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3415794 No.3415794 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto has taught me how to invest and now I want to invest in stocks. The only problem is that I know buying the ATH is ill-advised and there is an impending market crash coming. How long until the stock market crashes so I can buy the dip?

>> No.3415802


>> No.3415818

>crypto has taught me how to invest


>> No.3415837

>Crypto has taught me how to invest

You cant be fucking serious

>> No.3415846

Fucking useless replies. Go fuck yourself

>> No.3415860

nobody knows, OP

>> No.3415862


In nicely, they just want to say that there's difference between investing and speculation.

Look for emergin markets.

>> No.3415883

Trade forex or options, dont be a bitch and trade stocks.
Unless a market is going through a boom its pointless

>> No.3415895
File: 36 KB, 500x362, kid-on-computer-2_tnvltp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself kiddie.


pic related, it's you.

>> No.3415926

You are not ready.

>> No.3415935


>How long until the stock market crashes and I can buy the dip

Top fucking kek

>> No.3415952

Wow OP.
Cryopto is logic-based and so will always be profitable, while stocks are luck-based.
If you want to throw away your money just go to vegas, it'll be faster than stocks.

>> No.3415972

Focus on dividends: https://pastebin.com/bA2W87mr

>> No.3416015

>Cryopto is logic-based
You wat.

Also, pretty sure this is a bait thread.

>> No.3416380
File: 74 KB, 800x492, dow-jones-index-1900-2010[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>luck based
It's nothing to do with luck. Its the same as crypto. Just buy and hold and make your profit from the retards who try to day trade. I just don't want to buy now because I know there is a dip coming.

>> No.3416585

my man tell me more about this, can you use a crypto coin as an example with dividends?

>> No.3416626
File: 155 KB, 1000x1400, makifes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to these guys >>3415818, >>3415837, >>3415952 and behave yourself OP, so that you won't lose all your life savings.