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File: 95 KB, 500x416, squeeze bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
334941 No.334941 [Reply] [Original]

Sell me this imitation food product

>> No.334955

Write your name down on this burger bun.

>> No.334960


Why not just re-brand as Smokey Bacon BBQ sauce?

>> No.334961

Tastes like bacon, costs as much as smearing your own poop on your burger. Buy it now or be a huge faggot like OP.

>> No.334965

>It's practically chewed for you.

Were you expecting these kind of douchey responses?

>> No.334972

You like, Bacon? Sure you do! Who doesnt!
Fry it, try it, glorify it!
There is Nothing Better than BACON!

But wait! What if there was? What if you could carry it around with you anywhere? Imagine this:
You go in McDonnalds, you order a burger but its all tasteless and shit! And you just want MORE BACON!

NOW thanks to Vilhelm Lillekelelebeke and their FANTASTIC Squeeze BACON, you can have your little squeeze of heaven WHEREVER! WHENEVER!

What more do you want? Go there and grab this shit!

>> No.334999


>Sweden. Not even once.

>> No.335004

>Amerikansk Smak!
>American Taste

>> No.335010

pls buy squeez bacon we'll both starve

>> No.335073
File: 405 KB, 991x521, 1390654832646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking genius

>> No.335143
File: 1.73 MB, 2532x1547, 1396099269083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this pencil?