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3379343 No.3379343 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you automating your trading? I've been using a crypto-trading bot for the past 6 months.

>pic related, my stats

>> No.3379362

cause i don't know how to do that
help me anon

>> No.3379365

kein bock aller

>> No.3379372


recommend some of the good programs for that?

never tried it and mainly just buy high sell low hodl

>> No.3379387

what bot are you using ?
what bankroll do you have ?
what exchange are you using ?
what strategy is the bot using ?

>> No.3379388

Decent gains. Good job anon.

>> No.3379393

Gunbot mate and then the settings for me were just trial and error. There's endless customisability, give it a shot.

>> No.3379414

Strategy is stepgain. I actively trade with 1 BTC at a time but my bankroll is obviously much larger.

>> No.3379420

python, golang, c++

>> No.3379434

yeah I know how to code my own or something!!11

thanks anon, looks promising

>> No.3379444


thanks how many pairs are you using ?
i see they dont support bitfinex too bad

are you using more exchanges or just one ?

>> No.3379447

I have never used a trading bot.

Any recommendations? How are the open source bots? Has anyone here tested them? (Gekko, Zenbot)

I'm grateful for all replies.

>> No.3379449

but is 1.32% daily beat just doing your own thing? What's your daily in the holdings you have accumulated?

>> No.3379462

No worries. A lot of people buy it and just run it with default settings on random coins and then give up because it doesn't make them profit straight out of the box.

They do support bittrex. I have both the poloniex and bittrex version. I'm trading 25 pairs on poloniex and 13 pairs on bittrex.

I'm confused by this question. 1.32% is my average daily profit across the ~6 months of trading.

>> No.3379466


>> No.3379478

1% daily = 365% yearly. That's a really good amount of gainz.

>> No.3379485


wtf this is gay

i was talking about bitfinex not bitrex

anyway i might give it a shot
i did use forex bots in the past

>> No.3379499

do you ever have to do any manual inputs into the bot?

>> No.3379501

what pairs? Just BTC/USD? or do you fuck with shitcoins? Thanks for the results OP, I have been experimenting but didn't want to buy anything until I saw actual results from someone.

>> No.3379505

depending if its taking compounding into account ; it could instead mean 1.01^365 = 37.78 = 3778%

>> No.3379510

never mind, saw your other post

>> No.3379519

How much money is the bot trading? On paper micro-trade bots seem bad idea.

>> No.3379522

Gunthy.org is the official forum. You buy it by PMing the admin, Gunthar.

No I "fuck with shitcoins". I look for coins that have a steady trend of up and down so the bot can maximize the number of trades.

Only at the start when I was tweaking the settings to get them right. I also remove and add pairs from time to time. Other than that it literally runs itself. I've got it running on an ubuntu server 24/7.

>> No.3379531

Why don't exchanges let me set up multiple stop limits or automatic/renewable stop limits?

>> No.3379534


I tried the bot, lost 20% in a week. Trading bots only make money during a bull market. And you might as well just HODL bitcoin in that case, and you will make more money with less risk.

>Don't believe in the shills in this topic, use your brain, no one is selling a profitable trading bot

>> No.3379538

Guys im highly interested in this but dont truly understand the lrocess
Of gettong one setting it up and lettong it work could an anon please describe all of it?

>> No.3379549

Each trade is ~0.05-0.2 BTC depending on my settings for each pair.

I see you must've been using shit/default settings or picked bad pairs. My bot has been running through the thick and thin of the markets.

>> No.3379550

the bot i've written has a trailing stop loss strategy... it's like maybe 20 lines of code

>> No.3379578

what you brainlets fail to realize is that the "bot" portion that you're paying for is just a framework for hooking into the exchange that you wish to trade on. you create your own strategies and heuristics to run the bot and the strength of those determines how well it performs. if you're not backtesting your strategies against historical market data at the very least then no shit you're gonna lose money.

>> No.3379579

>20 lines of code
what site is it running on, because surely u need more than that just to communicate with the exchange

>> No.3379590
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To all the traders and programmers interested in bots - visit our telegram group for discussion of just that. No general programming questions and keep your memes to the minumum.

>> No.3379620


>Stop shilling Gunthar.


This, you guys are so freaking gullible.

>> No.3379622
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What exchange do you use? Mind sharing some tips?

I'm also developing one right now using C++ and Golang.

I got 0.65 / months while simulating random trading. Is it normal?

>> No.3379633

I have no vested interest in Gunthar's success. If I truly was shilling then I'd be selling it myself as an official reseller. I'm simply sharing my success to motivate my fellow biz users.

>> No.3379670

What are you talking about? I congratulated the anon before he even mentioned the bot by name.

>> No.3379671

it runs on my computer - you realize you can communicate with the exchange with literally 1 properly formed HTTP request? checking the ticker of a pair just looks like this:


that being said, the library i'm using to talk to the api is probably a couple hundred lines but it basically just forms the right requests based on what kind of action you're trying to perform.

>> No.3379689

i've also written an exchange stub to test strategies against so i can backest against a few months of 1 minute ticks in about 15 seconds

>> No.3379709

rofl so yea you cant really claim youre using just 20 lines
of course i know how apis work
still, 20 for the bot itself does sound kinda low, is it just going based on ema crossing or something simple

>> No.3379723


You might as well write your own code then. All major exchanges have real easy to use API's. If you are to stupid to write 5 lines of code, you are also to stupid to make a 'profitable betting strategy', with some crappy ass bot.

>tl:dr; don't waste your sheckels on this gunthar jew

Why would you? IF this were true, you would have a personal interest in achieving the opposite. Idiot.

>> No.3379733
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no need to code anything yourself except strategies. there are plenty of softwares for retail traders including institutional grade backtesting abilities etc

>> No.3379739

that's like saying i'd have to include the linecount of the entire standard library when writing a for loop or something.

it uses a predefined risk threshold and calculates the stop loss it's willing to place based on some volatility indicators. it's really just a small component that's used after another component identifies early moon signals. it's only meant to let me exit out of pumps without staying glued to the screen

>> No.3379752

>Why would you? IF this were true, you would have a personal interest in achieving the opposite. Idiot

Because the customizability of the bot is such that I'm almost certain my strategy is completely different to anyone else who's using the bot and thus my profitability won't be impacted by the number of users utilising the bot.

>> No.3379825
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that is certainly not the problem, markets are massive it would have no impact. only when smaller markets are traded with massive positions

it's much more important you understand testing and do not fit your strategy to historical price action thus getting false results absolutely worthless for future trades.

if you had multiple instruments back tested, short time period then the strategy would have some validation... testing can show you a strategy cannot work but very hard to test it will work for certainity in the future. longer time periods, years etc. decaded in stocks are absolutely worthless for testing because markets dynamics change as we saw traditional, more simplistic trend following dying 1990-2000 when it became too popular and markets changed to reversion mode

>> No.3379855


Yeah so you are telling me you are to stupid to write your own 200 lines of code bot. BUT your optimization of 3 parameters is sooo genius you know for sure no one else will find anything similar.

The more you shill the more obvious you get..

>> No.3379867

It seems you're being condescending, like you think I don't know how trading strategies and the markets work. Thanks for the detailed explanation but I'm well aware of how to maintain my own strategies

>> No.3379898

Alright buddy, whatever floats your boat. I haven't posted a single referral link or anything of the sort. I don't see how you think I'm receiving kick-backs from the developer.

So I'm stupid for using a platform which successfully supports a large variety of customisation of strategies. Excuse me for not reinventing the fucking wheel.

>> No.3379942

Oh and by the way I have a Bachelor of CS and a Master's in Information Technology. I'm well aware of how to program in a multitude of languages thank you very much.

>> No.3379988

why not sharing the bot instead?

>> No.3380016

Because it's a paid bot and your API key has to be activated by the seller in order to use the bot

>> No.3380060

there are programs worth tens of thousands ghat have been cracked, and you are telling me a kid's script has better drm? jej. sure you are a bs and ms of computer thingies

>> No.3380083

No I'm not saying that, I'm not aware of any cracks yet and I don't plan on cracking it myself because, as a software developer, I don't believe in cracking other people's software. It's a scummy thing to do.

>> No.3380108

Crack this shit and upload it.
I'm not shelling out btc for some script.

>> No.3380167

Alright your choice mate. I've made back the price of the bot at least 30-fold.

>> No.3380196

what was your total profit for those 6 months

>> No.3380207

Your simulation isn't accurate, the market reacts to orders - that's why backtesting is also worthless. Min trade sizes are small - just run your bots, faggots.

>> No.3380238

I used to write automated mt4 scripts for forex trades and tested hundreds of methods that basically lets you automate short term and long term trades. I can tell you that you shouldnt automate your trades when scalping. From a hundreds of scripts that we developed only two or four were decent profit but only in the long run ( 1 - 2 years). The company I worked for used automation to eliminate the human emotion factor that make rash decisions during a price correction.

>> No.3380256

You would've been literally better off just buying that bitcoin and sitting on it than letting the bot buy & sell for you.

>> No.3380304
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I don't really have a stake in you two's argument but you come across as a dick.

I wouldn't lean too heavily on your BSC there. I work in a rather large software/hardware dev shop and we have a lot of BSC grads that couldn't code their way out of a wet paper bag.
Also, knowing how to use lots of programming languages != knowing how to program well.

>> No.3380371

What on earth are you talking about? The bot makes profit in BTC so I am much better off having used the bot. If it made profit in USD then you'd have a point.

>> No.3380497
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Gunbot 24/7 + gui, you csn check the configuration file

>> No.3380565

What trading platform is that?

>> No.3380648

It's bittrex, it's sjakil gui coded on nodejs, i can't do ts there, it's just a gui for the bot

>> No.3380838

If you've really made 1.32% per day for 6 months, then you've made like 60x your initial investment.

>> No.3381009

I think he did something like

(MoneyInAccount / OriginalInvestment) / NumberOfDays

which doesn't account for compounded interest, but ~2.3x is not bad for sitting on one's ass either

>> No.3381056

Automating your trading assumes you know how to trade in the first place. So the anon's here will all instantly cuck themself harder than buy & hold. They make money by using the group trade signals, not from TA.
Its not impossible, but its not worth the time to learn and monitor via automation for most users here. They don't know how to use the tools effectively. You'd have to study math.

>> No.3381094

This guy was trying to save you money dude.

>> No.3381156

>1% daily = 365% yearly

>> No.3381256

Oh boy you people are in for a whole world of hurt when you discover this shit does not scale.

>> No.3381257


>Not posting your bot settings to help us wagecucks try to escape our shitty daily grind


>> No.3382197

I would take any daily profit. OP says he is doing $75.00 I would be happy with $25.00

>> No.3383013

it's actually 10x not 60x
C is your starting capital and t is the number of days

>> No.3383071

its 1.0132 and not 1.032 ****
this is assuming he goes all in every time

>> No.3383073

OP - post settings.

Market is so volatile, doesn't matter if everyone's using the same settings anyway.
plus, i wont tell anyone else, promise!

>> No.3383105

I heard Gunbot loses money I'm not trolling that's what I really heard. I wanted to use 50k for automated trading but since I heard that I don't trust it. Even you yourself said you only use 1btc that means you don't trust it either

>> No.3383192

Can you tell me which program this I will go and find it. Thank you

>> No.3383304

I used GB for a while. I still don't know why it lost me money. It was making trades and bittrex showed every trade to net me more than it cost but my BTC amount slowly went down

>> No.3383317
File: 68 KB, 320x833, arbitrajebot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you liar
automated trading only gives loss

>> No.3383367

the best time to use a bot for trading is when the market bottoms out. otherwise gl

>> No.3383373


>> No.3383601

Did it take into account fees?

>> No.3383709

uhm. there's coiuntles of abadonned crypto trader bots on github.

guess why the projects got left behind?
that's right, fees killed the profit.

performing botting software is going to cost you millions.

don't buy into this shill.

>> No.3384238

Meddl Loide
trading bot for crypto is gambling. too many news incoming

>> No.3384381

this is true
op is lying

>> No.3384504
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Brainlet squad, roll call!
Brainlet power, woo!

>> No.3384527

Holy shit ya'll a bunch of lazy faggots.

>> No.3384693
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>> No.3384886
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Hi Gunthar.

>> No.3384968

learn math you retard

>> No.3385113

What? Of course it scales, you just adjust the trade amount per trade.

>> No.3385136

> crypto trading bot

you haven't been on the wrong side of momentum with a trading programme. It's an experience that will make you weary.

trading programs may take the emotion out of trading, but it still lacks perception. Trading programme's also can not read news. There are also some tricks the big boys use, like declining the stock to a round number so it lights up automated stop-loss orders.

>> No.3385747

Sorry these guys are shitting on you just for sharing your success lol. I'm writing my bot in python, are there any good strategies?

>> No.3385932

because I've averaged 28.75%/day this year by trading with my brain you cuck

>> No.3385993

What're you using and how did you get python's TA-lib installed? my shitty digital ocean droplet won't install it for some reason even though I compiled the binary fine.

>> No.3386038

Buy high sell low

works every time

>> No.3386115

Bots don't work because they can only read the price / order book history which has pretty much zero correlation with the future price. Bots can't analysis the value of coins or gauge the hype around a coin, or somehow predict unreleased news about a coin.

Bots can do some basic arbitrage or provide liquidity but the exchanges are already filled with bots that do this. So if you want you can bust your ass to build a bot that can do that but you would at best make a couple % a month. Its much better to just spend your time researching coins.

>> No.3386180

I'm jelly

>> No.3386202

Teach me senpai

>> No.3386216

because I don't want to have to file 500,000 trades on IRS form 8949 at the end of the year

>> No.3386298

Backtesting + putting walk-forward validation in your bot is nice though. No bs curve fitting delusions.

>> No.3386319

I wrote most of my own indicators with some help from numpy. Surely to use ta lib it's just pip install ta-lib?

>> No.3386327

Hey that's what margin botting is for bby.

>> No.3386343

If your bot trades on average less than twice a day fees don't have a huge impact. Plus what type of retard would use a bot that doesn't have trading fees factored in?

>> No.3386400

I thought it made sense for my stock bot but with crypto every day is novel - probably the only reason we're succeeding.

>> No.3386408

This is such a weak ass argument though. Running a bot properly takes more than half the work out of trading. You'd be a dipshit if you thought running a full auto bot would get better gains than running a bunch of bots with limited supervision, or even better than just b&h.

No, bots to not instantly turn a bizsperg into a successful trader. A decent trader, with a bunch of supervised bots, and good strategies for the current market climate can reap the gains though.

You read the news the bot can't, you gauge the psychology of the market, you let the bot trade and only correct or take the bots offline when you know some shit is going down.

>> No.3386496

Gotta know how the market is behaving, and gotta know when your strategies are not appropriate for certain currency pairs during certain markets.

Within one pair you can see some patterns, do research into what makes it move, know when to put the bot on it, and when to take it off. Market cap, volatility, volume, whales and other big players, length of time on the market. All a bunch of important shit that can vary heavily between currencies.

>> No.3386510

Lol I find that extremely hard to believe. Can you provide proof?

Create and account on altpocket.io and add your API keys for the exchanges you use then post a link to your altpocket profile.

>> No.3386578
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Jesus Christ the majority of you are retarded.

1) Don't attempt to automate crypto garbage, if you have the skill set to automate go after an actual market such as Forex. The transaction cost especially with an ECN broker are substantially less than your garbage crypto exchange will charge, you will NEVER experience liquidity issues trading Forex over crypto being a retail trader meaning if you have a profitable strategy it can be scaled indefinitely.

2) You don't need to build something that can understand the news mechanically, more so build something that can understand if news is coming to AVOID it. DO NOT TRADE THE NEWS, unless you're an economics major or something to that effect you cannot predict the news, you can not predict how it will impact price. But YOU CAN, write code to stay the fuck away from large news events.

3) Do NOT use tradition technical analysis, indicators, triangles or any other nonsense like that. If everyone knows it, it is not worth knowing. You will either fail completely or struggle to make basic income using this, institutions know how to use TA against you. All these garbage "analysis" options always have people buying at the same time, same places and can be easily exploited.

4) Do NOT expect to get rich overnight it will take you many many years to become proficient at trading, either algorithmically or manually. Even if you've made gains so far understand that it may be just dumb luck

5) Statistics are the most important thing, approach trading as a casino approaches a roulette wheel. You need an edge that is it, an edge that can be repeated over and over. You need to effectively manage risk so each position is risking similar amounts, you need to have a minimum risk/reward for each trade etc.

I have been through all of this, I have spent 7 years mastering my trading, I have spent 13 years programming. I automated my trading it took 3 years of my life but it is the most incredible thing to ever happen.

>> No.3386636

So is it too late to write an arbitrage bot that just buys BTC on one exchange and sells BTC on another if it notices a price difference that is greater than the trading fee?

What about something that looks for a series of trades across different currencies? Because that one is just an interview question, basically (find a negative cycle through a graph).

>> No.3386647
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welp only 13 years of computer programming and 7 more years of trading to go.

>> No.3387231

>institutions know how to use TA against you
They target MACD crossovers sometimes, but institutions aren't out to get people. They're just trying to be systematic in pricing in information. They do use basic TA.

>> No.3387435
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Institutions have to exploit order flow to get in and out of positions themselves. Imagine us as retail traders if we want to accumulate a position we can usually click a button and acquire any number of whatever we are trying to buy instantly at market price. Institutions on the other hand are large behemoths that take hours/days/weeks to accumulate positions. They need opposing order flow to fill their own orders.

For example, ever notice how a stock can release great earnings but the price tanks. How breakouts are often followed by fake outs. How your stop loss is always hit only to travel in the opposite direction etc.

Most indicators have everyone buying at the same time, they know this and they will use this order flow to off load their own positions. Although technically manipulating price, they will often push price in a certain direction to trigger orders.

To add something else interesting, have you ever traded a stock and gotten a fill for a sub penny price, for example $10.9999. Every time that happens it's an HTF algorithm jewing you. They have special order types only available to big league players by the exchanges that allow them to buy/sell in sub pennies.

It's a zero sum game brother, eat what you kill everyone is out to steal your money, else where will the profits come from?

>> No.3387490

>To add something else interesting, have you ever traded a stock and gotten a fill for a sub penny price, for example $10.9999. Every time that happens it's an HTF algorithm jewing you. They have special order types only available to big league players by the exchanges that allow them to buy/sell in sub pennies.

So they fill your sell order at a penny below your asking price?

>> No.3387577

Fees are a % of each trade, they have nothing to do with frequency? Your 2 trades of 10 btc and my 20 of 1... same fees...

>> No.3387585
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HTFs pay millions and millions to collocate their servers near the trading servers to save nano seconds off their gathering of information and execution times.

Assume you put a market order for the price you see as $11, the price is actually 10.99 but you can't see that price because it only existed for mere fractional seconds before the price could update on your platform given the update resolution. The HTF algos bought for $10.99 from someone else and sold to you for $10.9999 to front run the people trying to sell to you at $11. The market price was actually $10.99 but since they have the latency advantage they've already capitalized on that small penny gain before you even knew it existed. This happens millions of times throughout the day, 70% of the volume on the NYSE, NASDAQ and ECN exchanges such as BATS etc are HTF algorithms jewing people out of pennies that amount of millions for the operators.

Your fill should have been $10.99 on that market order, but was actually $10.9999. If that makes sense. Now you probably wouldn't care because that's only a penny, but people don't realize those pennies add up especially if you're a pension fund or the like accumulating large blocks of shares. You would have saved a penny given the same advantage.

>> No.3387620

If it was that easy every retard would be doing this.

Lol 4chan plebs never change.

>> No.3387680

Yeah... obviously.

I'm saying if you use a bot that trades with the whole balance you give it 20 times a day versus twice a day you pay more fees if it trades 20 times vs 2...

It's not my 2 trades of 10btc vs your 20 trades of 1btc. It's the difference between 2 trades of 10btc vs 20 trades of 10btc in the same time frame.

>> No.3387725

Oh right, you're talking about front running. This isn't something that happens to solely retail traders though. It impacts other institutions/funds too.

>> No.3387780


seems like a good thread to post this in

>> No.3388152

fuck, you are so full of shit it's not even funny