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3345346 No.3345346 [Reply] [Original]

hey, /biz/

new lawyer here.

I live in a small town and recently started working for a local law firm.
Still pretty inexperienced, because I am at the beginning of my career, and I'm looking for some advice.

Eventually I want to open my own firm, but I am not sure what area of law I should specialize in. Small town law, so of course I will be doing a lot of family law, worker's comp, and criminal defense work, for bread and butter, but what is the most profitable area of law I can specialize in?

In law school I emphasized in business orgs law, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of money or volume of that in rural America.

What advice does /biz/ have for me?

p.s. Not interested in moving to the city because niggers.

>> No.3345682

If you're planning on hanging a shingle, chances are you're going to be doing general practice - i.e. whatever comes in the door to stay afloat for the first couple of years.

> rent
> secretary
> insurance
> other assorted overhead

All that will kill you the first couple of years while you try to get clients/business generated and you'll live like a 1L again for a little while. It really sucks but it gives you a good sense of the general need in your area and you can then decide to narrow your practice focus more.

In rural areas you'll (probably) get a ton of DUI or other little petty criminal defense shit - speeding tickets, theft, nonpayment of child support etc. Criminal defense can be a solid area to provide an income, but you'll have a shit load of white trash/niggers that won't pay you.

Don't know what part of the country you're in, but if you're rural you can make decent money doing real estate title/closings, as well as other assorted agriculture shit - small LLC filings for farms, livestock contracts and the like.

If you live in an oil producing state (OK, TX, LA, MS, KS, CO, MI) you can make some serious cash doing title opinions or regulatory work in the oil/gas industry. This is what I do in a non-practicing capacity and I love it.

>> No.3345725

Bump im curious . How how much do they cost you in total to become a lawyer do you have any student loan fees are you in debt or do you measure paper thing off also what state are you in thank you

>> No.3345754

Rural lawyer - family law and criminal defense will be your bread and butter. nothing you can do about it for awhile. try and get on the federal defense circuit, pays way better. Other option is to shill yourself and find a niche, i have no advice on which niche. Otherwise, get a salaried job. Other nice boosts to income are mediation, getting on legal insurance networks, or just be a fucking judge. source: 3 goddamn lawyers in my family

>> No.3345759

This is a shitcoin board. You have to go back.

>> No.3345772

Depends where you go to school. Typically large public school will be cheaper than a private school. The law market is pretty saturated and tuition is outrageous right now, so I'd only recommend someone going to law school if they meet these criteria

> family connections to law
family member/friend owns or works at a firm and can give you the hook up - having job connections BEFORE you enter law school is very important

> you get into a T14 school
generally requires being non-white, non-male, excellent LSAT (165+), high GPA in a good major (3.9 in engineering)

> you can go for free
affluent parents or ton of scholarships

If you don't meet those 3, I'd stay far far away. I went to a relatively cheap big public school, paid half my tuition in cash and still came out with about 30k in loans. My job pays about 80k in an extremely cheap state, so it isn't a huge deal but seeing $400/month leave my bank account every month that I could otherwise save or invest really sucks.

>> No.3345786

Do you do this freelance or with a company? Sounds interesting

>> No.3345816

Recent graduate here, I'm currently prepping for the bar. Question for the experienced attorneys out there :

If someone didn't get a biglaw job straight out of LS, what are the chances of getting a job in the banking law / financial market regulatory sector ?

I live in a big North American city.

>> No.3345834

I have my own LLC, so technically I'm not an employee. It means taxes are a bitch, but I work 100% from home, set my own hours, can take on multiple clients/projects if I want etc. Think of it like a remote consulting gig if you want.

I don't get benefits but the freedom is fucking great. I feel bad for my friends slaving away at law firms making essentially what I do but have some asshole boomer partner yell at them all day. I've had several offers to go in-house and work for one of my clients, but I've turned them down because the money they're offering isn't enough to give up the flexibility I have in my schedule.

>> No.3345870

>banking law / financial market regulatory sector

Very possible. Hit up indeed an look for AML Compliance jobs. They're JD preferred jobs doing fraud/banking shit. They pay well from what I understand but a bunch of people trying to bail out of practice are HARD UP for them, so if you're in NYC, Boston etc. it might be kinda competitive.

>> No.3345886

Buy bitcoin

>> No.3345911

I see. Ideally i'd like to work as a lawyer and not as a compliance officer.

Can you tell me more about your practice ?

I should have specified that I live in Canada, so I believe there is quite a bit of opportunity in the oil/gas/energy sector.

>> No.3345917

>Not interested in moving to the city because niggers.

stay poor, anon

>> No.3345933

Sounds awesome, my wife is a recent law grad and I'm in oil and gas (non legal) you are right about legal being saturated. Shes trying to gain some experience to help her get an in house position and find mentors to help her get on her feet.

This is good advice. Are you in Texas by any chance?

>> No.3345942

Go work for an old lawyer, usually quite a few in country towns. Take over the firm. That's my plan atm

>> No.3345970

>I live in Canada

Ahh shit, sorry Canada-bro, I don't know about law up there. From what I understand your energy sector has been hit pretty hard right? I'd look at doing some real estate foreclosure stuff, I hear the housing market up there is a mess.

As for the work I do: in the USA people who buy land can also buy rights the the sub-surface stuff (minerals like oil, nat gas etc.) so if a company wants to go and drill, there are a metric fuck ton of regulations that have to be adhered to before they can go poking holes in the ground. Where I come in is preparing their applications/filings before our regulatory body and making sure they've crossed their Ts and dotted their Is. I'll look over things and give my opinion about whether they should suspend paying a mineral owner or need to get an agreement with another oil company before drilling...really anything that could go wrong and be a big, expensive mistake when one of these wells is drilled.

>> No.3346011

Oklahoma. I've had people try to lure me down to Texas and New Mexico to do work out in the Permian, but I really don't care for the company because they shed a bunch of their workforce and are now trying to hire them back at half price.

My fiancee is finishing up her PhD here and it's very likely we end up in north Texas though, so who knows. I was in your wife's position 3 years ago trying to find a job right out of school and it was the lowest point of my life - all these morons posting pink Wojacks because they lost a few magic beans have no fucking clue the desperation and hopelessness you feel when you've just spent 3 horrible years in school and that first student loan payment is coming due and you haven't found a fucking job. I seriously wish her the best because it's awful...but I can promise it gets better, you just have to sack up and stay tough.

>> No.3346024

Debt collection is easy money for attorneys.

>> No.3346040


Sounds like you're living the dream anon

My dream would be to have the same schedule flexibility as you do by having my own practice
At the same time I realize that it's difficult to get the required experience and knowledge to do so straight out of school

How did you get into this area of practice ?

>> No.3346092

Thanks man I just told her and she teared up a bit. I'm an okie as well living in Texas. Thanks for all the advice, its good to see someone giving solid advice to new lawyers, I watched her go through hell and we scaped by and made it. Most lawyers are asshole and dont care to help other lawyers - You sound like a bro good luck to you and your fiance man.

>> No.3346116

I had read about it online but literally nobody I knew was doing it so I felt kinda stuck. Then one day my last month of law school, I was giving a tour to a kid and we got to talking, turns out his brother did exactly what I do now so he put me in touch.

I worked for a company in the state I went to school, they were real shady but I got great training. The project ended after 3 months, I sent my resume and cover letter to a bunch of places up in Oklahoma and had 2 offers within a week. Fortunately, this area of the energy sector LOVES people with JDs and the girl who hired me was also an attorney, so it worked out really well. Of course this is when oil was $100/barrel and it was easy to get a job.

I got very very lucky, but I've also worked extremely hard to stay employed. In oil & gas, people get laid off like crazy, especially now when oil prices are way low. At one time, our company was over 100 people strong, in early 2016 we got down to 5 people...it was a scary time but they kept me around because I work my ass off.

People think working from home means you can just fuck off whenever, but I treat it like a normal job. I log on about 8am and generally work solid til 8pm or later, I don't watch TV or fuck around, don't leave the house except for lunch sometimes. Since you don't have that office face time, you're judged 100% on your work quality/productivity, so I make damn sure I crank out projects like a machine and limit my mistakes as much as possible.

Luck got me in the door, hustling like a motherfucker kept me here.

>> No.3346138

Hey, I'm just excited we're having a thread that isn't about shitcoins for a change :)

> Make
> Biz
> Great
> Again

>> No.3346216

>Hey, I'm just excited we're having a thread that isn't about shitcoins for a change :)

This so much.

Also, the layoffs are no joke... I stopped counting at the 10th round of layoffs at my company. But like you, I work my ass off at all hours to stay afloat. You can always make it with strong work ethics.

>> No.3346437

Mining corporation owner here. If you are near an area with mining, mineral law is extremely profitable.

>> No.3346453

Dont be a Leach.

>> No.3347480
File: 33 KB, 163x240, Hugh Mungus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the genuine answer. I'm from MO, so not much oil money around here, and coal and other mineral wealth ain't what it used to be. >>3346437 no offense. Not much around here, but some iron mines down south, and coal mines out west.

So I've heard. I figure I'll have plenty of work collecting the debts from my own clients as >>3345682 pointed out, so maybe you have something here.

Unfortunately I have a 100k debt right now, which is part of the reason I'm living back home for now. I need to start standing on my feet and getting into a position I can pay it back, before I move forward.


stay BLACKED, anon

Currently doing this, but looking for more advice.

Thx for the genuine answers in this thread. after finding useful actually useful discourse on /biz/ maybe this place doesn't completely deserve to be gassed.

>> No.3347664


I'm a lawer.

Tax law.

Then, branch it into non-liturgical services.

Thank me when you lambo.

>> No.3347781

Non lawyer here.

Whatever branch of law is covered under cryptocoins. Brand New niche and youre the young hungry savvy lawyer thats gonna lawyer the shit out of it for overweight Millionaire virgins.

>> No.3348190

You make solid point. Think cryoto would be under finance.