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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3310859 No.3310859 [Reply] [Original]

>all these day trading faggots crying about losses
>they haven't learned the ways of the hodl

You do realize that literally every coin will bounce back eventually, right?

>> No.3310865

I guarantee you its the hodlfags crying

traders are looking for the next carcass

>> No.3310867

hodl is a meme for all the fags who got FOMO'd into buying ATH.

>> No.3310873

I just made free BTC though. I'll do it again here pretty soon.

>> No.3310874

Stay poor, and remember to not buy the dip.

>> No.3310875

no, the "traders" are hopping from coin to coin like retards and making no money.

>> No.3310883

the bad ones, yea

>> No.3310920

PSA for newcoiners: holding isn't a real strategy, daytraders shill it to reduce competition and increase scarcity. While we're buying dips and selling tips we're seeing gains which dwarf holding by an order of magnitude - everyone knows this, few are honest.

>> No.3310928
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>> No.3310933

funny how I made 30k just buying and holding ANS then. not all of us have 24/7 to stare at charts either. we have these things called jobs.

>> No.3310936

Tell that to people still bagholding NMR

>> No.3310939
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when they are in the green for a little bit, the first taste they become all pic related if it goes down a cent

>> No.3310951

They're both legit strategies. Trading can get you ahead faster while holding is more stable, but for both its very easy to burn money if you make shitty calls. No reason not to do both if you can.

>> No.3310953

fair point but unless you have the knowledge and patience you are much better off holding - know your limitations

>> No.3311006

You gambled and won, you would've ridden it to a sizeable loss - such is holding. Fake strategy.

>> No.3311053

Dogecoin never bounced back.

>> No.3311061

Everyone here is fundamentally wrong,

You hold when you actually believe a coin has long term value.

>> No.3311139

I made 1.5k today day trading, Im going to blow it tomorrow on cocaine and hookers.

>> No.3311157

I wonder why?

>> No.3311722
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Yeah if you held your alts from june im suuure you are up 100%+ right now. NOT

>> No.3311750
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majority of /biz/ in a nutshell

>> No.3311754
File: 7 KB, 177x251, tumblr_inline_og1vq0zdjV1tzc929_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holding vaporware ICOs when literally dozens are popping up every month.

>> No.3311838

>You do realize that literally every coin will bounce back eventually
Except those that will not.

>> No.3311848

...well if you sell of during a fall and buy back in when at the floor, you made money.

>> No.3312046

>While we're buying dips and selling tips
As soon as you know for sure something is a dip or a tip you're already too late

>> No.3312079


Warren Buffett disagrees.

>> No.3312089


>buys utter shit
>really asks why it won't rise

>> No.3312134

>if you sell of during a fall and buy back in when at the floor, you made money
Except if you bought at the pic.

>> No.3312179

>not being a NEET and making all your income off of crypto

Holy shit, fucking pathetic

>> No.3312475

Tell that to the people who bought ripple at 25k

>> No.3313001

>You do realize that literally every coin will bounce back eventually, right?
He hasn't heard of Stratis or DGB.