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File: 61 KB, 1280x720, monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3357381 No.3357381 [Reply] [Original]

Just imagine this.

>feeling hungry
>buy hamburger on the street
>hamburgerman look looks nasty
>hamburger costs .0001BTC
>pay hamburgerman
>hamburgerman now knows exactly how much money I have, all the people I ever paid, my exact spending habits, my exact income, etc.

Buy Monero man

>> No.3357395

You can have more than one btc address, you know?

>> No.3357440

You will leave a trace in the blockchain. It will be pretty simple to automatically analyze BTC traffic and recognize patterns that point to you

>> No.3357489

All aboard the monero spaceship.
We are headed to the moon, motherfuckers.

>> No.3357518

And problem is...? Muh privacy?

btw mining Monero here lol

>> No.3357527
File: 86 KB, 409x409, 1495914126494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking that hamburgerman dosent already know

>> No.3357573

Damn. I'm balls deep in DCR, supposedly devs are working on a privacy feature bit they haven't said a goddamn thing about it for months.

>> No.3357624

>be goodboy
>donate to charity
>charity organizer hates gay marriage or some other irrelevant bullshit
>my donation is broadcast over SJW networks
>i get doxxed as gay hating nazi
>lose job

>> No.3357649
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait for this shit pajeeet-mexican-jew joint-venture coin to get rekt

I'm disgusted at the shitty vowel-ending mexican-sounding name of this shit

>pic related, the instrument of its destruction

>> No.3357654
File: 194 KB, 467x491, Xbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares if people can trace you through BTC transactions?

It's only a problem if you have something to hide

Do you have something to hide OP?

Only criminals buy Monero

I am a faggot

>> No.3357667

Get robbed and stabbed by niggers.

Enjoy your nothing to hide meme.

>> No.3357676

Yeah I think I'll pick an actual working product instead of vaporware hype coin no.376, thanks.

>> No.3357693

holy shit btfo

>> No.3357702
File: 5 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you said this same shit in 2009-2010 when your first heard about bitcoin.

Stay poor.

>> No.3357708

having 3-4 bitcoin addresses pretty much solves this issue entirely
you shouldve complained about fees and shilled ltc instead
too bad we're never gonna be buying hot dogs with crypto though

>> No.3357717

>buy starbuck
>girl track my transaction
>see my 100btc address
>proceed to drop her pants and let me fuck her

>> No.3357742

Bro .0001 btc is already 50% of the cost of a dollar menu burger

>> No.3357743

not even pajeet would fall for this

>> No.3357746

It'll also show the wallets of everyone who ever sent you money too so who cares

>> No.3357854

Well yes
Yes I do

It only needs 1 insane person to not like what you think or do to ruin your life
Why take the risk, especially in the us with all those crazy libtards and antifa ?

>> No.3357883

No thanks, buying into Verge.

>> No.3357933

Anything that isn't Ethereum based will be dead.

Don't worry, I'll at least tip when you hand me my double double at in n out.

>> No.3358065

Stop posting juvenile hate speech on facebook and you'll have nothing to worry about

>> No.3358087

>Shut up, comply and think like us and you'll have nothing to worry about

>> No.3358122



>> No.3358143

>hamburgerman now knows exactly how much money I have, all the people I ever paid, my exact spending habits, my exact income, etc.

Use credit card, and corporations have almost the same info.

>> No.3358144
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1469384051812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am all for Monero, but segwit off-chain payment channels and side chains will solve this type of problem. It's not like on-chain transactions are suitable for buying burgers anyway because of the fees and confirmation times.

>> No.3358340

I am right now planing with my two brothers to kidnap, torture and kill an early user from my country. He has 500 coins. It is Third World, so, who care? I will also kill his mother, the only person he trust.

Any advices?

>> No.3358366

The problem is taking transactions off the blockchain completely defeats the purpose of a decentralised currency. It's why Bitcoin Cash is picking up traction as well as Monero.

>> No.3358370


do monero people think that it can get to the mass adoption phase? where people can go to starbucks and pay with monero?

>> No.3358395

I sure do

>> No.3358418

do you think the government will allow untraceable money to be spent in their borders? how will it comply with anti-money laundering laws if by nature there is no way to verify the source of it?

>> No.3358445

>hiding money from business competitors
>having privacy when dealing with family
>wanting to hide savings from the government

And wanting privacy in a transparent system is pretty much impossible

>> No.3358461

Doesn't mean we need to let that continue

>> No.3358482

It won't fly with the authorities. They will ban it and bring attention to it or leave it and let it slide.

>> No.3358499

BCC is going to have a hell of a time gaining any form of adoption with that EDA abuse.

>> No.3358537

Use an icicle so the evidence melts away. Also hair net to keep from leaving any hair behind as well as wrapping your shoes with cloth or something to obfuscate footsteps you leave behind. Alternatively use a .22 caliber 3D printed pistol with whisper ammo (obviously destroy the gun afterwords). How do you plan to get his private key? Godspeed, anon.


>> No.3358560

by banning it won't that severely restrict its ability to grow? i don't see how it can hit wide scale commercialization without regulatory oversight.

>> No.3358575

>>3D printed gun meme

just build a zip gun for fucks sake.

>> No.3358581

>do you think the government

I didn't care to read any further...I don't care what the government allows. This is a revolution of world finances

Also, the government will be the main party utilising it no doubt, with the current global corruption.

Imagine government being able to bribe any single entity on the planet in a USABLE currency without any trace or repercussion.

>> No.3358605

This. I love Monero but I don't hold much because I think it'll be a major target for the govs. OP's reasoning is good though too, multiple wallets doesn't really solve the problem as they can all be connected. There has to be some happy point where transactions are private but it doesn't trigger uncle Sam.

>captcha: picture of some run-down house. "Click on the bicycle wheel" 5th time today getting this exact one, anyone else?

>> No.3358639

Wouldn't banning monero be a good thing for it though ?
By proving it's importance that is

>> No.3358676

interesting, so do you not care that the government is in direct control of the regulations involving banks and corporations? if the government decides that monero is too obscure and breaks money laundering laws what stops the government from putting in regulations that tells banks they can't process transactions involving monero or freezing assets that are derived from monero? how will starbucks, mcdonalds, and burger king accept monero as payment if banks won't touch it?

why would the government 'use' monero when they already have the CIA and NSA to bribe whomever they want with the consent of the government?

>> No.3358677

Maybe, but not good for people like me who want to own a house in the USA and pay taxes on everything and not go to jail.

>> No.3358706

banning it would handicap it's growth. further regulation would suppress it by telling exchanges they can't process transactions involving XMR. you could still work with it without the exchanges or using future decentralized exchanges but the damage is done. its liquidity would be hurt.

>> No.3358753

Banks banks banks.... Blah blah blah.... There won't be need for banks if everyone is there own bank... how will Starbucks McDonald and Burger King keep open if they don't accept the global currency that everyone is preferring to use? I mean, they could I suppose choose to only accept USD or any other locale derivative of Fiat... However, if people have transferred over to Monero as the "chosen" globally preferred payment method then the locale Fiat will be worthless and thus, not a preferred trade off for goods or services

>> No.3358808


I can't tell if you are being serious or if you have a complete lack of understanding on how banks work and how entrenched they are.

anon, the banks give me my mortgage. the banks obey the regulations set out by the government. if the government says Monero circumvents our anti-money laundering laws and there is no conceivable way reconcile these differences, it will get banned. how will I pay my mortgage in Monero? This isn't a choice anon, the government says you have to pay your taxes in a denomination of their choosing, which is probably the local one.

>> No.3358861

Can anyone see the monero block chain? Can the developers see it?

>> No.3358866

I'm not sure it will hit visa level. But I really think it will be very popular despite that. Monero would be a tough nut to regulate, and I'm glad it's like that.

>> No.3358891

The developers have as much insight as anyone else. You can Google an explorer and see what shows up, and that's all there is.

>> No.3358936

>how banks work

Hold my money for me at a cost to myself?... Expect me to pay them to withdraw my own funds?... How about issue my personal private information to just about any 3rd party at will?

Banks have granted you a mortgage yes, but that doesn't mean banks are the ONLY avenue of gaining captial to acquire a home, they are only acting as a loan company in this scenario with a contractual clause stating that they will own your home should you'd default on the loan payments... Its not a fucking secret pact that banks MUST exist and they ONLY they shall allow you to purchase a home.

As for the government collecting taxes, again as stated, the government like any other entity can choose if they wish to collect in locale fiat, but if the global population has chosen a different preferred payment method/currency the government will HAVE to follow suit, otherwise, what are they going to pay there subsideries with? I'm sure if I offered you 1kg of sand for example to do a job you'd kindly decline... even though sand does hold a value and is tradable, it isn't the preferred payment solution therefore not an applicable trade off for goods or services... Therefore the government would also NEED to trade in Monero as it is the global preference

>> No.3358963

it's okay to like Some salvia on the weekends man.

>> No.3358970

>hahahaha how is censorship even real just don't say what you aren't allowed to say like nigga just agree with us

>> No.3358992

I can see we aren't going to agree on this. You seem to think that monero will grow so large that governments will have no choice but to capitulate to it even though it breaks laws on money laundering and terror financing.

I'm saying the government will simply restrict all corporations and banks from accepting it even if it's what the people want. Moneros ability to obtusify transactions is fundamentally incompatible with the governments need to collect taxes and prevent crime.

>> No.3358995

>>hamburger costs .0001BTC
>>pay hamburgerman
>>hamburgerman now knows exactly how much money I have, all the people I ever paid, my exact spending habits, my exact income, etc.
Of you could just pay him with monero, and spend 30 bucks on a hamburger.

Monero has its pros anon but this isn't one of them.

>> No.3359033
File: 36 KB, 252x306, BitcoinTrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed, Roger.

>> No.3359143


Thanks, I will copy your adress.

I am in the process of conving my brothers, since they are dumb and don't know nothing about crypto.

I am not very concerned with evidence, since murder rates are high and 1% of cases have a conclusion. To get the keys I will torture him. Perhaps I will take both, him and his mother. But perhaps I will torture him until he says how do I acess the keys. He has to know, I will crack him.

Then I will send an illiterate homeless to search his house for me.

I think the hard part is to convince my brothers. They aren't criminal, but we are talking of larges ammount of untraicable money.

>> No.3359252

>Moneros ability to obtusify transactions is fundamentally incompatible with the governments need to collect taxes and prevent crime.

With the correct knowledge just about all cryptocurrencies can be obtusificated sufficiently enough to make them untracable enough to circumvent anti-money laundering laws and terror prevention's laws... Monero just makes this process simpler and more "Guaranteed"... Thus, essentially your stating either ALL cryptocurrencies will become banned by the government, in which case is already a non starter as many governments (Vietnam and Philippines off the top of my head ) are already utilising ripple technology in your beloved banking infrastructer to replace swift payments for international banking transfers therefore that is a no go, or your stating ONLY cryptocurrencies using 100% transparent blockchains will be used to avoid circumventing government laws and regulations, in which case would make "cryptocurrencies" null and void thus reverting back to previous payment methods.

All in all, I'm not stating that goverenments will definitely not potentially attempt to spread fear into the usage of cryptocurrencies/monero at some point in the near future... however, we also both know that essentially neither of us know the outcome in the future in regards to cryptocurrencies and more specifically Monero... I for one know that if it does kick off to be the globally preferred crypto payment method, I stand in good stead with my current holdings, however if your chosen scenario plays out, I won't be too disheartened either.

>> No.3359491

Bullshit. Alphabay creator was tracked via Bitcoin and he used tons of tumbling services, exchanging it around, it doesn't matter.

I'm sick of arm chair neckbeards telling me "duh look theoretically x, y, z is correct" when it's easy to find real world examples of what actually happens

>> No.3360316

Monero has private view keys. Employers, exchanges, and banks could just be forced to report all of the wallets they deal business with and their owners to the IRS. The IRS then asks you for all the private keys needed to audit you.

>> No.3360373

Newcoiner here, so you mean to tell me I can be murdered and have bitcoins stolen because somebody I happened to trade with saw my portfolio?

>> No.3360548
File: 51 KB, 634x544, Ronon dex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say WRAITH?

>> No.3360569

I think if your dealing with non whites it might be best to just use cash

>> No.3360602

>Implying BTC will be used a currency rather than a commodity


>> No.3360604


Untraceable money that you just traced?

Btw you just just kill your pajeet self instead

>> No.3360647


>> No.3360934

That would be a violation of the NAP.

>> No.3361220

Alphabay guy was busted as soon as he started accepting Zcash. There's a screenshot from one of the devs admitting it has a backdoor. Not saying you're completely wrong, but my delusions of paranoia state that you're being paid to post on this board and gently FUD something your bosses don't like.
Alphabay admin was doing so much business that it could have just been the Bitcoin transactions though, tumble them 10,000 times, and the NesA can trace it in less than 15 seconds

>> No.3361699

Yes I'm a paid pajeet to FUD Bitcoin because no one knows it has a public block chain.

Zcash is trash and they said how they can make it "traceable enough" for law enforcement. Either way the official asset seizure document said they got him through Bitcoin. That guy did stupid shit like use his prior personal email on alphabay "contact us" page among other things

>> No.3362144


>literally Esperanto

>> No.3362164

Let's think about this from a lawmakers perspective, because as we know, the future of crypto will depend on regulations set by the gov. If I'm the government, I'd want as much info on people as possible. If Im a businessman, I want as much info on people as possible. Government and corporations will be pushing for cryptos like Bitcoin where you can view the blockchain transactions.

So if you want a Lambo, buy into old tech and avoid Montero and other like it. People dont care about their privacy anymore. They're too comfortable to protest. Be smart and read the writing on the wall

>> No.3362183

Yes, listen to anonimas dood, don't touch mentero

>> No.3362201

You forgot the part where I have to wait two hours for the transaction to go through

>> No.3362260

Yes but the problem is that only those that are legitimate could come forward while those that are illegitimate do not have to come forward and won't. This puts the government in an untenable position. Will the government allow potentially anonymous currency to bypass anti laundering laws? Because for monero to exist side by side within government regulation it can't. It fundamentally breaks all the controls put on the financial industry to root out criminal money laundering.

>> No.3362282

Not shilling or shit, could Verge could a rival for Moreno?

>> No.3362297

>Bitcoin + Tor

>> No.3362497

>do you think the government will allow untraceable money to be spent in their borders? how will it comply with anti-money laundering laws if by nature there is no way to verify the source of it?

You mean like cash?

>> No.3363129



>> No.3363647

kek nice post

>> No.3363667

That is a practicality issue that the government has no way around currently. But there are limits to physical cash, limits on bringing it across borders, fintrac monitoring, and 'know your customer' policies from banks that handle it.

>> No.3364330

This thread just made me want to invest in Monero.

>> No.3364384

I finally got around to buying some XMR the other day. Was meant to buy when it was hovering at $50 USD but put more into others because I thought it'd be a while till Monero increased. I seriously see this coin being ~$1000 in a year or so.

>> No.3364431

new addresses don't exist for you or?

>> No.3364590

fully expecting chink money to start pouring into this coin like crazy

>> No.3364791

He is completely right tough. Just go fiat then. Off chain and side chains are NOT the right solution.

>> No.3364832

>What is cash?

You reason stated is already flawed from the very beginning. Cash has the same issues as Monero and nobody gives a shit.

>> No.3364841

and how do you get coins on those adresses

>> No.3364847


Post just made me realise that cryptocurrency will definitely take over. There's no way a government will want to miss out on that kind of control and oversight on the population. Sure, they can already do so now to an extent, but this is much more robust.

>> No.3364893

That will not and can not work because:

Employer deposits money on address XYZ. You report address XYZ to IRS. IRS asks viewkey of XYZ. You give it to them.

Now you make a secondary address and ask boss to give min wage for first address and deposit the rest on newly made address. Tada, tax evation.

The fact there is no centralized entity that is control of creating "accounts" and monitoring transactions makes it so it will never work for big daddy gov.

>> No.3364943

Cash is entrenched, there isn't a way to force people to accept credit or debit. It's an archaic currency system that persists today because of necessity. Cash does have the same issue as monero, but cash is even more scrutinized then monero at the moment.

You cannot effectively ban physical money yet because there is isnt a system that can replace it. Monero does not have that luxury. I mean the just because the government has to tolerate the anonymity of its own currency doesn't mean it must extend that benefit to monero, a even more destabilizing force then physical currency.

>> No.3364945

Over saturation of information makes the information worth less. Brought a set of encyclopedia lately?

>> No.3364991

List of privacy coins anons?

>> No.3365028

Monero and decred devs are very good friends. The probably are working together on something together (ringct in dcr, atomic swaps between the 2 chains,...).

>> No.3365143

1- Monero
2- Some dead CryptoNote coins

>> No.3365229

By buying BTC.

A sending 0.4 BTC to B then sending 0.3 BTC to C cannot tell you that they're the same person. Perhaps B and C are related, but aren't the same person. Perhaps B and C are unrelated and A happened to sell to two different people at similar times.

>> No.3365230

Yes because it would be oh so fun to ban cash right? Even though it will not solve anything right? Surely then everybody would pay daddy gov his share?

Or would people start trading in gold and goods again. The fact people do this in the first place is because they believe taxes are to high and "unfair" to the common man.

Taxes are at a ridiculously high point in history with no point of stopping. These days literally EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING is taxed.

And governments keep wondering why people keep trying to avoid it, jeez I wonder why man?

Monero is a great alternative, contrary to cash you can not seize it without somebody's consent. You don't know how much he even has. And you do not have to turn over the key lawfully since that would be self incriminating evidence.


>> No.3365313

Only true anonymous players are monero verge and obsidian. Zcash and dash are easy to track