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3356166 No.3356166 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3356171


>> No.3356177


>> No.3356184

holy fuck... it's over

>> No.3356185
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>> No.3356193

>spotted housing bubble in 2003, bubble popped in 2008
>says he spotted a bubble with bitcoin in 2017

Alright, we got til 2022 guys.

>> No.3356198

Just sold $100k worth, thx.

>> No.3356203
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>> No.3356207


>> No.3356215

lol what a shitty article. Go ahead biz listen to a guy named Shiller. The elite will laugh in your face

>> No.3356221


>> No.3356223
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>> No.3356224

It seems like he just read the bitcoin Wikipedia page

This faggot doesn't know shit

>> No.3356247

bitcoin is always in a bubble, then it pops and goes down 25-75% and then recovers and goes back up to ATH in a few weeks/months.

>> No.3356264

>pump and dump
the goyim knows, sell sell sell

>> No.3356270

>bitcoin is always in a bubble
every single crypto is in a bubble

>> No.3356296

>By giving people a tangible asset whose prices seems to only go up, bitcoin has served as a salve for that anxiety, Shiller explained. Bitcoin "gives a sense of empowerment" in such an atmosphere, Shiller said. It allows people to feel like "I understand what’s happening! I can speculate and I can be rich from understanding this!"

haha jokes on him, i have no idea how any of this works

>> No.3356302

Nice just sold 100k

>> No.3356320

biz challenge:
what is an asset class that isn't in a bubble?

>> No.3356356
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>> No.3356363


>> No.3356376


>> No.3356396

But Monero isn't

>> No.3356398

This whole capitalism thing and everything connected to it is a bubble. Unlimited growth! Forever!


>> No.3356409


>> No.3356421
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shiller is a clueless, how's the famous shiller-pe working? been out of sync past 10 years... he is not a trader nor a hedge fund manager so pay no attention, he is school teacher

>> No.3356435

>buy high
>sell low
>shill @ time

>> No.3356468

>water is wet

>> No.3356502

You can't make this shit up

>> No.3356559

shiller was shilling this theory years ago
he may be right but only in short term

>> No.3356680
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>> No.3356714

>interviewer has to explain basic concepts about cryptocurrencies to him
>interviewer only seems to have a vague understanding of "Bitcoin" and it's history
Expert opinions everybody

>> No.3356779


>> No.3356785

This is the most damning thing. Even if he has a nobel in econ, if he's not putting his money where his mouth is and making big gains, then there's no reason for anybody to give a shit about his opinion.

>> No.3356879

>You have to think like humanities people.


>> No.3356974

He should short it if he's so sure... But he won't

>> No.3357045

Why would I care what a liberal faggot professor from Yale has to say? Hes responsible for brainwashing the current Economists who put us in this shit mess were in.

>> No.3357050


Yah didnt Ofagget get one of those worthless awards too?

>> No.3357061

Since when are we trusting a shiller?

>> No.3357102

Bitcoin was literally worth nothing 8 years ago. Any price over 0 is going to look like a bubble because it is a brand new asset class with no history to compare it to.

>> No.3357132

Okay, Nobel-Winning Economist Who Predicted the Housing Collapse, show me your short positions on Bitcoin

and for that matter, anyone else saying Bitcoin is in a bubble, show me your fucking shorts

put your money where your fucking mouth is

>> No.3357336

My 8 year old gay retarded nephew could've told you that bitcoin is in a bubble

>> No.3357618
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he knows shit about economics

pic related

>> No.3357703
File: 2.12 MB, 1280x1007, econ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Keynesians Economics
>Wage and price stickiness, and the other market failures present in New Keynesian models, imply that the economy may fail to attain full employment. Therefore, New Keynesians argue that macroeconomic stabilization by the government (using fiscal policy) or by the central bank (using monetary policy) can lead to a more efficient macroeconomic outcome than a laissez faire policy would.

>i.e. believing that printing money, gov set interest rates are economically good

>> No.3357713

your mom... oh wait I forgot she is heavily inflated

>> No.3357795

>I read irrational exuberance recently and with every chapter i began to sweat more and more not only about the state of crypto markets but world financial markets.

>> No.3357839

but really, i think we're far from the top of the market. it does give me anxiety with every dip though.

>> No.3358031


Boomers just can't be trusted to opine credibly on revolutionary or disruptive tech. In the 90s another Nobel winning economist, Paul Krugman, predicted the internet would have no more impact than the fax machine.

These people just don't get it when it comes to tech. They point to the Tech Bubble and how much of a retarded investment pets.com was. Yeah no shit, their only idea was to sell online something you could just pick up as a part of your grocery shopping. How the fuck is that revolutionary?

Maybe they see cryptos as just "lol cash online, we already have credit cards for that hurrr"? Forgetting that cryptos have the potential to undermine central bank control of trillions of $?

>> No.3358062


One of the reason the .com bubble burst in the first place was normies were still too afraid to put their credit card number online. Once the stigma was over it was back to the races again.

>> No.3358081


>not even a word about Bitcoin's monetary policy

>> No.3358088
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Ah yes, another qualified business guru telling us how it is. Never had one of those before.


>> No.3358089

That's actually very true.
People were more comfortable ordering over the phone or mailing in orders until the mid 00s.

>> No.3358153

It is a bubble. shit is on pace for 50k in 6 months.

gtfoh if youre too fucking dump to follow trendlines and buy and short it. Im making a killing of you hodler nigs and Joe Dirt throwing his starbucks paycheck and walking away.

>> No.3358173
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Top kek, never change /biz/

>> No.3358233
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Actual jew here

>it is

But it wont burst now. As soon as the hype for crypto is down, BTC will collapse.

I predict 3 years from now.

>> No.3358487

These fucking manlets all scared while i'm just fucking buying loads. Thanks you lil mongaloids

>> No.3358756

>>what is credit

>> No.3358917

bubble fuel

>> No.3358990

>The problem, of course, is that speculative bubbles generally burst, and no one knows exactly when they'll pop.
Worthless article. Anyone can see that this is going to implode someday. It doesn't take a genius.

>> No.3359056

>More FUD
Just HODL and buy the dips you fucking retards, crypto will be even bigger in the coming years.

>> No.3359107
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>> No.3359146

I love when soon to be relics act as if they are experts on the future of the digital economy
These old fucks don't even understand the Internet how are they going to understand crypto

They'll be dead
We'll be the new Era of wealthy people

>> No.3359221
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bitcoin will crash altcoins will rise, thise fucker shiller is right

>> No.3359338

The "bubble" will rise to $10k a bitcoin then "crash" back down to $6-7k a bitcoin.
No matter when you buy, you make long term gains with BTC/other cryptos.
This fucker couldn't tell you how the internet functions, let alone how a cryptocurrency works, traditional stock analysis doesn't work.
I'll enjoy watching these boomers' tears once bitcoin breaks it's ATH again.

"You're like some nigger swimming out in the deep ocean, no idea whats below him." - Terry Davis.

>> No.3359626

>Everyone knows it's a bubble.
>So everyone is waiting for it to pop so they can buy some.
>Which is why the bubble never pops.

>> No.3359713
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This guys gets it.

Boomers are worthless salty cucks that deserve to be BTFO'd by the changing tide

every single one i talk to about BTC says

>remember the tulip bubble my young friend. i have been studying bitcoin since its conception and it has all the characteristics of a bubble. I am a master of economics and politics, but your taxes still fund my retirement lmao

I cant fucking wait for the boomers to be wiped out.

>> No.3359737

>implying economists know anything about bl

>> No.3359740


>> No.3359758

wtf is that candle jack shit i didn't even press post and it posted fucking gay ass website

anyway before i was RUDELY interuppted:

>implying economists know anything about the blockchain or smart contracts
crypto is multidisciplinary

>> No.3359789

>housing bubble
>not the student debt bubble

I swear to christ, economists are all clowns.

>> No.3359876

The Generations after you will treat you ten times worse in your old age than you are treating Boomers now. You are heaoing coals if fire in your own head. Know you nothing if Sub Atomic Physics and Quantum Mechanics?

>> No.3359879
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>needing a nobel prize in economics to see that bitcoin is in a bubble

>> No.3359913

ur a faget, says Anonymous poster with cum stains on his sweatpants

>> No.3359949

lmao hey now, I occasionally wash these sweat pants.

>> No.3359975
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I believe in this man:

>> No.3359992


>> No.3359997


Bitcoin will collapse on itself, not because of angst, but because it's inferior to newer Blockchains that will eventually steal the spotlight from it.

I wish this Shiller guy did more research on the technology and instead of basing his argument on his angsty students.

>> No.3360012

He is one of us.

>> No.3360020

precious metals i guess ?

>> No.3360428

Asked what he thinks of ICOs

>What is an ICO
>How is that different than bitcoin

This man is an idiot trying to seem relevant