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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3297864 No.3297864 [Reply] [Original]

very good week holding 80% ltc right now

>> No.3297886

can you show the entire portfolio?

>> No.3297912

I hold 80% ltc the rest is in xmr dcr and ark.

I hopped on the ltc train in April when it pumped to $10. Crazy summer its been

>> No.3297927
File: 92 KB, 748x746, crypto spending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500k in crypto
>still doens't charge his phone more than once every 3 days

>> No.3298197


Why are we supposed to charge our phone more often? You think as soon as you reach 500k you get people to do all that shit for you?

>> No.3298357

How did you survive the past months? Diamond hands..

>> No.3298424

Mid July until about last week were definitely not fun but I had faith ltc would come back strong eventually. Mid July my total portfolio was like 160btc worth so I still have a ways to go to get back to my btc portfolio ath. I also sent 1500 ducking ltc to btc-e 2 days before domain was seized so looking forward to getting 55% of those back soon.

I held 100 btc thru boring ass bear market 2014-2016 so I'm kinda used to the whole hodl thing and I have a lot of confidence in btc ltc long term

>> No.3298743

you humorless bastard