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3307459 No.3307459 [Reply] [Original]

Ok , Ill just get right to the point.

I plan on living forever. Yes thats right, Immortality. And I come asking for what would be the best course of action so that I am financially secure

(dont say "invest in bitcoin". I am and dont think it will be around after heat death )

>> No.3307504

Post-singularity I don't think wealth will be worth much any more. Since an AI can do anything a human can, orders of magnitudes better, we're pretty much out of the economy other than as curiosities. Basically all you can do is hope for a non-extinction singularity, and then you're fine up until we run out of energy / break thermodynamics/ find a way to pull energy from outside the universe/ migrate to another universe. Either way you'll likely die before medical science can indefinitely sustain your lifespan, so get life insurance and a contract with a cryonics firm.

>> No.3307530

you've been watching too many animes bro

>> No.3307557


>> No.3307560

I personally know the chemist thats working on immortality, he says itll be done in 5 years (slowing down of mitosis)

and Im talking of wealth for maybe 1000 years from now. space companies I assume? what types of metals ect?

>> No.3307575
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>surviving heat death

>> No.3307584


buy bitbean

>> No.3307594

the only thing you know is your dads smelly arsecrack you neckbeard larp

>> No.3307640

Sorry i meant the sun exploding, because Ill be in another solar system

heat death, well Ill think about when the time comes. I dont want to think about it