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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3404339 No.3404339 [Reply] [Original]

Another hot and sunny day with nothing to do in London and I can't stand staying inside because it's like admitting my 20s are wasted and I'm a social failure. And I'll go outside but feel bad seeing all the Chads and Staceys.

And if I stay inside I'll just feel like I have to read shitloads of boring old books. That sums up everything. Even if I had friends it would represent another hierarchy that I would be pressured to climb under threats of humiliation.

I spend too much time browsing the internet but I think it's safe to say it's the best social life I'll ever have.

>aged 26
>no friends or social life since 18
>no female attention ever
>went through university with zero social experiences
>became the loner nobody talks to within two days of my current job
>never been to pub, club, or party
>missed out on all the 16 - 22 formative social experiences that people look back on fondly (teen crushes, school prom, school dances, university fresher's week, any sort of relationships at all)
>know that women all have 5000 tinder matches and think the average male is ugly; seeing attractive women everywhere is demoralising
>feel completely bitter and detached from others due to being an ugly subhuman; lifting weights did nothing

>> No.3404347

Go rockclimbing.

>> No.3404360

become rich
Also, nice blog

>> No.3404364
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just kys faggot

>> No.3404376

You missed out on ARK I suppose? :)

>> No.3404377

Buy BitBean it'll make you feel better Anon.

>> No.3404387

No bullshit, go to a barbell gym and start browsing fit. My life honestly got a lot better after I started getting back into lifting. It helps you become the best version of yourself. Also if you're so into old books, read "How to Win Friends and Influence People", it will help you understand how to interact with th Chads and Stacys of the world.

Honestly, all of this shit is in your own head. You're the one putting yourself in this place of despair. Your life isn't over anon, if you are somewhat health you have ~74 more years to live. Go out there get fit, learn how to interact with people, and be happy my friend.

We're all gonna make it bro.

>> No.3404395

Listen you faggot, DO SOMETHING! Go out there and do something for fucks sake. Take action, build your knowledge, try out stand-up comedy or something, talk with women you loser. The reason that you feel like shit because deep down you know you are literally wasting your life by refreshing /biz/. Stop thinking about what others are doing ("missed out on all the 16 - 22 formative social experiences that people look back on fondly " -WTF dude, you literally seem to think that real life is a movie?), don't go to social media and just fucking improve yourself you sad sack of shit.

>> No.3404410

How can you not find something to do in London?
>Another hot and sunny day
I hope it stays that way, i'm going to proms in the park later

>> No.3404589

Do you have anything you'd like to do? Why don't you do that?

>> No.3404596

do you browse lookism? sound like a user i knew there

>> No.3404598


>> No.3404606

hot and sunny day in london......

>> No.3404611

Go and take your laptop to a cafe or a park or something.

>> No.3404621

Go fishing

>> No.3404644

get the fuck off /biz/ loser.
Am i the only chad that browses this board?

>> No.3404670


>> No.3404676

read some whitepapers

>> No.3404682

That describes me almost exactly. I live in a different country otherwise we could be friends.

>> No.3404755

Why did you allow yourself to become such a fucking tragedy of a person

>never been to pub

Its literally right down the fucking street you autist

>> No.3404772

>another biztard in my city
Does /biz/ have meets?

>> No.3404940

You must be a child of incest

>> No.3404968


>> No.3405015

all rockclimbing places i can find require 2 people (1 person to handle the ropes), so kinda need friends for that

>> No.3405215

I do not miss being 20 at all.
The only good thing about being in your 20's is chick's are hot and want to fuck for no reason and not cling to you for the rest of your life.
Other than that it's a decade of indecision, uncertainty, anxiety and the feeling that your need to live up to some imaginary expecting of what you shoukd be doing.
Oh yeah and being scared shitless that you won't have your life as together as it "should be" by the time your thirty.
Fuck all that shit.

>> No.3405247

>And if I stay inside I'll just feel like I have to read shitloads of boring old books.
Is this a troll lmao who feels obligated to read fucking books still? I genuinely cannot understand how you come up with all this imaginary societal pressure to drown yourself in. Literally just do whatever the fuck you want. How is that a difficult thing for people to do?

>> No.3405287

I can sell you ! Million Ohmni

That will get you some pussy

>> No.3405300

I get it though. Being young and living in a really expensive city is harder socially then people think. The problem is that most young people can't afford these insanely priced cities anymore and the ones that can normally have really rich parents. But they usually have really shitty and shallow personalities so anyone with substance in a place like that will be very lonely.

>> No.3405349

Stop jerking off. Eat no meat or dairy. Work out or run. Join or start a social group that brings singles together. And for ffs go have fun.

Youre depressed because your diet is probably garbage. Most peoples diet is absolute shit and everything suffers from it.

>> No.3405373

I'm 23 and live in an expensive city. Half of my 55k salary goes to rent. I have social anxiety and life experiences very similar to OP's. (No GF ever, got pity sex from a friend 1 time in my life). But I still feel absolutely 0 societal pressure to spend my team reading fucking books of all things. If anything, my complete lack of friends makes it very easy to spend my time on personal hobbies (crypto, guitar, programming).

>> No.3405432

OP, your list of complaints if basically a roundabout way of complaining that you aren't getting laid. When you're getting laid, none of that other bullshit on your list matters. When you have pussy, going to pubs and even having a social life is not important.

I say this as a kind of chad/non-chad hybrid who can relate to most of the things on your list, even to this day (I seriously hate summer and going outside if I'm not getting laid,and I'm looking forward to a long, cold winter). The chad part is from developing a nice physique and leveraging that to fuck a bunch of sluts on Tinder.

Knowing how you are (and I do, since you're basically a younger, slightly worse version of me), I highly recommend you forget about most of the bullshit on your list and do the following:

a) Hit the gym HARD, and never stop. Make it a priority in your life, and get a personal trainer if you can afford it.

b) Make serious bank, via crypto or any other way.

Do that and the rest will eventually sort itself out. Good luck.

>> No.3405438
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Cards are dealt at birth. If you aren't good looking it's over.

Good news is, we can get rich from holding 21 BTC and in 5 years we can fuck 1 hot escort per day, this is the best outcome for sub8's.

We can also hop by with our lambos in front of the normie workforces and show off a hot blonde.

>> No.3405442


Fuck off vegan.

>> No.3405443

>Youre depressed because your diet is probably garbage. Most peoples diet is absolute shit and everything suffers from it.
Also this. Start eating clean.

>> No.3405456
File: 100 KB, 1243x1059, bone law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the shitty advice on this thread changes your bones in order to be attractive to prime 8/10+ Stacies.

>> No.3405689


is there a way to improve bone density after puberty? I don't think so.

>> No.3405748

An Hero before it gets any worse.

>> No.3405978

>get a personal trainer if you can afford it.
Just go to /fit/, the sticky has all you need.

>> No.3406048

Chad bro with active social life reporting in (although crypto crippled some parts of that)

>never been to a pub, club, party
Dude just go. Get wasted before you go if you are too shy. That's literally what those places are made for. (Maybe go to a bar in the student area rather than a posh or tourist place)

>> No.3406055

A trainer is useful not so much for the knowledge, but rather because it forces you to be disciplined. You can't fuck around when there's someone setting goals and keeping you accountable, and you'll never work out as hard in the gym as when you've got someone behind you yelling GO!

A nice physique will seriously boost your chances, anon.

>> No.3406060
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You need a kick in the balls. I use to be like you until I was exactly 26. I'm 35 now and if I knew then what I know now I would have never been that way. The world is your playground get out there kid.

>> No.3406109

>Dude just go. Get wasted before you go if you are too shy. That's literally what those places are made for.
This isn't useful advice. The goal is to get laid. Going out to bars and getting smashed on the regular won't get most guys laid that often, on the off chance that it does, it won't be that great anyway because you're smashed, and it will seriously set back your fitness (which actually can get you laid, regularly and systematically), your health in general, and your wallet. The bar/club/party meme needs to die.

>> No.3406202
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>getting laid will solve all of your problems and instantly make you happy

>> No.3406255

>chick's are hot and want to fuck for no reason and not cling to you for the rest of your life
this is absolutely untrue by the time they graduate college

a VERY tiny minority of them have a normal BMI through their 20's

>> No.3406322

You have your life ahead of you anon. Go out there buddy. Are you halfway decent looking?

>> No.3406338

Na man, go bouldering. It's climbing without using ropes. Awesome and taking off everywhere. Solo sport, can relax your mind and isn't pointless shit like lifting. Do it man, you'll love it.

>> No.3406786

Getting laid is the biggest self-esteem booster in history

OP save up some money and go fuck some prostitute. It'll give you new confidence you never knew you had.

>> No.3406807

install tinder app and put a screenshot of your blockfolio for display pic?

>> No.3406842

You need connection with nature. Seek out the parks, then the forests. Find a dog or a cat. Eventually you'll find other people who are seeking refuge there, and your life will change.

>> No.3406861

Lifting weights improves bone density

>> No.3406943
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>basically me
>doesn't bother me
Am I alone in this line of thinking? Most people I meet are some mixture of dumb, annoying and arrogant. The ones who stand out as not having these traits in excess I hold on to and build a relationship.
Since you're here on /biz/ I assume you're a bit odd. Have you considered trying to make friends/meet people with similar mindsets and interests? The average way of life is kinda a meme and really a waste as well.
Chad and Stacey eventually grow old and can't party anymore. Then they have to reckon with the lost time they spent partying and play catch-up when it comes to things like their financial future, getting jobs, learning new things. Suddenly drunken weekends and meaningless young relationships are not so important.
It seems like you're searching for happiness in all this stuff (protip: so is chad and stacey), are you sure you'll find it there?

>> No.3408054

>isn't pointless shit like lifting

implying that free climbing plastic walls has any world value LMAO bouldering is for fucking autists, just go to the gym you weak bitch