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File: 79 KB, 475x634, 1504428604692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3357400 No.3357400 [Reply] [Original]

Why did she do this to herself? why do't women respect their bodies?

>> No.3357409

she's beautiful dude. go back to /pol/. I can smell their stench on you.

>> No.3357447

she wanted to make herself look UNattractive so that she could gain more "respect" in the male-dominated workspace of tech/programming...she also modeled herself after the female hacker character in Girl with the Dragon tattoo as in pic related.

understanding women, especially western feminist women, is not rocket science.

nice bait though.


>> No.3357540

david fincher told her to

>> No.3357563
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, 1493456874029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white knighting still occurs in 2018

>> No.3358051

great fundamental analysis there bud

>> No.3358126

why not

>> No.3358148

She's a degenerate.

>> No.3358304

/pol/ is always right, nigger

>> No.3359211
File: 361 KB, 1200x1800, bast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off bitch. The sapiosexuals among us like it when women compete on the basis of intelligence.

Here, something for your ravenous subconscious. Now let us enjoy ours.

>> No.3359245

Hair grows back, nigger.

>> No.3360104

>getting tattoos
>head half shaved
Im not talking about her appealing to intelligent ppl what im talking about being a shallow degenerate fool.

>> No.3360161

Eat a dick furfag

>> No.3360165

She went full dominatrix because it was the only way to get nerds to listen to her.

>> No.3360410

Well if I was semi good looking, and/or semi inteligent woman, the last thing I would want was to some virgin fag with no social skills go all white knight to defend me it would make me just feel like worse shit than he is if he had to defend me.

>> No.3360463

This. She is trying to project power. In the female mind changing you appearance is supposed to somehow change who you are, but I don't really think it works. Males don't care about you hair or clothes unless they are courting.