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3303091 No.3303091 [Reply] [Original]

Litecoin will be $100 in the next 24 hours

>> No.3303117


Why is it even going up?

>> No.3303133

dumb faggot.

>> No.3303134

this is the question no one can answer, because it's just being traded for the sake of trading

>> No.3303145
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I'm ready

>> No.3303193

It is being traded because people (myself included) know that normies will understand the simplistic idea of Gold (BTC) and Silver (LTC) or a smart normie would see that 4LTC could equal 1 BTC in the future!

>> No.3303196


LiteCoin, despite having no major advances in tech, losing to competitor coins, is close enough to BitCoin in people's minds that it looks like a "Safe" bet compared to altcoins that will 100x over the course of the next couple years

people betting on litecoin are lame, limpwristed speculators who dream of hitting BTC gains but aren't actually willing to risk dumping money into coins like OMG,

They create coinbase accounts and never bother attempting to use kraken, bitrex, bitfinex, etc because they are too close to the normie spectrum and aren't willing to play fast and loose but still want to be part of "crypto"

>> No.3303215

LN network, btc governance crisis

>> No.3303240

This is the major reason why to invest into LTC, once fiat collapses and the masses flock to coinbase, they'll see LTC as a cheaper alternative and dump pools of fiat into it. I agree with what you're saying, but I am also a speculator looking for those gains

>> No.3303256
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MFW I bought in at $24

>> No.3303321
File: 231 KB, 2048x1536, Screenshot_20170901-152820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol at all these faggots that don't know the news

>> No.3303338

Why the fuck are you even invested in crypto when you dont follow the creators and devs working on the coin itself affecting its VALUE

>> No.3303366

All these fucking brainlets lmao at your life

See >>3303321

>> No.3303387

Me too but i didnt buy enough for a six figure profit

How much you holding

>> No.3303393

When will this Gold/Silver meme stop you clearly show that you dont understand how either crypto works.

>> No.3303394

Lightning Network, low fees.

>> No.3303417

>No fees
But idk maybe its all a just a woo woo mystery

>> No.3303516

I'm saying the Gold/Silver is what my parents or girlfriend would understand. Normal people just want to live and buy shit. They don't want to think too hard