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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 211 KB, 1012x768, iota_ama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3406710 No.3406710 [Reply] [Original]

The IOTA Foundation held an AMA on reddit yesterday and someone asked them why they're supporting white genocide by aiding "refugees".

David Sonstebo responded, and pic shows the conversation.

The cucks on reddit downvoted the guy. Let's show our support by upvoting his comments and replying.

>> No.3406729

Here's the link:


>> No.3406731

Then link it fag

>> No.3406746

I agree with Sonstebo.

>> No.3406748

>Muh white genocide

Quit being such a faggot

>> No.3406761


>Pro refugee

Thanks, just downvoted him 100k times.

>> No.3406775
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Activating my Reddit vote rigging script, I won't let them get away with this.

>> No.3406777

Lol if there was an actual genocide against white people you guys wouldn't be posting shit online, you'd be half-starved in a labor camp

>> No.3406781

You have to go back

>> No.3406787

how is tracking dirtnigs a bad thing? obviously the alternative is them becoming truck drivers and blowing themselves up. they need to be tracked and monitored. this is a step in the right direction. if david didn't care about Europe being invaded by goat fuckers he wouldn't have pushed for iota to bear this responsibility. i know that comefrombeyond guy really hates muslims too.

>> No.3406789

>Reddit equivalent where it costs IOTA to post, recouped by upvotes...

Fucking Steemit, bro

>> No.3406790


>company guy cant help but sperg about his political views on reddit

there it is, the cue to never invest in this hunk of garbage. don't invest in companies with people like this in positions of power. they're doomed to fail.

>> No.3406816

That stage comes later.

When non-whites gain a large majority in formerly white nations, you're going to see active genocide take place, just like in South Africa.

>> No.3406820

We get it, you're a kike.

>> No.3406821

When people start throwing words like "racist" or "xenophobic" or even stuff like "transphobic" around, you know the suffer from first-world-problems syndrome.

>> No.3406826

speaking of south africa, chappie was a good movie. are you looking forward to the sequel?

>> No.3406853

they're scandinavian nerds on reddit. their gay attitudes shouldn't surprise you. i don't expect people who don't go outside to have a reasonable perspective. why do you?

>> No.3406868

They are openly promoting islamic colonialism. I'm not kidding.


>> No.3406869

Bags getting heavy on this shitcoin.

>> No.3406874

This, fuck that gay shitcoin. Any time a coin is run by a woman, pajeet, or SJW/SJW-sympathizer, you should take that as a HUGE red flag.

>> No.3406881

Here is a link to the actual comment for the brainlets


>> No.3406892

The fact that they don't have a patent on tangle is why I won't invest. I hate shitskins too but I'll throw money in if they get that patent

>> No.3406894

>racist/xenophobic statement
That DavidSonstebo guy is a total retard.

>> No.3406895


another thing, you need to disable custom subreddit styles in options if you want to downvote.

>> No.3406903



>> No.3406909


I may sell my iota as a result of this

Spotted the Jew >>3406729

>> No.3406911

Lol the Reddit fags went through all that trouble to down vote a "cisshit white male". Why are we wasting our time again?

>> No.3406923
File: 85 KB, 800x533, 1487868540816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoors deserve it for how much they bitch about americans on here. Maybe if they worried about themselves they wouldn't have this problem.

>> No.3406960

Lol anyone that doesn't see what's going on in 1st world countries right now is either in extreme denial or just a fucking retard. People like to talk shit about white people and say they are responsible for so many bad things without realizing that white people are the peacekeepers. Literally if white people went extinct the Chinese would enslave all of you and force you to make smart phones in a sweat shop. And if you're lucky they won't provide your slave dorms with suicide nets so you can end the suffering easier.

>> No.3407109 [DELETED] 
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Uh. I'm Scandinavian, live in Sweden. My white Nordic blonde hair, blue eyes wide and myself (also white) are racist as fuck against the shitslams coming into our country.

You will never see it spoken publicly though from Swedes. It is very taboo to be openly racist here. The majority of Swedes and most Scandinavians are "closet racists". But we are gaining political traction. Look up Swedish Democrats. Anti immigration (anti refugee) and the Swedish Democrats are currently the #2 political party in Sweden right now, we are gaining traction and change is coming soon

>> No.3407114


>> No.3407208

>virtue signaling before becoming big or popular

Didn't work for the emoji movie director and it won't work for this shit coin either.

>> No.3407272


Trips checked for truth

>> No.3407305

>Trying to minimize bad press by distancing yourself from people that post shit like "white genocide" is virtue signaling

You people are dumb

>> No.3407334

Listen up smart guy, when we whites get our panties in a knot, we will fire up the chambers again. It's not gonna be pretty. You better please us while you can.

>> No.3407344
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Fuq you

>> No.3407363

> iota is not political
> but you're a racist sexist xenophobe nazi if you don't want to get fucked in the ass

>> No.3407364

>doesn't like Trump
>is posting here

>> No.3407379

>oy vey goyum its not genocide its just that we are replacing all of you with 3rd worlders

dont you dare look at south africa or any crime stats either!

thanks united nations!

>> No.3407402

Yup. Which is why I'm trying to get hired by an american company and get transferred to the USA.

>> No.3407412

>Literally if white people went extinct the Chinese would enslave all of you and force you to make smart phones in a sweat shop

already happening lol

im glad the chinks have taken africa, you can only prop up these subhumans for so long with welfare and gaslighting and virtue signaling before it all collapses. Give it to the chinks.

>> No.3407453

Do you really know how to distance yourself from it retard? You focus on the fucking coin and not pursue other agendas. You wouldn't need to "minimalize" anything in the first place.

>> No.3407458

Good luck with that.
Let's get real, you fuckers won't do shit. You'll continue to sit and bitch and moan about "muh white genocide" until you're watching your grandchildren spawn mulatto love children with Jayquan. You'll continue to do nothing but go back to bitching on forums after you kiss Shanoquefa and Trayvon Jaquandris Jr. goodnight.

Accept that you're a declining minority and just kys to help speed up the inevitable.

>> No.3407532

>le personel army xDDD

Consider suicide, you /b/-tier faggot

>> No.3407548

Just saying it like it is. If we lose, humanity loses.

>> No.3407562

Nice try, marketing team.

>> No.3407677
File: 271 KB, 916x1280, D16BD29E-AB2F-426E-88C3-D88BEECAA1DF-17136-0000209BAB10AA5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets called out for acting like a fucking brainless retard
>XD shill right guys LOL

>> No.3407683

imagine when the sjw cancer infects china or india, it's coming like in 100 years i have no doubt

>> No.3407703

>y-you don't like a borderless world?
>youre a fucking nazi bigot!

I really don't know or even care whether you're a retard, a literal cuck or a shill.

>> No.3407705

Understand this bro: 4chan is the early adopters of memes and of hate. The shit we say on here, normies are now starting to think it. Should the immigration situation quiets down, as it probably will, the normies go back to sleep. If no respect is paid tho and jews go along with their plan, then the tables will turn quickly and it's gonna be bad for everyone. Last time a white nation got shit on, a lot of peiple died. I guess they all looked like a bunch a good goys until hitler took power and the situation changed overnight. I guess nobody realized that those good goys weren't very honest in public.

>> No.3407708

>t.52% white
You can be sure we'll get to see you die first

>> No.3407763 [DELETED] 


Stop using the words the leftists want you to use. It's not hate to acknowledge the differences between the races and to protect and enjoy your own race. It's not hate to improve the genetics of humanity rather than worsen it.

>> No.3407776

this. he could have just simply done a non issue answer about making outreach to governments and demonstrating his tech. instead he spergs out and starting throwing insults. never invest in these kind of people.

>> No.3407781


Stop using the words the leftists want you to use. It's not hate to acknowledge the differences between the races and to protect and enjoy your own race. It's not hate to want to improve the genetics of humanity rather than worsen it.

>> No.3407826

>I browsed /pol/ for two months and think my opinions matter: the post

>> No.3407839

>oy vey goyum how dare you!! we own you!!!!

kill yourself

>> No.3407862
File: 15 KB, 180x239, 1464168313931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supporting white genocide
You poltards are hilarious.

>> No.3407868

Last time a white nation got shit on, mostly whites died. If you even try shit you'll be even more of a minority than you already are. Your days are numbered, just accept your fate.

>> No.3407891

We'll at least kill as many jews as we can.

>> No.3407895

>I literally can't go a single post without posting /pol/ buzzwords

Holy lmao what a depressing life

>> No.3407953

OP please aid the white genocide and KYS
Fucking /pol/tards are the cancer of this board

>> No.3407979
File: 247 KB, 480x480, I-SHOULD-HAVE-LISTENED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get angry at words people use on the internet

Pic is you right now.

>> No.3407994

why would I upvote a delusional racist writing nonsense?

>> No.3408012

Well, it's not exactly nonsense, but it is brainwashing via a distortion of the facts and fallacious reasoning. IF it were just nonsense, then why would so many susceptible minds be falling for it?

>> No.3408021
File: 40 KB, 468x293, 1495742240057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised /biz/ is not a board overtaken by /pol/ yet

every other board would get +95% replies downvoting the iota guy, but this thread showed mixed results

>> No.3408065

Ha, practically every board has become /pol/s bitch at some point. They have no respect for anyone or anything.

>> No.3408093


Fuck off shill

I don't even dwell this board and this fucking new age "we're totally down with you guys!" marketing-damage control is fucking annoying. What do you think, because you're a cool IOTA office guy it will make 4chan think getting swarmed with thirdworld shitters is cool now? You're fucking insane.

And regarding this topic, faggots like you are a good reason to become a racist too, because it's the only thing that drives you away from this place.

>> No.3408111

/POL/ thread is up


>> No.3408122

when you say no respect for anything surely you mean the jews, have no respect for anything right?

>> No.3408138

Yes, thank you! If you find this subject interesting, please direct your attention to that thread and don't let the door hit you on the way out. Bye now!

>> No.3408143

Are all poltards cucks?
They love to use that word, I bet they're projecting
I know only one poltard and he was cucked at one point
Is that the reason for all the heatred and the hopes for "gwnetic superiority"?
Is it a way of saying: "that nigga/spic/whateber buzzword might have gotten my girl, but in the end im reallt bettwr because of my ancestors?"

>> No.3408155

>Tries to post his shit in /pol/
>They aren't even giving a shit


>> No.3408206

I'd say there's a higher percentage of actual cucks on /pol/ compared to other boards.

They certainly do have an obsession with bbc over there. It's practically all they talk about.

>> No.3408209

wew lad get a grip

If you only knew about Israel and that they're importing immigrants to fill low requirement jobs, you would realise that if there was ever a zionist plan, it is long gone by now because even the "evil jews" you say have given up the plan for money

Europe is getting flooded with pajeets, mugabes and muhammads because they're overpopulating their countries and you're underpopulating yours, simple as that. Once they turn europe into a poor continent, they'll go to where the money will be.

Money moves the world, not ideology or religion. A bizraeli should know that, kek

>> No.3408250

>they're overpopulating their countries and you're underpopulating yours, simple as that. Once they turn europe into a poor continent, they'll go to where the money will be.

Yeah except that's the part that has never happened before and instead the shitters that planned it got shoved in the oven. They just need to be taught their place and things are already falling in place.

>> No.3408278

I know but normies don't think like this, they just chimp out.

>> No.3408288

>I'm agreeing with the Iota developer on something
That's a first. ... It's mildly reassuring to see that the guy is 100% a fuckwad. Props to him.

>> No.3408300

>It's mildly reassuring to see that the guy is 100% a fuckwad
... *isn't

>> No.3408312

It wasn't a lot of whites in percentage. Jews for one got decimated and desu that is what really matters. Also most of the people who died were commies.

>> No.3408346

Iunno, as far as I can tell whites, jews and chinks are objectively superior to other races.

>> No.3408347

thanks bought 100k

>> No.3408361

too late. your true feelings came out

>> No.3408378

Asians don't have enough empathy to make guilting them into self-destructive actions viable. Only whites are retarded enough to cheer on our own deaths, this is why Asians will rule the planet.

>> No.3408467

Reddit is literally unironically the worst place on the internet. There is no bigger group of fucking sensitive, pansy, morons that need to be gassed. If you even present an opposing view other than "omg this is the best friend we're all gonna get rich I love you man fuck my wife xD upboat plz oh god" you will get twenty negative votes.

Literally it's the dumbest system on the planet. Actual good information and debating gets downvoted instantly cause it hurts someones feelings. Wish every faggot on there got gassed.

>> No.3408642

>we are a neutral foundation
>except when it comes to white genocide

>> No.3408657

>Implying WW2 was the last time a white nation got fucked.
A bit high on the retard juice there eh whitey?

>> No.3408666
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>/pol/ doesn't care, thread dies

These gay fucking boycotts are exactly what SJWs pull off. You have become what you despise.

>> No.3408675
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>Are all poltards cucks?
In my experience it's the exact opposite

>> No.3408694

Boycotts existed long before SJWs, moron. They're a tactic used by all sides.

>> No.3408701

>Is this the board that spent their life savings on a bean
Not going to lie, that gave me a chuckle.

>> No.3408722

>all these r/the_donald posters ITT
Fucking kill yourselves redditards

>> No.3408737

White people have made the most deadly weaponry known to man. It's not going to be a numbers game in the coming war

>> No.3408740


Allright. Principles matter more then profits. Dumping this shit as we speak.

>> No.3408744


>> No.3408766

>wants to build permanent refugee cities in Europe
>wants to charge people for having the "wrong" opinion
I hope bad things happen to this man, his family, his technology and his investors.

>> No.3408779

Thank god please all of you go back there and stay there cheers

>muh downboats :((((

Such faggotry on my biz god damn sage

>> No.3408993

This. Even if you try to be civil, if you have an opposing view or ask too many questions, they're downvote you, give you an attitude, or at worst ban you. It's a huge Leftist circlejerk site.

>> No.3409574

salty chikun anyone can see

>> No.3409679
File: 14 KB, 238x192, 1459179996701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is a white nationalist
>he buys globalist jewcoins

How can people be so retarded? It's like they don't even realize how hypocritical they are..

>> No.3409691

>refugee cities
Nice! Just sold 100k

>> No.3409712

>le /pol/ amiright?