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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 131 KB, 2048x2048, OMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3362347 No.3362347 [Reply] [Original]

>OMG about to overtake NEO in Mkt Cap



>> No.3362366

665 OMG reporting in

>> No.3362409


>> No.3362413

Just HODL and you're going to make it anon.

>> No.3362423

Nice OP thats a decent lil stash

1200 here

>> No.3362429

Mfw used to have 700 and sold them @3 usd

>> No.3362437

Very nice.

500 OMG checking in. NOMGers getting blown out tonight.

>> No.3362438

50 OMG here I'm too pussy to go all in

>> No.3362445

I have both retard

>> No.3362446
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>> No.3362454

2500 OMG here I seriously don't think I have enough. I have am extra 40k In XMR of I'm all in

>> No.3362475

Sell for more OMG

>> No.3362476

don't celebrate yet, OMG fags :)

>> No.3362486
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>> No.3362489
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>just f-fucking shutup baka!!!
>m-my coin is better!!

OmiseGO fuck yourself bro

>> No.3362495
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>tfw only 125 OMG

>> No.3362532

10,880 OMG reporting in. We're going to make it bizbros.

>> No.3362562
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If you aren't in already, I will do you this favor. Don't say I never did anything for you /biz/.

Omg will land somewhere within that shaded blue circle. From there it will accumulate while it fluctuates between roughly 235k - 255k. This is is your last chance before the conference and this thing skyrockets.

Whether the news is amazing (which it's going to have to be something very retarded to not be) or horrible, this baby will boom and their will be gains to be made.

This is your chance to gain capital and actually have btc to play with and start building your future.

If you play this card, you'll make it bros.

>> No.3362568
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>> No.3362576

I only have 61 OMG I could throw shitloads at it but I'm honestly not 100% sold

>> No.3362583

>any large increase in the price will expand his net worth in hundreds of thousands

there is no we in this battle

>> No.3362587
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>> No.3362588

Wise Anon

>> No.3362598

Just 23, I'm a poorfag ; _ ;

>> No.3362603

Putting emotional weight into your coins makes you a shitty trader.

>> No.3362609


help me.

>> No.3362622

>no fun allowed: the post

>> No.3362691
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>> No.3362707
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1400s reporting for duty

>> No.3362708

It's probably time to sell but too scared

>> No.3362716

news is coming this week just funkin hold brother man

>> No.3362729
File: 412 KB, 450x338, tongue-1433946480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 15 OMG. Hold me and tell me it be 300 next year.

>> No.3362732
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nigbro just hold one more day plz

i'm skeptical as shit on OMG but the moon is real

>> No.3362735
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Unless of course this whale holds it at 250k for long enough to miss my target. Which if he pulls that wall then we might even hit it sooner actually. Either way, everyone here should buy the fucking dip.

-pic related.

>> No.3362760

If anyone has any spare OMG, mind donating 1 or 2 to my broke ass? All I could get was 4 OMG coins because thats all i can afford since i'm out of work atm.


>> No.3362796
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oh yeah I forgot the news

>> No.3362802

>6 dgb


>> No.3362855

Why the fuck does /biz/ have so many damn beggers anyway?

>> No.3362868


>have a bunch of DGB
>bought almost all of them at 1200 and 2200 stats
>contemplating kms

>> No.3363124

Definitely not time to sell. You missed that opp about 3 hours ago. Just hold until after the conference.

>> No.3363134

is it worth trying to short 500 OMG, im pretty sure it will drop to $10 in the next day or so

>> No.3363142

Do it faggot.

>> No.3363156

there's a 200 ETH wall at 3496

>> No.3363174

If you wanna get liquidated.

>> No.3363205

Do it, such easy gains. You are a smart man

>> No.3363208

60 OMG reporting in. I need to have more than 100... I was really feeling buying at 8.50 the other day and pussied out.

>> No.3363242

>tfw bought particl instead of omg when it was listed on bittrex

>> No.3363244

How do you pussy out on a dip?

>> No.3363247

>TFW I bought all I could afford at the 7.50 dip over the weekend

>TFW it was only 300 OMG...

>> No.3363295

whats the best eth/omg ratio to hold?

im something like

90% eth
10% omg

Part of me wants to go 50/50

>> No.3363349
File: 202 KB, 1125x1803, IMG_8845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only I wasn't already all in during that delicious dip. I can't believe people were actually selling lollll

You did stock up on sub-200k OMG yesterday, didn't you?

>> No.3364336


>> No.3364582

Yall need to just stop! Shut up! NEO is doing just fine, you leave NEO alone! I wish all you fags would just kys, bc yall just assholes, that all you and ur OMG is, fucking shitty assholes.!!

NEO is the best, you hear me its the best!

>> No.3364626
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>> No.3364654

Hey, I dropped outta chat without book marking...

Whats the discord?

>> No.3364677

9 fuckin percent you fucking fag

>> No.3364690

I've been 50/50 for the past 60 days, comfy as fuck right now.

>> No.3364828

just bought back at 239k
u better skyrocket omisegod

>> No.3364932

Yeah, I cant find the group.. Firefox deletes my shit when I close out. Auto updates op

>> No.3364969
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Posting interesting resources:





>> No.3365003

wish i had more than 15 omg tbqh. I was only playing for fun until now.

>> No.3365119

They refuse to block Indian IPs

>> No.3365148
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>> No.3365150

had 500 omg before the dip , have 250 now .

>> No.3365197
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You meant this?

>> No.3365390

Same here. I thought btc was going down further so I cleverly went into tether. I've got 9 eth ready to fomo into omg if necessary but I'm holding out atm for a dip. We're still going to make it omisebro

>> No.3365417


680 here, we're gonna make it!

>> No.3365447
File: 178 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170906-110505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20k OMG coming through

>> No.3365470

The absolute state of this shitcoin

>> No.3365490

Just went all in and bought 800, feeling super comfy knowing that this will eventually get to at least $700.

>> No.3365522

Omg will be delisted from a chinese exchange with other coins.

>> No.3365563

and nothing of value was lost, <10% volume

>> No.3365566

Yep. The pink wojaks will be unprecedented

>> No.3365604
File: 187 KB, 1300x955, man-sitting-in-front-of-fire-place-eyes-closed-portrait-C5W3P7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are okay, this is okay

>> No.3365606

people knew this over 24 hours ago
not really big news. chinks will just move to other exchanges or sell to westerners.
its a good thing. chinks do nothing but fuck with everything they touch.

>> No.3365609

Old news already. literally nobody gives a shit. The chinks didn't give much of a shit so neither is the west after the fact.

>> No.3365642
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>> No.3365909
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2500 omg reporting in, LETS GET IT

>> No.3365919
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look at how much volume comes from china for omg, its literally nothing

>> No.3365941



>> No.3365979
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How do you liquidate your crypto shekels, /biz/?

>> No.3365993
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Back off OMG fags /biz/ is our territory.

>> No.3365998

why is the price so stagnant?

>> No.3366008
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>43mil market cap

>> No.3366014
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One day you OMG faggots will be licking my boots.

>> No.3366016
File: 340 KB, 600x583, 1fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost almost all of my OMG stack trying to long at $8. J U S T.


>> No.3366030

i feel your pain. i longed all in at ATH with margin.
lost half of them.

i lost all motivation. i dont think i will recover my lost omg's
omisegod is cruel

>> No.3366033

>5 hours of 232k during China's daytime, where crypto is a little scary right now

>> No.3366034

its quiet. too quiet...

>> No.3366048

i hope it fucking dips
i dont want to be the only one to suffer

ill try one more time to ALL IN with all my strenght. just waiting for the right moment.

>> No.3366052

I'll screencap this, just in case

>> No.3366105

That sucks my mane, but why would you long at ath ? that's very risky.
I longed it yesterday or 2 days ago during the crash.
The worst thing is that I was right eventually and it quickly bounced back, but I still lost most of my stack.
Learned my lesson, never going to margin trade crypto again in my life

>> No.3366112

we back on track lads

>> No.3366117

Bout eight fiddy checking in, obligatory will I unironically "make it"?

>> No.3366118

check out iota m8. its still at 67 cents and hasnt made a proper recovery back to 80s/90s yet, looks like it will over the next 12 hours though

>> No.3366126


Elliot wave theory?

>> No.3366136


What software is that?

>> No.3366151
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Wall is down!

>> No.3366167

oh shit

>> No.3366204

The Frippening is complete OmiseBros!!!


>> No.3366205

Could touch 300 very soon

>> No.3366230

thats what you get for being a greedy day trader


>> No.3366249
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It is only going higher from now on

>> No.3366273

>98 circulating supply
>26,367 BTC 24hr volume

You retards are gonna get burned so hard

>> No.3366282

found the neotard

>> No.3366287

I hold neither....

>> No.3366298


*sharp inhalation of breath*



>> No.3366304
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>you can't hold both
probably gonna sell my NEO soon though

>> No.3366313

>be me
>get $10 worth of btc to coinbase
>lose half in fees sending to bittrex
>spend it all on omg
>have 0.6 OMG
>cry because poor

>> No.3366323

are you me?

>> No.3366335
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Why would you even bother? You should've used the $10 to get beer and a sandwich. Baka.

>> No.3366353

lmao.. why bother with less than $100?

>> No.3366359
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Here you go retards, do I have to spell it out to you

>> No.3366367

Why bother with less than $100k? Total waste of time.

>> No.3366369


>> No.3366371

I mean, I don't bother with less than 1ETH at a time. Jewbase fees are no joke. My only solace is that the price usually rises and I make up the difference by the time it goes through.

>> No.3366374

Were you in a coma or something?

>> No.3366375

shut up, we don't wanna end like NEO here

>> No.3366391

Anyone here trade on Gdax?

>> No.3366454

I've been on /biz/ for about 2 days now so I'm just testing it out. I'll probably save and put in a few $100 once I get a hang of it with my $10

>> No.3366471

Why bother with less than a million poorfag?

>> No.3366558

I have only 150OMG, missed the dip and got 150omg for $200 :/

>> No.3366632

why bother with less than a billion bagget?

>> No.3366749
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>> No.3366772

Just bought 100 OMG. What am I in for, /biz/?

>> No.3366791
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a good time

>> No.3366798
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MFW I only have 790.

>Researched when it was less than $2 a share
>"Shit this gon' be big!"
>Think about dumping my $15,000 of NEO into OMG
>"Nah NEO's gonna be big too if not bigger!"

Long story short, I waited until the shit hit the fan to dump my NEO and buy OMG, and I'm kicking my own ass now for not going with my gut originally because I'd be at almost 6 figures now.

>> No.3366813


>> No.3366816

heard the same thing with ETH and BTC awhile ago

>> No.3366823
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>> No.3366845

>tfw I sold at $8.50

>> No.3366847

Dude fuck. Are you literally me? Same shit bro. Fucking NEO, who couldve predicted the gov't bullshit

>> No.3366850


You gotta start somewhere. I only had like 50 OMG prior, because it was all I could pony up, and I only had 291 NEO because I spent months accumulating back when it was still ANS. Just don't get fanatical or you'll end up like me, or worse, people that still haven't sold their NEO. If OMG ever starts looking unfavorable from a rational stand point, get the fuck out. I didn't do that with NEO, and only walked away with double my total invested money, while at the peak I had like five times as much.

>> No.3366853

I once had 2000 OMG, now I only have 320. Daytrading, following bumps and buying other coins destroyed me.

>> No.3366864

When is the conference?

>> No.3366876

sorry for you man.
we keep loosing our precious OMG's.
its not RIGHT !!

>> No.3366879

You guys are at least smart enough to realize your mistake and go into OMG instead of being overly hopeful. I messed up with NEO and sold 2k I got at $8 for $25. I then went all into OMG so almost worked out in my favor.

>> No.3366883

Please tell me NEO isn't completely dead.. I don't mind holding my 2 NEO bag if it's for a big return. Should I turn it into OMG instead?

>> No.3366884

on 8 i think. i think it will pump, too bad i made a bad move AGAIN today.
i keep fucking up.
next time when i make a trade i will wait 5-10 minutes before pressing the button to actually think what im doing

>> No.3366933

What did you do?

>> No.3366937

>2 neo

what teh fuck who even cares faggot

>> No.3366943
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>mfw only 500 OMG

>> No.3366959
File: 121 KB, 1920x806, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a loosing trade open. decided to close it and take my loses. but i should have kept it , i had 500 omgs ( now 250 omgs) , and my account market value was raising faster ( with the price increase ) with them.

>> No.3366961

100% sell your NEO

It's too bad there isn't an OMG/NEO pair for you NEO stragglers

>> No.3366962


Had 1200 OMG now have 916(maybe il recover the 50 that got lost in the transaction to my wallet. Fucking bittrex). Learned my lesson, this shit is staying locked in my wallet for a long time.

>> No.3366997




>> No.3367011


>> No.3367016

Exact same story. But looking at the grand scheme of things, I made money on both NEO and OMG, will still make more money with OMG, I'm grateful. Making optimal trades at the optimal time is impossible

>> No.3367022

Fuck off retards no one cares about China

>> No.3367049

Yesss sell so I can buy more OMG before the mooning starts.

>> No.3367053


3.79 here. Didn't hear about this shit until it was too late. Way too many coins out there. I need sources for news other than /pajeet/ board.

>> No.3367054
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>> No.3367063

isn't Yunbi the largest volume OMG exchange? i mean the token will still exist, just have to be traded elsewhere

>> No.3367069

oops never mind we good senpai

>> No.3367088


>> No.3367089
File: 26 KB, 300x314, F356F39D-454B-4CF8-AEB7-D958BC25FDE0-8106-0000063CBC61F6A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quality triangles right here

>> No.3367090

I can't tell you that in good faith, which is why I GTFO. Ask yourself why it moon in the first place and also what it has going for it now, and decide from there. It was marketed (to be fair, not by the devs themselves, but by the media) as the Ethereum of China. It has other nifty features, sure, but that's not what drove the price up. It was the prospect of ICOs. Now they can't host ICOs, all of the ICOs they were supposed to host this month got shit canned, and now the trading of NEO in china is rapidly getting shit canned as well, which means any other value besides ICOs that it had is also in decline. If you were a chinaman right now and you wanted your company to have smart contracts or what have you, do you really think now would be the time to look to an external crypto company at a time when your government could soon regulate them out of existence? I like NEO. I like everything about it, conceptually, but it just got handed a horrible deal and I didn't feel comfortable holding it any longer as a result. Given that I figured I'd rather take the gains I did have and leave, than wait and hope for the best. If they survive until their government cools off, then I'll happily buy back in, but as it stands, NEO holders do have a significant chance of losing everything now.

>> No.3367112

Yunbi was just taken down for maintenance. That's why the volume is garbage. It is in fact a high volume exchange.

>> No.3367135
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i thought that, but i wonder if the tokens will just find their way onto a new exchange

either way i got in sub $3 so i'll wait it out regardless

>> No.3367565

Why bother with less than a trillion? You should have known better.

>> No.3368495
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Lets bring this fucking 260k wall down

>> No.3368587

Current price 259698
72 btc to break 261k
92 btc to drop to 174k

Pretty crazy but the walls could be pulled at any time

>> No.3368603

The fuck are you talking about? its like 500 btc back to 200k

You are fucking retarded.

>> No.3368608

You guys are all certified tard. There is another coin already does everything OMG does, and they have it all completed already. OMG is late to the game. Somebody else already did it.

Enjoy buying at the ATH during the next couple days and then holding bags forever.

>> No.3368641
File: 73 KB, 421x480, 1451693091550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried to buy OMG with an IOC order on bittrex
>only one got fulfilled, rest didn't go through, got priced for only one OMG
>but still all of the BTC I was ready to pay disappeared
Did I just get scammed? I don't know what the fuck is going on, there's no way they could keep the rest of it right? I'm a newfag to this shit and I'm scared I lost my money.

>> No.3368653

You have an open buy order at the price you requested. Scroll down bruh.

>> No.3368661

But it's an IOC order, shouldn't it be cancelled immediately? Also it isn't coming up on my orders.

>> No.3368663

whats the other coin

>> No.3368672

The buy order is still ongoing don't worry newbie.
You can cancel it anytime too

>> No.3368682
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>We are going to livestream our Berlin event @blueyard, Thursday Sep 7! Feat. @QubesOS @streamrinc & @omise_go #compute #security #ethereum

Wtf will thappen during this meeting? The "big" announcement?

>> No.3368691

You guys are all certified tard. There is another website that already does everything Google does, and they have it all completed already. Google is late to the game. Somebody else already did it.

Enjoy buying at the ATH during the next couple days and then holding bags forever.

>> No.3368694

20 bucks says you have no idea what OMG actually does and thinks it's a payment processor.

>> No.3368725

OMG seems like just another shitcoin. Why is it different?

>> No.3368733


vikings were first in murrica but Colomus had better PR and advertisement.

This is why Colombus is still remembered as discoverer of Amercias not Vikings

>> No.3368734

its obvious you have done 0 research about OMG
just dont buy any, you lazy fuck

>> No.3368755

Where? Like I said in >>3368661 it isn't showing up on my orders list

>> No.3368759

gee never seen that before

WOW how original

yeah unless people start using it and the chain becomes clogged

>> No.3368762


>> No.3368793

> Ethereum-based


>> No.3368798

here are some key words to put in your search

Vitalik, Mcdonalds, Thai Finance, Plasma, Proof of Stake, Palm Beach

I'm not gonna spoon feed you faggot.
I dont care if you buy or not, i bought at 3$ and i wont sell it at 100$

>> No.3368919

should i sell 2 eth and buy OMG? i still have eth left tho

>> No.3368949


>> No.3368959

Id change all your ETH for OMG, OMG news will moooon

>> No.3369029

Basically you put out a continuous buy order at a certain price for a certain total cost. The site will automate the buying process at the rate you specified until you are out of the funds you specified.

Granted it may have mooned past that rate though, check your order pricing and the current pricing.

>> No.3369036
File: 17 KB, 309x309, surprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How high can OMG go?

>> No.3369102

its a long term hold. I wouldn't sell till dec next year maybe

>> No.3369114

Don't sell until proof of stake
It will likely be $100 or more by then, and you might as well just live off the dividends if you bought enough now.

t.1021 OMG holder

>> No.3369129


>> No.3369130

is 1021 even enough to live off dividends, is there any more information out there on how the dividends will work?

>> No.3369148

yes thanks

>> No.3369173

There is no more information about the dividends right now,
But i sure as hell hope I could make like 5-10% a year off of it
Im also heavy in Ark, so I think I could probably pull 20k+/yr when they take off.

>> No.3369175
File: 570 KB, 1920x1200, Omigods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time has come.

>> No.3369194
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>states that there is another coin that already does everything OMG does
>doesn't name said coin
Enjoying your bags, NEOcuck?

>> No.3369199

i know what it does, you can use it to buy a cheeseburger at mcdonalds in thailand

sounds like a billion dollar valuation is fair

>> No.3369218

clif high predicts 30.000%, but at the long term end of his data. Just stay comfy and buy more on dips.



>> No.3369220

If you're talking about ETH, then you should know that even money skele shills it.

>> No.3369221
File: 98 KB, 449x232, moneyface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 850 enough to make it

>> No.3369244

You can pay for a burger at mcdonalds with your steam wallet
Or your frequent flier miles from Delta airlines
Or your fucking skype credits
Or your coke rewards

That is what OMG will be
You're welcome for spoon feeding you mouth breather.

>> No.3369257

guys stop the fudding LOL it will increase 50-100% for sure. but it already mooned much more than it will ever. are you guys stupid or what?? it went from a few cents to 10 euros

>> No.3369260

30,000% is nothing if you're talking about from the initial trading price. OMG began trading at $0.54 so 30,000% from that is only like $160.

I think Clif's number is 30,000 TIMES, as in 15,000 a coin. Or maybe even 30,000 itself.

>> No.3369272

Can someone please paste the link to the rumors from yesterday that have like 4 numbered points overheard somewhere?

>> No.3369316

clif high is always right I'm buying more before the conference

>> No.3369327



>> No.3369335

This will crash hard when the conference happens

>> No.3369338

Well if Clif is actually right here then our predictions about OMG going to the moon are wrong.

Because I don't exactly consider $160 in 3 years to be a moon. Bitcoin is predicted to be tens of thousands by then. Probably like $50,000.

So a $160 coin is a resounding meh.

I think his number is either 30,000x or 30,000 itself

>> No.3369348



>> No.3369375

yeah it is understandable.
it will dip after conference and ill be here to buy this dip.

>> No.3369377


does this mean polish subhumans are gonna start meddling with OMG?

>> No.3369378

Nigger, what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.3369380

put your money where your mouth is faggot

>> No.3369383

500. Feels good anons. COROLLA WHEN?

>> No.3369397


the first mention to jsnip4 was when OMG was around 11$ so might be from that point on.

Even if not, id settle for 160$. But you know, the most inaccurate thing in clifs predictions is the timeframe. So we might hit a 15x sooner then expected.

>> No.3369406


>> No.3369432
File: 276 KB, 2332x608, Screen Shot 2017-09-05 at 6.19.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis one?

>> No.3369433

bought at 8.30$ feels bad man

>> No.3369444

Agreed. But Jsnip also said Clif saw "Veritaseum-like" performance out of OMG in Q4 2017. To me, that means $80+ by the end of the year.

So having it be $160 in 3 years seems ultra conservative. I think clif is just assuming 30,000% is a huge number so he gave that caveat in the interview.

I actually emailed him about this but he never responded :'(

>> No.3369449
File: 249 KB, 600x765, The Dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>114 OMG
w-will i make it lads ?

>> No.3369451

Still never seen any explanation why this coin is worth anything other than Mcdonalds.

And please keep in mind that if this is a coin designed to be use at mcdonalds then it can't be worth more than a big mac meal.

>> No.3369454

talking about clif high is one thing. but Jsnip? lol. you guys are desperate.

>> No.3369460

Yes thanks anon

>> No.3369479

Idk. My current amount of OMG at $160/coin is more than its current equivalent value in BTC would be at $50k/coin.

>> No.3369481

This is funny FUD

>> No.3369483


look rtard

right now to pay with bitcoin you have to buy at retailers that accept btc. It isnt so with OMG. You just pay wherever and whenever there is a card reader.


>> No.3369484

Are you me?

>> No.3369490

fuckin checked senpai

>> No.3369496

I'm inside your head.

>> No.3369505

Let's buy some more on the next dip, bro.

>> No.3369507
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>the whole country banking system will run on plasma and MoiseGo


>> No.3369546

Its not real you fool, not even fudding but the guys source was a "friend" and the article was posted on a steemit account which is the worst of the worst for clickbaiting.

>> No.3369601


>> No.3369642


>> No.3369709
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>> No.3369728


*breathes in


>> No.3369826

OMG is starting crashing hard as expected. Forming a double top now. I will buy it within a few days when it's back at 0.00100000.

>> No.3369879


You guys have a link to the thread?

>> No.3369887


>> No.3369892

>every omg thread for the past month

>> No.3369904

kek look at the 1d chart

>> No.3369990

OMG volume drying up

>> No.3370011

Shit's about to tank

>> No.3370026

>tfw news this week

No brakes on this train

>> No.3370029


>> No.3370054

For the few people in this thread, watch this. I'll dump $350k worth into OMG right fucking now.

This is when I retire.

>> No.3370069

Good luck
Wish I had the courage

>> No.3370070

I only got 20 fuck off

>> No.3370094


>> No.3370158

ayy show proof

>> No.3370207
File: 29 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't I buy this at $0.3?


>> No.3370209
File: 65 KB, 821x352, OMGBTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not looking good for long holders of OMG

>> No.3370231

skeleton waiting for faggot to deliver.jpg

>> No.3370258

lol the fuck you talking about? in since 2.92 and i'm comfy my nig

>> No.3370276

I dont get it, all I see is OMG being one of the fastest altcoins to recover from the recent crash. although there was high uncertainty in the market OMG only shortly dropped below 20000 and came back to full strength witin a couple of days. I think those are extremely positive signs. what am I missing ?

>> No.3370300

I mean people who have recently bought...
expect a correction to ~$8-9, then horizontal till announcement, expect a pump at announcement to ~$15-20 followed by a downtrend to $10. Cap this

>> No.3370334
File: 91 KB, 1487x853, Screen Shot 2017-09-06 at 2.38.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cap this
no, sweetheart. we will break out after the news this week and pump for two weeks leading up to TCD Sep. 18 - 20. after that, we break $20.

>> No.3370350

you're not missing anything. This is a good sign, some people are either fudding because they are shorting/ investing in another coin ( neo or wtv)/ hate life because they didn't buy the dip

>> No.3370357

First timer here.
Will my BCH reach the moon or should I sell now?

>> No.3370368

I fully expect a downtrend after the news after a pump, before/during. Whether the coin breaks out or bleed out really depends on the news. Given that most of the rumours are farfetched imo I expect a bleed out till ~$10-15 followed by slow gains after. If the rumours are true (apple, 7/11, Golem nodes etc) expect a very bullish time to $50-60

>> No.3370397
File: 64 KB, 590x424, Screen Shot 2017-09-06 at 2.45.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the rumours are true
>Golem nodes


>> No.3370403

I doubt it will moon honestly, probably stable gains until we see the effect of miners moving from core to cash ect. I'd hodl for a while

>> No.3370884
File: 140 KB, 872x632, 1493125503085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is the OMG the new ANS?
I mean should I buy in, then sell it around 1000 just like NEO? I think it's really going to happen.

>> No.3370886
File: 108 KB, 640x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omgomgomg visa and omise partnership confirmed xD

>> No.3370897

really not enough time\or people selling for it to drop to 9 euros before the golem conference.
Im expecting it to pump to maybe 15-17 dollars and then back to 13 until more 'news' comes out.

>> No.3370901

Nice, thats a decent lil stash

54000 here

>> No.3370918

Thats says Omise. Not Omisego.
As for VISA they will be in the dustbin of history soon.

>> No.3370926

14 here, you too anon

>> No.3370937

nice stash bud.
1440 here

>> No.3370972
File: 54 KB, 1345x238, HF1HG5i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3371145

>coinbase is going to add two complete shitcoins and OMG for no reason
Nice just bought 100k

>> No.3371146

Jesus Christ u r a faggot. VIA is NOT getting added. Romano is a larping immigrant piece of shit pajeet.

>> No.3371149

what a loser, 30 here

>> No.3371175

Is it too late to get in? I mean it isnt the wisest getting in at the highest price ever. It's gonna dip soon.

>> No.3371216

>Cap this
worthless ta is worthless. trying to make calls like that in crypto.. lmao

>> No.3371217

He replied to the tweet saying its not being added, relax.

>> No.3371240

Mfw also holding exactly 1021 OMG...

>> No.3371289

It'll dip again. It's damn near like clockwork. Anything under $11 is a good buy.

>> No.3371344


>> No.3372258

any thaifag to translate?

>> No.3373577

here comes the dipper

>> No.3373586

GNT is stealing the show. Hopefully OMG they announce something big tomorrow.

>> No.3373592

Don't sell ever at 1000+. You will be able to stake your coins and get paid dividends

>> No.3373618

>stable oscillations all day
I hate indians

>> No.3373635

This. Indian IP ban when. Useless cunting mods

>> No.3373725

why bother

>> No.3374139

Deluded ARKie here. Should I buy OMG, GNT, or an even split of each?

>> No.3374172

The OMG is a solid company and price has been extremely stable even through the weekend dip. Not sure on the GNT return potential. Definitely read into OMG technical details if you have time. There are tons of threads here everyday discussing it.

>> No.3374190
File: 48 KB, 458x390, 1490507553363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Great will do, thanks bro.

>> No.3374198

I'm not big into GNT, though I feel like I should be if they're partnering up for a conference. Can't go wrong with throwing a hundred bucks at a 50 cent coin though. Probably should have gotten in before it shot up a day or two ago.

>> No.3374864
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>> No.3376000
File: 76 KB, 1137x247, Screen Shot 2017-09-07 at 08.29.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*breathes in


>> No.3376036

How long does a NEO transaction take? Tried sending from the neon wallet back to Bittrex and i've been waiting over an hour.

>> No.3376044

Nearly instant, its probably bittrex or you fucked up. Also, OMISEGOYS BTFO

>> No.3376056

What's funny is that I'm like 8k of that volume difference. Sold some omg bags to ride the neo wave. Can't tell which is a better long term hold anymore

>> No.3376738


>> No.3376745

>omgbros take some of their gains and decide to pump neo
youre our bitch boy

>> No.3376767

Can you fucking retards stop calling everything a crash. I have a feeling that 99% of biz uses 1min candles with max zoom in.

>> No.3376788


>> No.3376791

more like crash on the conference

thats what usually happens