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3288569 No.3288569 [Reply] [Original]

Has anything like this ever happened before?

>> No.3288578
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>> No.3288590
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>> No.3288609

logarithmic scale

>> No.3288686

How high can we go?

>> No.3288696
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>> No.3288698



>> No.3288707

Yes, with any kind of new technology.

>> No.3288734

Give me an example. Apple or Googles stock was never like this.

>> No.3288935

This time it's different.

>> No.3289014

how the fuck are "apple" or "google" new technology? apple = computer company = not new tech. google = search engine = not new tech

he's talking about technology, not companies riding technological waves you FUCKING RETARD

look at internet usage. look at car usage. look at phone usage, and so on. andreas antonopolous talks about this type of shit regularly

>> No.3289025

3 Trillion before the bubble pops

>> No.3289090
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Yes, it's called bubble or craze. You will recognise this pattern when you have seen some. It's going to crash eventually and some people who got in early get rich, other people who got out early enough make some money and a lot of people are going to lose a lot of money. It's not sure when it's going to crash. It depends on how crazy the people get. Bitcoin is as far as I know the craziest bubble in the history of investment. So it could crash soon or late. The slope can tell you when to invest and when to get out.

>> No.3289103


no asset in human history has ever risen in price to the magnitude that bitcoin has.

>> No.3289107
File: 54 KB, 450x303, car-ownership-long-trend-3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the car usage graphs look nothing like it you FUCKING RETARD.
It increased slowly over decades.

>> No.3289118

>Yes, it's called bubble or craze. You will recognise this pattern when you have seen some
Please give me an example. Show me a graph where this has happened before

>> No.3289122

>NT lowest car usage
darn abos

>> No.3289124

dotcom bubble was trillions

>> No.3289144

>Bitcoin is as far as I know the craziest bubble in the history of investment.

I think about this pretty much all day every day and it makes me happy

>> No.3289147


Look at the charts during the industrial revolution

>> No.3289183

stop trying to predict the future you goddamn imbecile. By calling it a bubble you are implying it will not increase in value overtime

>> No.3289188
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it will start to suck usd and eur to itself eventually with this phase

>> No.3289189
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Just one example. People thought flowers are as valuable as real estate.

>> No.3289208


tulips depreciate in value extremely quickly because they dry up and turn into dust; FFFUUUUCCCCCKKKKK YYYOOOOUUU

>> No.3289238


dotcom bubble had actual products/value not just whitepapers.

>> No.3289259
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Okay, how about something more resistant to deterioration like real estate in Japan in the 80s. You'll find others too.

>> No.3289278

>pets.com was a product with value

the dotcom bubble was literally shitcoins in website form

>> No.3289289


>> No.3289292

how can someone so retarded own a computer

it's called speculation, and a vast majority of dotcoms failed. we have billions to go before crypto collapses.

>> No.3289297

No it didn't, Goldman Sachs was pumping thousands of IPO's of people who only had an idea and were a company of a single guy with zero experience, most of them didn't even got to the useless website phase like pets.com
Of course there were some that had actual products and services, even then most didn't survive, and the few that did are the behemoths of today

>> No.3289300

That rise lasted for 10 years. The Crypto boom has only been going on for 6 months

>> No.3289307


i mean holy shit it has to be bait there's no way he's that retarded

>> No.3289318

>pets.com had actual value

No mate.

>> No.3289343


What will be the pets.com coin when this bubble pops?

>> No.3289345
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japan is enslaved by their internal and external debts; this chart is heavily influenced by this

ce·te·ris pa·ri·bus
ˌkād(ə)rəs ˈperəbəs/
adverb: ceteris paribus

with other conditions remaining the same.
"shorter hours of labor will, ceteris paribus, reduce the volume of output"

>> No.3289348


>> No.3289349
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Many of you (including dumb nocoiners) are wondering what the hell is going on with bitcoin prices right now. Allow me to introduce you to this five minute wiki article back from 2014 to help you understand what is about to happen:


>> No.3289368

Dotcom was gigantic. Crypto is ridiculously small compared to it. We still have a lot of time.

>> No.3289379


>> No.3289394
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You seriously trust those people only because they tell themselves "an institute"? The thing that keeps a bubble from popping is imagination. Visions of how valuable the asset could be in the future. There are a lot of people spreading their "vision" and some are either crazy or just want to make other people join the party so they can sell their share at a higher price before the music stops playing.

>> No.3289421

nice read, thanks anon

>> No.3289425

It's just a game of musical chairs. Last one standing losses.

>> No.3289451

well said

Nearly everyone who's buying into cryptos realises it's a bubble, but they think that they will be able to get out before the bubble pops and sell their bags to some other schmuck who thinks they can do the same thing.

Dotcom bubble lasted about 6 years. It's anyone's guess when enough people are gonna take out their money and start the landslide.

>> No.3289489

Think any type of technology. From the agricultural revolution to the industrial revolution. Automobiles, computers, the internet. If you looked at the worth of corporations and individuals who shaped those new technologies, they'll have risen from nothing. But blockchain will be way, way bigger than any of those previous economic revolutions, blockchain will adsorb a significant percentage of all wealth created throughout human history. Wealth from every single one of those innovations will find itself being stored within cryptocurrencies. 150bn is nothing. Fiat is begging to be transferred into crypto at a steady pace, but even now it's still a trickle. In the future trillions and trillions will be stored in crypto.

>> No.3289525


>> No.3289561
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The moneymakers use it as a testbed. They are going to crack down on crypto soon enough. Thereafter they use their own implementations of the blockchain. Bitcoin is the bubble, crypto the technology.

>> No.3289692
File: 301 KB, 2343x1757, one-in-every-5-people-in-the-world-own-a-smartphone-one-in-every-17-own-a-tablet-chart[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From the agricultural revolution to the industrial revolution. Automobiles, computers, the internet
Thats not true. The charts for those look nothing like Crypto. They happened over decades as well whereas the crypto boom has happened in 6 months

>> No.3289794

True. The trick is to not get fucked over by shit coins and just roll with the god tier coins like BTC, ETH and LTC.
The vast majority of shitcoins won't survive the revolution.

>> No.3290265

Everything is sped up now due to the internet.

Bursting this year is highly probable.

>> No.3290280

Most likely what will happen to crypto.

You might "enjoy" 3 lost decades after this boom

>> No.3290298

"New paradigm" is what sheeple idiots call on top of bubbles.

>> No.3290319

the adoption rate of new technologies is actually increasing . mobile phone usage grew faster than internet usage which grew faster than telephone usage and etc

>> No.3290344

>They happened over decades as well whereas the crypto boom has happened in 6 months
Confirmed baiting as your OP pic demonstrates that you know its been years.

>> No.3290376

Dotcom bubble was magnitudes greater in market cap, and with crypto we're talking non-government money. AND many more people own computers these days compared to the dotcom days; times infinity when you factor in smartphones.
Logically crypto should exceed the dotcom bubble many times over.

>> No.3290405

Stop coping, laggard.

Dotcom bubble was actual businesses though, while crypto is magic internet money speculation that doesn't even have any fucking use.

>> No.3290425

>when clueless boomers reply

>> No.3290429

dotcoms were rampant speculation too retard

>> No.3290457


>> No.3290476

wew no digits, can safely ignore.

>> No.3290517

oil wasn't worth very much before 1900
neither was uranium

commodities gain value when they become useful to humanity, anon, their value isn't intrinsic to the commodity itself, we create it. cryptocurrencies are about to become very useful to humanity, because they offer a more efficient way to do business than can be achieved by gold or money.

by the way.. did you know we already priced next year's meltdown of the stock market into our insurance models?

>> No.3290521


Do i tell him guys?

>> No.3290536

good read anon

>> No.3290552

>we already priced next year's meltdown of the stock market into our insurance model


>> No.3290598

>Goldman Sachs was pumping thousands of IPO's of people
>Goldman Sachs now getting into crypto
We're going to see a real bubble soon.

>> No.3290600

Nah, let the butthurt grow. It will blossom into a beautiful pink Wojack.

>> No.3290647
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>> No.3290690

>removing intermediaries from money transmission on a global scale
>removing human error and corruption from all administrative list-keeping on a global scale
>creation of trust-less immutable ledgers which have never before been possible
>creation of digital scarcity which has never before been possible

>no use

>> No.3290693

>implying (((they))) arent already balls deep and in control

>> No.3290713

>>removing intermediaries from money transmission on a global scale

Lightning networks don't remove any intermediaries.

And blockchain cannot scale without a Lightning Network (off chai transaction). Dumb dum dum dumb dumb

>>removing human error and corruption from all administrative list-keeping on a global scale

Can't be implemented because of the oracle problem, fucking stupid

>>creation of digital scarcity which has never before been possible

Who the fuck cares if some numbers are scarce.

>> No.3290843

i know nothing about economics
was about to post a thread asking about something I heard on peter schiff's podcast with joe rogan and i see all these happening threads
can someone explain like I'm 5?

>> No.3290857


when tcp/ip was first invented and people were transmitting a few bytes of text no one imagined that we would be live streaming videos into millions of homes. the technology will continue to evolve and in a couple of decades people won't understand how we ever lived without blockchain and crypto.

>> No.3291396

Clever indeed. It isn't actually absorbing the wealth since people can still pull it back out.