tell you clueless fags about IOC and its potential. Just make sure to post some funny pink wojaks in the coming months about how you missed your ride out of poverty.

DIONS, bro

>> No.3417002

This coin is a failure.
"Bug testing", "Hurricane", Full Moon etc
Dions in 2024 Topkek

>Better buy Obsidian

In this thread are IOC bagholders that want to Sell but there is no buy support to sell in to.
Keep your worthless IOC bags Pajeet!!!

>> No.3417017


ICO bagholder can sell anytime lmao. Price is stable as fuck you can exit whenever you want without losses lmao bro do you even watch charts?

Fucking DIONless cunt lmao dude ill fuck ur girl next time you say something stupid.

>> No.3417045

Poorfag here. I have only 80 IOC. Will I make it?

>> No.3417059

Tell me more about 24 hour volume and current buy support.


>> No.3417069

>IOC bagholders want to Sell

bagholder implies that there was a big dip and there's nothing new to expect from a coin. IOC is close to ATH, there's the European Fintech presentation coming up, and DIONS is launching.

Funny you keep mentioning Obsidian because DIONS does exactly what Obsidian wants to do, instant messaging, but it's not even the main feature of DIONS lol.

>> No.3417092

god I wish I could be having sex with a girl made out of cryptocurrencies right now

>> No.3417095

Are you literally autistic? Buying low volume coins is how to make real gains. I made 800% gains off NAV by buying in when it had 10 btc volume. Stay poor by looking at high volume coins.

>> No.3417110


This, comparing IOC to ODN is like comparing Google to Bing. Google does everything but Bing just does search queries.

ODN virgins are delusional if they think their FUD campaign is doing anything but make them look like future ICO bag holders.

>> No.3417664

This is a cringe IOC bagholder thread desperately trying to dump their bag.

>> No.3417796

Once they start the countdown on their website it will literally be a guaranteed gradual climb every day of several dollars. Fomo will push it to the ceiling.

>> No.3417906


Enjoy your diluted, over-valued, C# messaging platform. Please shit up other threads with your ODN nonsense.

IOC is immune to all of the ICO bullshit facing international markets because it wasn't a fucking ICO - CHINA HERE WE COME.

>> No.3418193

IOC is immune to high volume and big buy support.
That's why Poloniex delisted them and lack of actual development and updates.

>Better buy Obsidian

>> No.3418531

Comfiest hold I've had during these recent crashes.

>> No.3418830

Not for long.

>> No.3418953


Dump away. I'm up 80% currently so I might buy more if it dips to my buy price (not likely happen).

>> No.3418986

After the release of DIONS, the team will focus more on marketing. GET IN NOW.

>> No.3418998

>implying I'm holding shit ions


>> No.3419008

Hope you're right, Anon, I went small in ANS at $5 and OMG at $3 and I'm not making that mistake again. IOC will be my lucky number three, and this time, I'm investing more than a piddly $3k to start.

>> No.3419027


>> No.3419250

holding IOC right now is so fucking comfy

>> No.3420249


>> No.3420369

Hello ODN worm.
Bags getting heavy?
Let's go, elaborate on why IOC is a scam, I love stepping on you.

>> No.3420414

It got kicked from Poloniex because it is a bullshit talk all hype no development shitcoin.

Any questions?

>> No.3420438
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holy shit that pic

DIONS, bro tho

>> No.3420442

Where is DIONS!? I want to sell this shitcoin but the price doesn't fucking change!

>> No.3420457


>all hype no development shitcoin

That's nice.


Real work takes time. Someone can't just fork Stratis, make a bunch of marketing claims, and suddenly disrupt an industry. That's what ODN is selling you and like the (((sucker))) you are - you bought.

I hope - for your sake - ODN pumps when it hits Ether Delta so you can exit without a significant loss. When IOC launches the DIONs platform and, subsequently, Project Chameleon, there will be a lot of FOMO buyers.

>> No.3420586

IOC is exactly the opposite of all hype. They avoided hype and marketing because they wanted to focus on the product development, which is now very close to an end. Because of that, it never had a lot of movement and volume, being tightly held by people in the community. Thats probably why Poloniex got it delisted.
Not that it matters because Polo is a disaster waiting to happen and IOC is listed on bittrex, but to say IOC is "all hype and no development" proves you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.3420644

Even the shittiest scamcoins have roadmaps.
>That's your argument?

>> No.3420666

Dions 2024 release
Muh Dions bruh soon, anytime now, muh hurricane, delayed still soon!


>> No.3420672

Learn to greentext holy shit, it's obvious that you're not even from this board.

>> No.3420678
File: 99 KB, 591x960, Screen Shot 2017-09-10 at 12.51.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ODN has a roadmap, so you're right - even the shittiest scam coins do have them.

There's a lot of development that ODN has to start. I sure hope it commences soon, for your sake.

>> No.3420727

Spoiler alert - the devs take the ICO funds and retire early like every other ICO with no product. They'll post minor updates here and there until they fade into obscurity while laying on stacks of cash they suckered out of buyers.

>> No.3420729

It's obvious he's not even from 4chan.

He probably got here a few weeks ago, got excited by the idea of getting rich quick and fell for the ODN meme.
Now he wants to get out as soon as possible to get in IOC so he's hopelessly fudding trying to keep it down. If anything, this hurricane is helping you dude. As soon as Joel gets to his house again, you're fucked.

Fucking newfag scum, you don't deserve IOC.

>> No.3420822


What I love about >>3420644 is how fucking blind he is. ODN is promising to COMMENCE development on their encrypted messenger. IOC is dropping theirs at the end of this month.

ODN had a premine of 98,000,000 coins with only 20.6 million actually being sold during the ICO. Another 8.8m are burned so ICO holders are holding basically 23.1% of all coins in existence (AKA: ODN ICO holders are really fucking diluted out the gate).

The Core ODN developers hold 14.7 million coins. ODN ICO buyers hold 20.6 million coins. 29.4 million ODN are held by VCs and another 24.5 million ODN will be sold on the open market (READ: DILUTING THE FUCK OUT OF ICO HOLDERS) to drive marketing and operational expenses.

Here - I'll continue quoting the ODN whitepaper on risks:

> General failure - It’s possible the goals set out in the White Paper are too ambitious and cannot be implemented or fully implemented, or that the implementation takes too much time to make a market success likely. This includes the consequences of funds and other resources running out, so that the work must be discontinued.

>Superior competition - It’s possible that Obsidian is outpaced by it’s competition so that the project loses all economic sense and is therefore discontinued. The ODN will then lose any value as well.

>> No.3420878
File: 51 KB, 475x335, Screen Shot 2017-09-10 at 1.11.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Basically, ODN is a project that could go somewhere but is largely pie-in-the-sky and the best thing going for it is that Monero's core dev is an advisor.

That's not much, honestly, and I feel bad for anyone here who bought into the ODN shilling and took a significant position... because they bought into an extremely-diluted project with limited utility compared to potential competitors.

Like I said, >>3420644, I really hope that ODN pumps when it drops so that you can get out without a loss. I don't hate you. I want everyone here to make real money. Please - though - open your eyes dude. Compare what IOC is doing to what ODN is doing and then compare respective market capitalization. ODN is farther behind IOC in relative development and offers fewer features, yet is asking for a price premium. And you fucking bought it. Sell the bag to someone else before you get Bancor'd.

>> No.3421113

Wow anon, you're too kind to the ODN fag.
I hope he reads these great posts and stops dedicating his life to fud IOC.

>> No.3421740


I hope that anyone FUDing IOC does real research into any other coin they're holding. I hope that they apply the same standard they apply to IOC to those coins on core metrics like valuation, utility, development effort, etc.

IOC might be a project that's been a long-time in the works with big development goals and an lofty goals, but all of that time and effort are coming to fruition soon (tm).

>> No.3421803

One of the IOC devs is Active in this thread!!!!
Ow fuck this is the IOC marketing you guys are doing?
>Hory shiiituuu!!!

Muh Hurricane Muh Dions delayed!

>> No.3421866


That's the best you've got? 10 Posts in this thread trying to shill ODN - get fucking wrecked - so you call (presumably me) a developer to somehow discredit my argument?


Why do you think I'm citing the ODN whitepaper when I'm telling you how full of shit you are?

Your wife's boyfriend called and he's waiting for his allowance.

>> No.3421884


DIONS, bro, ain't delayed just the countdown for it .

>> No.3421933

Muh Hurricane
Muh 24h Volume
Muh Dions delayed
Muh buy support
Muh roadmap
Muh Poloniex delisting
Muh IOC bizz marketing

>> No.3421948



Your mom is calling. She said your tendies are ready.

>> No.3421964

all you're doing is listing facts about the coin that don't actually spread FUD. How are you so bad at this?

>> No.3421965

Implying IOC devs would waste their time on 4chan of all places.
You're laughable.

>> No.3422000

How much 24h volume and buy support?

>> No.3422060

odn and ioc will merge, screencap this

>> No.3422062

I don't see what the hurricane has to do with them not being able to start the block countdown. Wouldn't the dev in Florida have already sent a backup of his files to the rest of the team in Europe in case of emergency?

>> No.3422172

Why would they make the most major release in the coin's history while the lead dev is in literal danger of dying? Just so they can push it ahead a few days? We've waited 3 years for this shit, another week is literally nothing.

>> No.3422173

There is no Dions

>> No.3422191

Dions in 2024 maybe perhaps soon possibly

>> No.3422312


My read on it is this: initiating the block call for DIONS is like announcing a party. Joel fucking loves to party. Announcing one of the biggest parties of his lifetime right after his house got fucking destroyed is insensitive and - considering he contributed to the cause for the party significantly - holding off by a short period is respectful and appropriate.

I've waited 23 years for DIONS. What will another few decades be?

>> No.3422390

23 years and we will have Dions.
Just confirmed by IOC devteam

>> No.3422443


Thanks for the bumps, newfag.

>> No.3422506

No problem Joel.

>> No.3422523

>DIONS, bro

>> No.3422532


Appreciate your contributions yet again, newfag. Keep bumping. You'll figure it out one day.

>mfw you can't even PUDDI PUDDI


>> No.3422729

Obsidian Joel Obsidian

>> No.3422778

Can't wait to see biz face when they realise they could have x10 their btc on this in few weeks

>> No.3422808

Yeah Obsidian will go at least x10

>> No.3422866

What I'm truly curious about is how the breakout will happen. The holders know this is a very good investment but for how low of a price are they/we inclined to sell our IOC stacks?

I imagine the price will soar just because of this fact. The holders won't sell cheap because this is a sleeping giant and for the price to be triggered the non-holders need to really want it and place a bidding price higher than normal.

I won't sell any IOC before we reach 50$

>> No.3422910


You really think that ODN's current feature set and development progress warrant a $200,000,000 market capitalization yet you FUD IOC at $38m market cap?

Ok, pajeet. You've shown yourself.

> 27 lentils have been deposited into your curry pot

>> No.3422985

Obsidian will have a higher marketcap compared to IOC within a month.
Screencap this Joel

>> No.3423029


> 12 lentils have been deposited into your curry pot

>> No.3423114
File: 28 KB, 957x751, cfba9mG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is ready.

>> No.3423297

Muh lentils
Muh Hurricane
Muh delayed Dions
Muh Pajeet

> better buy Obsidian

>> No.3423326


>5 curry spices have been deposited into your mud hut

>> No.3423373

Official IOC rebranding
>Curry Hurricane Coin

>> No.3423382

Go fling some more poop to passersby in your remote village.

>> No.3423511

IOC the official Pajeet Hurricane Coin

>> No.3423512


>streetshitting intensifies

>> No.3423641

Raj need shit in street.
Buy IOC Raj, for good shit in street.
IOC official Pajeet Hurricane Shit coin of Bizz
>Thank you Joel for make coin shit in street possible

>> No.3423914


You're just a bot. Even pajeets shill better than you.

> 3 Watts have been deposited into your capacitor

>> No.3424089

IOC the official Pajeet Hurricane Shit coin of Bizz
>shit shit in street pay with IOC

>> No.3424103


does anyone else see a frog inside space ghost's mouth?

>> No.3424419


> 7 electrons have been added to your valence. you are now carbon.