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File: 80 KB, 516x343, trucktech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3408230 No.3408230 [Reply] [Original]

I am a 30 year old trucker and worried that I will lose my jerb to automation within 10 years. I figure that if I am going to lose my job to technology I should be preparing to start a new career in technology. Can I teach myself enough to get a half-decent job in the tech industry? Where would I begin? Or should I put a bit of money aside so I can take an IT program at a vocational school? And what sorts of jobs should I be considering, keeping in mind that I have no intention of going to university? I'm not that ambitious, I make about 60k (CAD) now and would prefer not to take too much of a pay cut but I could manage on less.

>> No.3408263

We're all getting universal basic income so just get used to being poor

>> No.3408301

I'm a Java dev with 4 yrs experience. Co-op is $15/hr. Then my first job was 50k. A later year, I was making 62k. Now, I'm making big-boy bucks at 90k.

It's an easy career, I feel. Also, have you ever though about being a mechanic?

>> No.3408308


Just save some bitcoin and wait for capitalism to destroy itself

>> No.3408311

consider getting into a trade like electrician or plumber or something
those will be the last jobs to go as they require highly flexible AI + robotics at very advanced levels.

the other route is something like programming or IT which will see increases in demand before being replaced by AI in the late 2020s.

choose based on your IQ/personality what you think you'll do best at

2021 truckers will be seeing massive layoffs
2024 everyone will start getting layed off
2031 literally no more jobs at all

>> No.3408333

I fucking hate you people and can't wait until all your jobs get automated.

t. some guy that travels a few hours a day for work.

>> No.3408337


I feel safe in the future as a nurse

>> No.3408353
File: 31 KB, 640x600, 1504911420006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a 30 year old trucker and worried that I will lose my jerb to automation within 10 year

ahahahahaha, you will.

>> No.3408386


The trades interest me, but I feel like if I'm going to do that I should do it right now. Starting an entirely new career when I'm middle-aged will probably be difficult in any situation, but even more so if I have to start an apprenticeship in a physically demanding line of work.

>> No.3408406

yeah, that one is a good long hodl
i put it right up there with trades
difficult to replace as robotics requires much more innovation to be functional in highly unique/variable environments like hospitals

>> No.3408407

trips of truth. truckers are such fucking dickheads, stop driving in the fucking left lane u cunts. cant wait til u cucks are automated out of jobs.

>> No.3408414
File: 32 KB, 844x365, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were you I'd just get into plumbing, It's waaaay less competitive so much easier to get a good job, you'll get paid to learn and you'll make a decent living. Plus once you get skilled enough you can work on your own.

>> No.3408418

>save money for 10 years
>buy 1-2-3 autonomous trucks when they hit the market
>provide your services to companies that need transportation for cheaper then the competitors that still use drivers
>buy more robot trucks
>generate passive income from them and live like a king whilst building your empire

>> No.3408447


It's true, most truckers are real assholes. I like to think I'm different though.

Working in a female-dominated profession sounds fucking horrible.

>> No.3408468

you're the useless shit that is spending hours just "travelling". at least truckers are delivering goods.

>> No.3408494

i live in a larger ish city, why the fuck are you guys always on the main highways during rush hour?? do you HAVE to drive from 8-9am, and 5-6pm???? there are so many fucking semis on the roads during rush hour its unbelievable, and they fuck up everything and make it a god damn fiasco

>> No.3408520

Electronic engineer here, working in the automotive sector (not even joking). Sorry for destroying your job anon but you are right, there is not much time left until your career path ends.
I would suggest sticking to the automotive branch if you have already a bit experience with trucks and stuff. Also consider that there will be many bus drivers / taxi drivers / etc. flooding the job market soon. So you might want to start your re-education soon.

If it helps, in approximately 120 years there won't be a single job left on earth for anyone and we'll most likely live in a wall-e like world

>> No.3408531

Bring some counterfeit shit and start your own business with the profit

>> No.3408536

>Working in a female-dominated profession sounds fucking horrible.

Eh, finishing up school but from my clinical experience along with some work in the health care field it doesn't seem like it'll be too bad

>> No.3408555

I cannot wait
>We will live long enough to see race wars
>We will live long enough to see the collapse of capitalism
>We will live long enough to live in a world where being a NEET is acceptable

Life will be good.