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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3329849 No.3329849 [Reply] [Original]

Last week I got enough money to never have to work again even with buying what I want. I won't say how much but its above ten figures USD.

No one of my friends or family know about it and I have 2 main questions:
1. How do I tell anyone I know about my wealth?
2. What do I invest in? I don't think I have to invest unless theres a major economic crash during my life.

I grew up poor and I have no family or friends that are wealthy.

AMA. I'm under 30, and I live in Europe.

>> No.3329882

real question, though: did you make that in crypto?

also, bonds are your safest bet

>> No.3329896

Bonds and index fund

>> No.3329904

I wont mention how I got it because I'm scared of revealing my identity. But those who had a chance of getting the wealth I have now; they know how.

>> No.3329912


>> No.3329917

r u an faget?

>> No.3329924
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>claiming to be a billionaire on 4chan

555 come on now

if you have above 100 mil you might as well just buy and sell bitcoin in OTC markets because anything else you touch would just buuble the fuck out. For stocks highly reccomend fintech right now like Visa and MasterCard.

if you tell anyone else you had 10 mil let alone 100 or 1000 are going to get extorted. obvious larp/troll or simple error in the title, cant really tell.

lots of people in your situation in the 1700+ member /biz/ server so maybe u can discuss with them.


>> No.3329928

boi, I never said to tell me how much you made, just what you made it from

>> No.3329939

Put it all on bitbean. Don't be a pussy.

>> No.3329954

don't tell anyone


retain current identity

if you want to have fun, create an alter ago in a different country where you can ball out with your money, buy things there, go to clubs there, and bring none of it home with you

if you tell anyone you know, your life (as you know it) will end forever

>> No.3329959

Don't tell anyone, let them find out.
Annuities, IRAs, Hedge Funds, Bonds, Mutual Funds, Bitcoin.

>> No.3329967
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buy Utox now or cry later
ICO is open now!

>> No.3329974


Chancoin will moon soon, just wait for it

>> No.3329986 [DELETED] 

10 figures is a billion anon. You arent going to 'come across' over a billion dollars from being poor. Either your maths is wrong or you are larping

>> No.3330002

If you grew up poor and everyone you know is (relatively) poor, you can't tell anyone. Do some research on pro athletes who grew up poor and are no making millions every year and what happens to them -- they end up paying rent and bills for everyone they know because it's such a measly amount to them. They get taken advantage of left and right.

>> No.3330009

I have well above a billion dollars in my name right now, I am not a troll.

>> No.3330029

I have been thinking about leaving my friends and maybe my family, leaving some for them.
But I feel like any new friends I make will only take advantage of me.

>> No.3330043

invest in bitbean. also youre larping if you dont have proof obviously

>> No.3330057

if you're asking us for advice, do us the courtesy of telling us where we find this money-making tree that you used

>> No.3330064

def buy gold and real estate for a few millions

spend the rest on bitches

>> No.3330068

buy us all lambos my man

most biztards have <$10k in their blockfolio

>> No.3330106

If you are close to your immediate family, it's a good idea to gather them and tell them you've come into some money. Do not tell them an exact amount

Give them a set amount to pay off their debts and prop them up for them to put into investments. Give them set rules on how to use the money. Do not give them more then the set amount you set. Tell them if you spend it unwisely then it's their issue

What I would do and I'm not even close to my family besides one. Only have two close friends who I'd do the same for.

Then would put a majority of the money into index funds, mutuals, iras, etc

>> No.3330109

My alias will pop up soon for those who know where to look. I don't feel comfortable talking about it here.

T -> B
T -> 9
T -> U
T -> 7
T -> 3
T -> F

I won't post anymore in this thread.

>> No.3330132
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I can write a detailed explanation of the path forward to preserve and grow your newfound wealth for a small fee, an inconsequential amount. Reply to this message within this thread and I can begin outlining contact methods outside of this imageboard and next steps. Thanks.

>> No.3330133

don't tell anyone. live a normal life, buy a normal car, wear normal clothes, buy groceries on sale, etc. don't flaunt it, you just make yourself a target.

also pls send btc

>> No.3330178

Insofar as you actually "need" investments, Bitcoin and luxury real estate.

>> No.3330184

Well. Imo don't tell how much you got, but give some to the people that cared for you. Make a plausible story up regarding some investment.
You found 1000 btc on a old Hd, etc.
Try to enjoy the wealth, don't let it consume you. Jelly btw.

>> No.3330214
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>> No.3330225

Sent ;)

>> No.3330263

the most important of all be a good guy, don't become some idiot who is full of himself!
and help me out please, here is my bitcoin address: 1Mhrb93WbCyU7MTj95vjV82cG5mjju3jay

>> No.3330326

1. Don't tell a soul. When you're lifestyle starts improving to the point where you have to explain it, just say you made a little money from x (stock market, blah blah) and already spent most of it. If they press for specific numbers give them the absolute minimal believable amount - like 10k or 50k etc.

2. Don't follow specific advise of anyone here - research on the internet for financial advisers for UHNWI's. Have 2 or 3 consultations with different ones just to chat, they'll probably try and suck your cock right there, so be wary of that. Once you find one you like negotiate an arrangement where you pay a flat rate or hourly rate for their general advice. Move slowly. Find the best tax specialist you can. Start taking your security seriously. Use 2 factor authorization for your email and any other account you have if possible. Change all your passwords to new high quality passwords. Have multiple bank accounts. Understand encryption - skim/read Cryptography Engineering by Schneier. Research safes. Make a will ASAP.

Here's my BTC address if you're feeling generous:

>> No.3330336

/biz/ is an alright place

Is it possible to become a cryptomillionaire from an iphone?

>> No.3330345

Good luck with your new richness anon. I'd suggest telling no-one how much money you actually have. Give everyone you love, care about a fixed amount of money,same for everyone. If you give someone more or less, you will have problems. Otherwise, just enjoy your money!

Since everyone else is begging here, why not give it a try:

>> No.3330368

If i were OP i'd buy some bitcoin.

If anyone cares to donate any..

>> No.3330391

wouldn't be surprised if that link was just a trap lol

>> No.3330415

Invest in a diverse portfolio of stocks and bonds. If I were in your situation, I would just buy a world stock index fund, maybe tilt towards your own country's currency a bit if that's where you intend to retire.

>> No.3330428

please give me some bitcoin and help to reverse my situation

>> No.3330463

The world is changing fast and working on the right projects now will change the course of history.

What do you want to do with your life?
Where do you want to see the world heading?

If you really have the amount you claim, you wield tremendous power.

In case you want to talk about possibilities, hit me up sailingcheshirecat@yandex.com

And just in case you feel generous BTC:

>> No.3330484

Tell nobody. Keep showing people you live normally; deceive everyone. Move somewhere else far far away and live rich. Don't show anything on social media.

Please donate for a sub 1k fag :( 1NDsbw6xB7K4hbRkxzqTSjjsX2SfcPxS86

>> No.3330667


>above ten figures USD

no you didnt

>> No.3330673

sir I will like you to buy esper$ in yobit exchange, become rich very hard, excellent decision for you

>> No.3330689

>Investing when you have over 1 billion(1,000,000,000) dollars.
Kys,might as well put that 1 bil in crypto if you are such a retard

>> No.3330700

If he made 1 bil in crypto everyone would know his account,since no one has that money in crypto yet

>> No.3330704

exactly this

>> No.3330710

kys,your shitcoin won't moon

>> No.3330718

for fucking serious if not larping.

>find good lawyer
>find good accountant.
