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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3394233 No.3394233 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you've browsed /biz/ long enough to immediately sniff out bullshit as soon as you see it
Protip for newfags. 95% of ICO threads you see being shilled on here are created by the dev of that coin. As soon as a sucker on /biz/ falls for their scam ICO, they will create threads about it 24/7 to feel good about their investment. This causes a chain reaction where 6 threads about the same ICO will be active at the same time, simulating that there's organic interest in the coin. Don't fall for scam artists promising you "free money".

>> No.3394262

Another protip: that guy saying he's a 23 year old millionaire? He isn't.

Another: that guy saying he worked 40 hours while going to school and running his own business to make you feel lazy? He didn't do that. He's Live Action Role Playing, which faggots love to do on /biz/.

You're welcome.

>> No.3394304

Another protip: that guy that says he's got /biz/ all figured out, doesn't.

>> No.3394330

Another pro tip, if you bought at ATH also buy dip, chancing of recovering losses are increased if you do this since you only need to rise between dip and ATH

>> No.3394338

Another protip: that guy that says he's got that guy that says he's got /biz/ all figured out all figured out, doesn't.

>> No.3394351

comfy tier protip: make monthly deposits into your exchange accounts and execute buy orders immediately. it will have the same effect but you wont have to worry about whether you bougjt at ATH or bought a dip

>> No.3394352

hopefully my tag isnt green

>> No.3394354

Another protip: People who talk as if they understand a coin inside and out, and present persistent strawman arguments that they market as fool-proof defense for NOT investing are professional FUDers or whales trying to make sure you stay ignorant. Buy in and ignore the bullshit. SO LONG AS IT STILL HAS A RATIONAL USE-CASE AND POTENTIAL.

>> No.3394358

Another protip: sell all your coins and wait out the storm to come, buy back in when everyone has been slaughtered

>> No.3394369

legit kek

>> No.3394370

extra protip: that guy that says he's got that guy that says he's got that guy that says he's got /biz/ all figured out all figured out all figured out, doesn't.

source: I am 23 years old crypto millionaire living off bitcoin I bought for 11 sats

>> No.3394378

Another protip: learn Python

>> No.3394382


>> No.3394407


>Bought bitcoin for 11 says

That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works.

>> No.3394409
File: 16 KB, 384x216, phelps-bong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, pepe.

>> No.3394447
File: 70 KB, 620x413, Bez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought bitcoin when it was worth 11 sats
ok you made me laugh faggot

>> No.3395160

So that is the full form of larp

>> No.3395174

The thing is this chain reaction also causes a pump

>> No.3395190

Fuck this id is closest to my name

>> No.3395202

tfw bought 100 btc at 50 vitaliks

>> No.3395228

I hope the obsidian devs can see this

>> No.3395238

I'm new but has anything ever been more shilled than WaltonCoin? Those have me laughing by now

>> No.3395244

I'll give you 100k sats per BTC right now, why be a millionare when you could be a billionare.

>> No.3395256

Kenneth, is that you?

>> No.3395364

Another Protip, its not gay if hes dressed like a girl

>> No.3395437

In the /biz/raeli meeting after we all made it Do NOT EAT THE BROWNIES

>> No.3395533
File: 27 KB, 260x162, subway_jared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: fuck your mother if you want fuck

>> No.3396353

the sentence below this is false.
protip: the sentence above this is true.