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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3338148 No.3338148 [Reply] [Original]

So jews in GS actually have a crystal ball for the financial market including crypto?

>> No.3338165

No they just have bots constantly selling trying to push the price down, they are the ones causing this panic selling, china also

>> No.3338172

no, they just have the power to raise and crash the market and make everyone believe it was the chinks.
its a jew thing.

>> No.3338177

What does one need a crystal ball for when he has the money to move the market.

>> No.3338195

Wonderfully put. They are the ball, itself.

>> No.3338198

they did it derp
buy its yet to be fulfilled. they said btc would drop to 2.2k

>> No.3338203

Panic sell so they can get in
Next week theyll say, BTC to rise 6000 shekels

>> No.3338231
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XAU:BTC ....
Mah ducats... are worth more than Shylock Sacs pound of goldman flesh

>> No.3338283

GS said BTC will top @4800
then go down to @2221

>> No.3338347

Not a crystal ball, they easily manipulate the market. Even some fat fucking mouth-breathing NEET with enough coins can disrupt the whole crypto market, you think a tac team of thousands of extremely smart, wealthy jews, who've been in this game for ages can't do the same? These people eat your crypto gains for breakfast, they could make the whole market crash within 5 minutes if they wanted to, but why would they if it can make them tons of easy money?

>> No.3338502


Goldman doesn't predict anything, they manipulate

>> No.3338543 [DELETED] 

Three very simple rules that you idiots disregard which will lose you money:

Rule #1: "There is no such thing as free lunch"

Rule #2: "What comes up, must come down"

Rule #3: "Bubbles are a thing"

You think you will simply get rich with no work because of "muh new paradigm!!"

Lol idiots, enjoy your bags imbeciles

>> No.3338628

You're right. Silly me. I'll cash out and move all of my equity into your highly centralized, regulated exchange, Schlomo :)

>> No.3338639

Normirs actually trust em, causing whatever they predict to happen

>> No.3338685

Goldman adjusts there analysis regularly, and they got a lot of intel about what other analysts think and will do

don't give them your bags cheaply, either sell at the top and get back in at the bottom, or hold all the way

>> No.3338695

I think that was when they said 4300 was the top

>> No.3338769

Given (((their))) influence, as soon as they declared 4800 and then crash, it was a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.3338780

$4300 would have been the top without USDT artificially inflating everything

>> No.3338850
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they literally ((((predicted)))) this crash, all that remains is to see how low it goes

>> No.3338950

I hope jihan's bots are making them lose money, and I wish they're mad as hell right now :)

>> No.3339047

They called the top for you.


Now they will crash it just like 1929

>> No.3339121

>> Global banking criminal enterprise 'predict' price will crash at 4800
>> Reaches that price just before biggest long weekend in USA
>> Market goes to shit over weekend, no-one paying attention, or able to do anything with banks.
>> <<Market is Free>>

>> No.3339133 [DELETED] 

we hit 5000k though

>> No.3339146

There will be no bottom until

>> No.3339147

>as far as
could easily bounce at 3000 and go to 5k again

>> No.3339162

>ITT: Salty neets getting their shit pushed in by professionals

It's a doggy dog world, kids.

>> No.3339169


I mean, it doesn't exactly take a genius to have the foresight to know that the Chinese aren't going to be thrilled with shity unregulated ICOs, most of which are clearly blatant scams. The decision by the PBC was bound to happen at some point.

>> No.3339172
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It's just a weekend dip. BUY THE DIP!!!

>> No.3339181


In August there was an 800 dollar dip in bitcoin. We are at 700. After that dip it went up 1400. DONT FUCKING SELL. NUT UP and HODL. This market isnt for weak handed people. Go to fucking stocks if you got a vag in between your legs.

Look at like this... Nothing but good news is coming out in September. The price will rise and you are letting whales get in cheaper by selling at a loss.

>Fuck the golden jew and fuck the golden man. They are trying to sink the white mans money ship. WE ARENT FUCKING SINKING.


>> No.3339191

3k is still a huge drop.
its nit gonna be bloody monday but bloody september

>> No.3339194


>being this deluded

>> No.3339218

Since they are dropping the price a bit , doesn't it help us buy more crypto? If proper evidence of these bots and some basic reasoning can convince the basic citizen to buy some since its so low.

>> No.3339256

I cashed out my initial investment long ago, this is all house money in hodling for the long haul now

>> No.3339269

hurf durf da joooos!!!


>> No.3339270

They are just mad that they cant get through KYS for ICO's.

fucking jews

>> No.3339348

Price crashed because of the chink ICO ruling.
Without that there is no crash so if these kikes wanted credit they should have stated what would precipitate the crash and not just pull meme lines out of their asses - implying that they have some kind of real influence over the price.

>> No.3339360

leddit, kike.

>> No.3339367
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>> No.3339372 [DELETED] 

this is why the bubble burst

Three very simple rules that you idiots disregard which will lose you money:

Rule #1: "There is no such thing as free lunch"

Rule #2: "What comes up, must come down"

Rule #3: "Bubbles are a thing"

You think you will simply get rich with no work because of "muh new paradigm!!"

Lol idiots, enjoy your bags imbeciles

>> No.3339389
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stormfront, faggot.

>> No.3339392
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Jew detected

>> No.3339419

we are all jews on /biz/

go back to /pol/ idiot

>> No.3339465

They were right?
A recap of their "predictions"
>bitcoin is gonna crash
>bitcoin is gonna crash after 4800
>bitcoin is going further than 4800

>> No.3339483
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I want the jews to teach me their ways.

I want to be mr goldberg, that owns a yacht.

meanwhile /pol/tard grovel in their own feces trying to find morality in system that was built to keep them poor and preoccupied in semantics.

>> No.3339492

All overvalued shitcoins will deflate and stay deflated as they are worth exactly shit. 99% of crypto is overvalued shitcoins.

>> No.3339540 [DELETED] 

all you tranny nigger kikes posting that you feel like jews got a real treat coming. jews are criminals. jews will be removed from earth and you tranny nigger kikes wannabes are gonna get killed

>> No.3339580
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I also wish to be part of the 1% of the 1%, just to see what those guys do, but will never reach it