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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3364088 No.3364088 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3364093

you are so dumb yunbi is shit

>> No.3364097

good thing I stayed out of this shit cfoin. I knew the crash was soon

>> No.3364100

I don't think the crash has even happened yet, burgers still sleeping and eufags just waking up.

No one is really aware of the news yet

>> No.3364109

Yunbi is ranked #22 on exchange list. Why the fuck would people sell when no one uses it?

>> No.3364115

waht news

>> No.3364239

On BTER, a lot of those coins are suspended. More exchanges will follow, meaning a big chunk of volume will dissapear.

>> No.3364259

thats the point +1

>> No.3364261


I think you mean move to other exchanges

>> No.3364280
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That was me; I sold hoping to buy back cheaper but it already went back up lollll. If the dip doesn't happen tomorrow, I'll just buy in at a higher price; even if I end up losing OMG, I made so much from successful trades that I'll still be up.

>> No.3364281

what happened?

>> No.3364297

Nice just shorted 100k

>> No.3364312
File: 198 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170906-172732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.3364321

>shorting omg


>> No.3364325

I thought OMG was based in Singapore or Thailand. Why is it being delisted?

>> No.3364328

All other Chinese exchanges are following suit, don't say biz didn't warn you

>> No.3364333

Sell before burgers wake up.

>> No.3364342


>> No.3364344
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really makes you think

>> No.3364356

Short 50% of my stack to be 'trader', O SO SMART, sell before the DIP.
>> Price goes up
Fuck this, mcdonalds here i come

>> No.3364371

fake news bitches.. a minor scare. YunBi doesnt mean SHIT to anyone. It represents 4% of OMG trading volume.

>> No.3364372

All chinks must surrender their OMG or else be shot by the governement

>> No.3364378

>Investing in a virtual imaginary currency

>> No.3364383

Thanks for the sell at 235, I actually bought your dip. The world is smaller than expected.

>> No.3364385

new here eh?

>> No.3364398


Enjoy! See you at 300.

>> No.3364416

THIS OP is a top tier fucking NOMGER sucks to suck OP

>> No.3364418

I'll ride a few more of those waves, increased my stack by almost 30% during the last few dips. I want to see more of them as we crawl towards 300

>> No.3364422

Lol at people selling 30 hours from the conference yeah you might be right but just as likely it takes off

>> No.3364449
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Buy the rumor sell the news. This conference has had a firm date for a month. I'd be willing to bet ~50k sats in gains that the hype has been priced in and there will be a mild to moderate dump at conference time. Couple that with all this Yunbi FUD and I think we're realistically looking at 150-190k sats by mid-month, followed by a hard push to 300k late Q4.

Just my .02

>> No.3364468

The news is already priced in boyo.

>> No.3364509
File: 96 KB, 507x380, IMG_1216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yunbi is a chink exchange. This news will literally have 0 impact on omisego because omg is not a Chinese coin, and not relying on the yunbi Chinese exchange. Any volume being delisted off yunbi will simply be moved to a different exchange still listing omg.

Unfortunately a lot of the /biz/tards here are brainlet teenagers with little understanding of global business economics.

If you are HODLing OMG just sit tight and expect good gains this month after all of the conferences.

>> No.3364518

How can the news be priced in if we don't know what the news is?

>> No.3364525

>hurr durr I'm smarter than everyone else

Yunbi is the first to comply with a newly implemented law. ALL chink exchanges have a deadline to stop dealing in all of the banned coins

>> No.3364548

Yup. All the scared cats on /biz/ literally have 0 understanding of situations like this.

"Oh goys look, China said the word crypto in there last statement! The end is here, SELL REEEE, Oh my god my Blockfolio is down 2% in the last 6 hours, it's a crash! Crypto is over, my $100 investment is now only worth $70, my life is over!!!"

So sick of seing this crap on /biz/ with the mentality of 5th graders gambling their milk money here. I'm trying to get to 1MM this year.

>> No.3364552

He's certainly smarter than you cunt
Do you think the tokens are gonna get burned or something? They simply move from chink exchanges to the non chink exchanges that chinks use
Chink whales will still trade omg... they don't care about laws they can easily circumvent

Still the largest exchange for omg by far has nothing to do with this Chinese shit so whatever

>> No.3364556

Educate yourself of the importance of Chink exchanges

>> No.3364557

You took the words right out of my mouth (Minus the millionaire part; I'm no where near one, but tired of the 5th grade knee-jerk reactions as well).

>> No.3364560

>Not just waiting for the inevitable sale on all banned coins once they start getting delisted
This is why you're poor

>> No.3364573

You're talkin shit about my milk money and you're trying to get to 1Milk Money this year? Get on my level pleb

>> No.3364578

Uh so what they represent like 6% of omg trading volume? Lmao so they don't matter at all

>> No.3364580

So this effects coins and exchanges that are not of Chinese origin how?

Seriously do you hear yourself?

>> No.3364588

>retards arent waiting for the dip to buy
keep selling
keep buying
keep trading

>> No.3364592

>OMG on shit list of chink gobernment
>chink exchanges must de list

idk how this is so hard to understand

>> No.3364593

You're assuming no meaningful news. My money is on something of value with JP talking about plasma and omise talking as well

>> No.3364594

Exactly. There are no brakes on the OMG train

>> No.3364614

lol never mind kid. I don't even know why I try to convince you this news means nothing. Don't invest in omisego, or sell it all, I could seriously careless about your financial future.

Listen, the rest of you guys, people in China with bankroll will still continue to trade crypto on a different exchange. Move on to the next important discussion of the day regarding trading.

>> No.3364624

There seen to be so many people on this board who want you to fail just for the fun of it. The will tell you to buy or sell at the worst times just for their own laughs. Any rational analysis of this news would tell you it doesn't mean shit in the mid or long term but retards are here telling people to sell. Truly kill yourselves

>> No.3364647

I suppose he means the hype is priced in, which is very likely. If the news is not that great we might see a major pull back and the airdrop might also cause a pull back in pricing if the whales decide to dump

>> No.3364682

did you read their gov announcement they said the would hunt down everyone trading not regulated cryptos/icos means is risky chinks may go to jail for trading omg desu if i was chinese i wouldnt do it

>> No.3364707

It's a doggy dog world mate.

>> No.3364710

The RUMOR was already priced in, and the bad news reverses it. Then conference, this is more news, OMG going to crash so fucking hard when the burgers wake up.

If it wasn't a shitcoin, that would be the perfect buying time.

>> No.3364727

Fuck yeah! I forgot about that album.

>> No.3364737

>he doesn't know
I'm ready for my payoff of many pink wojaks.

>> No.3364744


not using this opportunity to buy sub $11 omg

>> No.3364770
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enjoy regrets in less than ten hours

>> No.3364771

Remember when Snoop looked human?

>> No.3364779

why would it crash when burgers wake up?
burgers use bittrex and don't even care about other exchanges

>> No.3364792

lol he's just skellyweedman now

>> No.3364818

The conference tomorrow is not 'the' event of the month for OMG. More news coming mid september. You'd be a fool to sell. This is gonna pull another Neo, make sure to sell around $50 (in the case it's Apple related news)

>> No.3364835

If by some chance the apple rumor was real, you are a moron if you sell under 2k.

>> No.3364854

GUYS... think a bit why would they partner up with golem?

DO you know what golem does???
'The Golem application registry can run countless types of decentralized microservices and dapps, which anyone will be able to develop and share (for a profit, if they wish).
These are just the tip of the iceberg in Golem's potential use cases. And more will appear as more technologies come to fruition."

think a bit now. about what omise is doing. global payments, facial recognition pay, think paypal * 2000 even if the news of today will be low.... it will still be huge!!!

>> No.3364863
File: 50 KB, 600x425, 167137_10150126735196171_502226170_8289055_1532159_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought my first small bag of GNT today

>> No.3364870

if you bought OMG now you're a retard enjoy the bags

>> No.3364877

If you think it's going to crash because exchanges that represent 6% of total omg volume are noomgers going to list it then you are a fucking dumb cunt and need to get the fuck out of this board forever

>> No.3364883

enjoy dem bags

>> No.3364895


It's extremely annoying, there are a bunch of people on here who you can have a good discussion with and give good tips, but the majority of threads is unfunny as shit memes and (pretending) panic faggots, plus there seem to be absolutely ZERO mods on here. The good posts are drowned out by an incredible amount of white noise, I honestly don't know why I still come here. People complain about reddit, but it's 1000x better than this board.

>> No.3364900

still waiting for that crash
Oh wait it's gone up within the last hour!

Enjoy fomo buying back in when you realize that 6% of volume moving to OTHER EXCHANGES means literally nothing

>> No.3364903

your bags shall be enjoyed by you as you carry them

>> No.3364914

the americans will be waking up soon :)

>> No.3364965
File: 1.06 MB, 4175x3635, NEOTARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is permeating with the stench of Indian and gook Neotard shills.

How does it feel to see Neo crash and burn whilst omg comes over the fucking top releasing a stream of excrement over you as it does?

Down 70% from ATH. Hongfei is in police custody. No ICOs. No (((smart contracts))). No transaction fees. No fuck. Based on current transaction fee income, Neo is about 20x overvalued relative to ETH. Just let that little inconvenient truth sink in for a second.

This is what happens when you fuck with the money skeleton's property.

>> No.3364981

Americans waking up will have zero impact
They don't have to move their coins to another exchange do they

>> No.3364984

>Hongfei is in police custody

>> No.3364990
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>> No.3364998

Also the entire cryptoverse has know about the chink news for over 24 hours
So why wold anything new happen now just because your dumb ass saw a twitter post telling everyone what they already knew?

>> No.3365013

Some reddit boards are better than others. OMG's is ok. They generally keep it real.
Being a vaporware, 100% hype-based shitcoin scam, Neo's board is circlejerk fucking cancer. it's like reading the script for an infomercial.

>> No.3365033

>go to office two days ago
>taxi driver start talking about bitcoin
>eat lunch somewhere new and cheap yesterday
>2 poorfag looking guy are talking about bitcoin
>work today
>lazy subordinates are ask me about bitcoin

is it bubble, /biz/?

>> No.3365053

Fuck off, thread derailing currynigger.

>> No.3365170
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Enjoy sitting in grandmas basement crapping your pants trolling /biz/ being a broke forever virgin.

I'll enjoy making money off omisego. Thanks for playin

>> No.3365178

>why NEO crashing is good and what that means for you

You're right, it's pretty funny and sad to read.

>> No.3365183
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>> No.3365354
