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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3381565 No.3381565 [Reply] [Original]

Getting tired of seeing this shit shilled here everyday. I know you have bags and expect some short term profit, but there are people here that actually want to buy something legit and in long term and BAT sure as shit isn't a contender.

I tried using reason in a thread yesterday, but no one addresed any of my points, so I'll try again to explain it in your own language.

Scenario 1
BAT team: Hello Mr. Publisher, would you like to earn advertising money?
Publisher: hell yeah, man!
BAT team: here, use our shit
Publisher: how does it work?
BAT team: well, you will earn money only if the users on your site use our shitty browser or they have this chrome extension. That should be like 0.5% of your user base.
Publisher: oh...gee thanks, guess I'll stick to Ad Sense or any other ad network that allows me to show adds to 100% of my users.

Scenario 2
BAT team: hey mr. Advertiser would you like to buy ads from our network? We have this cool tech that rewards attention and shit.
Advertiser: nice, this is some next level shit. I'd like to target females, age 25-35, interested in fashion and some other girly stuff.
BAT team: oh sorry, you can only target neckbeards that use our browser or our chrome extension.
Advertiser: oooh...in the trash it goes then.