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File: 22 KB, 265x400, the-last-iota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3388102 No.3388102 [Reply] [Original]

Iota newly hired world class marketer, Jeremy Epstein, calls out the bullshit of this article

Threatens libel suit


>> No.3388290
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>> No.3388344

Just looked up this book on Amazon
>an untraceable virtual currency called iotas, used by drug dealers and terrorist networks


>> No.3388354
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>> No.3388386
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Books from the 90s

Those dubs

>> No.3388396
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>> No.3388525
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>> No.3388567
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that kike hasn't been on the payroll a week and he's already suing street shitters for their lies. IOTA truly is the final solution to the blockchain problem.

heil IOTA!

heil victory!

>> No.3388619
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That guy is fucking butthurt over this:

>“In 2017, leaving your crypto algorithm vulnerable to differential cryptanalysis is a rookie mistake. It says that no one of any calibre analyzed their system, and that the odds that their fix makes the system secure is low,” states Bruce Schneier, renowned security technologist, about IOTA when we shared our attack.

>> No.3388651
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The stuff in the article is fucking point-and-laugh tier stupidity on the part of the IOTA devs, and the IOTA devs believe their own bullshit it seems.

They made their own (insecure as fuck to standard decades-old attacks) hash algorithm. And there's great quotes from the IOTA devs talking about how they talked to the Keccak (SHA-3, the new standard hashing algorithm) team about their hashing algorithm.

This is like a fucking cripple talking about how they're going to make it in the NBA and how they supposedly got tutored by Michael Jordan when they can't even manage to throw the ball toward the hoop. And they threaten to sue someone who points that out. My sides are on a moon mission now.

>> No.3388717

All you ever talk about is going to the moon pajeet. Focus on learning how to use the potty first. Baby steps.

>> No.3388964
File: 114 KB, 671x561, iota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I guess IOTA bagholders won't find this as fucking funny as I do.

>> No.3389017

What is the boner that the IOTA team has with ternary? I always thought this was a joke.

I also fucking bought IOTA at $0.33, sold cause the massive tera-iota holders scared me off, and then re bought at $0.85 and have been losing money ever since. My worst trade in crypto so far

>> No.3389415
File: 15 KB, 310x288, blblblblbrblblrlbblblb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything from them is so damn buzzword heavy. I can write off most of it as marketing nonsense ... but ternary is nonsense they're actually trying to execute on. The nonsense isn't just coming from the marketing.

>> No.3389537

In theory ternary systems are more efficient

>> No.3389597

Can some1 sum me up why iota dropped so hard? security problems or sth?

>> No.3389618

no theyre just getting called on their bs

>> No.3389686

Cunt writes a clickbait-y article about how iota is the worst thing since David Hasselhoff's singing career. Then casually mentions 'Tehe btw, this has been patched for a month now guise'. Social media FUD ensues.

Sure, the devs were stupid to not use a tried and true method but ffs it's it has been patched FOR A MONTH NOW.

People from the IOTA Team defends the project. White knights attack them for calling the researcher on her bullshit. Btw everyone pushes their own agenda, so i would suggest that you read both articles and draw your own conclusions.

>> No.3389699

Wow. kind Anon. thanks for the clarificiation. I will dig into the stories.

>> No.3389762


>> No.3390357

someone should sue the devs

>> No.3390369

into the trash

>> No.3390669

>the code is not open source
Why do people invest in this?

>> No.3390693

Why do people invest in apple?

>> No.3391048

those bagholder shilling tactics

>> No.3391835

Price went from .65 to .60 already back at .625

The market realizes its nothing. Go fuck yourself, Iota will crush your puny altcoins

>> No.3391909

Because they make hardware and sell it.

IOTA just have insecure software.

>> No.3391959

this is funny. but the guy is still borderline tard