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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 31 KB, 200x200, neo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3293457 No.3293457 [Reply] [Original]

What the FUCK is its problem?

>> No.3293477

GAS prices slowly going down. As it does people will no longer want to hold NEO as it is still grossly overpriced.

>> No.3293487

China selling since red pulse banned them from their ICO. I'd advise holding your NEO and buy alot of red pulse. They have a whitelist going on atm... china gonna jump at this like sharks when it hits exchanges

>> No.3293505

>m-muh gas dividends

Did you retards think anyone would buy your shitty gas when it has no purpose?

>> No.3293557

>not realizing this shit was never worth $50
It's at best a $20 coin at this point, realistically more like $15

>> No.3293661


Are you telling me le passive income meme coin is a scam ???

>> No.3293684

guys stop fudding this isn't fucking funny i put my life savings into this at 1100k

it's gonna recover right

>> No.3293694
File: 51 KB, 798x871, 1498944945789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-don't worry anon atleast you have GAS

>> No.3293856
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it'll recover. lots of jealous no neos FUDin as usual.

>> No.3293978

I'd say $15 is about right. It is no where near as developed or as promising as QTUM which is $17

>> No.3293997
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QTUM is a fad coin. volume drying up. dying.

NEO is struggling with some vicious FUD, but it's a fighter. It's going to make it through this. And all you faggot FUDers can go to hell.

>> No.3294063

Please NEO go down more so I can buy some more!

>> No.3294078
File: 1009 KB, 2271x2380, 1497571594403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I'm holding NEO bags its better to just exchange them for Red Pulse on day 1 then?

>> No.3294118

How do I get in on Red Pulse if I'm in the US and they want gov't ID? Would a simple photoshop pass?

>> No.3294149

Twitter and plebbit retards FUDDING. God I hope these "people" hang themselves

>> No.3294474

any fud is good for the noneos i guess

>> No.3294766

Send NEO and I'll do it for you
My price is 20% (2/3 of bonus tokens)
T. Whitelisted yuropoor

>> No.3294800

We tried to warn you that whales are setting bull traps to get the fuck out of NOE but you didn't listen.

This ripoff piece of gook shit has a long way to fall yet. If only you'd listened.

>> No.3294815

Your money is gone.
It is when there is no demand for the ether that your passive income is derived from.

>> No.3294827

there's already demand and it's only going to go up as more people use the NEO platform. you can pretend like nobody is ever gonna use it all you want. but that's all it is. pretend.

>> No.3294840

Two ICOs that Chinks can't buy anymore won't be demanding shit to justify even half this shitter's current price.

>> No.3294858

you'll see how wrong you are soon enough. and i doubt you'll be around to admit how stupid you were for doubting us.

>> No.3294865
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>I'll sell when it gets to 55 again
>I'll sell when it gets to 50 again
>I'll sell when it gets to 45 again
>I'll sell when it gets to 40 again
>I'll sell when it gets to 35 again

>> No.3294875

The evidence is staring you in the fucking face. Down almost 50% from it's ATH just a few weeks ago.

It's over.

>> No.3294888


>> No.3294912

great coins have their trials. BTC did. ETH did. and NEO will as well. each great coin had losers like you declaring them dead at one point. but they were always wrong.

>> No.3294946

I sold at around $45. When would be a good time to buy back in?

>> No.3294955

you'll have to make your own decision. but don't listen to the idiots saying the coin is dead. they'll give you a number way too low.

>> No.3294981

ETH and BTC have purposes. The former has has a fuckload on it's platform.

Neo doesn't have shit. It has been hype and typical chink fake news from day one.

Now that the government has stepped in and al but stopped Chinese investing in ICOs it is a dead man walking.

>> No.3295012

It's completely worthless, just like every other shitty coin on this shitty board. Could we please go back to talking about oil and gold stocks instead of scamanomics?

>> No.3295015

China is simply reviewing regulatory policies for ICOs, which NEO is well suited for dealing with. In fact that's why we invested in NEO: for its compliance policies.

It is only a matter of time before China gives ICOs the okay and all this uncertainty clears. Which basically means smart people are buying this NEO dip. Stupid people are panicking and selling. Or posting about how the coin is dead :).

>> No.3295022

Sometime this weekend, unless another coin steals the show (looks like ltc will maybe)

>> No.3295026

Thanks man, I suspected that. Just need to time it within 10 percent or so of the bottom. Also want to buy some for the ico coming up

>> No.3295037

>+99 000% ROI since ICO

jesus fucking christ

>> No.3295060

I'm sick and tired of THE SKY IS FALLING faggots
this is crypto: what goes up must come down and vice versa
practice your grip and hold or sell at a loss like a bitch but one glance at the chart and you can see that it's being heavily manipulated - whales accumulating 100s of btc worth aren't doing so to make a collossal loss down the line

>> No.3295083

buy the dip faggots or lose out again. ill be laughing all the way to the bank, i bought at $7/$8, and just added more at $33.

>> No.3295132

Well until such fucking time as those regulations are lifted I wouldn't be holding nor buying into this plane crash. If you choose to then you are investing with your cock and not your head.

>> No.3295206

they will try to regulate the fuck out of ICOs across the globe; we have burgerclaps, russkies and chinks trying to clamp down on it
after all, incumbant plutocracy can't have their goyim be given access to potential wealth that skirts their own ponzies and pounds of flesh required
truth is, they are impotent as many orgs in the future will also be built on top of a blockchain thus making legal entities totally redundant
life finds a way and desire for liberty is present in everyone
only foreseeable problem is fiat-crypto exchanges dealing with large sums but that will be a non-issue once there is no need to "cash out"

>> No.3295222

regulations aren't going away, anon. this is why investing in a coin that is big on COMPLIANCE is such a smart idea. :)

>> No.3295243

And at such time I'll be dumping ETH too.

Right now it's the Chinks being prevented from buying so obviously the platform that Chink ICOs were intending to use, NEO, are next to worthless.

Crypto has been built on the back of NON-REGULATION, fucktard. Regulation is anathema to the high returns smart investors are receiving now

>> No.3295244

Same. My average is 7$ now. Got 430 neo 400 sitting in my wallet since weeks, made me 10 Gas so far.

>> No.3295291

Muh world order will not allow the slave cucking sheeple to make money without manipulating shit behind the scenes. That's why stocks and such exist because the jew ALWAYS wins as it own the monetary system, the banks and everything else to do with fiat. Crypto is still somewhat unregulated and gives some freedom to the simple man, and (((they))) won't stand for it. It's a slow(ish) process but if you think it will only get better in countries like the US, I have some bad news for you.

>> No.3295294


>> No.3295314

They will be able ro buy it off of me :^)
RPX to me seems orientated towards non-chinks trying to avoid chink scams
Chinks' role in it all will be to snitch on their employers and competition thus earning tokens

>> No.3295318

The problem is that the price is being consistently dumped on by orders of hundreds to thousands of NEO

Not so much panic selling now, just an extreme amount of manipulation

It will moon again, so buy the dip

>> No.3295340

Nope, can't fight against a ghost
Even after their successful usurpation of BTC a new cryptoking will rise
First mover advantage is just that-an advantage that can be lost quickly once the reputation tanks or a new, kikeless governance solution is made

>> No.3295343

.00650000 is bottom, but don't be too greedy and miss out.

>> No.3295362
File: 67 KB, 593x492, 1502950280203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy the dip
or stay poor
that simple

>> No.3295382

Vitalik told everyone to sell their NEO yesterday. That's what the problem is. Also, it's a shitcoin.

>> No.3295412

>Vitalik told everyone to sell their NEO yesterday.
as a response to a sign some faggot from the audience showed him
you ETHtards will never see your ETH:BTC ATH again so keep thinking in USD, bitches

>> No.3295444

Asia literally dumps their NEO every night after the West pumps it up a bit during the day. That's what.

>> No.3295447

hurr durr, disproven meme.

>> No.3295453

Who is this cute slut

>> No.3295532

Buy the dip

>> No.3295542

rice niggers ran with the money lmao

>> No.3295547

Mate, I saw that video like a month ago.

>> No.3295633
File: 58 KB, 480x499, not the one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro its going to drop even more you should sell at the bottom please :)

>> No.3296044
File: 71 KB, 570x848, 1484976860215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you. You keep me going in the darkest of times. My fellow neo. Your comments mean so much to me in my struggle. When I see your posts my bags feel lighter and i can breathe again.

>> No.3296968

Dont worry too much, everyone here will get rich because of NEO, they will make a big bang soon, the lambo is not so far from us, just buy the dip and enjoy the life of a wealthy man

>> No.3297516

What is this Red Pulse you are talking about and why can only Chinese citizens buy it?

>> No.3297534


>> No.3297542
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All in but thinking of selling

>> No.3297546

Should I buy NEO in its dip now or go for OMG? Will it go lower?

>> No.3297559


>> No.3297579

That's what everyone is saying at the moment, but I think OMG has been rising very fast over last few days and will surely see a correction in the next week. Thoughts?

>> No.3297583

wew, so you're telling me I could buy the dip now for about $33, then wait and hold my breath hoping for it to go up past its ATH of $50 so I can 1.5x my money in a matter of mere WEEKS?! Sounds too good to be true.

>> No.3297592

>rising very fast
>last few days

try months compadre. this token is the real deal.

>> No.3297612

except NEO will never come back up

>> No.3297616


>> No.3297634

consolidating will drop to prob 25 bucks

>> No.3297644


My buddy is brand new to crypto and got a loan out to put in Neo after watching videos of people shilling it as a "wealth generator". Those are the types of people who fell for this coin.

>> No.3297720
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>> No.3297740

and what makes you think so ?
they dont even buy NEO why would they buy NEO ICOS ?

>> No.3297757

same was said for 45

bruh this shit is being eaten by the whales

>> No.3297778

I don't understand how people can't see that the "whales" aren't holding long-term. They are buying at every fucking low and selling at every lower high. Meanwhile dipshits keep fucking holding.

>> No.3297797

should I hold my 10 NEO or throw it all in RedPulse ICO?

>> No.3297807
File: 37 KB, 657x527, MagwD9z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>won't be anymore able to cut my losses
>lesson learned from buying ATH

>> No.3297827
File: 41 KB, 128x128, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think QTUM is a fad. There are multiple incoming project being developed on top of it. >>3294875
50% is the usual retrace after a bull run, at this point, it could still go back up
nocoiner kys

>> No.3297859

Look, I'm not gonna say that Neo is trash cuz its not. But, anon, why would you do that so close to an ath? The buy high sell low thing is a meme. You know that, right?

>> No.3297899

i just tried to sell some neo for eth to invest in blackmoon presale and the price is manipulated by bots. if u put an ask there are permanently 3-4 bots who put a new ask 0.00000001 below yours. don't know if this happens the whole time and is the answer to low price though

>> No.3298057

Forget OMG guys, deals with McDonalds and Apple are nothing. Being declared a scam platform by your own totalitarian government that's where the real money is at!

>> No.3298094

this. holding doesn't work when it's constantly dropping.

>> No.3298141

How was it declared a scam platform?

What do you get out of FUD?

>> No.3298171

Not with your negative attitude. FUD is killing NOE REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.3298174

Just sold but what to buy with my profit?

>> No.3298189

>Watching neotards suffer isn't amusing af

>> No.3298190
File: 72 KB, 788x685, 307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QTUM is launching their mainnet in 12 days
the price is getting surpressed right now.
it still has more Volume than Neo and like 3x more on korean/china exchanges

you neo fags will come crying to us later

>> No.3298225

But what do you get out of trying to make people lose thousands of dollars?

Some ICO dropped out because it couldn't deal with regulation and people panic sold, big deal

>> No.3298266

>Truth kills solid projects.

Maybe you should have all negative opinions of your shitcoin censored you fucking hive-minded shit. That's the usual way gooks roll.

>> No.3298274
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>> No.3298294

You said they were declared a scam platform because China wants to regulate ICOs, this means you are genuinely lying because it amuses you

>> No.3298311

my hands of steel are getting weak. I got big time FOMO on other projects. I know neo will bounce back due to redpulse but still.

>> No.3298338

It's been less than a week, just have a little patience

I think big players are forcing it down

I'd expect at least one pump because thr NEO team is attending a conference, DH is going Korea for meetings, and the ICO on the 11th

Don't get played

>> No.3298344

It's a platform for scams as far as the Chink government is concerned and they're right. Most ICOs are fucking scams but that is what gives Eth and all Eth knock-offs like Neo the bulk of their value.

>> No.3298354
File: 283 KB, 960x1280, IMG_1237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know this talented team made a quantum prof blockchain, ahead of the existence of quantum computers!... Dont you biz?...........??........,, Dont you trust these focused guys?........ It takes 4 of these to beat a whole congress of criptoscience!.... Dont you know ?......,,,,,.. Biz? .... Are you listening to me biz?....

>> No.3298376

Coding on 13" laptops is what made me go all in.

>> No.3298380

that dude can into business development, something an army of codefags or marketing fools could never compete with

>> No.3298394

He's a snake oil peddling, dog-eating faggot who has nothing.

>> No.3298422

he's got access to all the right ears, that's 90% of business
babby detected

>> No.3298439

He's at the Shanghai public library

>> No.3298449

95% of crypto is a scam/failed projects, this is going to continue for years until a few gems make it out and find a market

>> No.3298451

Hasn't stopped his scamcoin plummet by 50% in the space of a couple of weeks.
Must not be sucking the right dicks.

>> No.3298464

All this NEO fud honestly makes me wanna buy in.

>> No.3298472

It's collapse is because of government regulation, its got nothing to do with NEO itself

>> No.3298473

right, everything happens overnight for impatient fags like you
what are you even doing here?

>> No.3298480

They can't buy it. Which makes me think, why a chinese company would prohibit the chinese to buy the ICO.

>> No.3298503

And the Chinese will find it difficult to launch and purchase said scams which is means Neo's anticipated market is kill.
If you knew China you'd know how much of a risk it was investing in a platform for hosting ICOs.
The chickens have come home to roost for all of you ignorant tards.

>> No.3298517

Because ICOs are fucking pyramid schemes, Chinese gov is trying to prevent people from having their butts fucked by whales and devs.

>> No.3298564

Because they know they're a scam and will be prosecuted by the government if it is offered to Chinese citizens.

I can say this with certainty - it's going to be a very long wait between new Chink coin offerings on Neo given this crackdown.

You cannot spin this as good for Neo unless you're a fucked up, emotionally-invested fanboy or a shill.

>> No.3298568

>pyramid schemes
sure, and government likes to keep a monopoly on those otherwise there would be no need for it
we're talking disruptive tech here, one that knows no communist decreed; like it or not it's the way forward and those who wish to get in on it will do so on exchanges

as some smart burger put it before it all started going downhill: Join, or Die

>> No.3298604

Listen to this man people he knows his shit. Neo haters we can convert you before it's too late. We love you guys NEO loves you

>> No.3298616

>government likes to keep a monopoly on those otherwise there would be no need for it

Fucking and? If you understood the mentality of the Chinese government that's exactly why you'd have to have been a retard going all in on NEO in the first place!

>> No.3298648

Listen to this man as well he knows his shit. Neo haters we love you when will you convert? You love Chinese food don't you? You will love the Chinese blockchain

>> No.3298650

this does not apply to chinks alone but every gov't on the planet
I'm using NEO to buy into ICOs, don't care about GAS, I got ARK for dem sweet staking gains

>> No.3298661


God, fucking chill out, please. I'm just frustrated because I forgot to buy Blackmoon and I'm looking for something that can have ridiculous growth until the end of the year.

I don't even own NEO I'm 100% on OMG actually.

>> No.3298663

I seriously think that ICOs need to be regulated though. Projects that are nothing but hopes and dreams raising hundreds of millions is fucking insane. Not to mention that basically 99% of the coins in circulation stay in the hands of devs and a few whales.

>> No.3298665

Listen to this degenerate as well. He may not know his shit but at least he's investing with the right side for once.

>> No.3298697

>needs to be regulated

I don't think crypto is for you.

>> No.3298720

due dilligence is something investors do, you may offer whatever you like on the laissez faire market that we're finally enjoying
there is no better cure for stupidity than immediate consequence for stupid actions

I forsee ICOs and organisations that do them to become non-legal entities, created, governed and maintained on the blockchain; genie's out of the bottle and the future is libertarian right, no way around it

>> No.3298732

If you want crypto to truly reach mainstream, it will need at least some level of regulation. As it stands, ICOs are just hurting the market in the long term

>> No.3298755

Going by your logic, scammers shouldn't be punished for selling fake products for example, after all, the client was the one stupid enough to buy them.

I enjoy the market being free as much as the next guy, but no regulation at all is basic ancap-tier, which is shit.

>> No.3298756

There won't be an ico market left once the government steps in.

>> No.3298769
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yeah this. Kinda irates me that kyber will hold 20% of all coins.

>> No.3298775

Correcting myself: selling fake products as they were original.
This doesn't make any sense. As long as regulations aren't commie-tier there shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.3298779


>> No.3298782

I got memed into buying a ton of this...

>> No.3298803

There will be regulated crypto and unregulated crypto

>> No.3298805

Fucking statists. How about you be a big boy and regulate yourself faggot instead of wanting the government and their guns to get involved. Just because you're a fucking idiot doesn't mean the rest of us need jackboots.

>> No.3298808

what scam? is there a difference between someone buying fake watches or fake handbags and someone buying speculative assets which are half-finished products? is anyone forcing individuals to participate in either case?

oh, so ancap is fine on national level but not for goyim, is that what you're saying? after all, countries are sovereign and can do whatever the fuck they want (PAYG pension ponzi, single-payer healthcare ponzi, fiat kike banking ponzi...), but taking advantage of individual sovereignty is somehow bad?

>> No.3298812

Wait for a week and you'll see this fucker pull out a monero out of nowhere

>> No.3298834

Crypto is going to be regulated whether you want it too or not

Smarter governments will adopt it, and in the long term it will lead to reduced state power

Ancap society is literally hundreds of years ahead of us

>> No.3298922

in a world where you don't need fiat any more there's literally no reason to adhere to anachronistic rules

>> No.3298949

Retard. It was never declared a scam platform. In fact they are working with the government (Which is a good thing)

>> No.3298957

See what I said:
>selling fake products as they were original.
This is by definition, a scam. I'm trying to make you buy my product by fooling you into thinking that the product is something that it is actually not. You can apply this to the food business as well, there are many cases of companies injecting air/water into the meat they sell in order to increase the price when the client weighs It.
Do you think there should be no regulations about this kind of stuff? No quality control? Going by your logic the client should know better, not be an idiot.

I don't quite get your second point. I never said ancap is fine, on any level.

>> No.3298964

meant to >>3298808

>> No.3299101

Okay, shill. Go back to the NEO subreddit. :)

>Regulation is good for NEO
>Look guys, whales are accumulating!
>New floor at 45
>New floor at 40
>New floor at 35
>New floor at 30

>> No.3299127
File: 24 KB, 600x400, Da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da Hongfei has pulled out of the DACA Summit. Nervous breakdown? Locked up by the chink government? Can't bring myself to suggest the other possibility. Vote below dude bros!

>> No.3299130

Its a chinese scam.

>> No.3299137

Next floor 20 within this month.

>> No.3299196

2017 DACA Blockchain Summit, Beijing (NEO Founder Speaking) Sept. 2-3

>> No.3299224


Hilarious to see the cult members cheering as their leader flees with suitcases full of money

>> No.3299285

>BTC didn't collapse over 80%
>ETH didn't collapse over 50% twice

get fucked nigger

>> No.3299296
File: 25 KB, 615x399, image-10-jim-carrey-50th-birthday-76023426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy neo a couple of days ago solely for red pulse and because anything under 800k sats was "a steal".
>it keeps dropping
>bitcoin keeps going up

>> No.3299328

free market should decide, that's my point
perhaps physical products were a bad example but we're talking intangibles in this particular case, not e.g. 2-ton chunks of steel travelling at speed on public roads, or food for that matter; as for QC there are also independent providers/advisors avaliable that audit/analyse companies/products and issue certifications that vouch for this or that - where the market demands it

I'm saying that governments are acting like ancaps, whereas this ability has been long taken out of the hands of individuals; now comes the tech that enables individuals to give the middle finger to kikes, middlemen and monopolies they weaseled themselves into and you want to shut that down or severely limit liberation from it even though there isn't any real way of enforcing it IRL? every such action pushes entire industries into black markets and that helps noone but authoritarian states who clamp down even more on what's left of contemporary liberties

>> No.3299399

You know what, fuck NEO. I'm done. Dumping my 3k bags while I'm still in the green. Feel bad for everyone that bought at ATH and is still holding.

>> No.3299449

GL anon
next time we communicate there'll be a delay of several min because interplanetary distances kek

>> No.3299526
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>> No.3299558

>Comparing a Chink copy paste of ETH to world leading offerings IN A BULL MARKET.

Cute, sweetie.

>> No.3299569

Weak hands

>> No.3299579

>it's the chinese fault that you don't understand their economy for shit

>> No.3299644
File: 58 KB, 400x400, dahongfei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone worried should look at Hongfei and what he's already done. Dude already has serious connections. Knows the game and china. Working with government, not against it.
The Hideo Kojima of the crypto world.

The only reason the price is dropping is because its the calm before the storm. They're currently trying to get as many developers to create a bunch of ICOs like on ethereum. Just sit tight and watch the controlled chaos unfold when they start popping up and people are clambering to get back into NEO.

One of the true comfy coins.

>> No.3299654

it's gonna be a bloodbath get out now bros

>> No.3299674

idiots, it grew x8 in a week ofc a correction was expected for something that is even shit. This coin is all hype no show

>> No.3299690

I understand that you'd have be willfully ignorant investing long term in a scamcoin platform based in a place as authoritarian as China

>> No.3299716
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>everyone is freaking out
>best time to buy

>> No.3299764

Buy the red sell the green as always. Emotional morons will always play the buy high sell low strategy.

>> No.3299938
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Green ID/s dont lie, the bags have gotten lighter

>> No.3300001
File: 476 KB, 2376x976, Comcast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there ever been a coin to be worth this much and then go down to almost nothing?

It's probably an irrational fear to think the price will not go back up eventually, r-right guys?

>> No.3300017

If you wanna buy red pulse: >>3300002