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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3304046 No.3304046 [Reply] [Original]

This is a general for the discussion of Swedish business and finance, such as regulations, tax structuring, securities, brokerages, financial markets, and the financial climate. Please speak English, as speaking non-English outside of /int/ and /jp/ may get you banned.

Today's question:
Can you do tax loss harvesting in Sweden? It's not viable today since an ISK will be much cheaper, but when the interest rates go up again an AF (depå) and an ISK will be approximately as cheap. Does it violate the tax code?

>> No.3304079

Swedish economics 101
>Import millions of shitskins
>Shitskins destroy infrastructure
>Jobs created

>> No.3304108

>national economics

>> No.3304126

What's tax loss harvesting?

>> No.3304166
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>> No.3304170
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haha nä

>> No.3304188
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>> No.3304194

If you want to cashout crypto in sweden the best way is this

>Move to denmark
>Live 6 months to pay tax in country/get citizenship
>Cashout BTC and pay 0% tax

>> No.3304208

Anon, since I work here, I would like to ask you what kind of development can we expect in SEK/EUR exchange.
AFAIK, Riksbank has been following ECB in interest rate, do they plan to change that or keep on going?

>> No.3304212

You don't know how the Nordics work, do you, Merikan?

>> No.3304259

Jo det vet jag kukhuvud

>> No.3304283

People are so fucking retarded.
This has never been the case in any country ever since the dawn of time.

Here you go, you definitely need to learn:

The only thing happening after 6 month is you are then officially a tax resident in that particular country. This varies by each jurisdiction but generally and most commonly its 6 months.

>> No.3304293
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>This is a general for the discussion of Swedish business and finance
Rule no 1: don't start a business here

>> No.3304305

whats her snap?

>> No.3304321

Why not? I am gonna start an import business located in Sweden.

>> No.3304322
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Nobody knows. Riksbanken has been saying they will increase it for years now, but they haven't.
Pic related, the official prognosis and reality.

>> No.3304324

Why not?

>> No.3304328

Yo, are you sure none of you is better informed on this issue?

>> No.3304338

What kind of import business?

>> No.3304356

Thank you very much. I have been following their prognoses for some time, which got me confused. Now I know why.

It seem they do not want too high appreciation of SEK, but it keeps bouncing up.

>> No.3304357



>> No.3304359


import what?

and "The Swedish Modell" (google it) Screwing over small business

>> No.3304364

why are swedish people retarded?

>> No.3304378

In this case this would be the ideal to cashout Cryptocurrencies as Denmark has a 0% tax on Crypto(there are other countries too like Switzerland).

Thank me later.

>> No.3304414

This is not the same thing as citizenship.

>> No.3304415

You really dont know what citizenship is do you?
Your passport is based on your citizenship
EU states you have the right to live and work in any member state. That is RESIDENCY and not CITIZENSHIP

You wont get a passport of that country just because you live and work there.

Fucking idiot

>> No.3304425


Importing cars and registering them in Sweden and sell them. Mostly inside EU

>> No.3304430
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Years and years of socialist indoctrination

>> No.3304431

I never said you would get a passport if you live there 6 months?
Stop putting words into my mouth you kike

>> No.3304438

I have done this as already from England and Germany but I want to make it a business.

>> No.3304464

Why do you want to register them in Sweden if you're selling to the EU?
>fees for the companies
>more fees for the car registration
>a giant clusterfuck of tax legislation
>all around horrible experience
Why not Estonia or the UK? They're both decent offshore destinations.

>> No.3304465

no passport, just citizenship.

kill yourself /pol/fag

>> No.3304470

You claimed on your first post

" >Live 6 months to pay tax in country/get citizenship "

Citizens can get a passport

>> No.3304471
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ni har väl köpt zrx grabbar?

>> No.3304498

>martinabrevaren är snsd

>> No.3304502

In SWEDEN? You realize how retarded that is?
Try eastern europe or some shit, got to be cheap there. Also Andorra or Malta is EUs only tax havens.

Other tax haves in Europe but not EU is
Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Jersey, Andorra, Malta. With some trickery, UK, Luxembourg, liechtenstein

>> No.3304533

>Om du flyttar ut från Sverige och är svensk medborgare eller har bott här i landet minst tio år ska du själv visa att du inte längre har väsentlig anknytning till Sverige. Detta gäller i fem år från utresedagen.
>If you move from Sweden and are a swedish citizen or have lived here for at least ten years the burden of proof is on you for no longer having a substantial connection to Sweden. This applies for five years from the date of departure.

>> No.3304541

more of this wojak?

>> No.3304549


Anyway to stay on topic to Svens in the thread just move to Denmark and live there for 6 months. After that you will pay taxes in the country your resident in(in this case denmark) so you won't have to pay taxes on your cryptos.

Also it's kinda fucked with cryptos here in Sweden as I think according to our government site it says you pay a 70% tax on Crypto


>> No.3304551
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there's not much of it

>> No.3304602

No, you're taxed like any other asset. The 70% is the deductible portion of capital losses.

>> No.3304622

Wow that sucks, luckily I have dual citizenship.

>> No.3304627

(see here: https://www.avanza.se/placera/redaktionellt/2012/12/27/kvittning-sa-funkar-det.html))

>> No.3304654


I see now how much of a socialist state this is now wow, it's sad how much money the government actually wants to steal from you. The worst part is that they keep you by the balls even if you move..

>> No.3304676

Import more refugees sweden its for the best, it will make the economy better

>> No.3304688


>> No.3304743
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>dkn migrationsverket utkonkurrerar arbetsförmedlingen i frågan om att bistå med billig okvalificerad arbetskraft
Kek. In a matter of years "Made in Sweden" will be read by chinks in Malaysia.

>> No.3304805


>> No.3305116

I'm moving in sweden and working in denmark

I send money out from swedish bank and cash in to Danish for 0 tax

You don't need to live in denmark just have a Danish bank account or work there

>> No.3305432

> socialist "utopia"
huge problems with taxes, rapefugees, and other nonsens

>> No.3305560

burger looking to escape the regulations banning trading in the 'land of the free', was going to ask you about your country but then read that you have 70% tax on trading. nope.jpg

>> No.3305817

Is it true that no one in Sweden pays cash anymore and paper currency is going to be retired in a couple of years?

>> No.3306153

>70% tax on trading
What? We have a 30% net capital gains tax, there is no difference between long- and short term.

>> No.3306256

Wow really? In the US they get you on short term holding and I think in most cases that rate you have is lower than in the US, do you have different taxes for different parts of your country?

>> No.3306897

Why do people accept such a curtailment of freedom? Are the Swedes really so cucked as they say on /pol/?

>> No.3306989

Sweden is the rape capital of Europe. They love getting fucked by sand dick. Aloha Sweden bar!!!

>> No.3306998

No, 30% everywhere, paid to the state. You can also get an ISK with a flat yearly tax based on portfolio value (0.4%).
The income tax is much bigger, you pay 54% of your total income in tax (30% payroll tax, 31.4% income tax, 25% VAT, various other excise taxes)
Because it's comfortable, and Sweden hasn't been involved in any major conflicts for the last 200 years so people stop caring about their freedoms. You can still pay with cash, and it won't be made illegal or anything, but banks won't have large amounts of cash except for the major offices.

>> No.3307185

>The income tax is much bigger
So how about a strategy like incorporate form some entity like llc or inc, transfer all your money into that entity, trade it and keep your profits inside the entity to reinvest it in your trading business and never taking it out as personal income.
But anyway all those other taxes add up to be too expensive and it would probably be better to look towards one of the other countries like maybe Bulgaria, or Czech, or Hungary who have taxes less than 20%.

>> No.3307317

What? There is no income tax on trading. You pay capital gains tax on capital gains, income tax on "income from services" (salary). You just pay more in tax.
trade as private person
>buy stock A
>it goes up by 30%
>pay 30% of this increase
trade as company
>buy stock A
>it goes up by 30%
>pay 30% of this increase
>pay 22% corporate tax on profits
>pay out dividends
>you pay 30% tax on those
(this is only legal if you're not strongly involved with the company's daily activities)
>pay 30% payroll tax
>pay out income
>you pay 31.4% tax on that

Capital gains have "low" tax, it's probably the last on the list of things you want to do something about, maybe above excise taxes.
There is also a specific account type called ISK where you pay 0.4% of the total value each year (eg for $100 000 portfolio $400 whether it went up or down)

But why do you want to move to Sweden to avoid tax? Are you insane?

>> No.3307857

I don't want to move anywhere to escape taxes, I was just saying that maybe I should cross Sweden off any lists of possibilities. Cant escape taxes anyways because our government taxes us no matter where in the planet, solar system, galaxy or universe we go. But I am interested in getting out from under the bans on trading that our government imposes on us.