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3389273 No.3389273 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that moons are over.

Reminder that crypto is mainstream.

Reminder that governments will regulate crypto and/or 'compete' (by force) with established crypto with their own crypto within months.

Reminder that chinks have been taking you for a ride this whole time.

Reminder that the only sensible strategy is to BUY AND HODL a reasonably diversified portfolio leaning in-favor of blue chip cryptos like BTC and ETH.

This is your final reminder.

>> No.3389297

reminder that op is a fag

>> No.3389303
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>> No.3389308

HODL doesn't make sense if governments decide to compete or the chinks decide to act up.

I've been expecting everything to crash and burn since BTC hit 5000

>> No.3389307

>blue chip cryptos
fuck off, boomer fag

>> No.3389315

Crypto will be mainstream when it reaches 1t marketcap

>> No.3389335

>crypto is mainstream
>market cap isnt even 1 trillion
>normies dont even know what a "bitcoin" is


>> No.3389340

buy neo yesterday made 40%
buy omg yesterday made 35%

>moons r over guyz

>> No.3389372

>HODL doesn't make sense if governments decide to compete or the chinks decide to act up.

I'm assuming you didn't bet the house on crypto and only put in a sensible amount, like 5%, since it is a speculation not an investment.

Mainstream doesn't mean you can buy a bottle of water with it on a street corner in Rwanda, it means it is used by and/or has the attention of the people that matter i.e. big finance and big government.

>> No.3389388
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Even if governments get into crypto and normies switch over, darknet markets still need something actually private. Zcash and monero aren't going anywhere.

>> No.3389414

>speculation not an investment.

you have 10 seconds to define precisely the difference

>> No.3389430
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>> No.3389436

Idiot. The crypto market cap is still tiny. Go ahead sell, we don't need your $300 from your mothers credit card.

>> No.3389475

BTC & maybe ETH/LTC are 'mainstream'.
But Altcoins are definitely NOT on normies' radar

>> No.3389579

Let me sort of flip this on its head for you guys.

We don't know who created Bitcoin, but it's an electronic currency where every coin transaction is fully traceable, the U.S. swiftly did everything it could in order to force you to purchase the coins by traceable means, but even if you purchase coins in person, then you're still more traceable by the government than if it was in USD. The biggest buyer of US debt are the Chinese, the biggest buyers of bitcoins are the Chinese, drug dealers & terrorists were told to use bitcoin because it couldn't be easily traced.. Satoshi is just codeword for a U.S. project that's meant to fully map out the financial habits of a large population. What happens if bitcoin becomes so large that it's used in place of entire nation's capital supplies? Then what happens whenever the U.S. government, which holds some sort of bitcoin skeleton key, siphons the entire nation's supply of bitcoins in under a second? That's a deadlier weapon to use than a hydrogen bomb.

>> No.3389760
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Pic related.

They will just be made illegal. There is no way to acquire them without leaving a trail.

>> No.3390148
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This is probably a little outdated but we're still the innovators, only now we're edging the next phase which means the real progress hasn't even begun.

>> No.3390363

With the August crypto harvest we've seen last month, I'd say we are in the early adopters phase.

Most normies are stupid though and they are slow to catch on, I'm planning on cashing out most of my crypto before 2022.

>> No.3390471

Can you not launder your bitcoin through Monero and break the trace that way?

>> No.3390824

well this was dumb.

>> No.3391257

What happens in the chasm? A crash or does it justvtrade sideways for a while?

>> No.3392114

there is.
you can mine monero.

>> No.3392495

i have no doubt bitcoin was created by a non-governmental entity, maybe even one person (so called nakamoto), and i have a feeling that the reason we do not know his identity is because not only is he smart enough to envision such a system, he is smart enough to envision how terribly, terribly wrong it can go - and not necessarily economically, but ethically. i can imagine the masses wanting his head on a pike in a few decades time

>> No.3392562

it has no worth if it cannot be transformed into fiat

>> No.3392573


I dont give a fuck. Post more of this qt

>> No.3392685
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regulation is going to make us millionaires

as long as your hands are strong enough (but most of yours look like this)

>> No.3392831

Reminder that only 16.4m BTC wallets have been created and almost everyone has multiple. And that some exchanges like coinbase create new wallets every time you send or receive btc. So 4m unique btc holders is pretty reasonable. Nice FUD but I don't think 4m out of 7.5b is mainstream by any definition.

>> No.3392928

>Mainstream doesn't mean you can buy a bottle of water with it on a street corner in Rwanda, it means it is used by and/or has the attention of the people that matter i.e. big finance and big government.
No, that's smart money. Mainstream is when the average middle aged consumer knows about it. What are you talking about?

>> No.3393010

We are as far from mainstream as we are from flying into space without being a fucking astronaut.

Hearing about crypto is not the same as buying it.

How many people actually bought some crypto after seeing it on the news.

Those delusional normies here think they are mainstream now.
No, you just stumbled into a golden cave, so use it to your advantage. Once in your life you're ahead of everyone, dumbshits.

>> No.3393064

>Hearing about crypto is not the same as buying it.
This as well. Bitcoin won't be "mainstream" for years. There are quite a few stages that need to occur first.
1. companies are already starting to adopt (albeit only a few, but it's a start) card readers for crypto cards like MCO, PAY, etc. Once your average dollar store or 7/11 has these capabilities, that's a strong sign.
2. Regulations on industry finance investing in crypto becoming far more accurate and less vague/"legally grey"
3. consumers holding bitcoin either simply as a form of currency, like holding a checking account, or as a long term investment.
4. normies actually fucking knowing what bitcoin is.

>> No.3393495


>> No.3393524
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