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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3298032 No.3298032 [Reply] [Original]

>enter workplace 3 hours late
>check emails, received nothing relevant
>make game of life in excel to develop VBA skills
>see normies all having fun and feel slightly sad I am the loser loner but used to it
>go for 2 to 2.5 hour lunch
>writing this post
>will go back to the office, check my emails and then leave

>> No.3298056

Sounds cool but how much do u make tho? Can't say if it's a good job or not without knowing that

>> No.3298065

Like the hat! MAGA

>> No.3298077


My first post graduation full time job. The pay is merely enough to live in London but the job title is inflated and the employer is well known (government). The team I work in sounds good in a CV as well.

So ok pay, inflated titles, no effort

>> No.3298100

Literally my situation now. Different country though

>> No.3298179

Is it a royal institution? Do you work on a mac?

I think we have a lot in common xD

>> No.3298216

>my taxes pay for this
fucking hell

>> No.3298273

>Come in 15-25 minutes late
>Team lead not even there cos she comes 1 hr late every day
>Go to office canteen to have some oats and a sandwich/croissant/pizza
>Come back to workplace to check emails
>Chat with people on phone/laptop until lunch at 11:30
>Go to canteen again for lunch
>Leave office at 12:00 and go home
>Masturbate at home until 14:00
>Get back to office
>Drink coffee and chat until 15:00
>Go to canteen for ice-cream or some other snacks
>Browse web / chat online until 18:00
>Go home

It's been 3 years like that. I have no education. Work for ExxonMobil. 900usd a month. Minimum wage in the region is 200 usd and average is 1k usd. Considering that Exxon also provides shit ton of free food at the workplace and health insurance - I'd say I do okay.

>> No.3298355

900 a month????

>> No.3298371
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You'd be okay if you actually do stuff in your 8hr free time.

I traded mintcoin and litecoin from my work pc @ experian a few years back.

They paid me peanuts, but it actually worked like social benefits for me, except I also got to socialize between freelancing and trading cryptos at my job.

>> No.3298493

This is remarkably close to what my life was 3 years ago. If you say you work at Nationwide as a consultant, I'll shit my pants. Anyway, you'll be fine OP. I've moved on since then making 200k+ working from home. And another 6 figures from crypto.

>> No.3298496

Im not from US. Thats why mentioned minimum and average salaries for the region.
Exxon-brah, replying from a mobile

>> No.3298605

>Wake up 5:30 in the morning
>Be 10 mins early at work
>Co worker took a day off again
>Have to carry heavy weight by myself all day and walk around a lot.
>back hurts
>get yelled at by boss for stretching back one second
>feet hurt after long day blue collar wagecuck work
>Go home, check my OMG progress
>Another 1000 euros up
>Feel a little bit of hope

>> No.3298860

Londoner here too. I spent half the morning bantering about crypto with one of my co-workers and now I'm shitposting on /biz/.

>> No.3298984

how much rent do you pay? thinking about moving country and I always spending my holidays in London as a kid

>> No.3299030
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>wake up 3pm
>check out markets
>outdoor time
>take a nap
>check out markets