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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3281628 No.3281628 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3281670

Where is the VISA logo?

>> No.3281681

Soon.They plan to get visa partnership by november

>> No.3281692

Not approved yet probably.

But the rest is very promising.
Best thing is this news: no 1% fee by users, it will be covered by monaco itself, so it's completely free (to a certain monthly amount), which is big for me

>> No.3281698
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>> No.3281701

Which will never happen, considering TKN already has the VISA partnership and is about to release its card at the end of the month.
> low market cap
> low total supply in circulation
> legit working product has yet to be released
> will see a pump to $18

>> No.3281707

How much?

>> No.3281718


I remember a shill thread yesterday about this shit when the visa rumors were spreading. It was 3-4 faggots from a discord trying to get people to buy at .00425. Not only did I defeat them methodically in debate but I embarrassed them off the board.

>> No.3281721

Someone explain Obsidian black?

>> No.3281726


thanks commander autismo

>> No.3281737
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I do it for free

>> No.3281742

> autism the post

>> No.3281756

>Facts and logic are autistic

>> No.3281767

>mfw I reserved a black number but stop following news and didn't know I had to baghold the MCO

>> No.3281798

Paid 0.3 btc for 900 coins during the ico, I was one of the first 200 investors.

>> No.3281819

You don't need to hold any MCO if you are a black card holder from the ico, only the rest after ico needs tokens...

>> No.3281836

Sorry, wrong.
If you're one of the 999 black card holders, you don't need MCO tokens, rest has to

>> No.3281852

>paying fees with this card like with a bank


>> No.3282017

app is crashing right now, seems like a lot of people have the problem, guess I have to wait the update

>> No.3282374

how is TKN compared to TenX?