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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3296844 No.3296844 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3296858

people will soon realize everything under 100k is underpriced for king BTC

>> No.3296871
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It's the emperor after all. Father of all marines.

>> No.3296888


>> No.3296988

>btc USD value
Go post on a normalfag board like / pol /

>> No.3297059

Its dunking on eth and bch too, though.

>> No.3297090


ETH is hitting ATHs as we speak

>> No.3297124

6th wave before correction? All these green bars are making me nervous right now.

>> No.3297169

So, as someone who doesn't have much knowledge about cryptocurrencies, Can I just buy BTC and gain good amounts of money in long term?

>> No.3297232


>> No.3297261

Yes, don't worry about all these bullshit coins just wait a little bit to buy because it will probably dip a little bit, but make accounts on coinbase and exchanges of your choice asap because they can take a little bit for you to become verified. Start out with a few hundred and just buy safe coins like eth and btc. I'm also new and turned 200 to 250 in like a month by doing nothing just holding 100$ in btc and eth, I bought right before a dip tho so it could have been better if I waited a little.

>> No.3297265

Understand whaat it is before you buy

If Bitcoin is no longer BItcoin, would it keep growing?

Is this a Goldman Sachs pump and dump?


>> No.3297268

buy at least 1 btc
and in 20-30 years you will be a millionaire

>> No.3297350
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>> No.3297370

Goldman only has assets of 90B

Bitcoin is almost matching that,

They don't have the capital to manipulate Bitcoin since options play isn't there

>> No.3297395

You only need to control 1% of Bitcoin's marketcap to heavily manipulate the price.

>> No.3297402


In other words...


>> No.3297406

They have the full backing of the banking cartel whose funds are literally infinite.

>> No.3297458
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No you don't

There are whales who would eat up an obvious dip and push the price back

The big thing here is THERE ARE NO DERIVATIVES, it's a pure asset they can't fuck with

Wait till Bitcoin is 3x Goldmans market cap, we can fuck with them

>> No.3297467

market manipulation

get in, get burned

>> No.3297475

Then go sell your Bitcoin and by shares of Goldman and CitiBank

We got this, if you want to keep getting cucked by them, keep that mentality

>> No.3297493

>buy fiat
>in time you will be a fiat millionaire

>> No.3297713

>You only need to control 1% of Bitcoin's marketcap to heavily manipulate the price.
Sold them already for Litecoin (75% gainz) and Monero (>200%) while BTC pokes around.

>> No.3297750

Do you guys seriously think this? The normies are getting in already, even institutional investors. BTC doesn't produce anything, so price increases are just due to buying pressure.

That's the theorem of conservation. If no money is created, your gains will have to come at the expense of some other fuck. There is no way everybody can make a profit.

This board is going to have a meltdown when that happens. And then it will go awfully quiet.

>> No.3297831


>advice from a NoCoiner

Piss off faggot

You kikes we're saying this in 2012, 2013 and are back at it again

No one wants your Jew fiat money anymore, that's the loser in all of this, central banking and worthless paper money

And it's why you see these institutions trying to stop it

>> No.3297845

I'm not a nocoiner. And you haven't addressed any of my points.

>> No.3297846


>> No.3297922

That's why you buy now
Don't miss the train

>> No.3297971

>the normies are getting in already, even institutional investors

Do you truly believe this? 99% of normies are too dumb or scared right now to do this on their own. Don't believe me? Go ask 100 people at random if they own any bitcoin at all.

>> No.3297975

you realize anon is right and that if new capital doesn't flow in then the price stagnates or declines as capital exits to fiat or other coins. it's a zero sum game - to simplify: if there are only 3 players, p1 holds 10 coins, p2 holds none and p3 holds fiat. p3 is interested in coins and offers to buy them at price x, p1 notices p3 is interested and decides he's only willing to sell half at x and the rest at 2x, p2 notices the price of coins has double and is willing to pay 2.2x for the last coin. no new money is created in this instance even though there's technically an increase in the market cap of that coin

central banking isn't going anywhere - if anything they're going to embrance and integrate with blockchain tech so that they can exert more control over it

i have a non-insignificant amount of crypto and i still exercise regular profit taking because you can't walk down to the store and buy a gallon of milk with bitcoin (yet)

>> No.3298018

i have been trying to get my family into bitcoin and they wont touch it. my brother gambles every week and bets on websites on ramdom stuff. witch i sell bitcoin to him to do this. but he wont invest and hold. norms are not even close to getting into bitcoin

>> No.3298026

>No one wants your Jew fiat money anymore, that's the loser in all of this, central banking and worthless paper money

But someone surely wants your FIAT (Bitcoin) right? lmao

>> No.3298052

>can't buy milk with BTC

>> No.3298097


Prove the rest of his post false. I'd like to see you try. You can't deny it's a zero sum game.

>norms are not even close to getting into bitcoin.
Are there graphs for /biz/ traffic? I've talked bitcoin with my coworkers, and I didn't bring up the subject. Some friends of one of my coworkers are into it.

If you ask 100 people at random about CiV, they won't know what it is, yet it sold like cakes. You have fallen prey to a false dichotomy.

How do I know the normies are already here? I am one. I had never bought something other than an index fund, but I bought BTC in August.

>> No.3298114

This but I'd also claim that you don't even need any of the bitcoin market cap at all - all you need is to bribe the media in releasing your desired story and everyone will follow, because in the end that's what bitcoin is all about - baseless hype of people who have no idea what they're doing and are doing it only because the media is telling them to. Crypto is one giant "who will shill the most" race. I remember ETH pre-$30 and how barely anyone bothered with it, but then out of fucking nowhere every website that published news on crypto started hyping it for no logical reason whatsoever (that's right after the whales bought in by the way) and it skyrocketed to $300 and upwards.

>> No.3298163
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>You can't deny it's a zero sum game.
I don't give a fuck. I woke up richer than when I went to sleep last night and the same thing will happen tomorrow and the next day and the next day. I've traded stocks, forex, I've had eBay and Amazon seller accounts, I currently make a good deal of money doing affiliate sales on my websites. But nothing, and I mean goddam *nothing* has ever made me more money faster than crypto. That's the bottom line and I don't really give a fuck about your faggy dissertation about how the world began and how it's going to end. I'm making money. When the money train stops, I'll hop on the next one. QE-fucking-D

>> No.3298194

>still expecting another bitcoin dip

you might get a little fud closer to 2x but other than that we are straight to 100k

>> No.3298203

So you're telling me you're converting your crypto gains to fiat?

Or are you waiting for the crash?

>> No.3298210

the federal reserve doesn't produce anything either

you can still buy millions of lambos with their paper, but not for long. soon, you need bitcoins to get lambos.

>> No.3298226

I'm waiting for the "crash" so I can buy more. If actual news comes out like the United Nations bans crypto or some shit then I'm getting out. Until then, I don't see Bitcoin or Ethereum specifically going anywhere. They offer too many compelling uses to just wither away.

>> No.3298235

Fiat doesn't produce anything. That's why forex trading isn't an investment, but gambling.

Stocks do produce an actual return, factoring out the speculation. Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.3298237

ethereum will be below $100 in 2 years

bitcoin will be above $50k

>> No.3298253

Preach brother

>> No.3298255

Why not just sell the magic ball for a trillion and retire?

>> No.3298321

not much faith in ethereum eh?

>> No.3298370

a large amount of normies are vaguely aware of Bitcoin but only nerds have heard of ethereum. When crypto goes mainstream, Bitcoin will get the monopoly.

>> No.3298398

you win this one anon - the point was more that fiat is still king of 99.9% of most peoples daily transactions. things like MCO, TenX and MTL are cool but they're technically converting to fiat and then operating like a regular card. txn times are always going to be a killer too. nobody is going to want to wait in line behind some guy while is transaction gets declined twice after 30 minutes because he's too much of a cheapass to raise his gas limit or something

i think what he's getting at is that eventually the money train is gonna stop - caring about this kind of shit can help determine your exit position. if you get in early enough who gives a fuck? you've probably doubled your investment multiple times over. if you have a later entry you'd probably be wise to pay more attention and be more conservative. at the end of the day it's your money and you can do whatever the fuck you want with it

>> No.3298406


Funny how, every time is "this time is different".

>> No.3298430

And in 20-30 years a cheap secondhand car will be a million dollars aswell...

>> No.3298440

isn't the saying "economists have predicted 9 of the last 7 recessions" or something like that?

>> No.3298447

You might be right about Ethereum. I'm mostly in BTC so I'm sorta cool with it. That said, smart contracts, man. Bitcoin doesn't cover that use case. Send Ether to address X and Y is guaranteed to happen. That's pretty compelling when you think about it. Internet as giant vending machine is fucking cool.
Yes, just early adopter things.

>> No.3298521

Eventually an economist predicting a recession will be proven right, that's such bullshit

>> No.3298535

BTC has had something kind of like smart contracts for a while but they're not as flexible IIRC, lightning should fix all of that but it's technically off-chain while ethereum's contracts are on chain. that being said, solidity (ethereums smart contract language) is a flaming pile of shit but i believe that the ethereum VM and the language as a whole is going to get better - i just think you could've picked any fucking language besides javascript to base your design choices off

>> No.3298657

a broken clock is right twice a day but straight up fucking wrong 86398 times a day - wouldn't be too useful to try to use it to catch an appointment or ensure you wake up on time.

same goes for predictions. you can always find someone screaming we're in a bubble and of course they'll eventually be right, some of them will get lucky and say "hey i predicted the last one so you should listen to me", odds are they won't predict the second and third one though because the thing about bubbles is you can't predict them until it's too late.

greed and irrational exuberance drive profit seekers to stay in until the last minute until something causes it to pop and then there's a ton of people left holding bags as capital flees to safer investments