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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3327832 No.3327832 [Reply] [Original]

I love crypto. And I love you alll.

I wasn't meant to win or be happy. Social constructs were rigged against me. Normies are attractive idealists. I'm a self-aware unattractive pragmatist. My right thumb goes numb before I get a match on tinder, and it's usually an ugly fat bitch. I walk into room and no one is inclined to converse with me, befriend me, or even acknowledge my presence. Fine. I get to play life in hard mode. Whatever.

Shunned by peers. Looked down on by teachers. Alienated by coworkers. Unappreciated by managers. "He just doesn't get it."

They wanted a villain. Fine, I'll be your fucking villain. But I'll be damned if I let you cast me as The Penguin. It's been a whirlwind of a year, but crypto is the great equilizer that has leveled the playing field for me. I'm Lex fucking Luthor now. Fuck your wagecuck jobs, your smirk and jeers, and your endless disappointment. I might not live a happy life, but you damn well better believe I'll go out on my own terms.

This might not strike a chord with everyone. But I know a few of you will resonate with where I'm coming from. Hang in there. Suffer quietly. Look ahead. Always look ahead. And you'll get your big break. And then everything will change. Fuck anyone who says that money isn't everything. Money. Changes. Everything. I promise.

>> No.3327863


Whew lad, you should see a psychologist. You sound like a mass murderer waiting to happen.

The world sucks. People suck. Money may seem like it changes shit now, but it really doesn't long term. You wake up and realize shit still depressing and life sucks (albeit, more tolerable).

Find purpose in life. That's the key.

>> No.3328064

Nah. Writing that was just cathartic. I used to browse here as a poor neet. Funny how things change.

>> No.3328098

Thanks anon, you give us hope. I'm just worried by the time I get a good amount of money into it that it will be too late

>> No.3328122
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You're my boy, OP

Keep fighting the good fight.

How much $$$ have you made and what have you spent it on?

>> No.3328140

keep going bro. Fuck all the hating bitches in your life.

>> No.3328143

you're still going to be a lonely unwashed asshole. crypto shekels isn't going to change that.

>> No.3328151

who cares? shekels are success

>> No.3328157

she does, that's why jessica is treating us like her diary.

>> No.3328160
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>My right thumb goes numb before I get a match on tinder, and it's usually an ugly fat bitch.
>Hurr why is the world so mean to me

>> No.3328171


At least you acknowledge that money won't bring you peace or happiness. I mean you're living proof of that, right? No, only evil will satisfy you anon. I appreciate your honesty.

>> No.3328197

Just end it already.
Thanks for them afternoon chuckles, faggot.

>> No.3328237

>I'm self-aware
Lol if you were self aware you'd know that you're pathetic as fuck and money isn't going to change that. People dislike you because of your attitude, not because of your looks, social status, or amount of money you have.
See a therapist

>> No.3328301

im only holding crypto for fun at this point, but after i bought at ATH in 2013 and watched the crash and stagnation for four years, i didnt care anymore. dont care if i lose everything. i probably will never even cash out my holdings until it is worth bilions or nothing at all. either way my life will be good because i dont even require more than 10 dollars a day to survive. buying useless shit doesnt make me happy and i doubt the vapid consumerist whores of the west ar,e very content with their lives either.

tldr youre stuck in a mental bubble you dont realize you are in before you stop placing importance in the superficial aspects of life hombre

>> No.3328333
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>tfw too stupid to get into CC

>> No.3328334

plenty of ways to make money in the world. I choose crypto because it is so subversive. very fun.

>> No.3328384

I feel you OP, money help a lot, but you still have to think right.
I'm attracting a shitload of sexy single moms, but I've to wait to fuck the one I want (she's 17). Money helps me to please her while waiting.

>> No.3328398

You sound like a cuck who likes findom

>> No.3328477

Young lips after you bought a 10K$ necklace are the best lips.

>> No.3328489

I'm not saying this is false. I'm saying changing my attitude to please others would be incongruent. You might be projecting. My guess is you've tried to reprogram the way you think in order to be accepted by others. Cuck move, mate.

>> No.3328498

I've met lots of those kind of people. There is usually a reason people don't want to be around them and it isn't because they're ugly or nerdy. I don't think people who have internet and money to trade crypto are living life on "hard mode" either. Sounds like you just want power over people because you're insecure.

>> No.3328536

If I've learned anything in life it's that absolutely ANYONE can find a gf (except me ;_; )

You could be the most toxic obnoxious autist fuck and there would still be a hot girl out there willing to sleep with you

>> No.3328544
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Losers like you keep me in business.

>> No.3328570

OP -- I am where you started and hopefully I wont have to suffer too long.

Any suggestions?

>> No.3328584

are you a findom?

>> No.3328601

how do you meet these girls

>> No.3328608

Yes and one of the best. My email is TheLittleWitch96@gmail.com

>> No.3328614

>I'm not going to grow up and stop being an edgy teenager who hates everyone because it's a "cuck move"

>> No.3328634

not interested in being dominated, other way around
how would i get started?
is there a market for male domineers?
any particular site i should check out?

>> No.3328639

you won't call me a loser when seeing me
you'll probably want to share my bed

they usually meet me, but i've to stay unattracted to tease them

>> No.3328648
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I'm happy for you anon. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I can achieve six digits by next summer..

>> No.3328652

I charge for tips/advice/lessons, otherwise I'd just be creating competition for free . Even with you being a guy you could take away bi pigs from me.

>> No.3328654

how do they meet you

>> No.3328665
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>> No.3328674

Good on you, OP. I've had a luckier life in some aspects but I can empathise with you. Congratulations on your success, here's one anon who roots for you to get everything you want.

>> No.3328692

Did you really expect free shit on /biz/?

>> No.3328744

You're doing a fine service. Anyone who gives you money didn't deserve to have it anyway. Hope you bleed these cucks dry.

>> No.3328785

its not that uncommon for one to divulge advice on biz
a kind anon once gave his email for anyone asking for ecommerce tips

u jus a dumb cunt

>> No.3328790

meeting with friends?
also I lied
I'm attractive not only because cute young silver fox, but because I'm married, and deeply in love with my perfect wife

>> No.3328846

Cry me a river.

>> No.3328852

lol creeper faggot. If she knew you were saying things like this online about her like a creepy pervert you would be annexed socially from her. Women don't find that kind of behavior attractive. Loser

>> No.3328875
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>bitcoin nerds genocide the jews and their banks
Sounds like a repeat of WW2 actually

>> No.3328882
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you should mentor me.

>> No.3328883

doesnt really bother me lol
its just kind of retarded to say "information isn't free" on a site for exchanging information ideas whatever

what do you use 4chan for? shilling yourself like a shitcoin?

>> No.3328926

my wife like dynamism, I'd bore her if I was the regular husband

>> No.3328934

>girls like >>3328846 are your only exposure to women since high school
of course people here hate all girls

>> No.3328996

so I should wear a wedding ring in public, got it

>> No.3329072

to up your chances with women
1) being engaged and/or already in love (challenge)
2) money and ideas to please them (unknown)
3) being modern cute/charismatic (style)
4) being aware of "your" behavior and their reactions
5) being confident, whatever the shit you do (nothing is true, everything is permitted)
As I said, I love deeply my wife, but I sometimes talk to other girls knowing they're interested and that my wife is monitoring me

>> No.3329087

I'm with you man. I have experienced pretty much everything you described. We are gonna make it bro.

>> No.3329166
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I completely understand you. I could have written the same thing myself. I try and try everyday, shit gets thrown my way but Ill take it. You just know these normies don't understand what's itsike to live like us, they're on their bubble, society is catered towards them and you can get a break when you deviate from the norm. It's all bullshit. Hopefully I can too join you in success with crypto soon because as I am now I can't have this be another failure. If you're willing to give me a boost anon, I'd be forever grateful.


>> No.3329403

Western civilization is nearly over.>>3328665

>> No.3329427

It's not your looks or money anon, it's your brain.
You will have to accept normies and try to fit in, it's easy when all they talk about is dumb shit.

>> No.3329433

No I'm just a genuine user who happens to do this as well. I've been doing this for years and alot of bandwagoners have jumped in the scene the last few years as FinDom becomes more mainstream so I'm a bit defensive.

>> No.3329443

You been playing the victim your whole life huh?
Sounds a lot like that Elliot kid with the BMW