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3403272 No.3403272 [Reply] [Original]


when my boss keeps disturbing me on saturday and sunday to make minor changes to the program, how should i respond?

And it seems he still does not sleep even at 2 PM.

Does this mean he is insane?

>> No.3403280

He's just lonely and wants someone to talk with.

>> No.3403297


no, he use LINE on saturday and sunday asking for minor changes for the last 3 weeks. Usually he is not like this.

Is it sign of struggling company or the boss is becoming an asshole?

>> No.3403318

Means if you do the work, you're his bitch.

>> No.3403343

Make the program right the first time.

>> No.3403344


>> No.3403351

>And it seems he still does not sleep even at 2 PM

>> No.3403378
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"Hey boss, I'd like to talk to you about how to get better performance from me"

Sum up the what has been happening from HIS point of view. That he needs code changes, and they are important. Make it clear you understand WHY he calls you at all hours. Intimate that you admire his hard work.

Then, AND ONLY THEN, after he knows you understand his point of view, ask him to consider your point of view. Ask if he think it is fair to have your weekend interrupted. Ask him what he wants you to have in the way of private time, for a solid and happy business relationship

As a last resort, explain to him that you are going to stop answering his calls on the weekend, because you don't think it is fair to be interrupted on private time.

But hint that he might be able to make things fair, some to a mutually beneficial arrangement. Hint he could maybe offer... a small after-hours call-out fee, to make it fair to interrupt your weekend.

Negotiate a price for this that you think the interruption is worth, and that he thinks is still a good deal to get the work done.

In the end, if he calls less, fine.

If he sees it as an license to call more and just pay the fee, make sure you set the fee high enough to rake in the money.

When setting your price, look at past history. how long do these code changes usually take. How much is your overtime worth? 1.5x your normal hourly rate? 2x?

Deal, gently, and seduce your boss into paying you more for you valuable services

>> No.3403392


or better idea, hire more programmers.

>> No.3403399


the thing is, he does not pay overtime.

>> No.3403438
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And you... accept this?

What will he do when it is gently explained to him, by you, that if he does not pay, you will not work, till Monday?

>> No.3403443

You're overthinking it. Just let it go to voicemail and deal with it at a more appropriate time. He'll get the message as soon as OP stops being a pussy

>> No.3403451

This, he is testing you and you are failing. Say no.

>> No.3403457


i live in a third world country where getting wage that i am getting right now is not really that easy. It can take me at least 2-3 weeks. I live paycheck to paycheck.

He will probably just be an asshole and start making a scene like "don't go home until you can finish this", If he does that, it will pretty much means i will get angry and there goes my job.

>> No.3403464


how is he testing me? you are sure he is not just being an asshole / crazy?

>> No.3403466
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I think that is missing a golden opportunity to rake in the dough. Such passive aggression is seldom rewarded.

Better to grasp the win-win opportunity, and guide the boss through a mutually beneficial negotiation.

>> No.3403480

He is seeing if you have balls, if you don't he has cheap labor, if you do he has a potential manager.

>> No.3403489


potential manager? if anything, i avoid higher position with this Boss if it means i get disturbed in my free time.

I prefer comfy 9-5 senior programmer than managing chimpanzees and gets called at night, not to mention the target sale / KPI shit.

>> No.3403490


you ask if it's an emergency and if he says yes then you look at the problem at if it isnt an emergency then you dont do it.
if it is, you do it.

>> No.3403509


it is mostly small changes that takes 5 - 15 minutes.

Some are emergencies, some are minor changes.

But last week really jogging my nogging when he asks me to work on saturday and sunday to finish some feature. I just shut my phone and on Monday i told him i have no internet connection because i was away from home the entire day.

The next week he does it again. And now he does it again.

This is new, i worked with him for almost 1 year 3 months, only recently he is becoming like this.

My feeling is that the new vice president (hired last month) gives him bad advice to "make the employees more productive".

>> No.3403567

Finding suitable programmer is complete pain the ass. Are you easily replaceable? If no grow some balls your boss will get the message, if yes also grow some balls while look for other job opening if he still being ass.

>> No.3403639


not replaceable because the program is built entirely by myself. I am full-stack.

But for me to find another job with my current salary takes some luck and at least 2-3 weeks. I live paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.3403646


Please share some insight why Boss would do this?

struggling company to the point he wants to maximize productivity? insanity? or just insane to the point he wants to bother his employees?

>> No.3403740

Being that cucked. I don't move a fucking finger outside office hours unless proper compensation is first agreed upon, e.g. 3x hourly pay

>> No.3403809


I absolutely help out in an emergency, do you not know what an emergency is?

>> No.3404010


nice try James.

>> No.3404345

Programmer is one of most highest paid out there. What kind of lifestyle do you have? I offered entry level programmer same salary with senior level staffs and fucking kid still have gall to refuse citing "not enough challenge". God fucking damn it.

Some just obsessed, some just want to appear workaholic.

OP, did your boss called at midnight? Are you sure he was not just being drunk? Trust me if he has an ounce of sense he won't even mention if you dont pick up the phone.

>> No.3404373

>Pajeet: yes sir I will implement the changes right away

Pick a path

>> No.3404419

If you work for nothing you are no better than a slave. Tell him every time he calls you outside of work hours you want 4x your normal rate of pay. Stop being a pussy ass nigger.

>> No.3405410

This girl is Asian.