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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 103 KB, 640x640, chad and stacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3358655 No.3358655 [Reply] [Original]

>finally reach 21 BTC
>tfw need hair transplant
>tfw need double jaw surgery to fix Messi tier mong profile
>tfw need chest implant due uneven chest
>tfw all of this + taxes would leave me with weak BTC holdings to be a millonaire in 2027 as I would with 21 BTC
>tfw my prime will be over by then
>tfw im too old (near 30) now anyway
>tfw not deluded enough to think looks don't matter
>tfw money is a cope that will never biologically attract the Stacy we all want (inb4 I don't, muh hookers muh lambo muh MSTOW (men sent their own way)) beyond surgery and surgery is limited in its results anyway (even tho it definitely would have helped me if I got it earlier but im not blessed with trustfund money)
>tfw my cousin is a careless 15yo tall slayer fucking prime goddesses all summer while I rot
>tfw you can't never buy true happyness aka HS slayer genes
>tfw not deluded enough to cope with said cold hard facts

It's over.

>> No.3358692

That's all true OP but don't worry if you accumulate enough you'll be able to buy your way into the biomatrix in 2040 and live eternally as a digital god.

>> No.3358718

muh entropy is also cope

>> No.3358739

that dude is such a slayer, i remember when he used to post on /fraud/ about banging 17yo's on tinder

>> No.3358748


>spends a fortune on plastic surgery
>still a self-loathing beta with zero confidence

yeah it probably wont do much OP

>> No.3358794

Looks matter, but not as much as you think they matter. Just start working out and stop browsing r/incel. And maybe try not being a massive dickhead.

>> No.3358797

Surgery is for faggots.

Confidence + money. Hodl your coins and work on your confidence.

You'll only get confidence via repeated trial by fire.

>> No.3358813

Just fucking look at him, he's the kind of guy who could get away with groping girls on the bus and be rewarded with a phone number and a quick fuck later.

>> No.3359027

you should get your life all sorted out before you worry about plastic surgery. grow the fuck up and get off of 4chan before fixing superficial problems. you will never be successful in any way unless you get disciplined. otherwise you will just be a beautiful yet socially inept and repulsive fuck up

>> No.3359050

Looks actually doesn't matter, just look at women, they use all kinds of tricks to look good (makeup, stuffed bras etc). Just do the same if you care so much about your looks.

>> No.3359070
File: 12 KB, 330x185, Deus_Ex_Helios_Ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICARUS????? HELIOS??????????

>> No.3359083

You wanted money to waste away with worthless whores? You deserve being cucked by the chinks.

>> No.3359093

This post is so pathetically sad, that made me want to never have opened this thread.

>> No.3359101

If you think you have to build yourself up with money to be attractive, you are completely lost and will never get laid no matter how much you spend.

>> No.3359111

I know your pain OP. This is the only reason I'm grinding, so I may be good looking one day. I only have 3 years left before I turn 25. I need to become a millionaire within the next year.

>> No.3359116

Alright op fag and other fags reading

>do not use any BTC unless it is absolutely needed for your survival
>eat & live minimally
>use porn to replace sex *used only to relieve sexual and stress needs
>do not drink or do drugs
>work enough to continue minimal lifestyle
>learn & develop 2 skills such as ~ piano/programming
>Android phone & chromebook->AR->MR->VR->Upload Consciousness

Live in your own personal heaven
When you die, you wake up again because of infinite time progression.

You can thank me with BTC
@ 1HYn3pZLRUvzDz8aQe2XEx4QJe256brdnY

>> No.3359141
File: 111 KB, 1039x1191, american_chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a nutritionist, a yoga class and a course of rogaine cost less than one BTC all together. Stop making excuses, if you don't want a Stacy figure out what you really want, if you do figure out what she really wants.

>> No.3359154

>because of infinite time progression.


>> No.3359171

> tfw dont have ideal orbits
LDAR boyo mfw desu desu

>> No.3359200
File: 82 KB, 624x480, IMG_0645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3359234

Why do you care so much about finding women? If you need the love and affection of a woman to feel complete, you were never whole to begin with. Fuck changing yourself, as long as you have two legs and two arms and a working body, you should be good to go. Hold your money and in 10 years time you'll be top 1% of the WORLD. Get a dog. Then you will be all set.

>> No.3359288

if you lift, eat well, get sun, take maka, ashwaghanda and fenugreek you can expect a modest increase in free test you phaggot but that catch is you have to do it consistently for a while. this WILL change the shape of your face and jawm 100^ I've seen it happen (with only lfiting) but you HAVE to not be a piece of shit and stick to it

>> No.3359321

This guy gets it.

The only purpose of accumulating wealth is so that we can eventually trap our consciousness in a "bitomatrix", which will distort our perception of time to the point where we will perceive 1 real world second as being trillions of years long. This is the only way we can avoid being reborn. Otherwise we will simply wake up as soon as we die with no control over what kind of reality we end up in.

>> No.3359396

person who spent money for sh-t will never be reach