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File: 46 KB, 600x600, CWqezdFXAAIyFhX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3334730 No.3334730 [Reply] [Original]

Okay so lets first start off, i make good money doing real estate. Cap gains are nice but Cash flow is king. I dont want to be like warren buffet with 80billion dollars paying chess at home. fuck that shit, my goal is to be a less prickish version of dan blizerian.

Anyway what ive realized as your affluence grows is. You dont want more things. you more specific things. So you want that limited edition panerai watch or the mercedez done with black on black with alphine stereo system etc.

I also like prostitutes, super blonde eastern european prostitutes or super fit asians thats cost me $400 to $800 a pop.

So yeah guys what do or will you do with your money?

>> No.3334745

teach me

>> No.3334753

child prostitutes in bangkok

>> No.3334754

big key is changing your mindset, that will be the greatest investment ever

>> No.3334767

What money dude i lost 1k this weekend

>> No.3334781

crack cocaine and fucking trannies.

>> No.3334787

teach me? what's your contact.

>> No.3334812
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Read this book, should teach you how to conduct yourself when wealthly

>> No.3334818

Seconded. Life changing book.

>> No.3334830

OP, what do you do in real estate, property development or what?

>> No.3334832

>when wealthy

how do I get there first

>> No.3334857

The majority of biz wants to do that via Bitcoin and other crypto. I want do it via real estate development as a job with support from the other investing types (stocks and crypto) but have to wage0cuck still

>> No.3334928

that book is great if you plan to save your self to wealth and retire with 2.5million dollars at the age of 65. But If want to get to 10million to 100million up networth. It does not teach you anything.

Better to follow people like grant cardone and find yourself in a position where you are mostly hangin out with guys that have a minimum 7 figure networth.

saving for retirement is a meme dreamed up by wallstreet brokers.

>> No.3334959

1) Buy few teen girls.
2) Force them to fight like gladiators.
3) Breed with the winner.

>> No.3334999

rentals with the odd flipping. I wanna go from minor league to big league. 200k a year while sitting on your ass all week is nice, but how about 2million or 20million a year. forget lambo land i want to be in yacht or gulfstream land. That requires finding investors to join up with you and getting your shit in order on a level most people arent prepared for. Hence why a mindset change is the greatest investment, in lew of that a Fitness coach is another great investment.

I still do have some cryptocurrency(hedge my bets) but the majority is in real estate. Im thinking about writing a book or developing a site on mindset readjustment.

>> No.3335067

What about that mindset? I'm a loser, I eat shit. How do I turn that around?

>> No.3335129

Thanks for replying, been reading up and intend on researching more into it. Do you have any experience finding other investors?

>> No.3335156

did you hire pic related?

>> No.3335360

Its really simple things, but you have to put yourself into a mental system, that the difficult bit. You got to realise no one owes you a thing. NOTHING. Unless you were born rich, Youre worthless?, so what are you going to do about it. Whine or try to improve your currency as a human being. Take yourself out of your comfort zone.

Forget about goals for now and create systems. Too many people focus on goals without developing a system by that i mean stuff that is too far into the future.
Break down your goals into immediate,medium and long term.
Immediate to medium goals should be like a regiment. detail everything you want to do for the week for example make your bed, clean house, gym, drink protein, meet with x y z. Practice spanish/mandarin for 1 hr, Learn skills. A skill is anything that will improve your social currency(for me thats learning spanish and mandarin) for others it could be learning magic,surfing(something i want to do) or whatever.

Meet like minded people. People want to give away knowledge for free. Ironically, The charlatans usually charge you an arm and leg for it. You have to find them,but they are there.

Get a paper or pad that you have to look at EVERYDAY that you cant avoid that details everything you need to do for the day or week. Again this is the hard part, the mindset adjustment but it is worth the investment. When you fail and you will you will have the paper/board to keep you on track,eventually it will be second nature.

You said you eat shit, eat better. Dont have the money? earn more money. How...go drive a uber or get work in a night shift. Save your money and follow your system, so when you find that opportunity you can benefit. Remember NO ONE OWES SHIT,you have get it

>> No.3335410

what a fucking load of bullshit... if you live in the ghetto like our family you won't get out, period.. no matter how hard you try. it's all a vicious cycle.

>> No.3335435

Ok I guess it's time to roll over and die, right? I honestly don't know why I responded to this bait because if you honestly think like this it's better for me not to respond to you and let you live your miserable life.

>> No.3335488

Prostitutes in first world countries are the fucking best

>> No.3335497

Or we could all vote democrat and not worry about going bankrupt when we get cancer...but no I like your big fish eat the little ones survival of the fittest shit better.

>> No.3335528

These guys get it.
If you can't have the white picket fence Christian family then just go all out with the degeneracy.

>> No.3335541

You think you could recommend a book on mindset change?

>> No.3335555

Degeneracy is never satisfying. It's all temporary dopamine hits.

>> No.3335563

again this is my point mindset adjustment is key. People who have it far worse than you have done far better than you.
You arent special. Again what are you gonna do about it, whine. How is it that helping you.
Your environment is holding you back? leave it move away, go live in a car until you pick yourself up whatver, how BADLY do YOU want it??

Again you arent special,people who have escaped civil war with just their shirt on their backs speaking no english have gone unto to become successful people.

>> No.3335637

- the 7 habits of highly effective people
- how to win friends and influence people
- the prince by machavielli
- all books by robert greene (the guy who wrote laws of seduction)
- 10x by grant cardone, read this often
- i hear gorilla mindset is good

>> No.3335675
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Quads gets it.

>> No.3335713

Yeah but if you have no gf and you are undesirable then temporary dopamine hits are all you have

>> No.3335880

I know the first two... I think I might be resistant to self-help. Anyway, thanks, it can't hurt to have a look at the others...

Or you could take the hard, true path and work on self-improvement and making yourself desirable. I used to delude myself into taking the easy way out. Just recently kicked my marijuana smoking habit (not to mention masturbation), it was leading me nowhere. Cheating yourself with easy rewards/dopamine hits is destructive to your innate reward system.

>> No.3335979

peace bro, for alot of guys its easier to just sulk and pity themselves. But thats not helping anyone and by the time they reach old age(if they dont kill themselves) they are depressed husks.

>> No.3336261

>cost me $400 to $800 a pop.
must suck being an USAfag

>> No.3336276
File: 79 KB, 640x541, bonelaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't change your bones and hairloss treatments are a scam.
Cards dealt at birth.

>> No.3336322
File: 56 KB, 600x600, a3eefb9276d085abfc7c7bf70326c13a--teen-fitness-mens-fitness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you say bro

>> No.3337058


>> No.3337091

Not same guy

Same guy

>> No.3337130
File: 100 KB, 1243x1059, bone law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bones and hair cannot be trained.

>> No.3337134

i think hes tryna say he is a weeb so he wants permission to die

>> No.3337152

This is a myth. All you nerds are going to get is some gook ladyboy and common 18+ STD ridden prosties.
Lol at nerds fantasizing with fucking lolis in some gook country. It's probably 99% bait and the 1% legit is reserved for politicians and illuminati tier shit. Enjoy going to jail.

>> No.3337156

you can tell the lanklet had a good frame to work with

>> No.3337265

Increasing in land is better than property as property depreciates and it has to be maintained to certain degree.

>> No.3337267


I've also become fond of prostitutes, I have 3 males that I keep as my pets/sex slaves.

Two are younger, the oldest is in his early 20s, i've considered a dashing older male but i've already had a poor experience with one, older men are much more likely to try and kill you in your sleep than two little boys are.
I'm currently having one of the younger males take estrogen pills so he becomes a trap almost.
Have you ever had all 3 holes filled at one time? It's better than any drug on the market.

I've really enjoyed being able to keep myself in shape and eat or drink anything without worrying for money.
I like collecting books.
I'm also fond of cars, nice clothing, pretty much anything I didn't have as a younger child.

>> No.3337275


>> No.3337298

>3 holes

W-w-what's the third one?

>> No.3337300
File: 22 KB, 404x364, it dont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Have you ever had all 3 holes filled at one time? It's better than any drug on the market.

>> No.3337311

Ears and mouth. Duh. Why, what were you thinking of?

>> No.3337316

Who said I was male?

>> No.3337321

True we should call you reported ;)

>> No.3337324
File: 113 KB, 600x477, IMG_4733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh my god.

It all makes sense now.

Holy shit dude, that pic.

You've seen the fnords, haven't you?

>> No.3337332

what kind of shit thread is this?

OP is asking what we like to do with our money, and all the greasy nerds are talking about bone-structure and burmese sex-slaves.

To answer OP's question, obviously reinvest as much of your earnings as you possibly can without reducing your desired standard of living, as this will maximize your future wealth LITERALLY exponentially.

However, it does take some soul-searching to find out what your "desired life-style" is. Are you happy staying at home and eating steamed chicken breast for dinner, while you're making hundreds DCF models to maximize the return on your 100mil portfolio? Or do you need to spend almost 1k just to bust a nut in some dumb hoe, and buy other depreciating assets, just to feel happy? most people find a happy balance somewhere in between. the bottom-line is..what makes you happy in this life?

i agree with the other stuff op is saying... many affluent people tend to become fat and lazy, while there's tons janitors who could easily outbox them. you don't want that.. bottomline is to still be a badass, no matter what.. but then again, that's what i've found, after doing my own soul-searching..

>> No.3337335

>Implying not bait

>> No.3337344


>OP is asking what we like to do with our money
>the greasy nerds are talking about bone-structure and burmese sex-slaves

you summed my 10 years of 4chan in 2 sentences

>> No.3337396

What I will do is make more money.

I'm working on acquiring my first small business in the next year or so. I've got enough personal wealth to not have to work but currently manage for a large supermarket chain.

The plan is to buy failing, or about to fail retail businesses that compliment each other.

Keep the existing staff where possible, appoint a manager who's salary is tied into the profit of the business and expand half yearly to yearly.

The company will invest its after expenses and distributions profit on a 50/50 concern into expansion and managed investment.

My background is FMCG / FMCE / QSR for the past 22 years. 20 of which is management.

I've made money for countless others and corporations - now its my turn.

>> No.3337424

sounds like the mitt romney bain capital model. How do you find failing businesses?

>> No.3337461


>> No.3337493

What's the usual % share of profits for a manager?

>> No.3337498

Most are listed on Gumtree here with the guise that they are being sold for health reasons. Some on ebay, the local paper.

They are easy to find. If you show genuine interest they will crack open the books and provide you with Business Activity Statements.

A directed mail drop may also work. I had a PO box a few years back and had a few 'We Buy Businesses' mailers show up.

>> No.3337533

I've been on a few structures. In a 3.5 million dollar business with a 25% GP i was on a 1.5% profit share.

I believe 1.5% is fair under my structure. It works out at about $2000 per half. $50K+ is fair for a salary starting point then add 10% Superannuation contribution.

I may add sales target bonus based on monthly targets. Pending on the type of store/product mix.