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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 259 KB, 393x829, 000000000000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3357151 No.3357151 [Reply] [Original]

>own 30.20991 BTC
>still a virgin

>> No.3357166

>own 5 BTC
>not a virgin
feels good bro

>> No.3357172

>own 0 BTC
>not a virgin

>> No.3357180
File: 991 KB, 490x367, shitposting loudly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>own 0.15 btc
>raw sex

>> No.3357207

>own 0.01 BTC
>not a virgin
Wife likes anal

>> No.3357213
File: 172 KB, 752x500, BTC hookers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a quick fix for that

>> No.3357216

>Own 4.20 bitbean
> lost v card at 14

>> No.3357220

Just deposit some in my username! ill get you laid!

>> No.3357224

>own 0.04 BTC
>railing bitches by the hour

>> No.3357231

Send me 1BTC and you will no longer be a virgin.

>> No.3357240

own 1btc, girlfriends big tits roommate wants to fuck me.

>> No.3357251

>Own 1100 btc
> Not a virgin
> Dating/boning a doctor
> Still shelling out a grand for a photographer to maximize tinder bang quality

>> No.3357274

>nutted on a skank's stomach not even 30 mins ago
>have less than .15 BTC rn

Wanna trade?

>> No.3357279

Cash out one bitcoin and hire a first rate escort dude.

>> No.3357347
File: 69 KB, 800x531, 095679355u609348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old are you? I used to feel so self conscious about my virginity until i lost mine. It's not a big deal, really. AMA

>> No.3357384

>am 6"01.75 tall
>still a virgin

>> No.3357434

>and .75
this is why

>> No.3357524

>the joke
>your head

Read the OP again

>> No.3357645

>0 btc
>fucked 19 women

>> No.3357675

brothels don't count faggot

>> No.3357694
File: 43 KB, 529x794, pregnant_candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was young and didn't get any pussy forever.

I watched pickup videos who told me to approach women and suddenly I got a lot of pussy.

Now I have a stable income and a few dozens k in crypto. Money doesn't help me AT ALL with getting pussy. Not that I have particularly much money, but even 200k you'd get less than if you're at a coffee shop for 3 hours a day. To get laid, you must come across hygenic, not fearful of life and actually talk to people. If you're busy getting rich, you don't get any.

>> No.3357695

Haha oh yeah. I'm tired. Plz no bully

>> No.3358201

No no no. That'd be depressing as fuck

>> No.3358231

Peasant money doesn't help at all with getting pussy. Make mid to high six figures yearly and it helps.
Of course, sitting in your moms basement all day like a wojak fgt won't matter how much money you have or make

>> No.3358234

>own 130btc
>virgin, ofc
i stoped caring 8 years ago

>> No.3358239


Links to pickup vids

>> No.3358250

nice just bought 100k

>> No.3358256
File: 112 KB, 896x672, 1498318145664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 btc is way more valuable that a pussy
confucius says better to be a virgin with crypto than a virgin without

>> No.3358267

in this day and age, with the ease of online dating, even the most disgusting neckbeard should be able to get laid

your standards are probably way too high

>> No.3358324

what are you talking about?
its getting harder and harder to meet people in the modern world, back than the innocent girl on a farm would fall in love with any sweet guy she met but now only the top 20% of male selection get picked.

>> No.3358358
File: 21 KB, 600x336, tmp_15090-images(3) (6)-1900301364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>own 30k xvg
>last week i had sex with a trannie. (Cute girl with a penis)

>> No.3358390

god fucking damn my man. envy of /biz/ catmilking division right here

>> No.3358399

>back than the innocent girl on a farm would fall in love with any sweet guy she met

This has never been true in any time period of human history. If you were a loser neet back then, you would be shoved into a monastery.

>> No.3358402

Huh? He's saying that you should look for people around your level of attractiveness on Tinder. Do you think the bottom 40% of women get to pick from the top 20% of men?

>> No.3358410

all women are is just another shitcoin OP, pump and dump

>> No.3358443

You must get them when they are young or you will end up with a liability.

>> No.3358452
File: 6 KB, 238x250, battered Wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


W-w-will you send me some pls? I haven't fucked because the only opportunity was my friend's GF when she thought he had cheated on her but I said no and it turned out not to be true anyway.


>> No.3358470

good wojack man, sad story. I hate having to resist my friends exes out of respect for them, wish I was a nigger and just shared with my brothers

>> No.3358473

have 40k in bank, have 30k in crypto

never held hands with a girl, but atleast im way more well off than people my age

>> No.3358475

This guy is WOKE

>> No.3358530


And Chad pre-mines them.


She's 5 feet tall, beautiful, and had H cup tits, it was so hard to say no.

>> No.3358557

>spend all my time in my dark room
>wonder why you're still a virgin

>> No.3358580
File: 105 KB, 633x758, tfw (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw missed out on teenage love
>tfw no amount of BTC will ever buy you a time machine

>> No.3358642

You are completely disconnected from reality.
Your mother too then huh.

>> No.3358659

Absolutely my mom, she's like the town bicycle. Everyone knows shes a slut. Still call her everyday though, shes my damn mommy

>> No.3358693
File: 103 KB, 640x640, chad and stacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't slaying prime 15 year old pussy by highschool kill yourself.

>> No.3358702

this dramatic guy sold at the dip

>> No.3358707

>if you had shitty bones back then, you would be shoved into a monastery.

>> No.3358715


The top 20% of men fuck the bottom 40% of women with no remorse, leading to even the ugliest woman having ridiculous standards that the average man struggles to meet. The bottom 40% just turn into used up single moms or childless in there 30's. Man whores are everu bit at fault as woman.

>> No.3359117

own 1 btc
fucked hundreds of times
forgot what its like to be a virgin

>> No.3359129

Sent ;)

>> No.3359144

>the only reason to get laid is to come to the realization that pussy is worthless and doesn't get you anything
>virgins spend their entire lives obsessing and trying to obtain this worthless commodity
Sad, really.

>> No.3359172
File: 58 KB, 900x376, header1-e1442435958837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels the same as being a non virgin now stop acting like your plastic trophy is a gold medal faggot

>> No.3359181

this, sex is overrated af. Sure it feels nice but my life still is the same shit after having sex.

Also, after Tinder was invented there is literally no excuse to not get your dicked sucked by a some bored girl out there.

>> No.3359189

Being virgin is a state of mind.

Start doing good things, dress well, take cure of yourself, get out of your basement every now and then and you won't actually look like a virgin before than being a virgin , that is even worse.

Start doing men things like thanks who gives you advice (with BTC coff cuff, just saying).


>> No.3359196

>Both pussy and money create their own set of problems, and never bring the satisfaction that these plebs are trying for
Don't be too disappointed kids

>> No.3359215 [DELETED] 

> 45 btc hodling to the day i die
> still an ugly and autistic virgin over the age of 20
Wat do desu?

>> No.3359225

Start by spelling out the word "what"

>> No.3359235

Leave the house.

>> No.3359237

send 1.0 BTC to get dem dragon dildos, I need to take my virginity with those

>> No.3359242

Do Molly and go to a club with tidy looking clothes and a haircut/shave if youre a little unkempt. You'll have the confidence, you'll be horny enough to bang anything that moves and it'll be the best night of your life when you inevitably smash. Cash out a quarter of a coin and buy a few drinks, and take a quarter of a viagra in case you get stimdick.

I don't condone the use of illegal substances, though.

>> No.3359243

>the virgin coin
>the chad fiat

>> No.3359244

> owns 0.18BTC
> gf wants to make me forget about the recent losses
feels good man

>> No.3359250


Getting laid is like that really hard videogame where you get stuck on a place for a long time, then when you actually learn how to get past it becomes fucking easy to do it every time.

Also in my experience, having a vehicle makes women wet af (especially motorcycles). start riding one and women will all jump on your dick.

>> No.3359262

> 45 btc hodling to the day i die
> still an ugly and autistic virgin over the age of 20
Waht do desu?

Okay i deleted my post and repost with propa grama is this beter?

You see grammar nazi is cope on 4chan for pseudo intellectuals to compensate for their lack of self worth.

>> No.3359265

I'll teach you everything I know about getting laid for some Bitcoin OP. You lack game, and I lack Bitcoin. Good trade.

>> No.3359307

A lot of bullshitters in here. I'm 30 and have fucked about 60 bitches, which is more than most if not all of the faggots in this thread, and I still don't think it's "easy" (at least it isn't when you're going for girls higher than 7/10 on the looks scale). It's a huge pain in the ass at the best of times.

>> No.3359379

Follow this advice! Try to get them at ICO(Initial Cunt Offering) and dump after the first big pump or you'll be left holding heavy bags

>> No.3359425

jesus, this is accurate

>> No.3359463

Who remember no hymen no diamond. Good meme

>> No.3359615

Statistically speaking women are going after the top 20% of men. That 20% of men only see a match for 1 in 100 like.

I'll just stick to my crypto.