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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 170 KB, 2048x1536, IOTA_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3412356 No.3412356 [Reply] [Original]

The AMA yesterday revealed to the world the virtue signaling SJW that runs this scam.

Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $0.50 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone.

Once it shoots through the $0.40 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all IOTArrists. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing bittrex.

The $0.15 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Nodes will begin to go offline, and fem-bloggers with their Gender Studies student loans loaded up in IOTA will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to bittrex to salvage some self respect.

The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.01, and most probably sub ICO levels.

From that day forward the deluded IOTArrist wagecucking non-binary cucks who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their blogs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their useless degree.

Deluded IOTArrists will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto.

I warned you IOTArists. There's still time to get out. Sell NOW.

Don't be deluded, don't be an IOTArrist.

>> No.3412374

Shut the fuck up already dude, go back to /pol/

>> No.3412376

Why are people FUDing IOTA so hard?

Who is trying to buy in...?

>> No.3412422

>main dev outs himself as a nutcase
>tech is vaporware
>who is trying to buy in?

Are you some advanced digimarine?

>> No.3412447
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>> No.3412452


>utilizing a refugee tracking program is nutcase
>solving a global issue on behalf of the UN to further their product

Yeah total nutcase. Im a trump supporter but you guys are definitely those kekistani faggots that have no girlfriends or any chance of getting a girlfriend

>> No.3412477
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>this is normal and expected behavior from a tech company representative

>> No.3412495

iota akbar!!

>> No.3412513

altrightcuck basement dwellers have nothing better to do with their time other than shit post on 4chan
why do you think any of us care? get a life.

>> No.3412529
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Fuck off normie you don't belong here.

>> No.3412541

Is better to kill any and every dipshit startup SJW project before they mature
Kill I mean....kill it with pure RAGING FIRE

>> No.3412552

lmao, emotional little baby trying to tell people who dgaf that they dont belong here.

remember the 1st rule kiddo, no emotions, no idealism, stay detached.

>> No.3412555
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>> No.3412576
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>> No.3412587

>no emotions, no idealism, stay detached.
I'm not alt-right but bashing le basement dweller type stereotype is just pseudo-reddit tier. you're a fag if you think that /biz/ is any different

>> No.3412595

How heavy them bags?
Dev claims refugee camps will be cities. Says anybody who disagrees is a racist xenophobe. Yeah, the dude is a nutcase. But keep defending him, Trump '''''supporter'''''
You care enough to respond. You could just ignore this and btfd with the rapefugee coin. See how that works out.
Yeah. Stay detached. Where the fuck you gonna spend your millions when Europe is under the caliphate moron?

>> No.3412605
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IOTA stands with repefugees.

>> No.3412612

>he doesn't know the rules
>he says kiddo unironically
>he will never make it

>> No.3412616
File: 358 KB, 1200x1504, 1200px-George_Soros_47th_Munich_Security_Conference_2011_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy IOTA to make a real change

>> No.3412621
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>IOTA holders carrying their bags.

>> No.3412640

>le praise Kek le donald God XDXDXDXD we did it reddit fucking le cucks btfo le refugees Lmao XDXDXDXD
I'll buy this coin just to smite you faggot kikes
So much for logic over emotion. You're no different than sjw faggots

>> No.3412651
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>> No.3412670

Yeah, whaddaya mean reacting to the dumping of '''refugees''' in Europe by pointing out the dumping of '''refugees''' in Europe?

>> No.3412676


nice pasta

>> No.3412712
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>> No.3412717

I could give a shit less about yuropoors when I'm going to lamboland faggot

>> No.3412732

Where the fuck do you think lambos come from?

>> No.3412733
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No one listened when I fudded this refugee coin months ago, claiming it was the greatest innovation!

>Blockcain 2.0, they said
>Go back to /pol/ they said
>Not wanting to make money because of political ideology, they said

This will be the next DGB, IOTA devs could care less if you lost all your money, basically UN tier shitcoin

>> No.3412757

>implying sperging about some shitcoin because it supports refugees will hinder lambo production
Get over yourself yurofaggot

>> No.3412773

Believe whatever you want to believe. Won't make your bags any lighter in the end.

>> No.3412782

>being this btfo

>> No.3412785 [DELETED] 
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>Get over yourself yurofaggot
easy said when you can't leave your family without being afraid of some sand nigger raping them to death.

>> No.3412815

Blame your legal system and government for not taking any action to enact judgment upon them.
Not some fucking shitcoin.

>> No.3412828

>No one listened when I fudded this refugee coin months ago
Because we didnt have a sudden influx of polcucks then. They all came in after btc hit 5k.

Hey ameriburger, lets not forget that your country is full of niggers and spics that rape and murder at ***significantly*** higher rates than youd find anywhere in europe.

>> No.3412834

that shitcoin promotes the south-africanisation of my country. fuck them. also their tech is weak as fuck and their team consists of imbeciles.

>> No.3412840
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>> No.3412844

>Price has already tanked 10%.
But it's up 3%

>> No.3412891

With this kind of reaction you degenerates are having someone could think IOTA was funding ISIS. But helping refugees? Holy fuck stay triggered you piece of shit people. You could not survive the shit these people survived. Keep shitposting all you want, but get the fuck out of my board.


>> No.3412921

Fuck off shitskin. The only one triggered is you. Get the fuck off my board.

>> No.3412927

>promoting the assimilation of refugees encouraging them to become helpful members of society enabling them to become independent and attain western values over the years
>yet somehow this equates to white genocide
Maybe shit technology shitty team, but your 'logic' (emotion) is flawed. You are no different than the sjw's you fight, kike.

>> No.3412941

Listen up /pol/ I literally don't give a fuck about politics.
I don't care who you think is a fuck.
I don't care if dudes want to wear dresses and get called women.
I don't care about Hillary.
I don't care about Trump.
I don't care about black, white, yellow or red.
I'm not boycotting a money maker because of your stupid ideas about the way society should work.
Go back to your semi-neo-nazi-alt-right fucking echo chamber and never come back.

>> No.3412959

You fucking moron. Where the fuck do you plan on spending your nerd money if western civilization drowns in Muslim shit? You Wolf of Wall Street larpers are the worst.

>> No.3412968

>The only one triggered is you
why all these threads then?

>Get the fuck off my board
you seem to have this confused with rthedonald

>boycotting a money maker because of your stupid ideas about the way society should work.
lmao, this is literalyl what libtards do. and now polcucks are doing the same thing. the irony is hilarious

>> No.3412975

This. I'm never going to pol to convince your shit infested brains to change your world view. So don't do the same on biz. We litterally don't give a fuck, we only care about money.

>> No.3412980

he will be inside the walled of communities, with all the other rich people. and youll be living in the slums with all the other subhumans
have fun!

>> No.3412981
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>> No.3412989

muslims don't assimilate. they've been in europe since the 60s. only thing that changed since back then is now they're bombing our cities.

>> No.3413007

What? With Iota? You're really fucking deluded. SJW coins with shit technology and insufferably arrogant developers don't make moon missions, retard.

>> No.3413027

Tell that to the ones that live in my city.
Literal definition of western sluts.

You'll be surprised to find that the western jew has the most powerful influence in the world. Everything is becoming America.

>> No.3413029

Looks like a buy signal to me.

>> No.3413034

Idk, I'll go to southeast Asia or something. Fyi, posting on 4chan isn't exactly saving the western world.

>> No.3413040

>SJW coins with shit technology and insufferably arrogant developers don't make moon missions
top 10 market cap, up +126682% from the ico... "dont make moon missions"... LMAO

>> No.3413058

this FUD is out of control

Whether you love or hate refugees, surely tracking them is beneficial in either case?

I think some people just sperg out when they see the word refugee

>> No.3413076

Only thing that keeps SEA and China in check is the western world. You won't find it nearly as hospitable after it's gone.
We'll see how long that lasts.
The lead dev wants refugee camps to become cities and if you disagree you are a racist xenophobe. At least according to him. Fuck that dude in his face.

>> No.3413114

>We'll see how long that lasts
btfo i see...

>The lead dev wants refugee camps to become cities and if you disagree you are a racist xenophobe. At least according to him. Fuck that dude in his face.
keep being an emotional cry babby who lets his feelings decide his actions. youll never make it.

>> No.3413125

>mfw most sjw are using fiat currency are being way more nationalist than you retards buying globalist jewcoins

You're all seriously retarded

>> No.3413138

If my feelings tell me having an emotionally fragile, overly political lead dev is a liability and I should stay the fuck away from the shitcoin in question then so be it. Enjoy your bags.

>> No.3413145

IOTA shot itself in the foot taking this angle. When you get political, expect half of your customers to walk out.

>> No.3413147

>his feelings decide his actions
>his lead developer is on reddit having an emotional meltdown


>> No.3413174

Stop fuding you fucks. I need this coin to go up so I can drop these bags without too much of a loss.

I still think the concept of iota is awesome. But the devs are horrible in every possible way.

>> No.3413199

Also, a wise investor knows that he is investing in the people behind the project more than the project itself. I've given the devs the benefit of the doubt but these last couple of weeks have been too much.

I hope someone makes a competing project that I can get behind (that won't have a billion fucking supply).

>> No.3413225

Just verified it, IOTA went full SJW.
Get out now before it's too late.

>> No.3413272

are you fucking retarded you larping faggot? first of all you're not some kind of financial genius. stop acting like one. Neither does your 200 usd portfolio make you any more like some warren buffet, nor does reading some self help book by some burned out gook.
second: your anti semitism is telling, Ahmed. Go, fuck off into the desert.

>> No.3413274
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>be SEAmonkey
I thought refugee are supposed to return to their homeland when things calm down?
Europeans are confusing. It's like this is the first refugee crisis they ever encounter. Just like Vietnamese during the war, they all scrambled but most (need to) return to rebuild their country. Doing the opposite is counterproductive for both sides.
Or is this ploy to get cheap labors?

>> No.3413286
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>> No.3413299


Omfg is that the dev for IOTA? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL I HAVE NOT SEEN THIS YET REKT OMG anybody who bought is fucked. What a joke lmao cities yea right buddy

>> No.3413302

It's a ploy to kill white people. Can't explain it any plainer than that.

>> No.3413311

Thank for, fortune teller. I'm glad you can see the future. Can you please post pics of your yacht?

>> No.3413355

The funny thing is this is probably the politically correct answer he learned from school. Ideally all these buzzwords he used should be safe to throw around casually. But people are getting tired and it would be hard to think of a more polarizing and damaging answer in 2017.

>> No.3413373

Don't buy it then? Do you really need to blow up everything that does something you don't like and spam it all over the board to further your political agenda? Are you guys even here to make money?

>> No.3413399

>I thought refugee are supposed to return to their homeland when things calm down?

it's the middle east. that shithole hasn't calmed down since the first men set foot on it.

>Or is this ploy to get cheap labors?

you can not produce anything on the cheap in western europe. too much regulation.
also we have eastern europe.

The ploy goes like this: economy goes down, fiat currency goes to shit, "elites / boomers" take everything, people (men between 20 and 40) outraged, but instead of attacking the scammers, they attack the perceived competition / scape goat at what was taken from them: the prospect of creating a family. (by this I mean housing and general income and per proxy women ...) ...

regardless of whether it is planned, that's how it's going to play out in case of major economic catastrophe. also everyone screaming for more state intervention / socialism.

>> No.3413416

>discussion regarding the unstable junkie developer, sjw philosophy they are going with and vaporware tech

>m-muh money nigga i need money just invest that shit my nigga moon nigga

>> No.3413423
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That sounds tad extreme. But expecting refugees to stay instead of return doesn't make any sense even in humanitarian perspective. It's not like their homelands are irradiated wastelands or something. Scramble for Europe might be true after all.
There is no stopping the chink now I guess. WTC looks pretty promising. I'm buying more.

>> No.3413451
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>> No.3413457

I am actually one of the few people who has actually gone to the Middle East (Not Iraq or Syria). The people there are scrambling for Europe. Literally all of the youth was talking about freedom in Europe and studying in Germany and also pestering me for a visa. Iran for example is a perfectly functioning and safe country, but still they want to go, anytime. The pressure is high and it's not looking to get better. This is why we need less retarded cucks like the IOTA faggot and more people who can actually think strategically and with the safety of Europe in mind.

>> No.3413477

all i see is posts like >>3412555
some real great discussion...

>> No.3413480

Except it's just a bunch of butthurt fags throwing a fit because someone did something they don't like. If it was about anything else it wouldn't get a thread just like 90% of the other shitcoins don't. But you don't really care about any of those other shitcoins because that don't further your political agenda. Nice try.

>> No.3413599

Wew just gonna drop my few bags

Shitty devs

>> No.3414063

Damn that's actually stupid unprofessional. Actually took me off the fence about buying IOTA. Boycotting and bitching is one of the leftists' oldest tools of cultural control. About time the right is learning how to play their game

>> No.3414075

>About time the hopeless altrightcucks are learning how to stoop to the same childish level of the people they continously criticize for acting like children
so fucking hilarious. you cucks are straight up delsuional

>> No.3414076
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Behead those who insult Iota!

>> No.3414120

>refugee camps will be cities, not temporary

I mean its one thing to support refugees but its another to not even advocate but claim that we will be permanently providing for them for years to come. Theyre not even refugees at that point so what is the point of the smart contracts thing if they already believe they will become permanent residents

>> No.3414956

im literally about to sell, fuck this

>> No.3414969

bleached buttholes, as far as the eye can see.

>> No.3415089



IOTA is not even on Bittrex you fucking retard

>> No.3415102

yes. sell now when everything is in the red because of your feels about the political opinions of a dev

>> No.3415171


What's wrong with refugee camps becoming cities? There aren't refugee camps in Europe anyway. They always set up refugee camps in neighboring countries of the war zone. There are hundreds of thousands of people who've been living in these camps for generations upon generations. The only thing the iota dev is talking about is introducing a more permanent feel to these camps and make them "smart" using tech.

>> No.3415188

white genocide: the coin

>> No.3415189

>refugee camps in neighboring countries
I didnt know that Europe, especially germany, is a neighboring country to syria

>> No.3415192

I remember when biz posted about coins not politics about iota, who caresssss

>> No.3415196

I don't know why you guys are going all in on a right-wing victory. Regardless who wins, I intend to live in comfort. This means investing in coins on both sides. Be the jew, not the goy.

>> No.3415212

anyone got a link to their ama ? wanna see how it looked like

>> No.3415216


The biggest refugee camps in the world are not even in europe WTF are you guys talking about.


In fact Europe has NO refugee camps so obviously he was talking about safe zone and camps set up in neighboring areas of war zones in Africa and the Middle East. Most of these camps are full of Christians (like the one in Kenya). You know Christians? The only people you right wingers consider to be human and want to help ?

Jesus, you people are absolutely retarded.

>> No.3415225

ahaha. I hope the worst for IOTA and their bagholders. i will spread nothing buy FUD on this site and encourage my IRL friends (many people, btw) to avoid this anti-white coin.

>> No.3415236

>What's wrong with refugee camps becoming cities?

>> No.3415247

yeah go ahead and tell your 'friends' irl that you are boycotting innovating technology because a member of the dev teams supports human rights... top kek

>> No.3415251


There are no permanent refugee camps in Germany because Germany provides each refugee with housing inside so called refugee centers, which are basically blocks of flas. This is part of the reason why these migrants want to come to Europe and leave the overflowing permanent refugee camps set up by the UN in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey behind. So it's logical to me that in order to prevent migrants from coming, we have to improve the conditions for these people where they are.

>> No.3415269

Man, just back out of here slowly before anyone sees you. :/

>> No.3415271

It's not difficult you cuck. Just promote competing technologies. The IOTA devs really fucked the dog on this one.

>> No.3415276
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They're coming from Africa. They're niggers and ISIS.

>> No.3415278


London and Paris are refugee camps?

Do me a favor and google "biggest refugee camps in the world". You will find that these refugee camps are not even in Europe, not by far.

Europe and particularly America have taken in not even 5% of the world's refugees. Even though America particularly created the wars that have caused displacement of human beings in the first place. And America continues to ship billions of dollars worth of weapons to the fucking Saudis, ensuring that war will continue.

>> No.3415284


We've been saying this long before you plebbitors got triggered.

>> No.3415296


Calais is.

>Europe and particularly America have taken in not even 5% of the world's refugees.

That's still enough to have them slaughter our children in the street and rape our women en masse, all while living on our tax payer money. There is nothing good about them. They are here to displace and conquer, and you are supporting them. For that, you will die one day. I mean it, you will be executed as a traitor.

>> No.3415303

Or we simply worsen living conditions for refugees in Europe.

>> No.3415308


The boat people are mostly economic migrants, not refugees. But it would be foolish to think that just because the people who are trying to illegally migrate to Europe under the guise of being a "refugee", that then REAL war refugees somehow don't exist. News flash, they do. And millions of them live in camps all over Africa, South America and the Middle East. Persecuted Christians, Shias and Kurds as well as people fleeing natural catastrophes.

Now I don't want them coming to Europe because it would be hard for them to integrate. What I do want is to improve conditions for these people where they are. Like Trump said, set up safe zones. What's wrong with that?

>> No.3415311

>That's still enough to have them slaughter our children in the street and rape our women en masse
Eh, still not as bad as the nigger and spic problem in the US

>> No.3415313


>> No.3415324

proud of my /biz/ bois
meme them out of existence

>> No.3415329


Everything's possible if lots oft money's involved. Don't delude yourself into thinking IOTA's success has anything to do with mudslims.

>> No.3415337

Try again, faglord. Not that you care, but I've been here exclusively since 2006. le reddit is censor heaven and not even worth discussing. Why don't you accuse me of being from some website of actual consequence, newfaggot?

>> No.3415339


Calais doesnt even exist anymore, it was bulldozed down by French authorities. And Calais was not a refugee camp set up by the U.N. like the actual ones in Turkey for instance where hundreds of thousands of actual refugees live. Calais was literally called a jungle because it was a lawless camp full of illegal migrants. Why do you think they wanted to get to Britain?

Illegal migration and refugees living in camps all over the world are two different things. The MSM tries to conflate the two in order to support illegal immigration by trying to exploit people's sense of empathy and morality. Don't be like the fucking MSM.

>you will be executed on day

Nice to see you want to have people killed for having a different opinion. Wonder why you are opposed to ISIS taking over seeing as you have so much in common with them.

>> No.3415345


2006? Fuck off newfag.

>> No.3415346

White Genocide = I can't fuck and so like to blame others for my problems.

>> No.3415353

Oh get a grip, you'll get your day once some black hat makes out like a bandit on another security flaw which ioat surely has.

>> No.3415357

>Wonder why you are opposed to ISIS taking over seeing as you have so much in common with them
degenrates are stoned in public, women are literal slaves, kiddy diddling
i really dont know why the polcucks oppose islam.. it is truly perfect for them

>> No.3415362
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>i'm arguing with an Originalfag
give me a break faggot, kys

>> No.3415364

>Nice to see you want to have people killed for having a different opinion.

When it's your opinion that my people should bend over and be conquered by foreigners, that is treason.

>> No.3415374

Caring about the future is a white people thing, don't let it concern you.

>> No.3415379

Thats not his opinion at all and no where did he state anything that could imply those were his opinions.
Stop being such a raging little faggot and use logic.. You and raging tumblr dykes are peas in a pod.

>> No.3415390

also, because you are too stupid to understand. anon has been saying that we should put efforts towards improving the conditions in their native countries instead of using all the resources to try assimilate them in our nations.

dumb fuck kys

>> No.3415391

>Thats not his opinion at all

It absolutely is, because that is what is happening right now and he is advocating for it. To even let ONE more of them into this continent is treason at this point. The war is already here, and he is arguing to bring more of the enemy into our territory. Treason.

>> No.3415399


But that's not my opinion. My opinion is that there shouldn't exist a single refugee in the world. But that would be utopian. Now that we live in a shitty world full of war and strife (in part due to American support and arming of dictators) we have to do something in order to ensure that people affected by war are able to lead a life of dignity and not die in the mud like a a dog. If we do not ensure this, these people will do what is logical and start to come to Europe. Even the most far right parties in Europe acknowledge the significance of helping war refugees WHERE THEY ARE in order to prevent them from dying (literally) to come to European mainland.

>> No.3415426

Stop larping and learn to read, dumb nigger
Your fat ignorant ass isnt going to be part of any 'revolution' or 'war'. Youll die like a pig. lmao

>> No.3415440


My problem is them coming here. I don't care what they do in their shitholes. They can stay there chopping each other's heads off for all I care. Shoot them at the border. Mine the Mediterranean. I have seen maimed European children in the streets in the wake of these "refugees".

>But that's not my opinion.

That is your opinion. Talk all you want, but that is what it comes down to in the end. Us, or them.

>> No.3415457

>Talk all you want, but that is what it comes down to in the end. Us, or them.
What are you doing then, big bad boy? Surely your fight for the white race goes past crying on 4chan like a little faggot?

>> No.3415464


I have witnessed the war as it is happening right now. I don't care about what you're saying. Your talk is cheap, but I do hope you keep talking. Talking all the way into the grave one day, hopefully.

>> No.3415477


>> No.3415478


Be logical, no one will EVER take you seriously if you're talking about putting mines in the fucking Mediterranean. The majority of the people will write you off as a lunatic. But talk about human rights and how you want to prevent refugees from leaving their countries by getting rid of war and improving conditions in safe zone camps set up by the U.N and it's a different story. The outcome of both methods would be the same. But one of the methods actually produces results while the other makes people laugh at you.

>> No.3415481
File: 158 KB, 800x534, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still larping this hard
Get out of your basement fatty and go crack some muslim skulls then if youre so serious
Talk is cheap indeed, and thats all youve got

>> No.3415509


You don't understand. That is what needs to be done. They won't stop coming, ever. They aren't fleeing, they are conquering. They are the enemy.

>> No.3415621

Take this shit to /pol/


>> No.3415658
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>feels threatened even by refugees

>> No.3415673

If your country is so weak that it can be conquered by a bunch of goat fucking shitskins you deserve to be conquered

>> No.3415943


Allah Akbar

>> No.3416076

I'm Parisian and we have whole streets filled with refugees in those cheap 2€ decathlon tents. If that's not a camp idk what is.

>> No.3416098


wtf can you even do about it once they are in your lands and have full rights as a citizen