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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3379684 No.3379684 [Reply] [Original]

Where is she? I'm worried about her ;_;
I just wanted to thank her for giving me some ICO tips. With her advice I bought my very first ico (Chain link) :D Im not sure what it does but I trust her advice. Anyway, I hope you are well.

Ps i think you are purrty (my mental image of you :3)

>> No.3379697

i mean its prob a dude in his 20s btw

>> No.3379701


>> No.3379706
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What ever happened to DGB Chan?

>> No.3379707

u r absolutely fucked in the head m8

>> No.3379710

Unironically kys

>> No.3379722

What about those embers? Fucking weeaboo.

>> No.3379847

what if it's some 60 year old guy trolling us

>> No.3379853

anime website

>> No.3379865

I'll bet money it is Ian Balina

>> No.3379893

Its a girl, i heared her in voice chat b4

>> No.3379911

You mean a trap, right? There are no girls here

>> No.3379921

There are no girls on the internet, let alone 4 chan, let alone /biz/, let alone cryptocurrency.

>> No.3379928

>le no girl memes
If its a trap then damn that voice is super femine

>> No.3379943

it's cryptonigger

all he does is run pump and dump scams

fuck you animechan and cryptonigger

>> No.3379947


Looks like we have a fucking child in our midst.

>> No.3379953
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>> No.3379964

>doesn't know about voice mods
You get on 4chan this summer?

>> No.3379969

>Anime-chan:"MBRS is a long term hold"

>> No.3379972

Anime Chan is a girl

I have proof

>> No.3379978

post tits

>> No.3379987

>no analytic ability
>all she can do is facts

>> No.3380594

You guys realise that anime chan is satoshi nakimoto right? Like is that not obvious?

>> No.3380665

Anime-chan is a girl to me, it less stress.

>> No.3380702

fuck that piece of shit, all he ever does is spam discords, meanwhile anime-chan actually gives good advice, not 'hurr-durr buy this ICO cuz the developers are chads'

>> No.3380706
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what discord? pls

>> No.3380845

Invite only

>> No.3380926

Dunois is a cool guy. He does a ton of research and doesn't expect anything back for it.
Animu, if you're reading this, 안녕하세요! Should let you know who I am.

>> No.3381031
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>> No.3381032


>> No.3381069


>not having her eth wallet bookmarked.

All dat OMG...

>> No.3381114
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*Hai hai!~*

Sorry, there was a cable outage at my place! I spent my morning reading a book and catching up on minor chores.

As for ICO pitches, I'm going through a list of promising stuff and sorting out the good and the bad. Most are long-term things and/or still missing white papers, and not much is happening soon (ie, within two weeks). Plus most of my pitches are long-term holds (3 to 6 months if not longer) which /biz/ is not used to.

But there *IS* something that landed on my desk that is short term.

Decentraland (basically a virtual Second Life that is also a DNT district) held its ICO last month on the 18th for its token, MANA. A lot of people wanted to buy in, including whales. It sold out within minutes and left a lot of people here on /biz/ upset.

HOWEVER, because of the People's Bank of China ruling, they're going to be refunding Chinese ICO investors. That means that their loss is your gain, and we might have an opportunity to buy up some MANA and flip it (or hold it long term if you believe in the project. Check it out!) when it starts trading on the 15th (the same day as the Kyber ICO, if I'm not mistaken).

The blog post above details the process. There is a white list, so you need to get invited to their slack between now and the 10th (Sunday).

>> No.3381158



>> No.3381174

are you a girl?

>> No.3381186
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>50 SMUG

>> No.3381198


>> No.3381229

Post pics of your flat Asian chest as proof that you're a girl

>> No.3381288
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>> No.3381346


>> No.3381363


>> No.3381385
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>> No.3381606


With your long term holds do you still sell a portion when it initially moons?

>> No.3381622
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I will not answering any questions about my gender. I'd like to stay focused on the crypto.

And no, I'm not Ian Balina. Unlike him, I'm willing to give people advice for free and am into long-term holds, not quick flips that will die out when the bubble pops.

>> No.3381639

Explain all this bullshit going on with MBRS

>> No.3381655
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can you send me one please?

>> No.3381666

I love you anon, thanks for all the info

>> No.3381757

Please fuck off to r9k or somewhere

/biz/ is my safe space from e dramas and personality worship

>> No.3381785

what bullshit?

>> No.3381814


He didn't go 20x on a "long term hold". Obviously anime chan is a fraud.

>> No.3381827

The thing where the dev team accidently sent one fucking guy 60million DOM tokens by accident and caused the price to tank over 60%

>> No.3381835

Do you got twitter so I can follow you? I made serious money with DGB thanks to you.

>> No.3381851

that price dip was not due to this fuckup, just one whale realised profits, because we pumped the price

>> No.3381876

She said to buy ANT too. Check the archives I'm not even kidding.

>> No.3381879

asterisk wars sucks

>> No.3381932
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My usual strategy is stock up on something, hold until its around 4x to 5x, sell a chunk to recoup my investment (plus some profit) to put into other projects, then hold the rest long term.

We're only in the relative start of the blockchain business. Now is a good time to buy platforms and protocols and hold onto them for 2 years. The winners will come out rich.The main worry at the moment though is that everyone is a flipping frenzy, which is usually a sign of a bubble (remember how everyone wanted to flip real estate leading up to '07 and '08?).

Numerous things, but it'll paint the broad strokes
>people dumped a lot of MBRS after the snapshot because a) they only wanted to hold until they got the free tokens, b) DOM is the most valuable of the airdropped tokens, and c) lock in some gains
>the main dev is still testing a project called SlipStream (we'll get the token for that, SLIP, in a later airdrop) that is supposed to facilitate airdrops themselves. In fact, the airdrops we're getting are part of the research/testing/debugging process
>the main dev discovered one of those "the-system-worked-as-intended-but-still-caused-an-error" bugs where someone was accidentally sent twice as much DOM as they were supposed to get
>it was a substantial amount
>he politely asked the guy to send it back within a given time frame or else he'd just reissue DOM from a new contract
>no response
>decided to go forward with the new contract, was going to do it yesterday
>some idiot in the Telegram mistakenly sent all his MBRS to the contract address, thereby delaying the entire process
>FINALLY, DOM is being distributed today

>> No.3381972


I see, do you cash some out in fiat or hold some in Bitcoin or just go all in on new platforms?

>> No.3382014

so.......its time to buy ember?

>> No.3382061

yes, but it will take a while for it to launch on moon

>> No.3382099

What abt obsidian?

>> No.3382119
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>in other news, the main dev is now a strategic advisor to the guys building Autonio: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2138049.0
>its a separate ICO for an AI Trading Bot with Automated Token Distribution (via SlipStream), as well as an algorithm design and testing platform with ratings and trading of said algorithms. Initial hardcap of $10 million (I think).
>both ecosystems are supposed to interact in the future
>also, the guys who made Autonio's nifty website have begun working on MBRS' new website

....and I think that about wraps most of it up. If it wasn't for all the ICOs going on (Enigma, Blackmoon, Kyber, Decentraland again, more later), I'd be buying up more MBRS for the long-term. We're still a month out or so from the MVP (minimum viable product) and limited beta. The spring should see the transition to their own blockchain, version 1.0 release for various platforms (Windows, iOS, Android, etc). I didn't expect super fast gains from this and I'm still holding of my MBRS.

As for short term gains (which most people want, especially since everyone wants another 0x-style 10x ASAP), I've heard that some people did indeed flip MBRS while it was hot. However, a lot of expectations were tied up with a Bittrex listing. That was on track but then the SEC came in and put all the exchanges on notice (you may have noticed that Bittrex hasn't added anyone in quite awhile and others have been slow). So now I think I must say that we'll be holding on for awhile, barring any new sudden news that sets off a frenzy.

I hold some BTC, but I'm thinking of either putting it into new platforms/protocols or just ETH. With Metropolis coming out relatively soon (next month I think?), it should see a nice bump.

It's on track, isn't it?

>> No.3382125

Is OMG going to moon soon?

>> No.3382133

I have 40k odn and plan on holding how many x do u think it has?

>> No.3382256

At this point I treat OMG as the crypto equivalent of a blue chip. Solid growth (though faster than a stock of course) for the foreseeable future, as it is tied to a reliable company. It's a really comfy hold.

I plan on buying more ODN to push up my total to around 50k.

As for the timeline for growth, I think people on /biz/ have as of recently been vastly overestimating how quickly it will grow. Remember: trading volume doesn't add value, actual developments do. So I want to see the messenger do well, new strategic partnerships be announced, and more apps be built.

That said, I stand by my thesis that blockchain platforms tend to reach between $1 to $2 (and more long term) before too long, especially if they're being used. So if people bought during the pre-sale and ICO (between $0.08 and $0.15 I think it was, depending on the bonus), I'd say a nice amount in the future. One has to be patient though.

>> No.3382357


I like you, but saying platform coins tend to reach $1-2 is strange. It doesn't take coin supply into account at all. In the case of ODN and MBRS I can see it happening, but as a rule of thumb it's just wrong.

>> No.3382431

is MBRS an ERC 20 token?
can i send it to myetherwallet?

>> No.3382469

WIll you still put money into Kyber with the 35k applicants enrolled? That pretty much guarantees a low individual cap

>> No.3382491


>> No.3382502

its ERC20 for now

>> No.3382739


>> No.3382764
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see you MBRS marines at the moon, StrongHand masterrace.

>> No.3382798

animechan are you flipping or holding decentraland? i got on the whitelist

>> No.3383137

Have you looked into LAT token?
Opinions on it?

>> No.3383271
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Well, I'm taking into account (and I admit its an assumption) that future services/apps will be built on top of the blockchain. If nothing is built, there really isn't anything to drive value, right? That's why I don't place as much a focus on coin supply. Now, if there was a platform with an excessive amount of coins and no one was really building on it, then I'd agree with you.

I still plan on putting in as much as I can into Kyber. Low individual cap means that people who value the project (of which there are a lot of, some who are attracted *just* because Vitalik Buterin is advising it) will want to buy more once it gets on the market. Or they've been buying up whitelist accounts (there has been a brisk trade in the past few weeks, with some selling for an ETH a piece).

Though I will confess I'm worried that it may be a bit overhyped.

Probably flipping. I want to put in more money into Chainlink, and the ICO being pushed up to the 19th gives me time to raise more money.

Looked into the basics. Funny, I had an idea for a crowdfunding platform like that in college! Though it was just an idea that I couldn't execute. However, I think will pass. Not because of the project itself, but because I want to hold on to money for more interesting projects that are coming up.

>> No.3383461

The hype is worrying me too, and there are some coins with Vitalik as adviser that have not really mooned, like TRST. Maybe I should just bite the bullet at this point. got 40k ODN that will net me enough money in case this goes wrong.

>> No.3383568

Keep in mind though that he has stated that he's only really focusing on OMG and Kyber now:

>> No.3383579


>> No.3383610

well shit, this info is pretty good to hear. fuck it, I'm in

>> No.3383704

i really want to impregnate a girl like you

>> No.3383903

Do you got a blog? You are legit compared to the other shills.

>> No.3384106
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>> No.3385175
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I like this guy/girl. Fags like >>3381757 can fuck themselves.

That said, who is this weeb? Is (s)he /ourguy/? It's been a while since one of my favorite boards has had a genuinely cool person, let alone one that doesn't even tripfag.

Do you live in nipland animechan? What do you eat? How do you know so much about this shit?
Just curious

>> No.3385210

Also, what would you recommend for someone that has a really small portfolio. Like, I started a little over a month ago and have <$3k probably.

I like the idea of mixing the flip with the hodl philosophy, and waiting for a 5x then scrape some off the top to reinvest, but I'm just now getting my shit together as far as ICOs and newcoins go, so still waiting for those gains to come in, and if it doesn't reach that height then I can't do much with a $100-200 capital investment anyway.

>> No.3385231

Anime-chan got some notice on this board because she picked out DNT and MBRS before they mooned. She also helped to spread awareness of ZRX and OBN during their ICO. Some folks probably made good money off her advice.
How much of that moon being self-fulfilling prophecy is yet to be determined.

>> No.3385368

what's your take on RPX? assuming the postponement won't be permanent

>> No.3385735

MBRS mooned BECAUSE she shilled it.

It also skyrocketed the price of the token and fucked up its trading liquidity.

>> No.3385814
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Oh anon~

I'm debating whether or not to do it.

I'd rather not talk about myself. For that, you can come on to the discords where you might find me. I can tell you I learned a lot just because I have a research analyst background and I've been studying crypto for a year or so.

Anyways, for your portfolio, it depends on your risk profile and time horizons. The way I see things, we're still in the early days (relatively) so I plan to stock up on platforms and protocols (think ZRX and how new exchanges will be built on it) for the long term while picking a few specific dapps that I think hold promise. The issue is that you need a good base for all this, so doing some flipping is necessary (the problem with *that* is that everyone is doing it, which tells me we're in a bubble that is going to pop sooner rather than later) to build capital.

You can find me on the /biz/ and/or 0x discord if you want to talk!

I will confess that I myself think that some of it is self-fulfilling prophecy. But I can promise you that anything that I strongly back I will be invested in OR let you know that I am.

The Chinese generally follow a certain formula when it comes to cleaning up financial stuff like this:
>announce blanket ban that scares the shit out of everyone and they shut everything down
>begin cracking down on all scams/fraud companies and suspected companies (note that there are lot of crypto-related projects in China that we usually don't know about):
>resume normal activities after awhile but under way heavier regulation and a possible political element (gotta have that those CCP committees)

RPX is based in Hong Kong (which is technically a separate system) if I recall, but they've been increasingly taking cues from Beijing in the past few years. So I say wait a bit.