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3336845 No.3336845 [Reply] [Original]

Hi all,

No one special here, just someone who wants to help out /biz/a bit for the incoming storm.

Ya see, the Chinese like to keep an eye on things, and a blockchain that has built in digital identity is pretty great to them. Might want to pick up a few.

Oh! If you want proof that this has been planned for a while, here ya go:

Go on the neotracker and look at "assets." take the asset created on 4/18/17 and punch it into Google translate.

Wow, quantum! I wonder if they (qtum) will be porting to neo shares or something instead of a bitcoin/eth fork? What a strange coincidence that there's 100 million of them made.

When does their "main net" launch? September 13th? I wonder when they'll announce the switch?

That cryptoking asshole sort of already gave it away I guess though.

Better get in and stay in, Bros :)

>> No.3336873

Holy fuck if true. SAVE ME.

>> No.3336889

This is a nice cryptic message but I understand thanks

>> No.3336890

dont get it.. what do you mean? i should buy qtum? all in?

>> No.3336894

Actually, how on earth are you supposed to find the asset created on 4/18? I need to confirm this.

>> No.3336903

Stop reaching, bagholder. It's over for Neo.

>> No.3336908


Mind. Fucking. Blown.

>> No.3336923

Neo tracker dot io


>> No.3336932

Holy. FUck. this is literally 100x gains thx anon.

>> No.3336949

Ok. Sell.

See you in a week.

>> No.3336957


So do I buy NEO or QTUM or both

>> No.3336968

I can't promse that. Neo is indivisible, so you can't have less than one, making it hard to buy, so there will be a weird place where it's both expensive and cheap. Sort of like Amazon stock. That will be a problem for another day.

>> No.3336975

Thanks anon. I was a potato.

>> No.3336979

how are you so dumb? stop falling for the chink bagholders scams

>> No.3336986

Both. More neo than qtum though, as qtum will run on neo. The dividends that are given by having qtum will be given to those who hold the qtum token in their neo wallet though.

More of the combined market cap if the two will move to neo, however.

>> No.3337014

Fact. Because China completely banned ICOs forever, right? I hear that they LOVE being behind in emerging technologies.

Which crypto has stated from the beginning that regulation is good for cryptos and intends to comply with regulators at every step?

You should sell though. Def a scam and not someone who knows.

>> No.3337019
File: 29 KB, 640x432, you're already dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incoming storm

>> No.3337049

I sold at 45$ I'm good. you on the other hand going to ride this shit back to 5$. keep holding the chink ETH that can't have chink icos. forever or not, for not it can't and the crash has just started

>> No.3337054

That might be true. For some reason, my ID has changed. That usually doesn't happen over here. They may be watching,but I doubt it.

>> No.3337090

Fair enough. I can't make promises that it won't continue to go down in the short term. However, I seriously doubt in two weeks time that anyone will care if they got in at 15, 17, or 20.

I wish you luck fellow /biz/ user, and sincerely hope you hold a few.

>> No.3337106 [DELETED] 
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What is BTC's price a day from now?



>> No.3337154
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>> No.3337182

I'm curious though, how do we know Quantum Shares is QTUM coin specifically? It could be some random shit coin? I scrolled a bit further down and translated some other stuff. There was something also that they also acquired labelled as Quantum, 100M supply also. Comments?

>> No.3337224

but i thought neo was finished with china banning icos?

>> No.3337227

You don't. It could be another shitcoin. I could be lying and there's no way to know it.

There are two there that have the name with qtum in it. One with 100 million shares. That'll be for those who hold the qtum token.

The other one should say unlimited. That will be the qtum dividend.

>> No.3337266

What does it matter now that QTUM & NEO are both worthless? Shill.

>> No.3337269

And this is why people go broke. Read the articles yourself, not just twitter. There aren't people out there buying hundreds of neo for $20 each for a joke.

It's a temporary ban until regulations are in place. Guess which blockchain is most suited for all the cryptos in China that will come after regulation.

>> No.3337273

Another potato move by me. Thanks fella.

>> No.3337278
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This scammer knew about oncoming ICO ban in China many months ago.

>> No.3337283

Yep. Worthless. Because China has banned all ICOs for all time, eh?

You got me.

See you in a week. I sincerely hope you held on to a few.

>> No.3337314

He did. And he did the BEST he could to prevent this shitshow. He's been busy as FUCK getting things working. Don't believe me? Check out his twitter, and the neo Twitter.

Seem a bit dead, eh? Dudes been keeping his head down and running hard, more than anyone I've ever seen, except maybe Eric.

>> No.3337317

Fuck man. I have 2k NEO from $8 days. Do I sell and buy back? Do I hold? I'm so confused right now.

>> No.3337326

I will neve trust Chinese people again in my life

>> No.3337327

Why would they unban it after only one week? It will make the chink gov look like retards.

>> No.3337340

>didnt sold at 50$

>> No.3337342
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>And he did the BEST he could to prevent this shitshow

>> No.3337347

Thank you for your investment :)

Short term, no one knows. Even I can't control a billion dollar market.

However, a week from now will be a good day for you if you hodl.

I could be just bullshitting though. Selling now would be an amazing profit, and that's never bad in crypto land.

>> No.3337349
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>> No.3337363
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>> No.3337367

Look at my original post. The QTUM token was created on the Neo main net in April. Everyone knew this was coming, and if you didn't think they haven't been working on rules this whole time.. You got another thing coming.

Do you think China has been letting billions of dollars run amok without considering doing something about it?

>> No.3337376

Look, someone who pays attention ;)

>> No.3337426

Anon please please can you explain for the people that don't have a clue. Are Qtum and NEO somehow working together? What does it all mean?

>> No.3337431

Holy fuck. Who are you? Fuck this, I'm riding this to 0$ or 1000$. Wish me luck whoever you are.

>> No.3337455

Devils advocate: I thought QTUM CEO is a scammer - why would Chinese government want to be associated with them??? Aren't the Chinese big on saving face????

>> No.3337494

Yes and no, but if elaborate further it might give me away. Hold both, but I'd focus more on neo.

>> No.3337517

He is more so than he let on with that Facebook post, but whatever. He's not really all that much in charge of things.
He's not the person to focus on regarding how these two are mixed anyway.

Think Alibaba.

>> No.3337544

So we have a week until NEO literally becomes the Ethereum of China...

>> No.3337560



>> No.3337561

Have you seen this post by Anon?


What do you make of it?

>> No.3337563

>Ethereum of China
*chink autonomous regions until they've been untimately absorbed into chinkland

>> No.3337565

Babby first global market manipulation.
Buy the fear kiddies.

NEO 1000USD 2018

>> No.3337566

Rev up your pink wojaks while you're at it
>Trusting chinks
>Even once

>> No.3337567

Any retard not dumping neo for qtum based on this shitcunt's larp deserves to go down with this sinking ship all the way to bancor.

>> No.3337573

For the info that I'm giving you, for all the love of God that is holy, PLEASE stop calling it that. We fucking hate it.

Neo will be so much more than that.

>> No.3337575

o u funny

>> No.3337591

>bagholding this desperately

>> No.3337612

That was a terrible idea.


Agreed. You should sell all your neo and get out now. Keep a couple though.

Basically gets pretty close. I would call Hongfei the Elon musk of China though. Same goals, less brains. Erik and him together are quite the match though.

>> No.3337653


>even I can't control a billion dollar market

>> No.3337665

Are you Jihan Wu lmao

>> No.3337674

Well, I guess not a billion anymore.

Give it a week.

>> No.3337695

LOL I buy the neo dip.
Neo will have ID system soon, China will allow them to make icos with regulationa including a ID system. Neo will eat eth for breakfast in 1-2 weeks.
That's op

>> No.3337701

That shit? No. Fuck him. He and his shitty coin are going down hard soon, if what I understand is correct. Some stuff I can only guess at.

He was approached first, but the meeting didn't go well. In case you haven't noticed, China is moving to a more environmentally friendly economic system. Dbft is way better than miners that get outdated in months.

>> No.3337748

He could have had it all, but he resisted segwit so hard. We need segwit for smart contracts and everything that neo is going to have. He threw it all away. I pity him.

Litecoin was considered, and I don't know why it wasn't selected. Might have had something to do with Charlie, but I'm not sure. Hell, maybe the miners and how bsd they are. I don't know for sure.

>> No.3337814
File: 49 KB, 470x706, Bane_TDKR3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone in Alibaba has something to do with NEO and Qtum? Who are you? Why do you hide behind the mask?

>> No.3337867

China is 3rd world for a reason (bans innovation). They aren't coming back.

>> No.3337889

China will surpass US in the next 10 years, India in the next 40 years.

>> No.3337891

Google will tell you how important figures in both neo and qtum are connected via alibaba.

I'm just like you. Anon. The best thing you can do is pretend like this is role-playing, sell all your neo at a profit if you're lucky, and move on.

I'd suggest holding a few at least, however. See how the next week plays out.

>> No.3337905

You do realise the US owe their national debt to China, right?

>> No.3337962

Their GDP will be higher since there's more people, but innovation is s separate matter. America funds innovation in a decentralized manner through grants. China is top down which always results in backing the wrong horse. You need to let ideas compete to see what's best.

>> No.3337981

>both neo and qtum are connected via alibaba

That's all nice and cute, especially when both Neo and Qtum are in deep abyss dive today.

>> No.3337999

pajeets are already all over the place

this is the end my friends

>> No.3338028

No shit. Read the articles. Retards think this is the end of icos. Hint : China didn't ban them permanently.

>> No.3338047

Semantics & wordplay. Nothing is permanently banned.

>> No.3338048


Long term it might be irrelevant, but short term both Neo and Qtum are going down fast.

>> No.3338245

Fact. Trouble is, I can't tell you where the bottom is. This is more of an informational post, and to let you know, you should probably hold.

>> No.3338257

>bought at 43
>couldve made 20% gains at 50+
>60% loss instead

>> No.3338352

>The absolute amount of shills in here
I mean, cmon now, at least try ffs.