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File: 679 KB, 2622x1670, logo-black-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3299688 No.3299688 [Reply] [Original]

What upcoming ICOs that aren't shit is everyone looking forward to?

Still looking at https://ethbet.io/ myself, easy 10x just like all the other dicing ICOs have been.

Chainlinkfags and neo bagholders need not apply.

>> No.3299714

I was thinking of ploughing a few hundred neo into red pulse because I think with it being the first neo ico it will at least be profitable, with potential for substantial gains.

>> No.3299715

except that neo investors are up like 100x since the ICO

>> No.3299754

neo is still a shitcoin

>> No.3299837

better than most of the shitcoins on this board, as proof of that it's gotten better gains

>> No.3299943
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1504281972769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything can get gains, look at shitcoins like dogecoin or dashcoin

none of that means shit in the face of pump and dump

>> No.3300013

it doesnt matter

im here for 10x gains, i dont care if it's a shitcoin or not

so if there's enough hype it's still worth it

>> No.3300076

so are you going all in Ethbet or are you gonna be a retard and miss out?

>> No.3300111

going all in on anything is retarded

i'll probably invest 1-10K at most but that's only becuase im rich from etheroll, neo, eth, and btc

>> No.3300148

I never ICO'd before, what's the best exchange to dump on?

>> No.3300164

going all in is how you 100x your money in a year

it's risky but it's worth it

if you need to dump an ico coin instantly it's probably not a good ico

ICOs like Ethbet will not get you 10x returns in a day, maybe 50% if you buy in one day one. But if you hold for 3 months you'll be making bank

even if it's not added to exchanges you can use etherdelta

>> No.3300183

Blackmoon and Chainlink
Prove me wrong /biz/bros

>> No.3300197

Just like edgeless, vdice, etheroll, etc, all have given 10-20x gains, etheroll like 50x or some shit, it will only take a few months to prove you wrong

chainlink will probably pump and dump too but still

>> No.3300226

Science and chainlink. Kyber if you manage to register

>> No.3300242

why do you keep shilling this ugly fucking coin when there are "identical" better coins around?
bitdice and betking are objectively better looking in every way. Personally I'll put something into bitdice

>> No.3300267

I've never seen a dicing project that is peer-to-peer, Ethbet claims to be the only one

it's different from a dicing site because it matches players against each other, instead of being the house

>> No.3300279

What's an example of a dicing ICO that x10'd already? Just out of curiosity.

>> No.3300307


so basically all of them on there: edgeless, etheroll, vdice, even funfair which isn't dicing and barely has a product

>> No.3300374

Ethbet looks really good, especially the whitepaper. But I don't know how profitable it's actually going to be if it is taking such a small cut from everyone. Will watch and maybe throw some eth at it either way.

>> No.3300376

No team page because they "don't want to come off as flashy and fake". Come on, who are we giving our money to?

>> No.3300392

desu you have a point, I might email them and ask. As far as I can tell it's just like 2 actual developers. So same thing as Etheroll. If they get their beta out before crowdsale it will help out a lot

>> No.3300452

Same reason I haven't bought any blocknet.

>> No.3300468

To be fair they all ICO'd around Feb at the latest so kind of impossible for them not to make money.

>> No.3300491

I re-read what they say. They make a good point that most ICOs lie about their team, I think they're worried that if they only have 2 team members no one will invest since the huge ICOs all claim to have like 30 team members.

Would it be better if they had a team page with like 2 people's names? If they're not famous you can't even tell if it's real or not, so what's the point?

>> No.3300546


I'd like a name that I could do my own research on. If they lie, they lie, but let me come to that conclusion myself.

Yea if they had a beta at least we would know sort of what we were throwing our money at - what kind of potential it might have. We literally ONLY have an idea with zero credentials backing it. Like I said, they should have a team page and have us make the judgement whether they are lying or not.

I'm not giving my money to a project whose team members do not want to reveal themselves.

>> No.3300581

They replied to my email, said they're working on a beta but only have one developer working on it but hope they can get it out before the crowdsale

>> No.3300598

To me based off of the whitepaper this looks like a project with a technical person behind it, but not a lot of marketing or money. So it's probably some acne-ridden nerd whose presence on a team page wouldn't do him any good. And he realized that, and that's why there isn't one.

But still it's those type of people, like Vitalik, that make all the good shit. Not saying this is the next ethereum obviously, just that people that know their shit > marketing

>> No.3300623

People who know their shit should know that marketing is high priority as well.

>> No.3300636


Cool. That eases a little of my concern. If it comes out nice I might throw a few eth at it. I'll keep my eye on it.

>> No.3300641

you're right but that shit is so expensive, these ICOs doing pre-ICOs and spending it on marketing all have marketing budgets of literally $200,000 and up, so unless this guy is loaded af he can't compete with that

>> No.3300707

It's a valid concern. Etheroll was strongly criticized for the same reason but returned over 50x for early investors. High risk, high reward.

>> No.3300715

True. Let's see how the beta looks before we throw our money at an idea with no product or a credential-less team.

It may turn out to be a great product, but it won't get adopted without proper marketing and continuous development. What concerns me is that there is no one we can hold accountable. They make a decent product, then the development stalls because they made millions with their ICO. What'll motivate them? Especially when no one knows who they are to call them out...

>> No.3300762

Well, even if there is a team page, that doesn't mean you get your money back if something bad happens. Plenty of ICOs have had an impressive team page, but if you contact the people on it it turns out it was a lie.

The reason I'm liking Ethbet is they're NOT raising millions in their crowdsale, the cap is set to like 2M max, and they said they dont expect it to reach near that.

So I'm thinking if it's like a $400,000 crowdsale, and I put in $10,000, then I own 1/40 of all the sold tokens

but it is high risk and high reward, I am more of a gambler myself so I prefer this kind of stuff to holding bitcoin for 3 years

>> No.3300884

you sound like a fellow etheroll investor my friend

glad i'm not the only one gonna get rich off of that

>> No.3300976

A bit, i've invested in too many things to remember.

I wonder if Ethbet will get the demo out only after first day of crowdsale, so anyone buying in on day 1 gets even bigger advantage

>> No.3301094

I don't really care either way I'll probably throw a bunch of eth towards it anyway. Gambling on an investment in a gambling platform, baka

>> No.3301118

ChainLink, prove me wrong

>> No.3301137

its actually 1000x idiot

>> No.3301144

Chainlink shills please go

obvious pump and dump with paid /biz/ shilling

>> No.3301168

hope u will find comfort with ur pink wojacks when u will watch our chainlinkin profits in a week, u stupid FUDder

>> No.3301181


I honestly haven't found a single good argument against ChainLink. The YouTube video explains the product perfectly and Swift has already ordered an Oracle to run on the network. I haven't gotten in the presale but I'm going to do the ICO if I can beat the bots

>> No.3301276

because the entire point of a pre-ico with the limits they had is to ponzi scheme as hard as they can

I'm not dumb, I realize you're getting paid to post that. You obviously are not a 4chan native.

>> No.3301441


I own some etheroll, planning to buy BitDice and this EthDice now.

It's a pretty novel concept. People playing against each other that is.

>> No.3301448

oh well, an obvious troll is obvious. Hope u are having fun.

>> No.3301478

Looks like Ethbet has really good potential, but yea if they get their beta out before the crowdsale then I'm going to bet on it hard

fuck off shills

>> No.3301813

Ethino just came out today but they look like a complete scam, not touching them.

>> No.3301862

lol, and they want to do a crowdsale in like one week?

yeah, they're getting nowhere

>> No.3301945

they tried advertising on /r/ethtrader and nowhere else, no wonder it wont work out

>> No.3301971

those idiots probably will throw money at it anyway, just like they do every other scamcoin.

as shit as /biz/ is they've found some really huge gain coins earlier on like antshares (now neo) and of course etc/btc

>> No.3302338

desu for all the bad shit they recommend if you just went in evenly on each coin you'd probably be up like 10x

but same for just eth or btc earlier on so

>> No.3302365


>> No.3302690

shit looks good, never heard of that idea for gambling

it's like a decentralized exchange but for gambling, I like it

>> No.3302724


Your welcome

>> No.3302741

exactly, did I understand it correctly that in the future everyone will be able to build their own dice site using the ethbet protocol?

>> No.3302785

I don't think it's a protocol like DAO.Casino, but maybe they will eventually do that, that'd be cool too, but not sure if it's as profitable

>> No.3302801

looks pretty good, I like that logo image.

Whitepaper seems decent.

Will watch to see how they do, might be a good 10X indeed

>> No.3302830
File: 551 KB, 2190x1080, funfairmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backing this college kid ICO
>not picking up FUN

>> No.3302843

why do you recommend etherparty over agrello or blockcat?

I mean I am interested in investing in etherparty, but their affiliate link presale seems shady and what about this - is this the founder of etherparty who has busted for dealing 100 pounds of weed in 2005? Or was this someone else and this is just FUD


>> No.3302849

Funfair is already worth 151 fucking million dollars and no one even uses them

im not saying they're shit and wont get anywhere, but if you want a quick 10X coin, funfair isnt going to be a billion dollar coin any time soon my friend

>> No.3302855

FUN has ran its course, Ethbet is going to be huge in a month or two, everyone has already heard of Funfair

>> No.3302906

Hey guys what do you think about the gold backed token?

I never ico'd before

>> No.3302922

which one? I'm not bothering with a single ICO this month besides Ethbet until I see one as good as it

>> No.3303018

Did you read the part in the whitepaper of ethbet where they mention 0x? Thats what I meant

>> No.3303024



>> No.3303058

buy electroneum, hold 1-2 years. retire early.

>> No.3303100

oh, yeah. They said anyone can run the relay, which is the matchmaking service. That sounds good but I'm not sure it's profitable to run one at all?

maybe they could add that in and have you get paid in EBET for it

>> No.3303127

the plan seems to be:
1. Run your matchmaking service
2. put your bank of ETH on it and offer bets with a small house edge
3. promote your matchmaking service website so that ppl go on it and take bets against your ETH too
4. profit

Does this sound reasonable tho?

>> No.3303166

Goatse.cx has a coin now

>> No.3303169

yes, except you don't need your own matchmaking service for that, since you can just use the official one

i think the main reason that matchmaking thing is there is so you dont have to put all your things on the blockchain, it's way more efficient to match make outside of it, then use the blockchain only for the actual bet

>> No.3303281

btw, what do you think about the actual costs of using the smartcontract for the dice rolling? That means that each time you match with someone and the dice rolls you have to transfer your ETH/execute the smartcontract, which comes always with gas costs that are at least few cents in size? Doesnt this add too much extra costs to make small dice bets unreasonable?

>> No.3303286

that's interesting, wonder how huge this can get

>> No.3303303

yes, that's right. I don't think this is intended to have people bet with 50 cent bets, but for larger players who are looking for good returns who are tired of losing money to the house

They could later have technology like state/fate channels that lets you do lower bets maybe

>> No.3303309


And now hush hush about it, so that the rest of /biz/raelis doesnt get on this ICO train.

>> No.3303327

makes sense. From what I understand etheroll works similarly to this, do you perhaps know what the costs are of executing a single etheroll roll for the player?

>> No.3303334

it looks smaller though, still need to get enough money to survive, but as long as it does it should be good.

Also if you buy in on first day, the price gets worse over time, so then shill it after first day and you are already pulling a huge profit from those that buy in in week 2 etc

>> No.3303353

if the network is in a good state i think it can be done for somewhere between like 10 cents and $1

if there's a huge ico going on it can be on the upper end sometimes for an hour

But Etheroll has people who bet like $20,000 in one role, so with a house edge of 1% they would save $200 if they could get rid of it (or if the house edge was only halved, $100 on average)

>> No.3303361

yeah. We need to be silent about it now and after the first day shill it like our life depends on it.

>> No.3303381

wow. What makes etheroll so special that ppl choose exactly it to make 20k USD rolls?

>> No.3303396

just because they dont have to make a deposit I guess, there's lots of rich eth investors that would like to gamble

so you know you wont get fucked by the dicing site, except for the 1% edge which is only so bad

>> No.3303414

I see - ethbet is the same in this regard that no deposit/withdrawing is needed, right

>> No.3303432

yes. Literally the only problem I see with Ethbet is that the fees it would get would be low, but maybe token holders would eventually vote to make the house edge like 0.5% or 0.9%, which kind of ruins the'no house edge' thing, but still better than all the competitors

>> No.3303505

Kin (Kik) doesnt look too good as an ICO
512 billion tokens to be sold for 75 fucking million USD
In total only 10% of the total 10 trillion tokens are being sold at ICO. I'm just wondering why the tokens would appreciate in value. They are going way too fucking big.

>> No.3303565

I'm staying away from the billion dollar ICOs, that's why I'm glad I found Ethbet desu

Kik looks like corporate bullshit anyway

>> No.3303617

couldnt agree more with all that you wrote.

>> No.3303734

planning on buying up all the EBET it sounds like?

>> No.3303803

Yesterday, in a similar thread, someone mentioned "Circles Project" (circlesproject.io) & honestly, I think it has very good potential

>> No.3303807

well each of us just needs to put approx 900k into ethbet and we are da ethbet whales

>> No.3303848

if you have 900k to put into it you should email them and try to set up a discount pre-ICO or some shit

that's be weird if someone bought half the entire crowdsale lol

>> No.3303897

well thats approx the sum of my total crypto hodlings, it would be unwise to put it all in one bag. If I continue to like what I see I was aiming to invest 5%-10% of that

>> No.3303925

Chainlink is working with SWIFT, are you retarded?

>> No.3303937

EthBet is obviously not real. The reason their "hard cap" is low and pre-sale bonus % is high is obvious; they want to generate crazy hype as an easy gains ICO that people have to race against each other to make the sale in time. In fact, there is no sale. There is only a wallet, that all you idiots will fill to the brim. After a few hours, the site goes down, and the money is gone. Easiest million bucks ever made.


>> No.3303975

ethbet doesnt even have a presale, omg..

>> No.3303989

what does 'not real' mean?

you realize projects like Etheroll were the same way, which have gotten 60x returns since ICO.

is a fake team better than an anonymous group of developers?

>> No.3304002

Suspicious ethbet shillers in here Hmmmmmm

>> No.3304016

also you will be able to view the crowdsale contract when they put it live. i hope their beta comes live before that too, will be even better

desu I'm going to invest so it's in my interest to shill it, but im just being honest. I'm not going to trust the name+face of somewhere I've never seen before any more than a lack of name and face

>> No.3304025

Yeah well 1st day bonus then I don't remember, point is it had 50% bonus

>> No.3304038

dont all ICOs do that to encourage hype?

it's not like this industry is reasonable

>> No.3304097

Isn't it In your best interest to start shilling after the first day of their sale? How much are you getting paid to shill?

>> No.3304128

Yes, it is. After I invest I'll probably shill even harder. So although no one is paying me right now, I want this project to succeed since my money will double many times if it does

>> No.3304133

If you encounter a box in the woods one day with a note that says "Put any amount of money into this box, and it will be tripled when you come back tomorrow.." will you put your money into the box and leave a happy man?

>> No.3304152

Have you not looked at the charts?

There's boxes like this everywhere. Every week there's like 50 shit altcoins that double in value.

I don't care what you do with your money, I know what risk I'm taking, but if the reward if I'm right is 10X, then even if there's a 50% chance I lose it all, it's worth it for me

>> No.3304195

basically this. It's not 100% free money, but if you're right and you 10X, and you're wrong and you only lose 1X, then it's a good investment

>> No.3304201

Box? More like a burning pit of fire. If people actually fall for the content within this post, may god be with them.

>> No.3304233

tell us, who is paying you to FUD and how much?

>> No.3304244

I'd rather ask him this: what are you investing in, because the complaints you have of "oh no iCO bonus ;__;", it's way worse if you go to other places

these bullshit huge companies with a pre-ico and 10 rounds of ICOs and then more bullshit

>> No.3304409

it's a good point. You can tell from the marketing what their intentions are, if they're trying to fool people out of their money or attract an audience that actually understands wtf thye're trying to do

>> No.3304505

what ICOs/coins do you consider good? I reckon I am quite curious

>> No.3304577

WTF, they don't even have any team on the website? Yeah, give me 100k...

>> No.3305773

Funfair is going to reach at LEAST 10 cents end of the year, around 30 cents in the long run

>> No.3306448

lol, that's what they said for Etheroll, it went up 6000% so far, likely much more to go

>> No.3307259

why bother if there's no beta then?

whitepaper looks fine maybe amazing but that's worrying

>> No.3307289

I think he meant he's waiting for the beta before crowdsale, then he'd invest after that

>> No.3307346

isn't it in 9 days though, they should have it done by now

>> No.3307371

sure but does the demo make that much of a difference?

if they were going to scam they could make a quick demo regardless

>> No.3307418

it does to me. if they say they are making a demo and they never make one, obviously a bad sign

so since they're apparently doing one I'll wait for it

>> No.3307433
File: 84 KB, 1759x1759, ANT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a moon mission fuelling up.

>> No.3307461

didn't it already moon

>> No.3307520

Only +200% since ICO, compare to +4000% of later ICO's which don't even have actual products. ANT team is even buying back millions worth of their token... full transparency unlike many others and use case is huge. If they can onboard even a handful of legit companies come December, as their plan according to roadmap, then this baby is the ticket I'm telling you now.

>> No.3307631

what is the use of the ANT token itself? Meaning why do you think it will appreciate, cannot people create and use aragon DAOs without caring about the ANT token much at all?

>> No.3307668

>Token functionality
The Aragon Network aims to be the first decentralized jurisdiction. It will provide an optimal environment for decentralized organizations to thrive, by offering services such as easy smart contract upgradeability and a decentralized court.

Token holders will be able to:
>Change subscription fees and minting rate
>Decide which services to provide
>Vote on capital allocations or investments
>Self-upgrade the Network
>All other voting and governance decisions

>> No.3307688

So, yes, people can create and use Aragon DAOs freely but it's the ANT token itself that will be tied to the governance of said DAOs.

>> No.3307718

hmm, that means that aragon can be widespread and used a lot for DAOs but the price of the token itself can easily stay low..

>> No.3307730
File: 161 KB, 1651x1488, ANT Governance Flow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well no, each DAO must use ANT tokens for operational efforts. So the more DAOs the greater demand for ANT.

>> No.3307773

desu as funny as it is, half the time the use of the token doesn't matter. Projects just pump up like crazy when news happens, even if there's no mathematical reason the price should go up with it

>> No.3307803

I'd recommend having a read of their blog:



>> No.3307811

can you give examples of operational efforts? I dont know what I should imagine under that

>> No.3307818

Will Etherbet only host dice game or will they add other games and things love sports bet?
Otherwise a shitte compared to things like bitdice

>> No.3307828

I did read every post on their blog 2 days ago, the one thing I didnt read in full yet is their whitepaper

>> No.3307859

they said they'll do more games peer to peer after dice if they have the funding for it

but dice is the killer game for a reason, and they are making it special by doing no house edge or at least lower than all competitors

>> No.3308062

how much do you think they could get anyway

>> No.3308137

ethbet? no clue I guess anywhere like $400,000 to $2M

>> No.3308344

sounds about right unless whales buy it out on the first day again lmao

>> No.3308423


>> No.3308497

not like this ico has happened before i just mean some of the huge icos happening sell out in one hour and you're like fuck, and everyone makes 10x for no reason

>> No.3308620

dont think this one has enough advertising for that as of yet, but we'll see, maybe it will increase a lot

>> No.3308738

you never know, just takes a few whales

>> No.3308845

This looks amazing, but reading over the thread a beta would make it even better, thanks OP

>> No.3309020
File: 5 KB, 208x250, 1504281716216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks alright but it's already worth a lot, looking for lower value coins really, gotta get in early

>> No.3309106

thoughts about lack of team page?

at least whitepaper is nice

>> No.3309157

dont give a fuck, Etheroll case study

>> No.3309239

can't expect to get an etheroll every day, although this project looks like the natural successor if etheroll if they succeed, really hoping they do

>> No.3309377

you can if you have insider info : )

>> No.3309507
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1504280084237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insider info

>> No.3309644

/biz/ IS the insider info my friends

>> No.3309857

this looks like a copy of etheroll but at least the peer to peer thing is actually new, seems well done at least

>> No.3310004

This looks like Etheroll + 0x project, which sounds really really good.

curious to see if the rumors of a beta are true, would invest instantly

>> No.3310134
File: 7 KB, 200x195, wohoq5qfksal54kyzsib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. Sounds good, bookedmarked.

>> No.3310372

if we dont lose all of our money tonight jesus christ eth lol

>> No.3310396

wow, wasnt even watching it, this thread will probably die now since we're not screaming about it

>> No.3310927

>barely has a product.
Holy shit this boards tune has changed in just a few days.

>> No.3311747

How does EthBet differ from BitDice?

Imo BitDice looks like a more solid project. Anyone with an opinion on this?