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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3294818 No.3294818 [Reply] [Original]

I bought some of this before the last token airdrop, but havent been keeping tabs on it. I heard theres another one early September, anyone know anything about it?

>> No.3294838

I think there will be an aidrop today.

>> No.3294851
File: 466 KB, 1280x720, 90734693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Hai hai!~* I can explain before I go to bed!~

So today at 12pm (Central Time, US), MBRS will be taking a blockchain snapshot. Any ETH wallet holding MBRS at the time of the snapshot will later get 100 Domain tokens (DOM) per MBRS for *absolutely free*.

So what is DOM? Basically they want to bring blockchain to the domain name secondary market. While there have been some crypto attempts to change the primary market (Namecoin, Emercoin, etc.), there hasn't been an attempt to build a decentralized aftermarket. If DOM can do this, then long-term it can take a huge bite out of GoDaddy and the like. Maybe even slowly replace them!

And remember, the domain name market is huge:
330.6 million domain names, with millions added each year. Yet there aren't really tools to compare the best value of buying name sites. DOM apparently has a new way of auctioning off domain names with no counter-party risk, a major reduction in all the associated risks, and the ability to access visitor data in real time for domain valuations.

This is probably the most valuable project on the MBRS ecosystem so far. When its listed on EtherDelta, I'm thinking of buying up some more! You can see more on their website:

Anyways, buy MBRS before midday to benefit anon-san! I'm going to catch some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow for the air drop!

>> No.3294898

Oh shieet its 100:1 ratio?

>> No.3294914

This is the one token they're dropping I'm interested in.

>> No.3294977

I basically doubled my position in embers to 27k for this drop. Helps that it's still cheap/price fell in eth terms over the past week.

>> No.3295018

Basically the single token drop that will actually be worth something.

>> No.3295508

Yes exactly

>> No.3295707

Good coin sir, but you spell Espers wrong.

Is E-S-P-E-R-S , not E-M-B-E-R

But you buy now. No need wait for air support.